Only one other person upgraded trinket. Maximum lols.
I've played against a Gnar a few times, but they never did well so I never thought to use him. I guess they were just bad at him. Iirc he's on free rotation so I'll give him a try.
A lot of people won't upgrade trinket until about 35-40 minutes, because that's usually when all the towers have fallen in yolo queue games. I dunno, might just be a weird coincidence. Me and Alistar had pretty solid ward control.
But yeah, as Nellaundra said... Gnar and Rek'sai are both at (or very close to) 100% pick/ban rate in LCS/LCK, not sure about LPL.
Why not just play him in a normal. Jayce seems like he'll transition to mid lane however just because he he has mobility and range that beats most of the top tier mid laners atm. And since Cass is godlike mid right now and he wrecks her easy, you should play him a lot his kit isn't terrible considering he's one of those op pile of turds every time they buff him in the slightest.
Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord's words quietly thrum through the air as he says, "No one panick." #2015PEACEthedream!
Jayce is better mid lane than top, yeah. Every decent top laner right now will dumpster all over him. Especially Gnar.
Cass really shouldn't be losing to Jayce, either. Shock blast is the easiest thing in the world to dodge, and if he tries to all in you just ult in his face and blow him to pieces.
He's fairly strong vs Zed/Yasuo though, which are both still fairly highly picked in solo queue. Also good pick versus farm heavy champs like Orianna, Karthus, Anivia (especially anivia if equally matched), Lissandra, Ahri.
!! Also I can only play normals anyway. I'm not level thirty yet :P I'll give him a go tonight if I get home in time. Interesting that both of you suggested mid lane instead of top, all the guides I've seen have suggested him in top lane. I've been playing a lot of Tryndamere/Sion/Ahri (although with DFG gone and Charm damage bonus gone not sure how she fares now) and Morgana.
Have to say, Sion's early game damage starting with E is pretty huge compared to most other top laners if you don't start him in the Jungle. The tanking is real, too.
Do what all the people do when they play Sion in competitive play...
Start wraiths (don't use any pots) which makes you die to them. Kill them with your passive (which gets you level 2 at around 2:05-2:10 or so) then TP top lane with massive exp/pot/ward advantage.
That actually sounds like a pretty funny idea. TP in while they laugh at you to dying to jungle monsters within the first two minutes until they realise you now have crystalline flask and 5+ pots and the exp advantage.
I love it when people trade with Sion outside of their turret too. If you don't get the kill which is unlikely at low levels because of his base damage + E damage/armour pen, then you can practically 99% of the time go 1 for 1. Meanwhile your maximum health scales up each time you get a kill :^) Landing his ult is a pain though, it's almost useless in lane offensively. Pretty awesome for getting out of ganks though.
So Ahri is completely broken right now which, as it turns out, makes it a great time to learn how to play Ahri. I don't have to feel too bad about picking her since I'm new to her kit and relatively terrible, but she's so thoroughly overpowered that I don't feel like I'm ruining the game for my teammates by picking her either.
Also, Azir is fast approaching my new favourite - he was so buggy when he first came out that I didn't enjoy playing as him at all, but he's a blast now. Yasuo is still retaining his place at the very centre of my heart for now, but I don't know how much longer he can hold out.
The only reason other mid-laners on that list have similar win-rates is that people pick them into favourable matchups. Ahri, however, is favourable in almost every matchup right now:
Her win rate is gigantic right now, in almost every matchup, in every league. I think it's pretty hard to deny that she's overpowered right now (at least in solo queue) - and there are already pretty significant nerfs for her going onto the PBE.
The mobility on her Q combined with removing the charm gating on her damage output has made her pretty monstrous for the time being.
>Builds same items that like 90% of Jax players build, aside from spirit visage in place of randuins (though more AP in that team, so perfectly understandable)
Prolly would've lost if MF had armour penetration. Seems like that Riven/Gnar had a pretty good african relief camp running in that game.
That means they're majorly feeding, to those not aware... I wasn't attempting racism... x.x
When someone tries to feed in ranked because you took their preferred lane, you tell them to sit down and shut up and you'll carry them. This is such example. Bronze is so much easier than Silver in terms of carrying.
I've been on fire with free week Rumble :^) geddit?
I tried playing Heimerdinger mid as well, I don't see how people don't think he's terribly designed. The majority of matchups I feel like the person I'm fighting against can't do anything. If they farm, they get poked and have to recall constantly. If they engage and go for a kill, they die to turrets & damage. He has very few counters that I know of, like Syndra, Ziggs, possibly Vel'Koz...
It's of course possible I'm overlooking something that balances him. I know I hate fighting against Heimerdinger unless I'm playing a hard counter champion.
I've been on fire with free week Rumble :^) geddit?
I tried playing Heimerdinger mid as well, I don't see how people don't think he's terribly designed. The majority of matchups I feel like the person I'm fighting against can't do anything. If they farm, they get poked and have to recall constantly. If they engage and go for a kill, they die to turrets & damage. He has very few counters that I know of, like Syndra, Ziggs, possibly Vel'Koz...
It's of course possible I'm overlooking something that balances him. I know I hate fighting against Heimerdinger unless I'm playing a hard counter champion.
Since I mostly play melee mids, I'm pretty used to dealing with the donger. He is very, very strong right now, but he actually has quite a few counters. The thing that makes him weird is that his counters are all over the place - champs with a ton of ranged poke obviously work, but so does, say, Yasuo or Zed if played well. Anyone who can kill/avoid his turrets fairly safely and/or counter his poke can make his life a nightmare.
Someone posted this site to reddit a couple of days ago, and it has some data that might provide some good counter ideas (though it's for Heimer top, so you can't see how he fares against a lot of champs that are pretty much only played mid):
You have to take the win rates with a grain of salt since the champions that are harder to play will inevitably have way lower win rates than they should (since people pick into hard champs they can't play thinking they're "OP"), but most of those are pretty accurate I think.
One useful thing is that it's sometimes worth it to accept that you're losing your outer turret to force him to overextend. He can't roam very well and often you'll do better than he will once that turret goes down instead of trying the whole game to barely scrape by and keep it up.
Been really enjoying Tryndamere and Ryze top, Orianna and Yasuo mid, and Udyr jungle. Bottom lane is only fun when playing Trollcrank.
Yasuo is by far my best champion, but I've been finding him practically impossible to play right now thanks to all the Ahris, Azirs, Xeraths, etc. I don't think he's too strong or too weak right now globally, but he feels like he has almost no place in the current meta - there are a lot of opponents he's a fair pick against (though also a lot he's terrible against), but virtually none where he's a good pick right now.
I've played against a Gnar a few times, but they never did well so I never thought to use him. I guess they were just bad at him. Iirc he's on free rotation so I'll give him a try.
But yeah, as Nellaundra said... Gnar and Rek'sai are both at (or very close to) 100% pick/ban rate in LCS/LCK, not sure about LPL.
Cass really shouldn't be losing to Jayce, either. Shock blast is the easiest thing in the world to dodge, and if he tries to all in you just ult in his face and blow him to pieces.
He's fairly strong vs Zed/Yasuo though, which are both still fairly highly picked in solo queue. Also good pick versus farm heavy champs like Orianna, Karthus, Anivia (especially anivia if equally matched), Lissandra, Ahri.
Have to say, Sion's early game damage starting with E is pretty huge compared to most other top laners if you don't start him in the Jungle. The tanking is real, too.
Start wraiths (don't use any pots) which makes you die to them. Kill them with your passive (which gets you level 2 at around 2:05-2:10 or so) then TP top lane with massive exp/pot/ward advantage.
I love it when people trade with Sion outside of their turret too. If you don't get the kill which is unlikely at low levels because of his base damage + E damage/armour pen, then you can practically 99% of the time go 1 for 1. Meanwhile your maximum health scales up each time you get a kill :^) Landing his ult is a pain though, it's almost useless in lane offensively. Pretty awesome for getting out of ganks though.
Killed the bitch ass Vi when she tried to take my 2nd red buff.
Almost lost this game, too. And looking at match history, we were actually behind on gold
Also, Azir is fast approaching my new favourite - he was so buggy when he first came out that I didn't enjoy playing as him at all, but he's a blast now. Yasuo is still retaining his place at the very centre of my heart for now, but I don't know how much longer he can hold out.
The only reason other mid-laners on that list have similar win-rates is that people pick them into favourable matchups. Ahri, however, is favourable in almost every matchup right now:
Her win rate is gigantic right now, in almost every matchup, in every league. I think it's pretty hard to deny that she's overpowered right now (at least in solo queue) - and there are already pretty significant nerfs for her going onto the PBE.
The mobility on her Q combined with removing the charm gating on her damage output has made her pretty monstrous for the time being.
A Xith original.
Riven mid, Voli sup, Shaco APC. Lol...
I'm tellin' ya. So fun.
>Builds same items that like 90% of Jax players build, aside from spirit visage in place of randuins (though more AP in that team, so perfectly understandable)
Prolly would've lost if MF had armour penetration. Seems like that Riven/Gnar had a pretty good african relief camp running in that game.
This is such example. Bronze is so much easier than Silver in terms of carrying.
I suck at lol.
I tried playing Heimerdinger mid as well, I don't see how people don't think he's terribly designed. The majority of matchups I feel like the person I'm fighting against can't do anything. If they farm, they get poked and have to recall constantly. If they engage and go for a kill, they die to turrets & damage. He has very few counters that I know of, like Syndra, Ziggs, possibly Vel'Koz...
It's of course possible I'm overlooking something that balances him. I know I hate fighting against Heimerdinger unless I'm playing a hard counter champion.
Someone posted this site to reddit a couple of days ago, and it has some data that might provide some good counter ideas (though it's for Heimer top, so you can't see how he fares against a lot of champs that are pretty much only played mid):
You have to take the win rates with a grain of salt since the champions that are harder to play will inevitably have way lower win rates than they should (since people pick into hard champs they can't play thinking they're "OP"), but most of those are pretty accurate I think.
One useful thing is that it's sometimes worth it to accept that you're losing your outer turret to force him to overextend. He can't roam very well and often you'll do better than he will once that turret goes down instead of trying the whole game to barely scrape by and keep it up.
2x Scuttler crab / enemy blue control the entire game. Vision 2 stronk.
Been really enjoying Tryndamere and Ryze top, Orianna and Yasuo mid, and Udyr jungle. Bottom lane is only fun when playing Trollcrank.