Been a while since I've bothered to play properly, and not fuck around... I can see why he's such a highly contested champ at worlds. (I r master of supports. Too busy zoning trist majorly out of fights )
Solo bot Veigar w/double jungle. trist/sona bot. (Went 0/21/9 masteries and Mpen/H/MR/AP) Other team wasn't bad though, the kog hurts. Oh and it was Teemo mid and Thresh top.
Only had to wait like 75 leavers in Team Builder. :,)
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
I was 1v2 so I went for RoA and Tear first so I could spam more poke and withstand more. The defense masteries definitely saved me like 2 times. I figured I could get away with less AP since he builds some of his own.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
Insta surrender right after my double kill. I don't have the video but picture this play. 1. set two jitb outside dragon pit. My Sion starts dragoning. I keep pinging him to lure the damn dragon into my boxes but he doesn't get it 2. Hecarim ults over the pit (full health) into dragon, me and Sion walk away with dragon at half health 3. Hec tries to leave the pit, hits my two boxes and a Shiv dagger to the face, I drop a 3rd box next to him but me and the dragon just auto'd the snot out of him so he dies before it goes off. 4. Lucian is duelling my Jayce down by the river bush and they're both almost dead so I Q over and throw another Dagger for the double just in time.
5. Enemy team surrenders 5 to 0. XD 6. I cackle manically and ADC Jayce wants to be friends
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
So Shaco top may be a thing now. The downside is I had 20 stacks of Mejai and decided Athene's was the best mana item I could get, so I have like 70% CDR.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
To all those I've raged and slapped within my games, just know all deserved it.
(I r master of supports. Too busy zoning trist majorly out of fights
The funnest.
17 stacks. And no, the Sion sold everything for Warmog's at the end.
Solo bot Veigar w/double jungle. trist/sona bot. (Went 0/21/9 masteries and Mpen/H/MR/AP)
Other team wasn't bad though, the kog hurts.
Oh and it was Teemo mid and Thresh top.
Only had to wait like 75 leavers in Team Builder. :,)
That Yi mid don't know how ta be.
EDIT: my favorite part of AD tf
Insta surrender right after my double kill. I don't have the video but picture this play.
1. set two jitb outside dragon pit. My Sion starts dragoning. I keep pinging him to lure the damn dragon into my boxes but he doesn't get it
2. Hecarim ults over the pit (full health) into dragon, me and Sion walk away with dragon at half health
3. Hec tries to leave the pit, hits my two boxes and a Shiv dagger to the face, I drop a 3rd box next to him but me and the dragon just auto'd the snot out of him so he dies before it goes off.
4. Lucian is duelling my Jayce down by the river bush and they're both almost dead so I Q over and throw another Dagger for the double just in time.
5. Enemy team surrenders 5 to 0. XD
6. I cackle manically and ADC Jayce wants to be friends
14k gold, no deaths. @Cidusii, @Aegoth, @Dragonknight.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
So Shaco top may be a thing now.
The downside is I had 20 stacks of Mejai and decided Athene's was the best mana item I could get, so I have like 70% CDR.
And lots of face poops.