I just got pinged to hope on LoL for this new game mode. Asked what it was, was told it's basically like League on Adderall and Redbull. Time to take a look!
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Caitlyn so awesum, Sona so OP... Hecarim... so freaking fast. It was so freaking insane, I actually got a pentakill. Almost a hexakill, not sure it would've counted... because of people bringing revive, Katarina came right back in after I scored penta... except she nuked me instead of me nuking her.
But still, once I hit six, Jinx and Ahri(who was support, apparently) were no longer allowed in lane. Combined with Sona's Q spam, my Q spam and my ace in the hole, if they even came into attacking range, someone was dead.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I got to use Teemo before he got banned. Mushrooms, mushrooms everywhere. Also, if you get a team that includes Pantheon, Twisted Fate, and Shen, and everyone gets teleport, and everyone wards, you can really, really mess with and troll the other team.
Oh, you're going to roam the jungle solo? Just everyone ult on top of that person and scare the shit out of them.
Stacks infinitely on big monster/champ kills when it's actually upgraded to the flare. +3 damage/+1 life per hit 71 stacks = 311 bonus damage on hit (33% on champions) 81 health healed per hit (which functions on towers)
Solo baron and snipes from across the map. Everything went well enough, minus using my E to teleport where I surely thought Ashe's ult was -going- to go, but alas, I moved right in front of it. I would have been amazed, but it really was luck. The only one she landed all game!
Trying to get back into playing LoL but everytime I try to load it up, it just sits at the League of Legends little icon thing, and never will load up to where I can type in my username/password
There may already be an instance of LoLclient.exe running that isn't closing, try turning it off from task manager? Or whatever the mac equiv is if you're on a mac... or whatever it is in linux if you're linux. Usually, it will tell you this and offer to close it, but, sometimes it won't. So, yeah. Try that.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
But still, once I hit six, Jinx and Ahri(who was support, apparently) were no longer allowed in lane. Combined with Sona's Q spam, my Q spam and my ace in the hole, if they even came into attacking range, someone was dead.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
TSM -29
C9 - 49
I could not stop laughing. Probably the best LCS game I've ever watched (that beats the Ace in the Hole that followed the ADC to the fountain)
Stacks infinitely on big monster/champ kills when it's actually upgraded to the flare.
+3 damage/+1 life per hit
71 stacks = 311 bonus damage on hit (33% on champions)
81 health healed per hit (which functions on towers)
Rito pls.
Feral flare most fucked thing in the game since release-Xin Zhao.
Introducing: jax and j4 support. :x
Holy fuck I love this champion so much. Even when I get asshole-ish junglers who try to troll me cause I don't hard leash for them.
1250 AP veigar yolo.
New skin, beware NSFW.
Well, time for me to "brag" about something that isn't really that big of a deal...

400th win in ARAM. ... Oh... and +20 wins... So... that's about all I have to brag about. I suck, I know :P
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Trying to get back into playing LoL but everytime I try to load it up, it just sits at the League of Legends little icon thing, and never will load up to where I can type in my username/password
There may already be an instance of LoLclient.exe running that isn't closing, try turning it off from task manager? Or whatever the mac equiv is if you're on a mac... or whatever it is in linux if you're linux. Usually, it will tell you this and offer to close it, but, sometimes it won't. So, yeah. Try that.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/PepoLD/League of Legends/Darjun_zpsd702db73.png