This champ is so much fun. Ward brush at top -> Rengar can never get the jump on me. Casually run away with op move speed bonuses, E when bandage toss is thrown out. GG
Was cheering for Samsung White (Ozone) last year (despite poor performance). Still cheering for them this year - Pawn such a better player than Dade, idk why they featured Dade as their #1 in the player picks.
Gogo, Korean overlords. Sadly (not putting them down or anything) I don't think TSM will make it past quarters. Pretty sure they're facing Samsung White - Samsung Blue, Najin White Shield, Alliance, OMG most likely gonna be the other four at quarters, and I don't think TSM can beat them in their current state. Everyone's just gonna ban Rumble against Dyrus now, after how hard he steamrolled SHRC with it.
Edit: Just checked- think they're actually facing Edward Gaming. They might make it out of quarters, then
My predictions: QuarterFinals SSW vs SHRC - SSW win. TSM vs EDG - TSM win. SSB vs NJWS - SSB win. ALL vs OMG - ALL win.
SemiFinals SSW vs TSM - SSW win. SSB vs ALL - SSB win.
Finals SSW vs SSB - SSW win 3:2, despite Blue being Whites kryptonite at OGN (would love to see a 5game series. These two teams provided really good games at OGN)
Uninstalled 4 months ago. Reinstalled yesterday and now my free time is in the red again. Gnar and Azir are new to me. Enjoying Azir's gameplay a little though.
Ive improved my Shaco support build: frostfang, forbidden idol sorc's, mejai, morello, void, athene's*, rabadon
just need 40% cdr and they'll basically never kill you. Thoughts?
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
Need Lich Bane if you're playing AP Shaco, otherwise your damage will be pretty laughable at best, and lets you still do stuff lategame. Also, I don't really care what champ you are... If you're going support, please actually GET sightstone. Don't be one of /those/ guys. frostfang, boots1, sightstone, sorc's shoes, lichbane, morello, zhonya/rabaddon (in that order, don't have to upgrade sightstone until super lategame, and even then it's pretty optional)
Frostfang, morello + blue pot will put you at 40% cdr (i forget if frostfang gives 10 or 20%)
I should probably try Lich bane, but the fact that I don't die makes Mejai tough. As for wards, I don't need more than the trinket early on because I box all the entrances for ganks. AP ends up over 550 at full and with void, sorc's and mpen marks/quints his dagger drops anyone semi-squishy by almost half their health. Plus clone bombs are the other half of their health, so it's like clone + box + shiv = lolganked
Like 80% of games the other team tells me how annoying I was XD His jitb need some scaling HP though, the stattik shiv proc completely drops one and it sucks.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
Ok I might get flamed for this as it's on a LoL thread - but does anyone play Dota? Not that I'd even be able to play with anyone, as I'm in SE Asia and most of you guys are probably US West / East.
Ok I might get flamed for this as it's on a LoL thread - but does anyone play Dota? Not that I'd even be able to play with anyone, as I'm in SE Asia and most of you guys are probably US West / East.
There's a thread... Somewhere... For DotA. I play it occasionally- from NZ. Shite ping on SEA servers, though. Compared to oceaniac ones at least.
So I've never put in the time to get out of bronze but I play some good anti-meta games and roles. So I might start a Twitch stream on the subject soon. Anyone else broadcast?
I'm thinking I'll cross promote and show people some Achaean combat too. They'll be like "I never thought hacking the Pentagon would be so colorful. "
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
anything is possible... this game was at mid-gold i think. rengar was second to last pick and autolocked jungle despite us already having voli jungle. Sona went top and I 1v2'd trist and thresh. Outplayed them in lane and came out of lanephase 2-0 with +10 cs on trist. Never had any jungler pressure from either jungler on my team...
Improve yourself and you don't need to worry about a team :^)
Smurf mmr is getting too high. 11-12 wins in a row.
Losing games on purpose seems wrong ethically...
That double kill.
Ward brush at top -> Rengar can never get the jump on me. Casually run away with op move speed bonuses, E when bandage toss is thrown out. GG
Gogo, Korean overlords. Sadly (not putting them down or anything) I don't think TSM will make it past quarters. Pretty sure they're facing Samsung White
Edit: Just checked- think they're actually facing Edward Gaming. They might make it out of quarters, then
My predictions:
SSW vs SHRC - SSW win.
TSM vs EDG - TSM win.
SSB vs NJWS - SSB win.
ALL vs OMG - ALL win.
SSW vs TSM - SSW win.
SSB vs ALL - SSB win.
SSW vs SSB - SSW win 3:2, despite Blue being Whites kryptonite at OGN (would love to see a 5game series. These two teams provided really good games at OGN)
Gnar and Azir are new to me. Enjoying Azir's gameplay a little though.
Ive improved my Shaco support build:
frostfang, forbidden idol
sorc's, mejai, morello, void, athene's*, rabadon
just need 40% cdr and they'll basically never kill you. Thoughts?
throw shiv until you run out of mana
do nothing in ganks/all-ins, deceive away while your adc dies
do nothing late-game because you have no CC or scaling to speak of
keep playing it anyway because it's fun
I have been there.
Also, I don't really care what champ you are... If you're going support, please actually GET sightstone. Don't be one of /those/ guys.
frostfang, boots1, sightstone, sorc's shoes, lichbane, morello, zhonya/rabaddon (in that order, don't have to upgrade sightstone until super lategame, and even then it's pretty optional)
Frostfang, morello + blue pot will put you at 40% cdr (i forget if frostfang gives 10 or 20%)
I should probably try Lich bane, but the fact that I don't die makes Mejai tough.
As for wards, I don't need more than the trinket early on because I box all the entrances for ganks. AP ends up over 550 at full and with void, sorc's and mpen marks/quints his dagger drops anyone semi-squishy by almost half their health. Plus clone bombs are the other half of their health, so it's like clone + box + shiv = lolganked
His jitb need some scaling HP though, the stattik shiv proc completely drops one and it sucks.
Yay another champion with knockups to combo Yasuo with.
I'm thinking I'll cross promote and show people some Achaean combat too.
They'll be like "I never thought hacking the Pentagon would be so colorful. "
Just message me ingame or send an ooc tell.
What... Is your quest?
what... Is your usernamethosrsly.
at worlds*
rengar was second to last pick and autolocked jungle despite us already having voli jungle. Sona went top and I 1v2'd trist and thresh. Outplayed them in lane and came out of lanephase 2-0 with +10 cs on trist. Never had any jungler pressure from either jungler on my team...
Improve yourself and you don't need to worry about a team :^)