What Happened To You Today?



  • Ryssa said:

    Super happy excited, proposal happened for Ryssa and @Synthus

    Long version with all the fluff and cute:

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "Okie, so... though--." 

    You nod your head emphatically.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "I--."

    Synthus tilts his head curiously at you.

    Ryssa fidgets a little, wings flitting.

    You draw a deep breath.

    Quirking his head for a moment, Synthus reaches up, cupping your cheek with his head.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "Though I am interested in your progress in your studies of course, I was also trying to gather my thoughts."

    Synthus smiles softly at you.

    Synthus says warmly to you with a Theran accent, "I've also known you long enough to know when you're nervous about something. Deep breaths love, what's on your mind?"

    Ryssa blushes, her eyes uncertain but bright as they meet Synthus’.

    Brushing your cheek with his thumb, Synthus gives you a soft smile before leaning in to kiss your forehead.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "Well... I... no matter how time may move, or what happens in this world, I... I can't imagine it without you there."

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "I want... I want to stay at your side, through thick and thin, no matter what.."

    You blush furiously.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "We've been together a long time, and, I guess.."

    Still with his head quirked, Synthus listens to your words, his brow furrowed with confusion. Sudden realization dawning on him, his head straightens up as his eyes widen and his hand trembles on your cheek.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "Do you want to take on whatever fate, time, this world, whatever may be thrown our way... together?"

    You ask Synthus in a silvery voice, "Always....?"

    You draw a deep breath.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "I guess, what I'm trying to say is.."

    Synthus says to you with a Theran accent, "Rys... a-are you asking me what I think you're asking me?"

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "I love you, and, yes, I want to marry you."

    You ask Synthus in a silvery voice, "Do you want to marry me too?"

    Synthus presses his body warmly against yours, tilting his head to place a tender, passionate kiss on your mouth.

    You blink.

    Synthus says to you with a Theran accent, "Yes, a thousand times yes."

    The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.

    You lean into Synthus and kiss him long and tenderly.

    You take a silver and fiery ruby pendant from a shady green backpack.

    You say in a silvery voice, "Then, well..."

    Stretching in a fiery arc that embraces the world, the triune rings of Achaea blaze in response to the first kiss of dawn.

    You get down on one knee and, while holding forth a silver and fiery ruby pendant, you declare your eternal love for Synthus, and ask him to marry you.

    As the first hint of daylight breaks through the night sky, the Cyrenian Clock Tower chimes out a gentle, low din, heralding the arrival of dawn.

    Synthus, with a look of utter joy on his face, accepts your proposal of marriage.

    You stand up.

    Ryssa giggles softly, her mirth sending a rippling ruffle though her feathers.

    You run up to Synthus and envelop him in a massive bearhug.

    Synthus runs up to you and envelops you in a massive bearhug. 

    Today is the 19th of Lupar, 831 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire. The phase of the moon is that of the Waning Gibbous.

    It is late summer.

    You give a trillingly melodic laugh.

    Synthus removes a fire pendant.

    Synthus puts on a silver and fiery ruby pendant.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "With dawn is our new start--."

    The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.

    Synthus smiles softly at a silver and fiery ruby pendant.

    Synthus blinks.

    You look over at a silver and fiery ruby pendant being worn by Synthus and see:

    A pendant of silver and fiery ruby hangs about the wearer's neck from a delicate chain. The small links are joined just long enough for the pendant to rest upon the breast bone. Not much bigger than a coin, the pendant is styled as a mismatched pair of wings wrapped around a marquise cut ruby of flame. Upon closer inspection, the wing to the right is that of a dragon, tiny scales carved into the metal, whilst the left is that of a bird, the feathers painstakingly brought to life. They surround the gem in an ardent embrace, frozen as their tips brush the against the other to protect the fire secured within. Inscribed on the back is a single word in flowing script, 'Embersong'.

    Synthus tilts his head and listens intently.

    You flash Synthus a joyous smile.

    You say to Synthus in a silvery voice, "Do you like the pendant? It was kind of from the one we talked about in letters in past."

    Synthus says to you with a Theran accent, "I never shutup, for even a moment, and here I am, without a word to say..."

    You grin mischievously at Synthus.

    You lean in and rub your nose playfully against Synthus's before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

    Synthus smiles softly at you.

    Synthus leans in and rubs his nose against yours in playful circles before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.

    Synthus says to you with a Theran accent, "I love the pendant, my sweet sparrow."

    You beam broadly at Synthus.

    Synthus says to you with a Theran accent, "We should get you a matching one."

    Synthus smiles softly at you.

    Synthus says with a Theran accent, "Just like we spoke about in the letters."

    You grin and nod.

    You smile and say softly in a silvery voice, "That'd be wonderful."

    Synthus says with a Theran accent, "I'm just... I..."

    You flash Synthus a joyous smile.

    Wrapping his arms around you, Synthus embraces you in a tight, warm hug. A light chuckle escapes him, mixed with an emotional sob.

    You blink.

    You give Synthus a compassionate hug.

    Synthus says apologetically to you with a Theran accent, "Sorry, sorry..."

    Ryssa wraps her wings around Synthus with a hug, smiling.

    Synthus attempts to compose himself, chuckling softly as he does so.


    Stretching in a fiery arc that embraces the world, the triune rings of Achaea blaze in response to the first kiss of dawn.
    You get down on one knee and, while holding forth a silver and fiery ruby pendant, you declare your eternal love for Synthus, and ask him to marry you.
    As the first hint of daylight breaks through the night sky, the Cyrenian Clock Tower chimes out a gentle, low din, heralding the arrival of dawn.
    Synthus, with a look of utter joy on his face, accepts your proposal of marriage.

    happy happy happy happy happy

    dis cute or whatever
  • Had a frustrating moment where a part of a foray I assumed to be absolutely mandatory locked itself out to me due to a time lock, leading me to become confused and frustrated, trying to find ways to reactivate it, before finding a workaround and finding out the mandatory part wasn't mandatory after all (which at least will shorten future attempts by at least 3 minutes)... and then dying with the foray boss having 4% hp left due to that time waste.

    I love Achaea.
  • Take care, Zhedan. Thanks for being a part of Achaea for so long!
  • Sorry to see you go, I remember you very well in Eleusis when you were there. Take care!
  • edited June 2020
    You are leading an intrepid undertaking the fortress foray:
    Location clue:      Borgron's fortress is said to be surrounded by trees. Perhaps it is in a forest?
    Time remaining:     14 seconds.
    Members:            Estera, Ifreann, Reaux, Sobriquet, and Terek


    Borgron's death is a mighty victory for the Intrepid, and all who have suffered from his reign of terror. Your foray is complete!

  • Reaux blasts Borgron, captain of the fortress with a bath of flame, enveloping his clumsy form in
    the entire blast.
    Borgron, captain of the fortress has been slain by Reaux.
    A monarch's ransom of golden sovereigns spills from the corpse.
    With the completion of your adventure, you feel your renown grow to new heights! (You gain 1000
    You receive 10 bound credits.
    You just received message #5353 from Achaea.
    Borgron's death is a mighty victory for the Intrepid, and all who have suffered from his reign of
    terror. Your foray is complete!

    9584h, 8785m, 41075e, 37293w cexkdb-66.5- 10:33:36.622 [  ](L|H|1|2|S)
    (Party): Reaux says, "We had 1 minute 30 seconds left when we started."
    9584h, 8785m, 41095e, 37293w cexkdb-66.5- 10:33:38.956 [  ](L|H|1|2|S)
    (Party): Reaux says, "On borgron."
    9584h, 8785m, 41155e, 37305w cexkdb-66.5- 10:33:49.623 [  ](L|H|1|2|S)
    (Party): Krizal says, "We finished it with 12 seconds left."

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • As someone who likes to bash in peace I very rarely go down to Annwyn anymore and until today hadn't been to the "New" Underworld at all since it reopened. Thought it'd pop in about now as it's fairly quiet, maybe astralform around a bit and check it out.

    From entering the first room to hitting Transmog, burst and true death was 19 seconds.


    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Wow you made it 19 seconds?  I went there by accident (clicked wrong map link one time) and I was just..  "wait, Im in Az...fuuuck, REALLY?!?"

  • touch root here ; out

    Works everytime.

    When I go I always go in dragon just to maybe clear the first room. If first room is clear, can fly with (near) impunity.
  • edited June 2020
    Not something that happened today per se, but I didn't post this immediately because I wanted to get it resetting first. This post is also going to double as a rave.

    Thank you to @Jaydee and those involved in the in the CIJ recipe contest. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the Gala, it sounded real fun. From Ex's point of view, it was a complete surprise because he didn't really think something that rushed would warrant any placement at all. While his name in a public post isn't for grand reasons like the big wigs, he's still happy he managed to leave a tiny mark on Achaean history. 

    a bronze spatula necklace

    A simple chain of curving links provide a necklace for the charm that is strung upon its links. A lobster
    claw attaches to a ring in the back allowing the fit to be adjusted and helps keep the small charm of the 
    necklace in place. Strung upon the necklace is a bronze spatula charm, rendered in perfect miniture 
    detail. The tiny hole in the spatula's handle where it might be hung on a hook if it were full-sized 
    allows the necklace's chain to slide through.
    Engraved on it are the words:
    4th Place - A Swirl of Crows
    It weighs 4 ounce(s).
    It bears the distinctive mark of Tilia.
    It will reset to you.
  • Lyndee, the sleeper PK god.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • Saonji said:
    Lyndee, the sleeper PK god.
    Her KD is better than mine :lol:

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    Saonji said:
    Lyndee, the sleeper PK god.
    Her KD is better than mine :lol:
    I think, speaking of which, there is something fishy about the top rankings on the KDR list.... 

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Atalkez said:
    Saonji said:
    Lyndee, the sleeper PK god.
    Her KD is better than mine :lol:
    That's because you feed so much, you're putting African Relief Stations out of their jobs.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • Channeling the fury of battle, you prepare to unleash a brutally swift stroke against your foe.
    Drawing back a curved sword of shifting shadows, you unleash a flesh-mincing blow at a long, horned
    You have scored a PLANE-RAZING CRITICAL hit!
    You have slain a long, horned snake, retrieving the corpse.
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 122.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 2nd Degree of Supramortal Existence.
    A large pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse, flying into your hands before they can reach the
    You feel a surge of energy course through your body as a sycophantic shoulder cape feeds upon the
    lifeforce of your fallen foe.

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • I saw a tank get disarmed by a soul.
  • Guess that's what they mean by being good for the soul.
  • You have been promoted to a Kindred of the Forest of the Heartwood Kin!

    The reason given was: Completing his Tendril education to become a full Kin, good work!.

    You will now be known as Heartwood Exivus, of the Fir Tree, by order of Lady Aelyn Le'Yuet, Osprey of Destiny.

    At long last. Thanks everyone who attended. Pretty happy right now!

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    edited June 2020
    Today I found out that Targossas was intentionally designed to be the most raid-able city.  I always thought it ended up this way because some non-com had too much input but turns out it was deliberate by the admin/staff at the time.

    Go f**k yourselves with a rusty fork whoever designed or supported the design and layout of the city.
  • "See, I told you it was called the isle of ram because the devs love to ram us!"
    Pepe Silvia  Know Your Meme
  • Achilles said:
    Today I found out that Targossas was intentionally designed to be the most raid-able city.  I always thought it ended up this way because some non-com had too much input but turns out it was deliberate by the admin/staff at the time.

    Go f**k yourselves with a rusty fork whoever designed or supported the design and layout of the city.

    I am not sure who made such a claim to you, but they're either depressingly misinformed or have an impressively wild imagination. All cities have to conform to certain guidelines where their design is concerned (mostly pertaining to door placement and indoor room assignment). I don't have access to anyone who was on staff at the time so could not tell you whether any thing of that nature came up during the creation of Targossas, but I'm pretty confident in saying the people who worked on the city had much bigger concerns than thinking how to make raiding it easier. You're more than welcome to message me if you have reason to think otherwise though.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    So...  you weren't there ... I have it from people who were involved (I will leave it up to them to participate) that they got overruled and that's why Targ is so spread out.   These things should be reviewed periodically for balance purposes.

    I dont even remember when we got descent added in, keep in mind area wide dopple, kai choke and infinite mind throw was still a thing too.
  • edited June 2020
    Makarios said:
    Achilles said:
    Today I found out that Targossas was intentionally designed to be the most raid-able city.  I always thought it ended up this way because some non-com had too much input but turns out it was deliberate by the admin/staff at the time.

    Go f**k yourselves with a rusty fork whoever designed or supported the design and layout of the city.

    I am not sure who made such a claim to you, but they're either depressingly misinformed or have an impressively wild imagination. All cities have to conform to certain guidelines where their design is concerned (mostly pertaining to door placement and indoor room assignment). I don't have access to anyone who was on staff at the time so could not tell you whether any thing of that nature came up during the creation of Targossas, but I'm pretty confident in saying the people who worked on the city had much bigger concerns than thinking how to make raiding it easier. You're more than welcome to message me if you have reason to think otherwise though.

    This is part of a long running discussion/debate that we have from time to time. I know it is also a hot topic due to the war and comparisons between raiding Targossas vs Mhaldor.

    I can comment that at the time of the creation of Targossas a lot of us who were leaders felt that given our experience with Shallam and as Refugees what would make sense for us moving forward would be to build a Fortress for Good from which we could be more focused and militant. This was based somewhat on a version of Good Mhaldor, but obviously different. We were told pretty clearly no to this. We were however told we were going to get a more militant theocratic/religious organisation, but not the type of city we wanted to support this.

    With Targossas what we did get was obviously a beautiful city (the imagery of it is pretty cool), with lots of interesting aspects, but one that is also sprawling and if I am honest, messy as far as room layout goes. This would be awesome if Targossas was meant to be Cyrene in nature but as a militant faction the layout is a hindrance with aspects I'd love to see change (I like that the Descent was added but still unsure if it is an asset or a liability).

    I am not willing to go in to detail publicly about the conversations I was part of at the time, but raid-ability was definitely a factor in the layout discussion @Makarios. I understand some of this comes from the fact that cities must conform to guidelines and there are a lot of design standards, room counts, doors, etc etc and a city can't be made raid-proof (which was what most of us were probably unrealistically wanting) but the reality is Targossas is not the city most of us would have built to house a militant faction.

    To be constructive I guess, what I would like to see moving forward is incremental improvements to Targossas. Many, many, years ago I was part of (alongside several others) 7-8 redesigns in Shallams layout that made it far more functional as a city and less of a hindrance to our players. These were always RP forward and city event focused but also gave us opportunity to slowly fix problem areas with the city (I recall fondly working on a mini-event where @Achilles and I moved the forge from the far corner of the city to the centre primarily so our forgers would be safer). Targossas could do with a couple dozen of these events and I'd hope the current leadership and Patrons might consider this post-war as something positive to do!

  • I couldn't help myself...

    Are you really making this an issue?

    Every city has vulnerable spots, look from the other side of the glass.... like hen you all constantly tanked that room that had no exit it mhaldor you had to interact to enter it... guards couldn't even get it in.

    Cyrene is WAY more spread out than Targ, and Hashan as well imo.

    I still think it is on you all not having thought of anything aside from of a location you can just hold up in.
  • Imagine being so salty at losing a game war that you blame the devs who designed your city
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