Just got -ruined- by Cassieopeia on my Lux. Any suggestions on that matchup? Both of us were mid, of course, and she just kept on catching right up to me and spamming her twin fang which knocked me right the hell out.
Thinking about it after the fact, my Q could've stunned her for a little bit and let me got away maybe?
Just got -ruined- by Cassieopeia on my Lux. Any suggestions on that matchup? Both of us were mid, of course, and she just kept on catching right up to me and spamming her twin fang which knocked me right the hell out.
Thinking about it after the fact, my Q could've stunned her for a little bit and let me got away maybe?
Lux is the queen of pokes. You can't let nuke/melee/CC champs get close to you. You should ideally never be in range of their attacks, which is easy with her AOE slow and amazing 2 second snare. Trying to burst people down from full health will almost always result in lux dying. Her nuke combo is pretty good, particularly since it can kill multiple people, but you have to get good at knowing when it is going to kill someone, and when it won't (and get good at poking them down to that point before attempting it).
Also keep in mind that her Q is just a snare, not a stun, so they can hit you back if you get close enough (since Lux is best in mid, this means you have a good chance of getting nuked back if they have the standard AP mid meta).
Just got -ruined- by Cassieopeia on my Lux. Any suggestions on that matchup? Both of us were mid, of course, and she just kept on catching right up to me and spamming her twin fang which knocked me right the hell out.
Thinking about it after the fact, my Q could've stunned her for a little bit and let me got away maybe?
Lux is the queen of pokes. You can't let nuke/melee/CC champs get close to you. You should ideally never be in range of their attacks, which is easy with her AOE slow and amazing 2 second snare. Trying to burst people down from full health will almost always result in lux dying. Her nuke combo is pretty good, particularly since it can kill multiple people, but you have to get good at knowing when it is going to kill someone, and when it won't (and get good at poking them down to that point before attempting it).
Also keep in mind that her Q is just a snare, not a stun, so they can hit you back if you get close enough (since Lux is best in mid, this means you have a good chance of getting nuked back if they have the standard AP mid meta).
Lux isn't exactly the queen of pokes. She has good peel and CC, but you'll run down her mana early game if you spend your skills poking so much. That is to say, you're not wrong to poke with her skills by any means. There are just better poke champions out there. Ashe, Varus, Caitlyn. Even TF is a phenomenal poker for mid lane and has huge burst potential with a good gold card and built up AP for his W.
It's not so much that you can't play jungle TF as that you would probably do better with a different (actual) jungler. Particularly with the way jungle is itemised now. I suspect you'll probably see teammates mad at you or kicking you from team builder games too if you try it.
Some people make weird pocket picks work, but for the most part the meta is the meta for a reason. It could be that TF is going to emerge as a new jungler in S5 meta, but I think that's doubtful.
If you want to mess around and try funky stuff, that's fine - but if you want to jungle TF just because you're comfortable playing TF and want to jungle without learning another champ, you'd probably be better off learning a conventional jungler. The guy in that game playing jungle TF is not playing him because he doesn't know how to play conventional junglers. A lot of people fall into the trap early on of picking a single champion and deciding that they don't want to play any others - it's good early on to focus on a few champs and actually learning them well, but not to the point of playing things out of role just because you want to "main" them or whatever.
Just got -ruined- by Cassieopeia on my Lux. Any suggestions on that matchup? Both of us were mid, of course, and she just kept on catching right up to me and spamming her twin fang which knocked me right the hell out.
Thinking about it after the fact, my Q could've stunned her for a little bit and let me got away maybe?
Cassiopeia is really strong right now. She has mana sustain and healing from her E (twin fangs), and insane damage output if she lands poison (Q, or her W).
If she lands poison (pretty easy with W), don't even try to trade with her. Just save your Q and hit her, then back away. If you can notice she missed poison, then she really has zero damage, and you can definitely win the trade. It gets dangerous around 2-4, and I get a lot of kills at that level because people underestimate the rapid E damage.
Also be wary of her ult, or if she hides in a brush to own you with it. Cass one of my favorite champs, was strong even before, love the new changes.
Is there a way to counter a Lee Sin doing counter-jungling (As Amumu)? I hate that guy
You probably lose 1v1s early on, when counterjungling matters the most. Wards might help, and trying to communicate and ping to your laners. Can be really hard though, depending on your laners and if they're winning or if they're even paying attention. But if you can manage to catch Lee sin out with your team closing in, it can pay off.
A little additional advice about the Lux vs Cass match up. She has low defense, so you can just auto attack her while standing a little off from your minions. This way you can save mana, and let your doran's ring fill up your mana again. I only use my e on her when she's standing in minions so I can get the best usage of my mana, and save my Q for when she comes in or when there is a gank. Standing to the side of the minions has other benefits. If they have a Lee sin jungle, mumu jungle, etc they won't be able to get straight to you unless you help them. And for non-skill shot champs that aren't blocked by minions, they will take enough minion damage to want to disengage.
Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord's words quietly thrum through the air as he says, "No one panick." #2015PEACEthedream!
Is there a way to counter a Lee Sin doing counter-jungling (As Amumu)? I hate that guy
Well my answer for everything is Shaco. But since Lee Sin is a really cocky engager most of the time, bait him into boxes. Though AP is a little slower to jungle with but potentially much funnier countering.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
Is there a way to counter a Lee Sin doing counter-jungling (As Amumu)? I hate that guy
Well my answer for everything is Shaco. But since Lee Sin is a really cocky engager most of the time, bait him into boxes. Though AP is a little slower to jungle with but potentially much funnier countering.
Update: I ended up having this exact matchup. Lee was low-healthing his red buff. I show my face, he fail-flashes into the back wall, decides to finish the buff. One-hit him with a dagger at level 2, stealing him and the red buff. He sends a global chat: "fuckin shaco"
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
In other news, I am such a troll. This was also AD marks and Attack Speed quints. 15/0/15 AD support masteries. Sword-whipping people in the face with no mercy at level 1-2, lol.
EDIT: Btw, trist might have been their worst, but she also backdoored our inhibitor like 5 times.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
I'm just loving Veigar too much too do anything else. It was ridiculous before I got Ignite, now it's just insane. And that's with only a handful of level 1 runes and level 10 masteries.
He's super squishy though, of course - the ultimate glass cannon.
What region do you play in @Ernam? Some Amumu ganks with your Veigar mid sounds like fun, we should play some games (I think we're around the same summoner level). The stun would be real.
What region do you play in @Ernam? Some Amumu ganks with your Veigar mid sounds like fun, we should play some games (I think we're around the same summoner level). The stun would be real.
North America IGN Ernaem
And yeah, irc he his AOE stun lasts like 3 seconds and stuns for 2.5 (or something like that).
It's more than enough time/damage To nuke anyone who doesn't have massive magic resist (up until I get the MPen wand thing, then it's gg).
the way he (Veigar) works, he is OP unless you keep pressure on him while he farms, basically the entire game. But he is super easy to pressure since he has extremely low health and armor, and no escape ability. This means that I often get pushed back to turret in early game, which is either bad or good. With a bad team, it can be disaster, but with a good top or jungle, and good communication, it means super easy early ganks and early snowballing.
Veigar is weird. For one, as you climb, people will become less stupid about the stun. They'll flash out of it, certain abilities can get out of it, people will buy quicksilver, etc. Most importantly, they won't act like idiots and walk into it if they're in the middle - they'll just wait for you to start your W and move away from there. It's also easier to tell Veigar is casting his stun once you're against better players where people are moving constantly, since you have to stop moving very briefly to cast it. The other thing is that, while your stun is actually very strong in teamfights and you can basically just delete one enemy caster each teamfight, that's pretty much all you can do. That's why he isn't really "OP". Each teamfight you get to kill one person, assuming you've been able to farm decently, assuming that their AP champs didn't buy QSS, and assuming that they don't wait near the back lines for you to have to blow your stun (which they will if they're decent).
Veigar is fun and can be really strong, but those are the reasons he doesn't see much player at higher tiers right now.
(And, assuming you know how to farm under your turret, being pushed back to your turret is pretty much a universally good thing. It makes ganks easier, it makes going in for the kill easier, it makes trades easier since they'll take a turret shot to trade, etc. This is why people only last-hit minions, to make the minion waves move toward their own turrets and a lot of more advanced strategy is based around getting the minion wave to end up just in front of your turret.)
Yeah I totally agree, and have come up with basically all the same conclusions - which means the fun I'm having on Veigar may not last forever, but it is certainly a blast in solo queue with so many newer players. The one notable thing I would disagree on is the stun, since the "proper" way to use it is to place the circle directly on them, which instantly stuns (preventing flashing out or standing in the circle lulzing). However, like you said, it's pretty easy to see it coming. If you see Veigar randomly dashing forward through the ranks like the orc that blew up the walls of Minas Tirith, you can be sure he's about to stun/nuke someone. The biggest problem we really face is zhonya's (or comparable spells), as they can pretty much cancel out our entire nuke and half of our mana bar.
It should be noted that we're not just a one-shot gun like you described. Sure we can only use Deathfire Grasp (DFG) and/or ult once every 60 seconds, but our mini-nuke (stun, W, Q + auto attack) is still pretty damaging, even if it won't kill someone from full health. In longer games i usually end up with over 1000 AP, which makes a single Q (baleful strike) almost one-shot people by itself. It's kinda risky running out to attack people who aren't going to be dead in the immediately future, but it's better than just turning a 5v5 into a 4v5 then bailing (making it a 4v4, so accomplishing little).
I play Veigar in Plat tier, and he's still viable and fine. I've gotten quadra kills and carried teams with him. It all depends on how you play him. He's extremely potent, even though he can get bullied early on. It's all about prediction. If you can tell where your opponent is moving, then you can easly land your stun on them. His W scales stupidly well with his massive AP (and it's an AoE), giving you excellent zone control. His Q is one of the best early-game harrassers in the game with its high damage and scaling. All in all, Veigar is a solid choice if you play him very well.
Solo bot Veigar w/double jungle. trist/sona bot. (Went 0/21/9 masteries and Mpen/H/MR/AP) Other team wasn't bad though, the kog hurts. Oh and it was Teemo mid and Thresh top.
Only had to wait like 75 leavers in Team Builder. :,)
This was fun.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
It's the same thing with every champion they release, though. Starts off OP AS BALLS to get dat sweet riot points and then it's nerfed.
That being said, though, Rek'sai is probably the most fun I've ever had with a champion (this excludes the time I curbstomped a recalling Nasus with Pantheon's ult) and I always get that Jurassic Park feeling flowing through my veins whenever I play her. They really did a good job on her overall theme I feel. That and the Eternum skin is too sexy for me to handle.
Wish people would stop using the term "curb stomp" as if it's somehow acceptable or funny.
That said, I can't blame them for promoting new characters, it is a free game after all. Making new champs OP also gives people incentive to migrate to them, kindof like how OP alch and BM are. I like it, as long as it's brought back in check in due time.
He's so adorable
Thinking about it after the fact, my Q could've stunned her for a little bit and let me got away maybe?
Lux is the queen of pokes. You can't let nuke/melee/CC champs get close to you. You should ideally never be in range of their attacks, which is easy with her AOE slow and amazing 2 second snare. Trying to burst people down from full health will almost always result in lux dying. Her nuke combo is pretty good, particularly since it can kill multiple people, but you have to get good at knowing when it is going to kill someone, and when it won't (and get good at poking them down to that point before attempting it).
Also keep in mind that her Q is just a snare, not a stun, so they can hit you back if you get close enough (since Lux is best in mid, this means you have a good chance of getting nuked back if they have the standard AP mid meta).
Some people make weird pocket picks work, but for the most part the meta is the meta for a reason. It could be that TF is going to emerge as a new jungler in S5 meta, but I think that's doubtful.
If you want to mess around and try funky stuff, that's fine - but if you want to jungle TF just because you're comfortable playing TF and want to jungle without learning another champ, you'd probably be better off learning a conventional jungler. The guy in that game playing jungle TF is not playing him because he doesn't know how to play conventional junglers. A lot of people fall into the trap early on of picking a single champion and deciding that they don't want to play any others - it's good early on to focus on a few champs and actually learning them well, but not to the point of playing things out of role just because you want to "main" them or whatever.
If she lands poison (pretty easy with W), don't even try to trade with her. Just save your Q and hit her, then back away. If you can notice she missed poison, then she really has zero damage, and you can definitely win the trade. It gets dangerous around 2-4, and I get a lot of kills at that level because people underestimate the rapid E damage.
Also be wary of her ult, or if she hides in a brush to own you with it. Cass one of my favorite champs, was strong even before, love the new changes.
He sends a global chat: "fuckin shaco"
In other news, I am such a troll.
This was also AD marks and Attack Speed quints. 15/0/15 AD support masteries.
Sword-whipping people in the face with no mercy at level 1-2, lol.
EDIT: Btw, trist might have been their worst, but she also backdoored our inhibitor like 5 times.
He's super squishy though, of course - the ultimate glass cannon.
North America IGN Ernaem
And yeah, irc he his AOE stun lasts like 3 seconds and stuns for 2.5 (or something like that).
It's more than enough time/damage To nuke anyone who doesn't have massive magic resist (up until I get the MPen wand thing, then it's gg).
the way he (Veigar) works, he is OP unless you keep pressure on him while he farms, basically the entire game. But he is super easy to pressure since he has extremely low health and armor, and no escape ability. This means that I often get pushed back to turret in early game, which is either bad or good. With a bad team, it can be disaster, but with a good top or jungle, and good communication, it means super easy early ganks and early snowballing.
Veigar is fun and can be really strong, but those are the reasons he doesn't see much player at higher tiers right now.
(And, assuming you know how to farm under your turret, being pushed back to your turret is pretty much a universally good thing. It makes ganks easier, it makes going in for the kill easier, it makes trades easier since they'll take a turret shot to trade, etc. This is why people only last-hit minions, to make the minion waves move toward their own turrets and a lot of more advanced strategy is based around getting the minion wave to end up just in front of your turret.)
Yeah I totally agree, and have come up with basically all the same conclusions - which means the fun I'm having on Veigar may not last forever, but it is certainly a blast in solo queue with so many newer players. The one notable thing I would disagree on is the stun, since the "proper" way to use it is to place the circle directly on them, which instantly stuns (preventing flashing out or standing in the circle lulzing). However, like you said, it's pretty easy to see it coming. If you see Veigar randomly dashing forward through the ranks like the orc that blew up the walls of Minas Tirith, you can be sure he's about to stun/nuke someone. The biggest problem we really face is zhonya's (or comparable spells), as they can pretty much cancel out our entire nuke and half of our mana bar.
It should be noted that we're not just a one-shot gun like you described. Sure we can only use Deathfire Grasp (DFG) and/or ult once every 60 seconds, but our mini-nuke (stun, W, Q + auto attack) is still pretty damaging, even if it won't kill someone from full health. In longer games i usually end up with over 1000 AP, which makes a single Q (baleful strike) almost one-shot people by itself. It's kinda risky running out to attack people who aren't going to be dead in the immediately future, but it's better than just turning a 5v5 into a 4v5 then bailing (making it a 4v4, so accomplishing little).
This was fun.
Had to do again. Haha.
Rek'sai op.
That being said, though, Rek'sai is probably the most fun I've ever had with a champion (this excludes the time I curbstomped a recalling Nasus with Pantheon's ult) and I always get that Jurassic Park feeling flowing through my veins whenever I play her. They really did a good job on her overall theme I feel. That and the Eternum skin is too sexy for me to handle.
Definitely my new jungle main, yus
That said, I can't blame them for promoting new characters, it is a free game after all. Making new champs OP also gives people incentive to migrate to them, kindof like how OP alch and BM are. I like it, as long as it's brought back in check in due time.