Memorable quotes



  • edited December 2016
    Hmm... Twilight and Gaia/Artemis...

    A better reason for Targ to not get involved, would be that it's got absolutely nothing to do with them whatsoever. As opposed to, "Our Divine told us not to help you guys."

  • Xaden said:
    Dunn said:
    Didn't we just have a month or two of stupid alliances anyways? Need at least a month off from that. 
    The alliance wasn't stupid, it just didn't fit in with YOUR definition of fun.

    I'm 100% no proposing a Targ alliance with Eleusis at all, though. Just pointing out why Targ probably won't get involved.
    It was pretty stupid from an OOC perspective. You can defend it all you want IC, I really don't care. And it was fun for me because I don't have to wash the taste of any of you out of my mouth now that it's over ;)

  • edited December 2016
    Dunn said:
    Xaden said:
    Dunn said:
    Didn't we just have a month or two of stupid alliances anyways? Need at least a month off from that. 
    The alliance wasn't stupid, it just didn't fit in with YOUR definition of fun.

    I'm 100% no proposing a Targ alliance with Eleusis at all, though. Just pointing out why Targ probably won't get involved.
    It was pretty stupid from an OOC perspective. You can defend it all you want IC, I really don't care. And it was fun for me because I don't have to wash the taste of any of you out of my mouth now that it's over ;)
    I hated that Alliance. There was so much salt in that clan it could have been renamed the Dead Sea.

    But hey, Big P profited from it, so Seno is somewhat? Ok with it.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Dunn said:
    Xaden said:
    Dunn said:
    Didn't we just have a month or two of stupid alliances anyways? Need at least a month off from that. 
    The alliance wasn't stupid, it just didn't fit in with YOUR definition of fun.

    I'm 100% no proposing a Targ alliance with Eleusis at all, though. Just pointing out why Targ probably won't get involved.
    It was pretty stupid from an OOC perspective. You can defend it all you want IC, I really don't care. And it was fun for me because I don't have to wash the taste of any of you out of my mouth now that it's over ;)
    Im not sure what the hell youre talking about, since literally 95% of reason the alliance was a thing was because of Mak's OOCly leaked OOC knowledge that there was an exponential bonus to having multiple splinters and everyone was just like yeah lets do it together to make it faster yolo fuck factional conflict.
    Huh. Neat.
  • So a majority of the reason for its existence was purely OOC information?

    Seems stupid to me... on an OOC level. Which is what I said. 

  • edited December 2016
    I'll never understand why people get so up in arms on forums about people's RP decisions during a unique event. It's so much more fun to just play the game.

    Wahhh, people allied against a greater foe that threatened them all.

    Wahhh, people within said alliance weren't nice to each other because they have diametrically opposed ideas.

    I'm not sure why people can't just accept that people making various choices makes the world more alive and provides fun opportunities for RP and character development. No faction joined the Coalition because they wanted to grief and lolpwn other players OOCly. That's a fact. The considerations had nothing to do with pk, and imputing other reasons to create a hostile atmosphere where everyone just wants to piss others off is bad for the game.

    I wouldn't say OOC info was the whole basis either. And it's a little tricky since the info Mak posted on forums was also in the announce. While announce news is OOC, it's also necessarily taken IC all the time because it gives us instructions on how to do things, so I'd say there's kinda a grey area there. Otherwise running around collecting splinters in general was based on purely OOC knowledge.
  • Lol calm down. No one is up in arms here or whining. My original post was a light hearted one jabbing at the notion that another alliance could occur (obviously it wouldn't). 

    This is that salt that people are talking about that has pushed it off course. 

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    @Farrah except thats literally all Ashtan does. You cant expect them to take into account that not everyone thinks like they do :bleep_bloop:
    Huh. Neat.
  • edited December 2016
    l o l 

  • Dunn said:
    Lol calm down. No one is up in arms here or whining. My original post was a light hearted one jabbing at the notion that another alliance could occur (obviously it wouldn't). 

    This is that salt that people are talking about that has pushed it off course. 

    I don't see where my post was lacking in calm. Text interpretation, I guess.

    I was just trying to bring reason to the accusations of "salt" and remarks about tasting others in your mouth. Usually accusations of "salt" are aggressive in nature.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    You're totally right. My shitty month means you're a saint. Crushed by logic. Back to my corner now.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Not at all. And the tasting others in my mouth probably warrants some clarification. We didn't side with anyone nor did we have to eat any of our personal ideals in order to play nice with anyone. I can envision some people leaving the coalition with the bitter taste of a forced rivalry-turned-friendship in their mouths. 

    And if you weren't intending to come off aggressively, I apologize. Downside to a text medium, obv

  • So you're accusing others of sucking each others' dicks but aren't meaning to be aggressive at all? Ok.

    I haven't noticed anyone from the Coalition bitter afterwards, though, no. I doubt anyone feels they compromised their character's ideals either. That's the beauty of it all.

    You have the Hashanites who didn't believe in the Coalition and refused to participate while those who did believe in it participated, the Eleusians who left when they no longer agreed with it, as well as Mhaldor as a whole. Me, who pushed the Coalition to be as favorable to Targ as possible when I couldn't convince Micaelis to leave, and the Cyrenians who naturally want to get along with everyone. I think everyone pretty much found a way to make it work on an IC level.

    And "friendship" is a word only someone outside the Coalition could use to describe it. Not everyone got what they wanted during the event, but now that it's over, they did.
  • Wow. I really didn't mean "bitter taste in your mouth" as a euphemism for dick sucking. For real. 

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Rangor said:
    Jonathin said:
    Well, tbh, it probably would have stayed order vs order if Rangor hadn't escalated it and had I not followed suit. So, if you're going to complain, complain about Rangor escalating and me being butthurt or something.

    If you don't like the situation, do something to change it. Complaining feels good, but it's kinda on you if you do it while not doing something about it.

    Also: f u @Kasa, where my tag?
    if it was order vs order it would be me and mycen (+ a few bashers and now Lilian!) vs kasa and regi. What are you even talking about? lol

    Why should only order members get to participate anyways? I don't get your complaint or what problem you have with this.
    Dude, that's some stellar reading comprehension. I wasn't complaining at all and I literally never implied any of what you took away from it.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • You said "taste of any of you", not "bitter taste," though. I guess I just don't get it. Carry on.
  • edited December 2016
    Lol okay I should have said bitter taste of any of you, but I did not at all intend to make that a euphemism for dick sucking. My bad there. 

    Why does fellatio need to be involved to have a bad taste in your mouth relating to someone? 0_o

  • Dunn said:
    Lol okay I should have said bitter taste of any of you, but I did not at all intend to make that a euphemism for dick sucking. My bad there. 

    Why does fellatio need to be involved to have a bad taste in your mouth relating to someone? 0_o

    As a woman, I can't say, cause I find it distasteful, but that's usually how internet bro talk goes, isn't it?

    Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this thread, so, sorry for that!
  • Jonathin said:
    Rangor said:
    Jonathin said:
    Well, tbh, it probably would have stayed order vs order if Rangor hadn't escalated it and had I not followed suit. So, if you're going to complain, complain about Rangor escalating and me being butthurt or something.

    If you don't like the situation, do something to change it. Complaining feels good, but it's kinda on you if you do it while not doing something about it.

    Also: f u @Kasa, where my tag?
    if it was order vs order it would be me and mycen (+ a few bashers and now Lilian!) vs kasa and regi. What are you even talking about? lol

    Why should only order members get to participate anyways? I don't get your complaint or what problem you have with this.
    Dude, that's some stellar reading comprehension. I wasn't complaining at all and I literally never implied any of what you took away from it.
    Maybe it's your writing comprehension that's to fault! :(
  • Cooper said:
    Proficy always keeps his word, not sure why that would surprise anyone. 
    Most people in general are pretty good about keeping to their word in this game. When it comes to monetary/combat stuff anyway.

    Pretty common for dropped comms from mining/gold be returned if it's a higher amount.
  • As expected of Proficy, former Mojushai. Go, Go, BENEVOLENCE

  • *scribbles note : annoy Proficy over warriors clan/tells unless he's a monk/DWB/DW*

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  • *scribbles note : annoy Proficy over warriors clan/tells unless he's a monk/DWB/DW*
    When you both fought what were your classes?
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
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