What Happened To You Today?



  • KasyaKasya Tennessee
    Halos said:
     Ran around with @Kasyadid quests, burned karma, and awkwardly pretended to be grain millers though we never did get the flour right. There's like a pile of three or four bags worth just scattered uselessly on the floor in the grist mill but we had fun.

    Halos says in a smoky voice, "We are failing at provincial life, Kasya."

    You say in Targossian, "We are, indeed."

    Halos says in a smoky voice, "We would never survive as bakers."
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    May or may not have become typhoid Mary :(

  • Jurixe says in a raised voice, "Their faith in us shall be commemorated for all time, so that all who visit the Athenaeum from now on know of their contributions."

    Jurixe says in a raised voice, "With that, on the behalf of the Asterian Restoration, I formally declare the inaugural Asterian Convention..."

    Jurixe says jubilantly in a raised voice, "...open!"

    Presentations were overall interesting, but Cyrene's presentation was disappointing.

    Can't wait for this Mhaldorian ribbon to crawl in my ear and take over my mind or something.

  • Sarathai found a relative who isn't dormant!

    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Gods help me, I will solve this corpse thing.

    And if it's a plague, I'm auctioning off "Won't unastralform in your city's gathering places" promises.

  • Arditi said:
    Gods help me, I will solve this corpse thing.

    And if it's a plague, I'm auctioning off "Won't unastralform in your city's gathering places" promises.
    A couple of us are investigating. Hit a brick wall so far, though.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Sarathai said:
    Arditi said:
    Gods help me, I will solve this corpse thing.

    And if it's a plague, I'm auctioning off "Won't unastralform in your city's gathering places" promises.
    A couple of us are investigating. Hit a brick wall so far, though.

    Did spark some awesome CT banter about why someone would jump onto a corpse.

  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    Ryvaine performs a graceful curtsey.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29400w cexkdb-
    Forestwalker Ryvaine says in a quiet, soft-spoken voice, "Enjoy."
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29380w cexkdb-
    Verani smiles warmly as he leaves to the east.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29392w cexkdb-
    Verani actually leaves to the west.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29400w cexkdb-
    Ryvaine's eyes sparkle with amusement.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29400w cexkdb-
    Verani leaves to the west.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29400w cexkdb-
    Satoru inclines his head politely.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29392w cexkdb-
    Ryvaine waves goodbye.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29400w cexkdb-
    With a low clatter of metal, a Briar Knight adjusts his footing.
    Gentle wisps of steam trail from a cocooned bowl of basanite, curling about the surrounding foliage
    and dissipating quickly into the atmosphere.
    4300h, 6310m, 20400e, 29400w cexkdb-sc
    [ INFO ]  -                 
    [ INFO ]  -  Socket got disconnected. The remote host closed the connection
    [ INFO ]  -  connection time: 00:22:00.012
    [ INFO ]  -                 
    [  OK  ]  -  Lua module rex_pcre loaded
    [  OK  ]  -  Lua module zip loaded
    [  OK  ]  -  Lua module lfs loaded
    [  OK  ]  -  Lua module sqlite3 loaded
    [  OK  ]  -  mudlet-lua API & Geyser Layout manager loaded.
    [ INFO ]  -  looking up the IP address of server:achaea.com:23 ...
    [ ERROR ] Host name lookup Failure! Connection cannot be established. The server name is not
    correct, not working properly, or your nameservers are not working properly.
    [ INFO ]  -  A connection has been established successfully.

    Rapture Runtime Environment v2.3.7 -- (c) 2014 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
    Multi-User License: 100-0000-000


                     Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands

                     "Your fate and fame shall be
                   an echo and a light unto eternity."


               Achaea's IP address is
               For general questions e-mail support@achaea.com.
               149 adventurers are currently in the realms.

               1. Enter the game.
               2. Create a new character.
               3. Quit.

    Enter an option or enter your character's name.
    What is your password? Password correct. Welcome to Achaea.
    Your last login was from domain:

    Your moss tattoo tingles slightly.
    The vitality of the black boar begins to flow through you.
    Lofty platform.
    The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A runic totem is planted
    solidly in the ground. Water surges free from the pierced xylem of a mighty oak, attending to an
    effigy of the Goddess of the Cataclysm. Mounted atop a woodland bear, a forest archer keenly scans
    the sprawling canopy. There are 4 Briar Knights here. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular
    monolith is on the ground. Resting here with a haughty expression is a golden gryphon. Smelling of
    charcoal and acrid metal, a soot-coloured bull stands here.
    You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and west.
    0h, 6160m, 20400e, 29400w ex-
    Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
    0h, 6010m, 20400e, 29400w ex-

    uhhh....okay :o

  • ZarlaZarla Somewhere deep within Mhaldor...

    What an interesting Achaean month Zarla had today! After the convention earlier, I logged back in to find three Mhaldorians suffering from the Umbrin plague. Zarla helped watch over them, and exposed a slightly... different side.
    Well, she was heaps worried about her mentor especially. I'll leave a little excerpt here for fun.

    Aepas pulls a handkerchief from his coat pocket, dabbing at Saeva's face. 

    Taraus Bravi'os says, "It's colder than Glacian in Cyrene!" 

    Watchman says to you in a rumbling, smooth voice, "It may take some time to move  her." 

    Aepas says to Saeva something unintelligible. 

    You nod your head at Watchman. 

    Eminence Saeva Aristata, Lady Feral says wearily something unintelligible. 

    You say to Taraus in a quietly assertive voice, "Would you like an extra cloak to keep you warm, mentor?" 

    Eminence Saeva Aristata, Lady Feral says something unintelligible. 

    Taraus Bravi'os says, "Yes. Please." 

    Taraus shivers violently.

    Aepas nods his head at Saeva. 

    You remove a crimson red dragon-leather cloak. 

    A feeling of generosity spreads throughout you. 

    You give a crimson red dragon-leather cloak to Taraus. 

    You rub your hands together greedily. 

    Saeva breathes a heavy exhalation before her jaw clinches in a fit of shivering. 

    You say to Taraus in a quietly assertive voice, "Wear this as well. It may help. " 

    Legate Jarrod Lucoster says tiredly, "Why is it so hot..."

     In much the same fashion as the coat, Taraus drapes a crimson red dragon-leather  cloak over her head rather ceremoniously, tugging it around her shoulders.

     Watchman says in a rumbling, smooth voice, "She navigated that piece easier." 

    Saeva tugs at the collar of a blouse of ghost white silk with bone clasps. 

    Her voice issuing from the depths of the folds, Taraus calls out "Thank you!" 

    Also sharing this bit, 'cause it made me laugh. 

    Watchman says to you in a rumbling, smooth voice, "Watch them."

    Taraus scowls miserably. 

    You nod your head at Watchman.

    Eminence Saeva Aristata, Lady Feral says exhaustedly in Mhaldorian, "All that  the LORD hath said will we do, and be obedient."

    Eminence Saeva Aristata, Lady Feral says in Mhaldorian, "Be.." 

    Eminence Saeva Aristata, Lady Feral says in Mhaldorian, "Obedient." 

    Taraus struggles to wear a long coat of blood red leather, managing to get one  arm in before draping the rest ineffectively over her shoulder.

    Eminence Saeva Aristata, Lady Feral says in Mhaldorian, "Be a beady ant."

    Taraus gives a large domesticated ant the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously. A large domesticated ant fastens its beady eyes on Taraus.

    Saeva peers up at a large domesticated ant suspiciously. 

    Taraus slaps a large domesticated ant on the cheek. A large domesticated ant gnashes its mandibles threateningly at Taraus. 

    Jarrod glares angrily at a large domesticated ant. A large domesticated ant twitches its antennae and backs away from Jarrod. 

    This is why I love Mhaldorians. Terribly diseased ones are even more endearing. :blush: 

  • edited May 2015
    Came back from grandma's 80th birthday party.
    Hear about the Restoration happening.
    Walk in the middle of the Black Cathedral Children's Choir presentation.

    Met nephew @Sarathai.

    Someone illusions "Evil sucks ass". Of course, I'm the first one blamed.  :'(

    Try my best to praise without demonstrating any form of excitement (that would be out of character), get called out for it.

    Oookay. Oh, look, my wife's being a pest about bedtime, guess it's my cue to bail.

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    I knew it wasn't you. I figured out who it was!
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • edited May 2015
    What happened to me today, well after a handful of years, having fun in the realms and making new friends in Cyrene, feeling like the player I was for so many years here: I had my citizenship application to Cyrene denied.

    Just when you think you chased away all your demons, and can enjoy things again.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    - 2015/05/12 13:45:07 - Daijin Klendathu Eula, Ixteolotl Teotl has battered Chiam to death.


    - 2015/05/12 13:54:43 - Klendathu has been slain by the might of a golden malagma.


    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Jesus. I'm sorry to hear that, Rinzai. 
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Rinzai said:
    What happened to me today, well after a handful of years, having fun in the realms and making new friends in Cyrene, feeling like the player I was for so many years here: I had my citizenship application to Cyrene denied.

    Just when you think you chased away all your demons, and can enjoy things again.
    did they give a reason?
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • edited May 2015
    Tharvis said:did they give a reason?
    The same reason the Senate should always vote no, as they represent Cyrene as a whole, they feel that I do not meet the bare minimum expectations to qualify as a citizen. Which is rather saddening, for centuries I poured everything I have into the city, and I would not declare ever to be with out fault, as I was not perfect, nor even close as I left. But I never did anything, to any Cyrenian, that was intentional malicious, and always followed my errors with regret and apologies.

    It's a shame, in honesty I don't dislike any Cyrenian, and we all have our faults...guess I don't know how to atone for mine.

  • edited May 2015
    Rinzai said:
    What happened to me today, well after a handful of years, having fun in the realms and making new friends in Cyrene, feeling like the player I was for so many years here: I had my citizenship application to Cyrene denied.

    Just when you think you chased away all your demons, and can enjoy things again.
    @Rinzai : I hope you wait a while and reapply, I'll try my hardest to get you in because you're Silvy's dad and you rock.
  • Rinzai said:
    What happened to me today, well after a handful of years, having fun in the realms and making new friends in Cyrene, feeling like the player I was for so many years here: I had my citizenship application to Cyrene denied.

    Just when you think you chased away all your demons, and can enjoy things again.
    Clearly this is a sign that its time for you to come join Team Good instead!

  • Antidas said:
    Rinzai said:
    What happened to me today, well after a handful of years, having fun in the realms and making new friends in Cyrene, feeling like the player I was for so many years here: I had my citizenship application to Cyrene denied.

    Just when you think you chased away all your demons, and can enjoy things again.
    Clearly this is a sign that its time for you to come join Team Good Evil instead!
  • Drodak said:
    Antidas said:
    Rinzai said:
    What happened to me today, well after a handful of years, having fun in the realms and making new friends in Cyrene, feeling like the player I was for so many years here: I had my citizenship application to Cyrene denied.

    Just when you think you chased away all your demons, and can enjoy things again.
    Clearly this is a sign that its time for you to come join Team Good Evil Van Helsing instead!
    ftfy both, sirs

  • Rinzai said:
    Tharvis said:did they give a reason?
    The same reason the Senate should always vote no, as they represent Cyrene as a whole, they feel that I do not meet the bare minimum expectations to qualify as a citizen. Which is rather saddening, for centuries I poured everything I have into the city, and I would not declare ever to be with out fault, as I was not perfect, nor even close as I left. But I never did anything, to any Cyrenian, that was intentional malicious, and always followed my errors with regret and apologies.

    It's a shame, in honesty I don't dislike any Cyrenian, and we all have our faults...guess I don't know how to atone for mine.

    @Rinzai A sad shame, but not entirely surprising
  • Got snatched up by Lady Artemis. Scared the crap outta me.
  • Comitis said:
    Got snatched up by Lady Artemis. Scared the crap outta me.
    Meh, she's a softie.

    In other news, I played for an entire 55 minutes. So yeah, got that going for me.
  • Mistells gone wild.
  • @Silvarien I'm so proud of my @Maega.
  • Amranu said:
    Atta boy. Now come join Targossas already

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