Long night of dealing with drama, and tools in Achaea.. Then decide I'm bored out of my mind, so queue up for ranked.. Get this game http://i.imgur.com/Cw5N0.png Don't hate on the elo, hardly played at all this season x_x Also ap lulu support is fun.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Last time I had that kind of Caitlyn play ... was the last time I won... !_!
It was also filled with negative nancies and one really huge rager... as evidenced in this post-game screen... completely un-edited. Don't worry, I reported him.
This was earlier in the week, mind you. So, it wasn't last night or yesterday... I'm on a losing streak right now.
Despite it being a negative game, it was actually a pretty good game once you got past the negativity of my teammates. And Malphite actually did something...
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Played my first bots game since Christmas vacation. I decide to roll support Leona to get me prepped. People wanted a fast game.
Then they told me to go 'hitter'. Several seconds after game was 10-seconding to start.
We still won, even when I stuck as support. I decided that the 'friendly' badge I had should mean something and directed the guys to do standard-issue tactics - stick together, focus on the softies, watch for ganks.
We won.
Afterwards, I decided to spend the next few hours playing Mass Effect 2. Oh, Tali, you so adorable.
I was all cocky from playing in low elo/normals with the Achaean crowd that isn't level 30 on NA yet, then I join up for inhouse 5v5s with some friends, 90% of who are above 1600 elo, some at 1850+, and one at 2150+.
Still won my lane half the time, and won 3/4 games, even carrying one as 16-5 katarina, but jesus christ it required so much more effort.
I got STOMPED as twisted fate by a ryze/shaco combo. Got unlucky having a Warwick jungle on my team vs. their Shaco, but still I played horribly.
3 games in a row last night, we managed to get perfect team comps..
Stuff like: Shen top, Malph jungle, Orianna mid, Sona bot lane + strong AD or: Malph top, Nautilus jungle, Vlad mid, Lulu + strong ad bot lane.
but jk someone from enemy team dodges in the last 2 seconds, and then we end up with a generic comp like kha'zix top, ahri mid x_x.. still won but
Standard solo queue shenanigans .
The worst is when I get my lane, nice team, all friendly, and I have a good counterpick that I feel confident with, then someone dodges last second and next queue I get is a troll queue and no one dodges.
It's like you go from tasting the +14 elo to -12 instantly.
3 games in a row last night, we managed to get perfect team comps..
Stuff like: Shen top, Malph jungle, Orianna mid, Sona bot lane + strong AD or: Malph top, Nautilus jungle, Vlad mid, Lulu + strong ad bot lane.
but jk someone from enemy team dodges in the last 2 seconds, and then we end up with a generic comp like kha'zix top, ahri mid x_x.. still won but
Standard solo queue shenanigans .
The worst is when I get my lane, nice team, all friendly, and I have a good counterpick that I feel confident with, then someone dodges last second and next queue I get is a troll queue and no one dodges.
It's like you go from tasting the +14 elo to -12 instantly.
Even worse, when you get a cool team like that.. Go like 4-1 in lane, be ahead by 40+ cs when lane ends.. And the rest of your lanes have fed the enemy team to the point you can't carry x_x #YoloQ
3 games in a row last night, we managed to get perfect team comps..
Stuff like: Shen top, Malph jungle, Orianna mid, Sona bot lane + strong AD or: Malph top, Nautilus jungle, Vlad mid, Lulu + strong ad bot lane.
but jk someone from enemy team dodges in the last 2 seconds, and then we end up with a generic comp like kha'zix top, ahri mid x_x.. still won but
Standard solo queue shenanigans .
The worst is when I get my lane, nice team, all friendly, and I have a good counterpick that I feel confident with, then someone dodges last second and next queue I get is a troll queue and no one dodges.
It's like you go from tasting the +14 elo to -12 instantly.
Even worse, when you get a cool team like that.. Go like 4-1 in lane, be ahead by 40+ cs when lane ends.. And the rest of your lanes have fed the enemy team to the point you can't carry x_x #YoloQ
That's why I play strong skirmishers and push my lane constantly now.
Most people at lower elo (1300ish) are decent at winning lane, but suck vs. jungler and roaming, so if I go top or mid and pressure the fuck out of the enemy, I draw the jungler to me and give them freedom to win.
I just play stupid aggressive and buy 2 wards like every shop. Ward deep and then push into tower relentlessly.
Started Starcall at level 1 on support Soraka. I don't often play her (she's boring) and I never start Starcall when I do. But holy crap. The enemy team comp was a little ambiguous so I wasn't sure who their bot lane would be - turned out to be Ezreal + Graves, and they picked a fight at level 1. We destroyed them.
Started Starcall at level 1 on support Soraka. I don't often play her (she's boring) and I never start Starcall when I do. But holy crap. The enemy team comp was a little ambiguous so I wasn't sure who their bot lane would be - turned out to be Ezreal + Graves, and they picked a fight at level 1. We destroyed them.
Soraka is retarded strong if you know what you're doing bot lane and auto-attack/silence/starcall harass constantly.
There's a reason a ton of games at diamond and above ban soraka/sona.
Started Starcall at level 1 on support Soraka. I don't often play her (she's boring) and I never start Starcall when I do. But holy crap. The enemy team comp was a little ambiguous so I wasn't sure who their bot lane would be - turned out to be Ezreal + Graves, and they picked a fight at level 1. We destroyed them.
Soraka is retarded strong if you know what you're doing bot lane and auto-attack/silence/starcall harass constantly.
There's a reason a ton of games at diamond and above ban soraka/sona.
The majority of people at Diamond elo have each other on their friends list, though. And at that elo, you can tell who's on the other team by checking it if you play at the right times. So most people do target bans like that, rather than banning what's 'op' I don't recall ever seeing either of those two banned honestly. Amumu and Shen more often than anything else, or Cho'gath. But really, it's more about banning champs that the enemy top/jungler are exceptionally good with at that elo. I've even seen Blitzcrank open a lot of the time too.
Started Starcall at level 1 on support Soraka. I don't often play her (she's boring) and I never start Starcall when I do. But holy crap. The enemy team comp was a little ambiguous so I wasn't sure who their bot lane would be - turned out to be Ezreal + Graves, and they picked a fight at level 1. We destroyed them.
Soraka is retarded strong if you know what you're doing bot lane and auto-attack/silence/starcall harass constantly.
There's a reason a ton of games at diamond and above ban soraka/sona.
The majority of people at Diamond elo have each other on their friends list, though. And at that elo, you can tell who's on the other team by checking it if you play at the right times. So most people do target bans like that, rather than banning what's 'op' I don't recall ever seeing either of those two banned honestly. Amumu and Shen more often than anything else, or Cho'gath. But really, it's more about banning champs that the enemy top/jungler are exceptionally good with at that elo. I've even seen Blitzcrank open a lot of the time too.
Played ... what, five games this afternoon? All by my lonesome because I no longer have friends ( @Erasariel@Carmain@Eiredhel@Ruth@Iseria (I think?) >P). Anyway, I'm about two-three games from getting summoner level 30, finally. Most of the games were ADC, but one game, I couldn't get ADC... instead of fighting it, I went support ... and I think I made people hurt.
... I also KS'd so much.... XD Not intentionally, but at least three were steals, about three were long-range auto-attacks that no one would've got because my auto-attack fired at the last second at extreme range.
And then there was the double-kill under turret our Ezreal didn't get. To be fair. He was already dead. We got dived 3v2. I lived long enough to pick up the double kill from turret damage and whatever the hell Sona's Q is called. We broke even and didn't even lose the turret.
No, wait, over the long run, we picked up the kill on Varus because he hung around too long and Shaco mopped up ... a minute later.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
if you need to restrain yourself from bitching to your teammates, i think it's better if you do something else
league of legends, like most super-competitive games is a really, really annoying game most of the time, and it can bring the worst out of people. should prepare before you take the plunge.
if you want to vent ingame, please don't do it on team chat - don't even consider putting it on all chat. if i wanna bitch about something i talk to my skype group, who takes my ranting (and my rambling) very well.
remember, your own team is half the game. don't do anything that can weaken your teammates' unity - you're busy enough dealing with the enemy team! don't make it much harder than it is!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Don't hate on the elo, hardly played at all this season x_x
Also ap lulu support is fun.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Despite it being a negative game, it was actually a pretty good game once you got past the negativity of my teammates. And Malphite actually did something...
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Hard mode.
Stuff like: Shen top, Malph jungle, Orianna mid, Sona bot lane + strong AD
or: Malph top, Nautilus jungle, Vlad mid, Lulu + strong ad bot lane.
but jk someone from enemy team dodges in the last 2 seconds, and then we end up with a generic comp like kha'zix top, ahri mid x_x.. still won but
What's this?!? It's tank Jayce of course!
PS. Thiev did not carry that game with Xerath, do not believe a word he says.
I don't recall ever seeing either of those two banned honestly. Amumu and Shen more often than anything else, or Cho'gath. But really, it's more about banning champs that the enemy top/jungler are exceptionally good with at that elo. I've even seen Blitzcrank open a lot of the time too.
And then there was the double-kill under turret our Ezreal didn't get. To be fair. He was already dead. We got dived 3v2. I lived long enough to pick up the double kill from turret damage and whatever the hell Sona's Q is called. We broke even and didn't even lose the turret.
No, wait, over the long run, we picked up the kill on Varus because he hung around too long and Shaco mopped up ... a minute later.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
you don't need to make an effort not to be toxic
you don't need to make an effort to be nice
if you need to restrain yourself from bitching to your teammates, i think it's better if you do something else
league of legends, like most super-competitive games is a really, really annoying game most of the time, and it can bring the worst out of people. should prepare before you take the plunge.
if you want to vent ingame, please don't do it on team chat - don't even consider putting it on all chat. if i wanna bitch about something i talk to my skype group, who takes my ranting (and my rambling) very well.
remember, your own team is half the game. don't do anything that can weaken your teammates' unity - you're busy enough dealing with the enemy team! don't make it much harder than it is!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)