Quick Questions



  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Spiritlore: does the health and mana boost from Arayan work while hunting? I can't find where anyone has tested, and the ab files are a bit confusing because resurrection is only usable on players. Can't login to check right this second. .
  • Nope, it doesn't
  • Is the 'master harvester' trait worth getting if I have harvesting gloves and a house spheric nature tuning? The help text says it increases the herbs rewarded in addition to speed, but is it noticeable in the least if I already have gloves?
  • Rispok said:
    Is the 'master harvester' trait worth getting if I have harvesting gloves and a house spheric nature tuning? The help text says it increases the herbs rewarded in addition to speed, but is it noticeable in the least if I already have gloves?
    I don't know anything about the house spheric nature tuning, but aside from that, it was worthwhile to have master metallurgist in addition to gloves for primes extraction, which should be analogous to modern harvesting. It helped push the yield more consistently toward maximums in unextracted locals and helped eke out more from rooms that had already been hit. The speed's negligible on top of gloves.
  • edited January 2015
    Another trait question: Master Gatherer.

    Does this only increase yield for things like fruit and lumic, or does it help with diamond dust, clay, and gold flakes too. What about butchering? Already have the cleaver, unsure if the trait would push it further or not, or if it makes gold flakes ever go beyond 1.

    eta: forgot to tag @Sena‌
  • @Tecton @Sarapis How long does it take for a name to reset on a character that has committed suicide?
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Shirley said:
    @Tecton @Sarapis How long does it take for a name to reset on a character that has committed suicide?
    Up to seven days.
  • Concerning the new knight stuff: is there a way to switch between specializations? I feel like I am missing something.
  • edited January 2015
    @Tekk: SPECIALISE IN <dual cutting/dual blunt/sword and shield/two handed>. It's all outlined in AB [WEAPONMASTERY] SPECIALISE.

    Note: You've got about 85 minutes of free switches left.
  • @Tecton‌ Will there be an artefact for switching specialisations and if so, how much will it cost?

  • Arador said:
    @Tecton‌ Will there be an artefact for switching specialisations and if so, how much will it cost?
    You... anyone can do it for 100 credits as per the announce post.

  • Amarillys said:
    Arador said:
    @Tecton‌ Will there be an artefact for switching specialisations and if so, how much will it cost?
    You... anyone can do it for 100 credits as per the announce post.
    No it is a 100 lessons per change. I am asking if there will be an artefact that will be a once off purchase for infinite changes.

  • Arador said:
    Amarillys said:
    Arador said:
    @Tecton‌ Will there be an artefact for switching specialisations and if so, how much will it cost?
    You... anyone can do it for 100 credits as per the announce post.
    No it is a 100 lessons per change. I am asking if there will be an artefact that will be a once off purchase for infinite changes.
    You're right! I totally read it as credits >_< It would be a good artefact, but I imagine it'd be expensive as all get out to switch between even if it was just once a month. Still. it'd be worth it, I think.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Does anyone have the desc of the new kitten?

    Not that... I'm tempted to buy it... or anything.

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • I do not think it would be that expensive. Race change costs 100 credits and the switching artefact for that is 1000 credits. 100 lessons is around 17 credits so in essence changing spec is 6 times cheaper than changing race. Therefor I can not see a spec change artefact costing 1000 credits. To be equal in price terms, that would make a spec switching artefact 170 credits to be able to switch one per RL day.

    If we look at the Gem of rapid Transmutation, at 2000 credits to allow you to switch every 2 hours, then the cost equivalent would be 340 credits to switch every 2 hours.

    All theory of course.

  • Arador said:
    @Tecton‌ Will there be an artefact for switching specialisations and if so, how much will it cost?
    No current plans.

    (No, I'm not Tecton, but that's the answer he gave when asked about it last night.)

    As for the price, I wouldn't be surprised (or particularly upset) if it cost the same, if not more, than the Gem of (Rapid) Transmutation. While the one time cost might be considerably lower, changing specialisation is actually worth considerably more than changing race (to me, anyway). The Gem is great for changing race to test things or as a self-resurrection (or to just drop my strength way down so I can spar people who can't survive the damage any other way), but being able to change spec gives you access to completely different styles of fighting.
  • That would not make sense to me at all since I think the main reason they are separated is for balance purposes. They are not really entirely new classes, just the same class with different attacks an strategy options, each pretty narrow and focused on its own.

    Is it more strategically valuable than a race change? Certainly, but I do not think that makes a massive cost worth it. Besides, if you can change pretty freely(within reason of course, not mid fight), you are going to be much  more likely to invest in artefact weapons for the other specs.

  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Melodie said:
    Does anyone have the desc of the new kitten?

    Not that... I'm tempted to buy it... or anything.

    @Melodie generally you can ISSUE ME if you know the name of the item/denizen/pet, and from my experience, they'll generally have no qualms with giving you the description in a reply! (Though this might not count for globe items, haven't tried with those yet)
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Arador said:
    @Tecton‌ Will there be an artefact for switching specialisations and if so, how much will it cost?
    Nothing on the books for the near future, maybe down the road a little!
  • SethSeth North Carolina
    I have 18 strength and 20 intellect(level 3 collar). Would gut or incantation be better for hunting? I know incantation will do more damage but gut is faster so that means more crits, or faster ones at least.
  • Seth said:
    I have 18 strength and 20 intellect(level 3 collar). Would gut or incantation be better for hunting? I know incantation will do more damage but gut is faster so that means more crits, or faster ones at least.
    If you also have a diadem, incantation will have higher DPS than gut, and isn't that much slower, so I'd probably use incantation most of the time (it depends on how much health the denizen has). Without diadem, gut is still better.
  • SethSeth North Carolina
    Sena said:
    Seth said:
    I have 18 strength and 20 intellect(level 3 collar). Would gut or incantation be better for hunting? I know incantation will do more damage but gut is faster so that means more crits, or faster ones at least.
    If you also have a diadem, incantation will have higher DPS than gut, and isn't that much slower, so I'd probably use incantation most of the time (it depends on how much health the denizen has). Without diadem, gut is still better.
  • Does anyone know how to remove an already dyed/envenomed arrow from your quiver with these new commands?
  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Nexes said:
    Does anyone know how to remove an already dyed/envenomed arrow from your quiver with these new commands?
    Tried switching to that color and just removing all the arrows from the quiver?
  • Austere said:
    Nexes said:
    Does anyone know how to remove an already dyed/envenomed arrow from your quiver with these new commands?
    Tried switching to that color and just removing all the arrows from the quiver?
    It says I have no undyed arrows even after I switch to the right color.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    I might be a bit slow, but what changed exactly about the way AIM works?

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Sounds like you AIM and get the benefit for a certain amount of time, rather than having to AIM between every shot. Haven't actually logged in to test it yet but that's how it sounded based on the announce.
  • Does anybody have a list of what the shouting voices are at the various levels? I tried a quick Google, but didn't come up with anything.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • With the quiver changes, is it no longer possible to have someone else envenom your arrows for you? So I'll have to actually go get some vials of venoms (I guess I could just borrow someone's venoms for a moment) to use myself instead of having a serpent do it for free?
  • Antonius said:
    Sounds like you AIM and get the benefit for a certain amount of time, rather than having to AIM between every shot. Haven't actually logged in to test it yet but that's how it sounded based on the announce.
    I cannot for the life of me figure out how the hell AIM works now. I've tried AIM, AIM <target>, AIM <target> <dir>, both in and out of the target's room, and nothing happens.

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