Artemis grants you entrance into the Divine Order of Artemis, the Great Wrath. Congratulations!
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
[spoiler] Finally, after ~10-ish years of playing this game, and going through a multitude of characters...
You have slain a Vertani guard, retrieving the corpse. Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 99. You have reached the illustrious level of Greater Dragon.
Thanks to @Vardoulacha, @Josoul (kind of) and @Xuaco for being fun to talk to, and help to pass the time during mindless grindfests. Vard and @Thiev for always dropping things they were doing to loan me their artifacts to power through things with. @Adaele for all the encouragement, you're one of the reasons I still login (and started logging in more frequently again) :pleased: And most importantly, @Azhelyn for being one of the most amazing people I've ever gotten to play with, and probably the biggest reason I still play Achaea. :proud:
Time to go lay down for a week. 97-99 in 1 sitting was tiresome. Insomnia ftw. [/spoiler]
Damn straight. For those unaware, Trevize is a dragon and dedicated to Ourania...
You request a specially forged blade from Murad. The blacksmith nods, assessing your height and weight, gauging your body mass and centre of balance, and taking some measurements. Jotting down a few notes, the blacksmith assembles his tools in preparation for forging.
Placing a lump of iron and a clump of jet-black clay into the forge alongside a length of steel, Murad pumps the bellows to increase the temperature of the roiling furnace.
Murad draws the heated materials from the forge, folding the metals together upon an anvil with heavy strikes of his hammer.
Sweat flies from Murad's brow as he repeats the folding process, turning and shaping the blade with the skill of an expert craftsman.
Murad dissolves the handful of ashes in a vat of icy water. A hiss of steam rises into the air as he plunges the hot steel into the vat. When it cools, he draws the blade from the water and carefully dries the steel with a cloth.
Selecting a few materials from his workbench, Murad finishes the handle of the sword and affixes it with a pommel to balance the weapon. With expert precision, he grinds the blade of the sword against a wheel to impart a razor-sharp edge.
Murad polishes the steel with a fine cloth, inspecting the blade for any imperfections. Finding none, he turns and reverently presents the sword to you with both hands.
Murad exclaims, "I give you Heavenly Dragon!"
Forged from a darkened alloy of the finest steel and iron, this blade exhibits a barely-perceptible curve along its length, accentuated by a deep groove carved into the metal. The short tang is encased by a grip of crimson cotton in an intricate cross-hatch pattern. Rounding off the grip is a round pommel fashioned from iron, affording perfect balance to this masterfully crafted weapon.
The Blademaster's band is warm in your hand as you fit it over the blade of Heavenly Dragon.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 100. You have reached the illustrious level of The Dragon Lord.
Damn straight. For those unaware, Trevize is a dragon and dedicated to Ourania...
You request a specially forged blade from Murad. The blacksmith nods, assessing your height and weight, gauging your body mass and centre of balance, and taking some measurements. Jotting down a few notes, the blacksmith assembles his tools in preparation for forging.
Placing a lump of iron and a clump of jet-black clay into the forge alongside a length of steel, Murad pumps the bellows to increase the temperature of the roiling furnace.
Murad draws the heated materials from the forge, folding the metals together upon an anvil with heavy strikes of his hammer.
Sweat flies from Murad's brow as he repeats the folding process, turning and shaping the blade with the skill of an expert craftsman.
Murad dissolves the handful of ashes in a vat of icy water. A hiss of steam rises into the air as he plunges the hot steel into the vat. When it cools, he draws the blade from the water and carefully dries the steel with a cloth.
Selecting a few materials from his workbench, Murad finishes the handle of the sword and affixes it with a pommel to balance the weapon. With expert precision, he grinds the blade of the sword against a wheel to impart a razor-sharp edge.
Murad polishes the steel with a fine cloth, inspecting the blade for any imperfections. Finding none, he turns and reverently presents the sword to you with both hands.
Murad exclaims, "I give you Heavenly Dragon!"
Forged from a darkened alloy of the finest steel and iron, this blade exhibits a barely-perceptible curve along its length, accentuated by a deep groove carved into the metal. The short tang is encased by a grip of crimson cotton in an intricate cross-hatch pattern. Rounding off the grip is a round pommel fashioned from iron, affording perfect balance to this masterfully crafted weapon.
The Blademaster's band is warm in your hand as you fit it over the blade of Heavenly Dragon.
Class Slot: 6
Class: Alchemist (full member)
Lesson modifier: 288%
Class skills: Alchemy (Transcendent)
Physiology (Transcendent)
Formulation (Mythical)
Switching cooldown: ready
Aggression cooldown: 3 minutes and 2 seconds.
You have converted 2000 Bound Credits to lessons today.
Abilities in Formulation:
Mask Craft yourself a protective mask.
Amalgamate Combine minerals to create potent compounds.
Endorphin Soothe the body with a potent endorphin.
Nutritional A potent nutritional supplement.
Corrosive An acid to eat away at various defences.
Petrifying Partial petrification comes with many advantages.
Incendiary Sear flesh from bone with this lethal compound.
Alteration Modify various properties of your compounds.
Scrutinise Determine specifics about your compounds.
Insufflate This compound will allow you to convert water into oxygen.
Devitalisation The air itself turns against your victims.
Intoxicant Paralyse the lungs of the unprotected.
Vaporisation A compound that reacts violently with water.
Phosphorous A compound to create a blinding flash.
Monoxide A gas to disorientate your subjects.
Concussive A compound that reacts violently when exposed to the air.
Mayology The culmination of the Mayan experiment.
Halophilic An experimental agent.
Enhancement A formula to enhance your physiology.
*** Next ability available in 2 lessons ***
Bolster Force your body beyond its limits.
Philosopherstone The pinnacle of Alchemical learning.
To gain further information on an ability, AB .
Need two lessons to hit tri-Trans, can't convert any more credits to lessons.
I've waited longer, but that has nothing to do with the post. It's mainly in a joking manner, and isn't for myself, hence the anticipation. Thanks for your, uh, input.
Class Slot: 6
Class: Alchemist (full member)
Lesson modifier: 288%
Class skills: Alchemy (Transcendent)
Physiology (Transcendent)
Formulation (Mythical)
Switching cooldown: ready
Aggression cooldown: 3 minutes and 2 seconds.
You have converted 2000 Bound Credits to lessons today.
Abilities in Formulation:
Mask Craft yourself a protective mask.
Amalgamate Combine minerals to create potent compounds.
Endorphin Soothe the body with a potent endorphin.
Nutritional A potent nutritional supplement.
Corrosive An acid to eat away at various defences.
Petrifying Partial petrification comes with many advantages.
Incendiary Sear flesh from bone with this lethal compound.
Alteration Modify various properties of your compounds.
Scrutinise Determine specifics about your compounds.
Insufflate This compound will allow you to convert water into oxygen.
Devitalisation The air itself turns against your victims.
Intoxicant Paralyse the lungs of the unprotected.
Vaporisation A compound that reacts violently with water.
Phosphorous A compound to create a blinding flash.
Monoxide A gas to disorientate your subjects.
Concussive A compound that reacts violently when exposed to the air.
Mayology The culmination of the Mayan experiment.
Halophilic An experimental agent.
Enhancement A formula to enhance your physiology.
*** Next ability available in 2 lessons ***
Bolster Force your body beyond its limits.
Philosopherstone The pinnacle of Alchemical learning.
To gain further information on an ability, AB .
Need two lessons to hit tri-Trans, can't convert any more credits to lessons.
Wasn't aware attackers don't lose XP in raids. Lost level 80, but gained a stockroom. Returned some things which looked to be of personal value to the shop owner.
Wasn't aware attackers don't lose XP in raids. Lost level 80, but gained a stockroom. Returned some things which looked to be of personal value to the shop owner.
I thought it was once a raid was declared defenders didn't lose or gain exp and that raiders lost experience and also couldn't gain any.
~Protege finally beatsmentor~ :pleased: (Lots of running cut out) [spoiler] after only about 8 attempts! (and countless fixes to coding)[/spoiler]
With the hint of a smile at your lips, you stare intently at Josoul. You draw alchemical energies around him, and soon a look of combined shock and pain takes his features as an aureate light begins emanating from his body. With one last burst of exertion, you complete the transmutation, and Josoul's flesh turns into gleaming gold. You have slain Josoul. Defeated, Josoul is cast out of the Arena. ********************************************************** You have been victorious and leave the Arena in triumph! **********************************************************
Also found out that Alchemist does indeed outpace Occultist (which is already scary fast), when the Alchemist doesn't mess up. (Which I do a lot) :pleased:
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Finally, after ~10-ish years of playing this game, and going through a multitude of characters...
Thanks to @Vardoulacha, @Josoul (kind of) and @Xuaco for being fun to talk to, and help to pass the time during mindless grindfests.
Vard and @Thiev for always dropping things they were doing to loan me their artifacts to power through things with.
@Adaele for all the encouragement, you're one of the reasons I still login (and started logging in more frequently again) :pleased:
And most importantly, @Azhelyn for being one of the most amazing people I've ever gotten to play with, and probably the biggest reason I still play Achaea. :proud:
Time to go lay down for a week. 97-99 in 1 sitting was tiresome. Insomnia ftw.
Now go lie down and stop bashing Qurnok and Creville on me!
Got there in the end!
Until next year, friend.
Come join the Achaea discord!
Slowly but surely, right guys?
You request a specially forged blade from Murad. The blacksmith nods, assessing your height and weight, gauging your body mass and centre of balance, and taking some measurements. Jotting down a few notes, the blacksmith assembles his tools in preparation for forging.
Sweat flies from Murad's brow as he repeats the folding process, turning and shaping the blade with the skill of an expert craftsman.
Murad dissolves the handful of ashes in a vat of icy water. A hiss of steam rises into the air as he plunges the hot steel into the vat. When it cools, he draws the blade from the water and carefully dries the steel with a cloth.
Selecting a few materials from his workbench, Murad finishes the handle of the sword and affixes it with a pommel to balance the weapon. With expert precision, he grinds the blade of the sword against a wheel to impart a razor-sharp edge.
Murad polishes the steel with a fine cloth, inspecting the blade for any imperfections. Finding none, he turns and reverently presents the sword to you with both hands.
Murad exclaims, "I give you Heavenly Dragon!"
The Blademaster's band is warm in your hand as you fit it over the blade of Heavenly Dragon.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
You have reached the illustrious level of The Dragon Lord.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
I rp damnit
Come visit my grave when you reach Penwize...
A denizen a day keeps the doctor away
I worked my ass off and did a really good app! So pumped.
Woot woot, finally made it
you trade in 450 bound credits to upgrade your longsword into a meteoric longsword
you trade in 800 credits to upgrade your longsword into a meteoric longsword
Composed of the substance of meteors crashed to Sapience, this longsword is a superb weapon.
Logosian longsword my bum!
(Lots of running cut out)
after only about 8 attempts! (and countless fixes to coding)[/spoiler]
With the hint of a smile at your lips, you stare intently at Josoul. You draw alchemical energies around him, and soon a look of combined shock and pain takes his features as an aureate light begins emanating from his body. With one last burst of exertion, you complete the transmutation, and Josoul's flesh turns into gleaming gold.
You have slain Josoul.
Defeated, Josoul is cast out of the Arena.
You have been victorious and leave the Arena in triumph!
Did I make you proud yet, @Josoul !
Also found out that Alchemist does indeed outpace Occultist (which is already scary fast), when the Alchemist doesn't mess up. (Which I do a lot) :pleased: