First Snowdown gamemode is out: Legend of the Poro King! It's on the ARAM's map, but not random selection. Decided to try it out and ended up recording it as well.
What region do most people here play in? I recently got a new laptop & mouse, so I can play graphical games, finally!
I've been using Yi as my main with Garen as my second choice. Garen seems fairly straightforward so far and I usually get a decent score with him, although I've only done a few ranked and most of my matches have been against intermediate bots so that may be why. I may be wrong but he comes across as a bit one-dimensional and I've had some trouble against quick Champs. Either way he kind of bores me so I want to improve how I play with Yi.
On that note... I'm pretty lost when it comes to Yi, both equipment and strategy wise. So far I've just been going for enhancements to movement and attack speed and then using W/Q to minimize/stop enemy Champs' Ult's and doing auto attack for my primary source of damage and then R/Q to last-hit. I haven't found many people that outrun Yi so I only ever really need to Ghost if I get ganked by Champs or to escape from a tower if I killed them in there. Any tips?
When using your Q to harass if your target dies while your dashing around you will return to your original location rather than next to your target. You can use this to harass champs who would otherwise punish you for using your Q.
We seem to have a fairly spread out population, but I'd say the "majority" (like, not even an actual majority, but just simply the larger percentage, thus a majority) play on NA.
As for Yi, only jungle him :P Well, you can lane Yi, but only scrubs lane Yi <insert Twitch Kappa™ here>. Uhm, with Yi, you have to play as an assassin, kind of. I believe most people rush static shiv, then either a ravenous hydra or an IE, then the other ... with boots somewhere in between. What kind of boots tend to vary based on the game. I'm actually a -terrible- Yi. When in lane, harass with your alpha strike, get them low, don't just dive in and start hitting them.
Remember, straight attack speed is generally useless(well, in outright numbers) if you don't build AD to go with it, or some sort of on-hit. So don't just buy everything attack speed, mix in some AD. Especially IE, since that gives you heavier crits, which you're generally going to get from building your attack speed anyway.
I'm sure ye olde "Pro as Heck Guide to Master Yi" still works, wherein all you need is a wriggle's lantern, mobility boots, and four zeals. ... don't take my word for it, though XD
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
So since they changed faerie charm to %, you pretty much get (+2 per 5) until level 9-ish. Has anyone found it a problem that it's harder to build base mana? i put 3 flat mana regen glyphs (+1/5)on my ap support book and feel fine now but not sure if I could go back.
Then again I am very mana hungry.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
What region do most people here play in? I recently got a new laptop & mouse, so I can play graphical games, finally!
I've been using Yi as my main with Garen as my second choice. Garen seems fairly straightforward so far and I usually get a decent score with him, although I've only done a few ranked and most of my matches have been against intermediate bots so that may be why. I may be wrong but he comes across as a bit one-dimensional and I've had some trouble against quick Champs. Either way he kind of bores me so I want to improve how I play with Yi.
On that note... I'm pretty lost when it comes to Yi, both equipment and strategy wise. So far I've just been going for enhancements to movement and attack speed and then using W/Q to minimize/stop enemy Champs' Ult's and doing auto attack for my primary source of damage and then R/Q to last-hit. I haven't found many people that outrun Yi so I only ever really need to Ghost if I get ganked by Champs or to escape from a tower if I killed them in there. Any tips?
Also watch a video of a recent jungle guide. There are some recent changes since it's the preseason right now and a lot of things are different. Watching a simple video guide is the easiest way to learn to jungle.
As for items, you'll have to decide on your jungle item (but you should definitely get one). Blade of the Ruined King is very, very popular on Yi, particularly if you can remember to use the active on it. Other big items are Last Whisper (if you look at tab and the enemy team is building big armor items), Statikk Shiv (gives great stats, helps you clear minion waves, and you can charge it ridiculously quickly), Youmuu's Ghostblade (pair its active with your E active and your passive to do ugly things to people), and Infinity Edge (loldamage). Most games you'll want to pick up Berserker's Greaves for boots, but if the enemy team has a lot of stuns, slows, and other CC (except knock-ups, which don't count as normal CC), take Mercury's Treads. Some people like boots of mobility instead. You probably won't buy any defensive items in most games, or at least not many, but Randuin's is good for armor (don't forget about its active), Banshee's Veil is good for Magic Resist, and Quicksilver Sash is what you use if someone on their team keeps targeting you with some kind of atrocious CC (like Warwick or Malzahar keep ulting you - you can also use it to counter Zed's ult and a ton of other things). If you're getting shut down and killed immediately over and over, think about how you're using Q and W to keep yourself alive. If you're still dying too quickly, you need to buy a defensive item - buying more damage is useless if you're not alive to dish it out. But your primary goal is to do so much loldamage and be such a huge pain with your Q invincibility, W heal and damage reduction, and R to run away, that you can get away with buying only offensive items and thus increase said loldamage.
The main thing you do as Yi is use Q to close on people and do AoE damage (you can use it to poke too - if the thing you target dies, you'll end up back where you started instead of next to it, letting you use it on minions to hit out-of-reach champions without ending up next to them), use W to survive and sustain, use the active on E to kill, and use R to kill or to move really fast to run away.
Late-game, you use Q to dive deep into the enemy ranks and then E and R to take out their carries. You use W to survive. Once the ball gets rolling, you just loldamage everyone to death.
The reason you feel lost as Yi is that he's very awkward to play in lanes. This is why he's usually played as a jungle. His skill use is also pretty straightforward (which is not to say you can't pull off some impressive plays), but jungling adds a whole layer of complication with the jungle creeps, smite, and, especially, learning when and when not to gank to secure kills. The latter is actually a great skill to develop while you're relatively new to the game too.
Probably the single most common mistake of new players is significantly misjudging whether the position of everyone in a lane is actually conducive to trying to get a kill. Learning to actually initiate ganks helps with that I think. You'll learn a lot about vision control too.
A lot of people are intimidated by this stuff and decide that they'll learn to ward and/or jungle later and focus on learning to build and learning to play certain champions, but it's a lot easier to learn stuff like jungling and vision than it seems and it pays dividends if you just force yourself to start worrying about those things early.
I've enjoyed pretty much all of the special game modes - though I honestly wonder if I would enjoy them as much if they were made permanent.
I can't remember what it was called, but that one where everyone on the team played the same champion was my favourite. All Zileans was hilarious.
I played a game of it with Flight of the Valkyries blasting in the background as we all steamed down the lane with permanent speed boost, chronoshifted the entire team, and then bombed their team into oblivion in under a second.
I've enjoyed pretty much all of the special game modes - though I honestly wonder if I would enjoy them as much if they were made permanent.
I can't remember what it was called, but that one where everyone on the team played the same champion was my favourite. All Zileans was hilarious.
I played a game of it with Flight of the Valkyries blasting in the background as we all steamed down the lane with permanent speed boost, chronoshifted the entire team, and then bombed their team into oblivion in under a second.
All For One. Played that with all Heimerdingers.
Ultra Rapid Fire is personally my favourite, and if it were made permanent I would probably play nothing else.
Oh, joy, the most recent LoL patch doesn't work on macs. Guess I'll put this one on the back burner for a few months.
Did you actually try it or did you just see that on forums?
The OSX client is still in beta right now and it seems to be a little bit more volatile than usual with the last few patches. Some people seem to have zero problems, some people have minor problems that are more annoying than game-breaking (this is the group I ended up falling into when I tried to play on my MBP), and it flat-out doesn't work for some other people. Worth a try to see if you're one of the lucky few.
Mac client is working except they broke spectate mode. And there is a bug that sometimes selects the default skin in team builder. Not Mac soecific though I think
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
I didn't think to screenshot it, but I went 25/0/15 as Yasuo (with no feeders, no afks, no bad players).
Of course, the second game I tried to play had a jungler who got executed four times by our own jungle creep and an afk.
I've been using Yi as my main with Garen as my second choice. Garen seems fairly straightforward so far and I usually get a decent score with him, although I've only done a few ranked and most of my matches have been against intermediate bots so that may be why. I may be wrong but he comes across as a bit one-dimensional and I've had some trouble against quick Champs. Either way he kind of bores me so I want to improve how I play with Yi.
On that note... I'm pretty lost when it comes to Yi, both equipment and strategy wise. So far I've just been going for enhancements to movement and attack speed and then using W/Q to minimize/stop enemy Champs' Ult's and doing auto attack for my primary source of damage and then R/Q to last-hit. I haven't found many people that outrun Yi so I only ever really need to Ghost if I get ganked by Champs or to escape from a tower if I killed them in there. Any tips?
As for Yi, only jungle him :P Well, you can lane Yi, but only scrubs lane Yi <insert Twitch Kappa™ here>. Uhm, with Yi, you have to play as an assassin, kind of. I believe most people rush static shiv, then either a ravenous hydra or an IE, then the other ... with boots somewhere in between. What kind of boots tend to vary based on the game. I'm actually a -terrible- Yi. When in lane, harass with your alpha strike, get them low, don't just dive in and start hitting them.
Remember, straight attack speed is generally useless(well, in outright numbers) if you don't build AD to go with it, or some sort of on-hit. So don't just buy everything attack speed, mix in some AD. Especially IE, since that gives you heavier crits, which you're generally going to get from building your attack speed anyway.
I'm sure ye olde "Pro as Heck Guide to Master Yi" still works, wherein all you need is a wriggle's lantern, mobility boots, and four zeals. ... don't take my word for it, though XD
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
i put 3 flat mana regen glyphs (+1/5)on my ap support book and feel fine now but not sure if I could go back.
Then again I am very mana hungry.
Also watch a video of a recent jungle guide. There are some recent changes since it's the preseason right now and a lot of things are different. Watching a simple video guide is the easiest way to learn to jungle.
As for items, you'll have to decide on your jungle item (but you should definitely get one). Blade of the Ruined King is very, very popular on Yi, particularly if you can remember to use the active on it. Other big items are Last Whisper (if you look at tab and the enemy team is building big armor items), Statikk Shiv (gives great stats, helps you clear minion waves, and you can charge it ridiculously quickly), Youmuu's Ghostblade (pair its active with your E active and your passive to do ugly things to people), and Infinity Edge (loldamage). Most games you'll want to pick up Berserker's Greaves for boots, but if the enemy team has a lot of stuns, slows, and other CC (except knock-ups, which don't count as normal CC), take Mercury's Treads. Some people like boots of mobility instead. You probably won't buy any defensive items in most games, or at least not many, but Randuin's is good for armor (don't forget about its active), Banshee's Veil is good for Magic Resist, and Quicksilver Sash is what you use if someone on their team keeps targeting you with some kind of atrocious CC (like Warwick or Malzahar keep ulting you - you can also use it to counter Zed's ult and a ton of other things). If you're getting shut down and killed immediately over and over, think about how you're using Q and W to keep yourself alive. If you're still dying too quickly, you need to buy a defensive item - buying more damage is useless if you're not alive to dish it out. But your primary goal is to do so much loldamage and be such a huge pain with your Q invincibility, W heal and damage reduction, and R to run away, that you can get away with buying only offensive items and thus increase said loldamage.
The main thing you do as Yi is use Q to close on people and do AoE damage (you can use it to poke too - if the thing you target dies, you'll end up back where you started instead of next to it, letting you use it on minions to hit out-of-reach champions without ending up next to them), use W to survive and sustain, use the active on E to kill, and use R to kill or to move really fast to run away.
Late-game, you use Q to dive deep into the enemy ranks and then E and R to take out their carries. You use W to survive. Once the ball gets rolling, you just loldamage everyone to death.
The reason you feel lost as Yi is that he's very awkward to play in lanes. This is why he's usually played as a jungle. His skill use is also pretty straightforward (which is not to say you can't pull off some impressive plays), but jungling adds a whole layer of complication with the jungle creeps, smite, and, especially, learning when and when not to gank to secure kills. The latter is actually a great skill to develop while you're relatively new to the game too.
Probably the single most common mistake of new players is significantly misjudging whether the position of everyone in a lane is actually conducive to trying to get a kill. Learning to actually initiate ganks helps with that I think. You'll learn a lot about vision control too.
A lot of people are intimidated by this stuff and decide that they'll learn to ward and/or jungle later and focus on learning to build and learning to play certain champions, but it's a lot easier to learn stuff like jungling and vision than it seems and it pays dividends if you just force yourself to start worrying about those things early.
I love him already. I went 21/8/2 in my second game as him and got raged at so much in the end game screen. It's the best thing
The downside of doing this so often is that I forget how to play anything but AP Shaco.
A couple friends and I started the addiction over the weekend. My player name is (surprise, surprise) Herenicus.
Bonus RP
Also, I've heard rumour that Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) mode will be returning for New Years, but I haven't seen anything posted about it yet to confirm.
I can't remember what it was called, but that one where everyone on the team played the same champion was my favourite. All Zileans was hilarious.
I played a game of it with Flight of the Valkyries blasting in the background as we all steamed down the lane with permanent speed boost, chronoshifted the entire team, and then bombed their team into oblivion in under a second.
Ultra Rapid Fire is personally my favourite, and if it were made permanent I would probably play nothing else.
Installing LoL. -_-
Oh, joy, the most recent LoL patch doesn't work on macs. Guess I'll put this one on the back burner for a few months.
The OSX client is still in beta right now and it seems to be a little bit more volatile than usual with the last few patches. Some people seem to have zero problems, some people have minor problems that are more annoying than game-breaking (this is the group I ended up falling into when I tried to play on my MBP), and it flat-out doesn't work for some other people. Worth a try to see if you're one of the lucky few.