What Happened To You Today?



  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway



    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • ValdusValdus Australia
    Taraus said:
    nope not doing it no
    Yeah you better run.

    Viva la Bluef.
  • If you're ever losing a fight just start emoting a bunch at them and turn it into like a battle of wits, or a recruitment/conversion attempt, or a table-setting contest or whatever. 3 outcomes: you win, you lose but you don't die, or they kill you and you shame them on the forums for being so unvirtuous as to reject your spontaneous roleplay.
  • edited February 2015
    I get it, I do. Sailing a ship is tacit acceptance of the inherent danger of the enterprise. You do you, girl, I love ya. I don't sail specifically for that reason.  Same reason I don't defend orgs via combat. I am not interested in being someone else's pvp game content. If it happens, I don't get salty about it but I do roll my eyes pretty hard in general. I can see where someone would be tweaked about what amounts to "play with me on my terms or else" maybe I'm just a blubbery vagoo. Back to candyland with me, ggnore

  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front
    Maybe we could have offered a catch-and-release program for guys with a wife and kids at home. That's one way to maintain a healthy population of fish.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    edited February 2015
    - 2015/02/27 09:41:33 - Distressing images from the Scyrian Reaches of the Eusian Ocean override
    your senses as they depict the narrow escape from death at sea of the crew of The Last Goodbye,
    captained by Naomh.

    - 2015/02/27 10:31:48 - Distressing images from the Lemnian Sea override your senses as they depict
    the narrow escape from death at sea of the crew of The Immateria, captained by Gamden, sent below by
    The Grey Death, captained by Ruth.

    Guilty as charged, and liking it!

    Pirates of Meropis

                          [HIGHCLAN LEADERSHIP]
              Admiral of the Fleet: Taraus
                            Patron: Lorielan

                        [CURRENTLY IN THE REALM]
        Able to induct new members: (nobody)

    500 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire, Captain Zulah
    Blackheart began calling pirates together under one flag. Thus began the
    first campaign to patrol harbors and shipping lanes, claiming gold or
    lives of those who would dare sail on the seas for profit without paying
    proper tithes to the Pirates of Meropis.

    We scoundrels of the Sea have no mercy for those who roam our dark
    waters. However those who produce proper payment to sail our routes will
    be allowed safe passage or our protection from the many beasts of the
    deep rising frequently from the ocean depths to prey on unsuspecting
    ships, as well as rogue sea thugs who dare call themselves Pirates of
    lesser skill and firepower.

    Make no mistake, sailing lanes will soon be under the complete control
    of the Pirates of Meropis. Join us, hire us, fear us. Else when next you
    gaze the inky black sails bearing the white skull of demise upon the
    horizon, prepare for the deep cold endless embrace of the murky seas...
    Sorry, but I have no sympathy for a person who I opened a negotiation with and gave not one, but two chances to get out still floating. When he mentioned he preferred to grease our hands with red (instead of gold.. gold sovereigns, that is), that's every indication that you're rejecting the fee of 50,000 gold sovereigns outright.

    Don't say I didn't try or that I didn't warn you.

    Message #13044      Sent by Gamden
    2/27/12:59 Your right, I am weak..but one day I'll be strong and then I'll ask you..remember me?But
    untill that day comes..GO F YOURSELF.

    I'll be waiting.

    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • This is hilarious. 

    @Taraus did you say "please"? It is maybe this is why the baby are crying.


    As a side note, and to remain in topic, today I happened to be uninvolved in anything where I could have an opportunity to go f myself and send the recording to @Mishgul - Always Evil, always unlucky...
  • 1v1 me blackops, ruthnoob

  • TarausTaraus The Gypsy Wind
    But see, the thing is, when he decided to go a-sailing, that's when he sort of accepted the "okay, I'm gonna play on these terms" thing - and that's what happens out there on the water: here there be pirates!

    -My- point behind this is that no, I'm not gonna stick it to someone and be a shithead about things, I don't want to make the game unenjoyable to anyone, for any reason, at any time. (See also: my behavior when I was a mark, and how I handled the contracts.) My point here is that, for the love of fuck, RP back! That's why I do this shit, that's why I'm a pirate. So you don't have the gold demanded on hand! Offer me your fucking pocket lint and some pre-chewed myrrh gum and I will more than likely let you go! For the love of all that is good and holy, do SOMETHING.

    Now stop it, I have to go the fuck to sleep.

  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front
    I just think it's tough to blame a guy sailing alone for not wanting to hand over a couple hours of work for someone else's good time and maintain a happy disposition about it.
  • My heart, she pumps purple piss for the plight of pirates! Go mimis kitten, I have graves to dig. 

    Kind of on topic: told a coworker about the circumstances of Aegoth's ejection from the Siorraidh and got a "lol, how are textgaming smart people that dense" good stuff. <3@Aegoth

  • Valdus said:
    Taraus said:
    He was given an opportunity to RP out of the situation.

    He chose not to take that opportunity.

    If he had engaged, made any attempt at all to do anything, ANYTHING, this would've progressed down an entirely different avenue.

    What the hell kind of game would this be if everyone left everyone else alone? Isn't the whole point of it to sort of, you know, interact?
    So because his decision was to RUN AWAY FROM THE THIEVES TRYING TO ROB HIM it's his fault? NOPE. So sorry. (x2)

    Secondly, sure. I'm not stating it isn't totally okay for you to want to be a pirate and go around doing piratey things. Nothing in the rules against it.

    But you're batshit insane if you think I'm not going to call you out on trying to blame the victim for you engaging in what you have chosen as your roleplay - that of being a filthy disgusting pirate scumbag who should be sunk at every opportunity.
    The point being given, @Valdus, is that rather than try to get out of it some other way he tokened out. Haggling, stalling for time while calling for help, trying to bluff his way out of it without paying... these are all options that involved interaction and immersion. The one he took was essentially saying "I refuse to interact", which I'm not stating isn't totally okay, nothing in the rules against it.

    But you're batshit insane if you think that between leaving the ship unsunk and going WHELP or sinking the ship, the logical counter action wasn't to sink the ship. (also it shouldn't cost 500k to get the ship salvaged, unless something is horribly wrong. @Kinilan?)

  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front
    I just think harvesting 50k off people who can't fight back isn't a recipe for the flourishing ship scene we sometimes act like we want.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    edited February 2015
    @Trey: I am presuming he had his gold in the strongbox. Unluckily, when his ship was sunk, his strongbox funds got wiped. That happens by chance, similar with ship cargo, I believe.

    @Herenicus: The Sefyric Mariner's Guild aren't doing their job at defending the seas!

    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Herenicus said:
    I just think harvesting 50k off people who can't fight back isn't a recipe for the flourishing ship scene we sometimes act like we want.
    I'll have more to say when I'm not late for work, I think, but it's my understanding that the demand for 50k is essentially the conversation starter, not the end result that -most- pirates are looking for.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Maybe we should have insurance/guard schemes. You buy them for 25k at the harbour and if you get it back if a pirate sinks you >_>

  • Ruth said:
    @Trey: I am presuming he had his gold in the strongbox. Unluckily, when his ship was sunk, his strongbox funds got wiped. That happens by chance, similar with ship cargo, I believe.
    Oh, that's fucked. Wonder why that happens. It does make me happy that I dismissed the idea of a ship strongbox as a secondary gold storage for the reason of 'accessible to more people than myself', though.

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Trey said:
    Ruth said:
    @Trey: I am presuming he had his gold in the strongbox. Unluckily, when his ship was sunk, his strongbox funds got wiped. That happens by chance, similar with ship cargo, I believe.
    Oh, that's fucked. Wonder why that happens. It does make me happy that I dismissed the idea of a ship strongbox as a secondary gold storage for the reason of 'accessible to more people than myself', though.

    23.16 Sinking - What to do Before and After

    Sinking can happen quickly (in combat), or slowly (via unrepaired decay, over
    time). Many things change when a ship sinks!

    What Happens
    Any adventurer on board will die a horrible death.

    Some, maybe even most, of your crew dies. That will cost you in lost morale and

    The ship's strongbox will almost certainly be emptied and the contents of the
    larder lost.

    Ship's equipment will remain, such as the Cartographer's Desk, Beacon of
    Iocolas, Bait Tank, or any ship's weapons.

    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Taraus made a choice as a character, Gamden made a choice as a character. Nobody has any right to shit on anyone else for how they play their character. But it's never smart to swear at someone who has their boot on your neck.
  • edited February 2015
    I think there's a margin between sinking a ship and rezkilling it, too.
    The first one is natural, the second is not acceptable.

    (Speaking of my own experience, not from Gamden's or Naohm's)

  • Siduri said:
    I think there's a margin between sinking a ship and rezkilling it, too.
    The first one is natural, the second is not acceptable.
    Yes. I'M an asshole. Undenyable. That has nothing to do with Taraus and Ruth though. Those two are of a much higher quality.
  • ValdusValdus Australia
    Thieves! Never forgive! Never forget!

    Viva la Bluef.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Valdus your eyes look funny when you are writing angry posts.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Boy I'd sure like to see the look on Gamden's face when he realizes you don't lose gold in the strongbox when a ship sinks. Despite what HELP SINKING says. I bet he is going to feel pretty silly.
  • ValdusValdus Australia
    Mishgul said:
    Valdus your eyes look funny when you are writing angry posts.

    Viva la Bluef.
  • Kinilan said:
    Boy I'd sure like to see the look on Gamden's face when he realizes you don't lose gold in the strongbox when a ship sinks. Despite what HELP SINKING says. I bet he is going to feel pretty silly.
    I already apologized in my previous post for my silly behaviour,if this is true ill be very happy.if not i have already made peace with the fact.

    I had my eye on Kinilan and Hirst while sailing,never knew 2 girls are more dangerous

  • edited February 2015
    Ruth said:
    @Herenicus: The Sefyric Mariner's Guild aren't doing their job at defending the seas!

    @Artanis generally goes running to defend if he's around and close enough. Others as well.

    If I had the gold for a fully-equipped Strider, plus knowledge of how to actually sail around and use it effectively in combat (need to trans Seafaring, get my own ship and then practice first), I'd hopefully, I like to think, do the same. I have enough for a Windcutter, but those are more or less useless in a fight, and I think they're also what most people have. I'd be interested in seeing the numbers for how many Cutters there are compared to Striders or Galleys.

    Oh, yes, what happened to me today.

    - Went bashing.
    - @Merador always seems to be in my bashing spots. Our schedules must sync up or something.
    - Gave a novice his introduction without somebody interrupting, somebody dying, or some other weirdness. A first for me.
    - Posted on forums about ships.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Mariners Guild has about 200 members. I can name like 5 that fight pirates and try to keep the oceans safe as per HELP MARINERS GUILD. That's isn't an understatement either. 5 people out of 200 that go out looking to fight back.  It is really just a psudo-Order for the Nerai and as a result of that influence they don't even get involved in killing sea monsters. Let alone ship PvP.

    Artanis of course being the exception and everyone in the PoM loves him for it. Everyone except Hirst. But Hirst is craycray.
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