A contract has been taken out on you and accepted by a member of the Quisalis Mark.
Bluef's not been off her ship but for a few minutes in the 2 RL weeks, so unless she's been spiritwalking in her sleep someone just hired on her illegally. All I can do is LOL (and issue it). This is why I scaled back my purchases and don't play as much anymore; Same old BS, another Achaean day.
I don't really disagree that, assuming everything you are saying is true, making such a contract is kinda stupid. That being said, as much as it is a problem that some people get their shits and giggles from making random contracts, the above bolded is just as much of a problem. There's no reason to issue for a single random contract. Maybe try killing them yourself, hiring another mark, RPing it out, or even just letting it go.
No single death should ever be answered with an issue. Just throwing that out there.
If it was a single incident or death, sure. I absolutely agree with you. But unfortunately, this happens all the time to my main character. There's a pattern of abuse and harassment here that has to be documented and Issues are the only way to really do that.
I just have no patience for any of this anymore. If the same level of moderation were applied to this kind of thing IC as is sometimes applied to these forums...what a different place to RP and PvP Achaea would be.
@Aesi and I were discussing runie hunting on skype. I just got an SoA today and told him between Runes, SoA, and Bulwark I now feel invincible as runie. Now thanks to him this song will forever be associated with runewarden hunting in my head.
I found the wyrm lord, then the cave, then the crypt, and then the cave, then massive lag as I found 3 elite keepers. Did I mention that I found the cave?
WELL! This has been quite the experience thus far.
Pushed some cultist woman to her doom. Spent the money on more shiny things to more efficiently push others to their doom.
Attacked a RAT in the presence of the RAT MAN , he did not take kindly to my love tap. I will be filing a formal grievance with Ashtan's HR Department.
Experienced the inherent problems in Achaean healthcare as I was suffering on the crossroads of hashan from illness, unable to purchase the ginseng that was required. @ginovianna is my hero.
I am now a full Harbinger again, with a daunting task ahead of me, but I'm excited as hell about it.
Special thanks to @Xinna, who dealt with my frustration like a champ. Seriously.
Then @Atalkez came by to say hello to Kas in Targ by means of backstabbing and flying away. Which made me laugh.
Have been pestering my protege on a monthly basis.
Had a nice long chat with @Aodfionn and @Saeva, with brief appearances by @Taraus and @Watchman, as well as a very brief visit from @Kiet. One day I'll start a conversation with Taraus BEFORE I should have gone to bed 2 hours prior... Because omg, wide awake I'd still be trying to keep up. Taraus.
And I've been trying to convince @Taraza to ditch the Luminai and be a Harb, cause Harbs are the best.
@Krypton Thats the same logic people use to say characters should not have scars or any other manner of physical defect since they are all resurrected in new bodies anyway. I find -that- to be pretty nonsensical.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
Glasses are the most goddamn immersion-breaking addition to clothing, IMO.
When every person has epidermal on hand, OR is perma-blind w/ mindseye?
Glasses (or at least spectacles) do exist in the context of the world, though. The spectacles of whitesight are a pair of spectacles specifically "enchanted" for that purpose (the runes on the frame, presumably).
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
2x dislike Glasses are the most goddamn immersion-breaking addition to clothing, IMO. Really?? When every person has epidermal on hand, OR is perma-blind w/ mindseye? Really????
I guess people can't be shy either, when they can just FOCUS or eat goldenseal. Can't feel lonely either, just eat some lobelia dude. Can't get impatient with people, just eat some more goldenseal! List goes on.
You see why getting annoyed by minor things like this are stupid? Your logic is bad, and you need another reason to get annoyed with people.
You possess all six Dragon Talismans, and you complete the set, gaining true mastery over Dragonhood.
Thanks to everyone who traded/sold/gave me talismans to finish off my sets. Too many of you to mention, and I would feel bad if I left someone out. But you all know who you are!
That is the highlight of my night.
I just have no patience for any of this anymore. If the same level of moderation were applied to this kind of thing IC as is sometimes applied to these forums...what a different place to RP and PvP Achaea would be.
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
115 grows closer. I want my 10k health.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
tagging people @Kasa @Mosr @Drefan
Foolishly disturbing the Wyrm Lord, Sylvaria is consumed within a fiery conflagration.
Foolishly disturbing the Wyrm Lord, Zefarelle is consumed within a fiery conflagration.
Foolishly disturbing the Wyrm Lord, Keorin is consumed within a fiery conflagration.
Foolishly disturbing the Wyrm Lord, Keorin is consumed within a fiery conflagration.
Come hunt with Edena they said, it's fun they said
The saga continues.
Special thanks to @Xinna, who dealt with my frustration like a champ. Seriously.
Then @Atalkez came by to say hello to Kas in Targ by means of backstabbing and flying away. Which made me laugh.
Have been pestering my protege on a monthly basis.
Had a nice long chat with @Aodfionn and @Saeva, with brief appearances by @Taraus and @Watchman, as well as a very brief visit from @Kiet. One day I'll start a conversation with Taraus BEFORE I should have gone to bed 2 hours prior... Because omg, wide awake I'd still be trying to keep up.
And I've been trying to convince @Taraza to ditch the Luminai and be a Harb, cause Harbs are the best.
Glasses are the most goddamn immersion-breaking addition to clothing, IMO.
When every person has epidermal on hand, OR is perma-blind w/ mindseye?
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Can't feel lonely either, just eat some lobelia dude.
Can't get impatient with people, just eat some more goldenseal!
List goes on.
You see why getting annoyed by minor things like this are stupid? Your logic is bad, and you need another reason to get annoyed with people.
Thanks to everyone who traded/sold/gave me talismans to finish off my sets. Too many of you to mention, and I would feel bad if I left someone out. But you all know who you are!