Not everyone is ranked. I mean, I was(B1 in placements for Silver)... but I stopped, I'll probably try and play ranked again here shortly... and get placed bronze IV and sob as I fall into the depths of elo hell.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Doesn't detract from her still being considered a top tier support, and has been that way ever since her release, despite all her 'nerfs' - Good Sona is scary. I think in total I have about 500 games played with her. Which is a good 450 or so higher than any other champ I own ._.
This is the key to any high-risk, high-reward champion. Sona isn't a champion that you can just pick up and play like a god anymore. She used to be, but with her survivability hammered into the ground, you have to already be pretty confident with your lane positioning and base mechanics to really shine with her.
Most champions that are considered top-tier are like this. Many of them are only top-tier when you can play them very well, utilizing their mechanics in very specific ways. Cassiopeia and Orianna will always be great examples of this. Both of these champions are absolutely amazing. The problem is that they both require incredible understanding and practice to unlock the potentials that make them top-tier.
This is why I really appreciate the Riven changes. She's been a face-roll champion for a long time, with mediocre players able to abuse the insane early game and scaling combination with little effort. Now, however, you have to have a little more knowledge than ignite-q-auto-stun-auto-q-auto-q-auto.
[2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
Leblanc was 11/0/3 at about 15 minutes into the game. Should have lost that one, seriously lol. We were down 6k gold even after winning. No way to actually team fight and win unless they did something incredibly stupid.
Heh that is one of the few support I don't own. I have played her several times during a free rotation, but that was all ARAM, so while I did excellent with her, I doubt it will translate well to the larger maps.
Mostly I need to suck it up and practice with a few specific champions on the other maps. Hell, I can't even decide what items to buy on other maps. ) I prefer ARAM, clearly, but don't hate the other maps. So bot practice time, here I come.
Oh well. Not quite as funny as the time I got Lux (Wasn't experienced with her, tried to trade, no one could/would) 27/2/29. Got half our kills, @Aegoth kept going 'WTF' on skype call.
Oh well. Not quite as funny as the time I got Lux (Wasn't experienced with her, tried to trade, no one could/would) 27/2/29. Got half our kills, @Aegoth kept going 'WTF' on skype call.
Wait wait wait, no one wanted Lux? That is weird. That is like not being able to trade someone Teemo in ARAM heh.
Oh well. Not quite as funny as the time I got Lux (Wasn't experienced with her, tried to trade, no one could/would) 27/2/29. Got half our kills, @Aegoth kept going 'WTF' on skype call.
Wait wait wait, no one wanted Lux? That is weird. That is like not being able to trade someone Teemo in ARAM heh.
TF and Lux are super easy on ARAM. Don't get me wrong, a skilled TF or Lux player will smash with them, but they just have so much poke, and in Lux's case zone control.. that it's generally hard to not do okay with them. Even when you have no idea how to play them :P As long as you know what each ability does and you build a chalice to allow you to spam... (I generally always build a chalice on any AP I get in aram. Including Amumu and Malphite)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
TF and Lux are super easy on ARAM. Don't get me wrong, a skilled TF or Lux player will smash with them, but they just have so much poke, and in Lux's case zone control.. that it's generally hard to not do okay with them. Even when you have no idea how to play them :P As long as you know what each ability does and you build a chalice to allow you to spam... (I generally always build a chalice on any AP I get in aram. Including Amumu and Malphite)
Yeah, they are easy, but I've never done more than average with TF before. (Last time I played him I don't think I was level 30)
Idk what to say about this game.. Vlad jung was horrible, enemy adc ragequit because his support was eating every hook... and their Yatsuo was destroying our top heh, but playing Trynd is always fun
Not sure why I broke my female-only creed and bought Zed. Must be because of an attempt at following Faker's footsteps. Or must be because of his laugh. The latter is more likely.
Any tips on making the most out of this shadowy human?
Get first pick. Ban Zed. You have now done all there is to do with Zed.
Really, though? No idea. :P I can't play melee for the life of me, so i never actually invest in them. Usually see Zed in LCS play rush bork and then black cleaver I think? Outside of that... learn to juke, learn to juke or die trying.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Just play AP Sona support and carry team to victory. Enemy team will fear your 1900 passive+Q+auto attack combos (might be more? I forget),88,18,513,241,91&runes=11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,53,53,53&level=18&masteries=104000300010000000000000000000000000000103030130011102131&fspells=true
You're doing it wrong.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Mostly I need to suck it up and practice with a few specific champions on the other maps. Hell, I can't even decide what items to buy on other maps.
I hate when that happens. Sound a little obnoxious much... I didn't think I'd do well.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Hour long placement games are painful. QQ @Internet making me lose 3 games that we were on the verge of winning.
But when it happens, it does make the game more enjoyable.
Very skill.
Such poke.
10/10 would play again.
Game mode is dumb as hell.
Though, I really wanna play Yasuo+J4 top lane / Orianna or Anivia mid / Sona+MF bot lane / Wukong jungle.
Ultimate wombo combo.
Really, though? No idea. :P I can't play melee for the life of me, so i never actually invest in them. Usually see Zed in LCS play rush bork and then black cleaver I think? Outside of that... learn to juke, learn to juke or die trying.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.