It's the same thing with every champion they release, though. Starts off OP AS BALLS to get dat sweet riot points and then it's nerfed.
That being said, though, Rek'sai is probably the most fun I've ever had with a champion (this excludes the time I curbstomped a recalling Nasus with Pantheon's ult) and I always get that Jurassic Park feeling flowing through my veins whenever I play her. They really did a good job on her overall theme I feel. That and the Eternum skin is too sexy for me to handle.
Definitely my new jungle main, yus
While this is usually the rationale given, there have been a number of champions released in the past that were terrible at release. I think it's mostly just that it's really hard to gauge balance without the huge amount of data that gets generated after mere hours of thousands of players trying something out and figuring out optimal strategies and builds. And, given a choice, I'd rather that they err on the side of too strong for just-released champions than on the side of too weak.
Also, it's not really a huge deal - this is why champions don't get enabled on ranked right at release.
That awkward moment when you go in with a five-man pre, 2 golds, 2 silvers(I'm silver), and a diamond. I don't know who we faced, but we did alright... our team just had no synergy, always getting out-rotated, etc etc.
Queue up for a second game... and face the exact same team. Is this what it's like to play in Challenger? We lost the first game, stomped the second game... no game three, though. Would have been an amusing experience, I say XD
Oh, and yeah, i changed my summoner from Gnomis Pervertus to Daklore ... reason for not taking Daklore initially? It was already taken when I signed up. And as for the rito mystery gift for positivity? Infernal alistar. I can't even play Alistar.
Litterally, I go "moo... welp, i'm dead.. the <bleep> just happened?"
Edit: Yes... yes that -is- a support Ashe. No, she wasn't trolling.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Litterally, I go "moo... welp, i'm dead.. the <bleep> just happened?"
Come child, I will teach you the ancient secret to playing Alistar and not dying.
Press R.
Alistar's ult is one of the strongest in the game. If you have good teamwork, it's so strong that you don't even really need to buy tank items - you can build full AP and, so long as your team can time their engages so your ult is always off cooldown, you'll be one of the best tanks anyway. This is why Alistar was getting banned so much in competitive last season.
Any recommendations for this week's free champs for getting into jungler? I have like 4000 IP, so I can go that route too, but I'm trying to save for runes.
Warwick is a great sustainable jungler, and cheap. He's not as good as he was, but he's -really- great for getting into the role initially.
As for what's up:
Amumu, I've never used. But he's apparently good, and he's one of the tankier things in the game.
Rek'sai is apparently one of the best champions available right now, and has the most insane mobility of any jungler - hell, any champion in the game. Its survivability isn't the best I don't think, or its damage, but the entire map is your oyster as you see fit.
I personally have Cho'gath, and he's -really- fun if difficult. I'm still trying to get the hang of him, but if you have IP laying around, I'd heavily recommend him on the "I AM GODZILLA" aspect alone.
Amumu, Fiora, and Rek'Sai are all free right now, all jungle-able, and all worth trying. No reason not to play a game or two of each and see if you like them.
Amumu is very tanky. Your main goal is to land your bandage toss and make good use of your ult. You soak damage and hold people still while your team kills them.
Fiora is pretty one-dimensional. If she starts snowballing, she snowballs hard. If she doesn't, she can't do much. She's the Akali of the jungle. Characters like that are very strong in solo queue because no one has the teamwork necessary to shut you down, but I'm not very fond of them since (a) your games will be really boring when you don't get fed and (b) you're basically choosing to make the game really unfun for your opponents in the case that you do get fed.
Rek'Sai is a more complicated jungler, but does indeed have great mobility (though I think Kassadin probably sitll wins for most mobility in the game - and plenty of others are about on-par with Rek'Sai) - and, right now, great everything. She just came out and is thus pretty unbalanced. The beta server already has a ton of nerfs for her on it, so I'd be wary of getting too used to her power (there's always the risk of winning a lot with her and thinking she's very well-suited to your playstyle, and then discovering that actually you just liked her because she was OP - a lot of people went through this with Yasuo for instance).
But again, there's absolutely no reason not to play a game with each of them and just see for yourself.
Nellaundra is also right that Warwick is a great jungler for getting used to the role. He got nerfed into the ground after the jungle changes initially made him profoundly overpowered, but his sustain makes him easy to jungle with and his abilities are all straightforward and easy to gank with. I wouldn't write him off in favor of a more complex jungler that will have better potential later - there's a lot to be said for playing easier champs to get used to a role instead of jumping straight into trying to play Lee Sin or whatever.
Litterally, I go "moo... welp, i'm dead.. the <bleep> just happened?"
Come child, I will teach you the ancient secret to playing Alistar and not dying.
Press R.
Alistar's ult is one of the strongest in the game. If you have good teamwork, it's so strong that you don't even really need to buy tank items - you can build full AP and, so long as your team can time their engages so your ult is always off cooldown, you'll be one of the best tanks anyway. This is why Alistar was getting banned so much in competitive last season.
I think the problem is more I don't know when to engage XD There is a reason I play ADC and not tanks or assassins.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
AP Shaco top > Darius
Also, it's not really a huge deal - this is why champions don't get enabled on ranked right at release.
Sweet. Thanks Rito.
Wish it was Thresh.
And Spectacular Sivir is obviously Wonder Woman.
Queue up for a second game... and face the exact same team. Is this what it's like to play in Challenger?
Game 1:
Game 2:
Oh, and yeah, i changed my summoner from Gnomis Pervertus to Daklore ... reason for not taking Daklore initially? It was already taken when I signed up. And as for the rito mystery gift for positivity? Infernal alistar. I can't even play Alistar.
Litterally, I go "moo... welp, i'm dead.. the <bleep> just happened?"
Edit: Yes... yes that -is- a support Ashe. No, she wasn't trolling.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Press R.
Alistar's ult is one of the strongest in the game. If you have good teamwork, it's so strong that you don't even really need to buy tank items - you can build full AP and, so long as your team can time their engages so your ult is always off cooldown, you'll be one of the best tanks anyway. This is why Alistar was getting banned so much in competitive last season.
Any recommendations for this week's free champs for getting into jungler? I have like 4000 IP, so I can go that route too, but I'm trying to save for runes.
As for what's up:
Amumu, I've never used. But he's apparently good, and he's one of the tankier things in the game.
Rek'sai is apparently one of the best champions available right now, and has the most insane mobility of any jungler - hell, any champion in the game. Its survivability isn't the best I don't think, or its damage, but the entire map is your oyster as you see fit.
I personally have Cho'gath, and he's -really- fun if difficult. I'm still trying to get the hang of him, but if you have IP laying around, I'd heavily recommend him on the "I AM GODZILLA" aspect alone.
I know a bit about rek'sai - and I think he's pretty OP - and he's also getting some pretty big nerfs, so I don't wanna get hooked.
If Amumu is up right now, I'm definitely going to give him a shot. Is he built for jungling though?
Perfect. Saying goodbye to solo queue wait times. Saying hello to jungle.
Amumu is very tanky. Your main goal is to land your bandage toss and make good use of your ult. You soak damage and hold people still while your team kills them.
Fiora is pretty one-dimensional. If she starts snowballing, she snowballs hard. If she doesn't, she can't do much. She's the Akali of the jungle. Characters like that are very strong in solo queue because no one has the teamwork necessary to shut you down, but I'm not very fond of them since (a) your games will be really boring when you don't get fed and (b) you're basically choosing to make the game really unfun for your opponents in the case that you do get fed.
Rek'Sai is a more complicated jungler, but does indeed have great mobility (though I think Kassadin probably sitll wins for most mobility in the game - and plenty of others are about on-par with Rek'Sai) - and, right now, great everything. She just came out and is thus pretty unbalanced. The beta server already has a ton of nerfs for her on it, so I'd be wary of getting too used to her power (there's always the risk of winning a lot with her and thinking she's very well-suited to your playstyle, and then discovering that actually you just liked her because she was OP - a lot of people went through this with Yasuo for instance).
But again, there's absolutely no reason not to play a game with each of them and just see for yourself.
Nellaundra is also right that Warwick is a great jungler for getting used to the role. He got nerfed into the ground after the jungle changes initially made him profoundly overpowered, but his sustain makes him easy to jungle with and his abilities are all straightforward and easy to gank with. I wouldn't write him off in favor of a more complex jungler that will have better potential later - there's a lot to be said for playing easier champs to get used to a role instead of jumping straight into trying to play Lee Sin or whatever.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
pretty cute pretty cute. Ziggs is such a pest.
Yay me!
New Tristana is adorable as hell and I can't wait to give this a try.
Candy Cane Miss Fortune >.>
Pharoah Nidalee (Wait, wtf am I saying, ew...gtfo)