What Happened To You Today?



  • Well this was more last night but...

    - Robbed @Lenn, found out she is secretly making PJ's with penguins on them.

    - Killed by @Darkender, for robbing Lenn...nice.

    - Sat on clouds looking for trouble, took moments before @Zulah showed up...I hypnotize him and wait, he hamstrings me and I proceed to lock him and slit his throat (x5), as I am waiting for my wonderful deathsight...@Amranu kills him instead. (Thankfully, as Mhaldor probably would have made me an enemy and there by losing my last and only "city" shopping spot.)

    - Helped @Arralana with some stuff on teamview...and I thought, why not try to kill myself.  Which I did and it was pretty fun!

    - Learned I can make transparent images for GUI interface (so cool)

    - Tried to get people on the clouds to smoke a hookah.  

    - Robbed a few more denizens for fun.

    - Walked around Ashtan phased...looking for innocents that were mindless and not being guarded by guards

    - Got some naked hugs, not sure if I just give off the aura or...

    - Pants decayed, luckily I keep a spare.

    All in all I had a good time.

  • @Aepas is amazing and gave me a present I'll never forget! You're the best! I look forward to rping with you for a long time to come. :D
    Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord's words quietly thrum through the air as he says, "No one panick." #2015PEACEthedream!
  • RAJAS NEWS #131 (01/19/2008 at 04:27)

    From : Spunky Albatross Nicaara, The Lynxlady

    To : Everyone

    Subject: Grand Tiger


    Dear Rajamalans,


    I am deeply sorry for my absence in the past many years, but

    otherworldly affairs have caught me unawares. I am no longer to maintain

    an active life here in Sapience, and I apologize for this. At one time I

    would have gladly and effectively taken the title of Grand Tiger, but as

    of now I am capable no more. I am old, and weary, and I'm afraid that my

    days here are ultimately at an end. So before I leave forever, I must

    ensure that the Rajamalan Society must continue past me and in order to

    [Type MORE if you wish to continue reading. (52% shown)]

    [File continued via MORE]

    do that, a new Grand Tiger must take the throne. As I have little

    knowledge of modern Sapience and its people as it is now, I can by no

    means simply pick somebody to succeed me and leave it at that. I have

    decided to hold a referendum for the next Grand Tiger, but before I can,

    several worthy candidates must be picked. This is where you guys come


    For this, please send me messages on who you think would be the best

    possible leader for the Raja Society - one who is responsible, involved,

    creative, definitely active. Give me reasons why you believe in this

    person, and examples to support them. I want lots and lots of messages

    to read, so I encourage everybody to get involved in this. Express your

    opinion to me, no matter what it is, because every little bit counts.



    Nicaara Lashyr

    Penned by my hand on the 21st of Valnuary, in the year 470 AF.

    Remembered that reading news was a thing, so I went about catching up. I TOTALLY forgot I headed the Raja Society for a little while 200 (7) years ago. Really weird reading something I wrote that long ago.

  • Read the recent news posts. Oh boy.

    Then went bashing + fishing. Bit by bit, I'm pulling together the money for my ship (crewing and outfitting it, on the other hand...), but I'm going to need to decide whether to go for the Seastrider (which will take longer, but I don't think you can upgrade once you've made your purchase?) or settle for a Windcutter. Guess it also depends on how much I'll be able to use it.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Go for the seastrider!

  • I got bloodlined today, which is awesome. I like the family a lot and hopefully it does not turn into a hell vacuum that some families do. Time will tell. Thanks @Kerria and @Aeryi for making it a pleasant experience already though.
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Had some cool RP with Eleusis, met a family member, got to kick it with a number of my favorite folks. Good day.

    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Well he is giving everyone a boost to come back and give their enemies extra xp quicker.

    And we aren't even friends.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Yay even fewer consequences for the crowd that says consequences are super important as long as they don't affect me.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Got in trouble in @Lorielan's temple :(

    Sat around and waited for the Renaissance. Worked on a poem. Felt bored.
    Huh. Neat.
  • HexanHexan In the shadows
    Trying to get back in the swing of playing again after a relaxing break. Joined the fray earlier and died a bit to Eleusis, but I had fun being proactive. ^-^
  • Hexan said:
    Trying to get back in the swing of playing again after a relaxing break. Joined the fray earlier and died a bit to Eleusis, but I had fun being proactive. ^-^
    Murdered @Hexan
  • Ran my protege all over the place while hunting. Realized I hate hunting. Watched a movie while hunting. Forgot I hated hunting. Movie ended. Remembered that I hate hunting. Started waiting for some raiding.
  • Kross has formally declared you an enemy of the Ashura.

  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Herenicus said:

    It sounds like a fine artefact, so long as it comes with the caveat: embracing death from inside an enemy city should take as long (or preferably longer) to pray as is currently the case. Dying in the area immediately outside of the enemy city should also come with consequences. No more consequence-free skirmishing/raiding please.

    An artefact that speeds up the prayer sequence for people who died bashing or sailing or dueling is fine.

    Not really the place to discuss it but consider the raiding party true deathing people and getting the corpse to stop them from rezzing.

    I think the easiest way is to explain this is to base it off league of legends. Late game if you walk around by your self and get ganked and die there's a good chance it could cost you the game if the other 4 team members can't hold them off until you spawn, and if not you can lose baron/other major objectives. Truedeathing works for both sides. although other than raids I think it would be a great artifact.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    You're crazy if you don't think we don't always try to snatch corpses, or if we notice someone else picking up, we don't instant target them!

    This is Mhaldor. We want your corpses.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Screaming out a warcry of pure strength, you bring your longsword crashing straight down on Hhaos's head. With a power that seems to come from on high, you cleave asunder his entire body, from head to groin, splitting him in two and killing him instantly.
    You have slain Hhaos.

    I'm back baby!

  • Jesus. Who let Saladbowl get rite of healing again? Damnit, someone call the higher-ups. Let 'em know Salad's back. We need to contain this outbreak.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Amidst the real life busy schedule, managed to:

     - speak to a few people and make new Ministry appointments,
     - map the new out-of-subdivision plot locations
     - took the time to update myself on the Crucible project,
     - check up on the Legates,
     - read through theatre submissions,
     - buy credits,
     - play LoL and minecraft (man, zombies really want to invade my very well-lit house, killed enough to get level 20)
     - qq to sleep again
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


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