The main mechanical goal of the army system is to make it so "high value targets" -are- the priority, otherwise it'd be a case where raiders would just pick off low-level/skill adventurers and easily farm up the power needed to destroy large sections of the city. It is assumed that high-ranked soldiers are the ones who are actively participating in the offensive and defensive sorties, and have achieved their rank by being successful/skilled in these situations.
The secondary goal is to incentivise having raids occur when there are defenders around, preventing the same situation as the old system: only raid at 4am when there's only a handful of citizens around for an easy room destruction.
In hindsight, perhaps we should have been a little more clear with what we had intended for the ARMY PROMOTE command - a way to recognise those who may have been assisting "behind the scenes" and may not have necessarily been rewarded via the "official" system (i.e. assisted, but may have not landed a killing blow, or provided support for those who were on the front lines).
The ranking system was not designed(*) as a basis for your city's military hierarchy - it is more to convey something like veteran status. We could potentially change the terminology to something other than "rank" if that is helpful. Suggestions?
(*) That's not to say it can't evolve into that in the future, but this is how it was intended in the formative stages.
Military "esteem" or "prestige" would convey that notion better, I think.
Call of Duty much?
Nah that doesn't resonate with me.
I think something more along the lines of various stages of involvement have various "levels" associated with them. Much like we have with each level gained in experience.
Say 1 defense a month is like "Defender"
Whereas 1 defense, 1 raid, 1 room destroyed a month would be "Harbinger"
Something along those lines. Granted this would be a rolling average type situation, or maybe even change monthly?
Like, how many ranks can you gain in a month and make a mini-player-contest out of it.
That way there isn't the "promote" system and the MoW doesn't have to do the rankings him/herself. Also, it would allow for progression in a manner that shows your aptitude in various situations while not directly affecting your status in Army/City.
Ps please excuse grammar/syntax issues this is on a phone and is super lame.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
I really liked the idea of army ranks as a counterpoint to city ranks. So much possibility there. I hope it'll get developed in that direction someday.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
The main mechanical goal of the army system is to make it so "high value targets" -are- the priority, otherwise it'd be a case where raiders would just pick off low-level/skill adventurers and easily farm up the power needed to destroy large sections of the city. It is assumed that high-ranked soldiers are the ones who are actively participating in the offensive and defensive sorties, and have achieved their rank by being successful/skilled in these situations.
The secondary goal is to incentivise having raids occur when there are defenders around, preventing the same situation as the old system: only raid at 4am when there's only a handful of citizens around for an easy room destruction.
In hindsight, perhaps we should have been a little more clear with what we had intended for the ARMY PROMOTE command - a way to recognise those who may have been assisting "behind the scenes" and may not have necessarily been rewarded via the "official" system (i.e. assisted, but may have not landed a killing blow, or provided support for those who were on the front lines).
The ranking system was not designed(*) as a basis for your city's military hierarchy - it is more to convey something like veteran status. We could potentially change the terminology to something other than "rank" if that is helpful. Suggestions?
(*) That's not to say it can't evolve into that in the future, but this is how it was intended in the formative stages.
Simpler is better. How about it actually be labelled veteran status?
@Tecton : Just out of curiousity and if it's not too much trouble, what are the army ranks for each city? Eleusis/Ashtan seem to have the coolest sounding ranks so far.
@Tecton : Just out of curiousity and if it's not too much trouble, what are the army ranks for each city? Eleusis/Ashtan seem to have the coolest sounding ranks so far.
It's true. Join Eleusis, become a Reaper. You know you all want to.
@Tecton : Just out of curiousity and if it's not too much trouble, what are the army ranks for each city? Eleusis/Ashtan seem to have the coolest sounding ranks so far.
It's true. Join Eleusis, become a Reaper. You know you all want to.
Reaper sounds cool. Reaper of the Chaff sounds like a piece of farm equipment.
You don't reap chaff, you reap the crop, and then shake the chaff from the cut crop on a barn floor, or in a giant machine before bundling.
If anything, you might collect the chaff, or sweep it away, but not reap,
The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?" The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
About group xp. Why not have group xp enabled for kills inside sanctioned raids so there wont be 5 v 1 ganks at thera for xp reasons. Also have it only affect members of thr cities army.
The main mechanical goal of the army system is to make it so "high value targets" -are- the priority, otherwise it'd be a case where raiders would just pick off low-level/skill adventurers and easily farm up the power needed to destroy large sections of the city. It is assumed that high-ranked soldiers are the ones who are actively participating in the offensive and defensive sorties, and have achieved their rank by being successful/skilled in these situations.
The secondary goal is to incentivise having raids occur when there are defenders around, preventing the same situation as the old system: only raid at 4am when there's only a handful of citizens around for an easy room destruction.
In hindsight, perhaps we should have been a little more clear with what we had intended for the ARMY PROMOTE command - a way to recognise those who may have been assisting "behind the scenes" and may not have necessarily been rewarded via the "official" system (i.e. assisted, but may have not landed a killing blow, or provided support for those who were on the front lines).
The ranking system was not designed(*) as a basis for your city's military hierarchy - it is more to convey something like veteran status. We could potentially change the terminology to something other than "rank" if that is helpful. Suggestions?
(*) That's not to say it can't evolve into that in the future, but this is how it was intended in the formative stages.
Thank you. I am curious though, is there any incentive currently for a city's defenders to actually participate in a raid defense? The way it looks now is that the only incentive to defend is to not have a single room destroyed. However, if the defense is not successful there is a higher chance many more rooms would be destroyed. Looks to me like there is more incentive to not participate than there is to participate. (not participate = 1 room destroyed, participation means 1-10 rooms potentially destroyed)
Is it that Tanks can be captured and can be turned in to the city for use/Gold? Is it assumed that most times the defense party will be able to beat the invaders before they can get a tank up? I feel like this is a large loophole in the system which renders it pointless and the assumption is the raiding force will match up evenly with the defense force which is actually pretty rare.
If you don't want to capture a tank, dismantling it gives as much xp as room destruction is (which is a very big chunk), so that's a pretty good incentive.
You don't have to just rush headlong into a defense either. It's quite viable to empower the font, wait for it to stack up, and THEN rush in. If you succeed in that defense rush, you get a tank to dismantle for a biiig chunk of sweet, sweet xp.
If you don't want to capture a tank, dismantling it gives as much xp as room destruction is (which is a very big chunk), so that's a pretty good incentive.
You don't have to just rush headlong into a defense either. It's quite viable to empower the font, wait for it to stack up, and THEN rush in. If you succeed in that defense rush, you get a tank to dismantle for a biiig chunk of sweet, sweet xp.
Because defending is fun, and pk is the reason a lot of us play the game?
And because it's good rp to defend your city.
I interpreted his question as "is there a reason for Hashani defenders to participate in a raid defense," which sort of rules those reasons out.
Correct interpretation. However, one crazy day Hashani could be the super power and some other city realizes to not have their city destroyed they should not compete. It could happen anywhere but the current example is in fact, Hashan.
If you don't want to capture a tank, dismantling it gives as much xp as room destruction is (which is a very big chunk), so that's a pretty good incentive.
You don't have to just rush headlong into a defense either. It's quite viable to empower the font, wait for it to stack up, and THEN rush in. If you succeed in that defense rush, you get a tank to dismantle for a biiig chunk of sweet, sweet xp.
What happens if you do not succeed after that?
Then you lose the battle...this system is an attempt to balance the rewards for both sides, not so much balance the odds of either side winning.
Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Nah that doesn't resonate with me.
I think something more along the lines of various stages of involvement have various "levels" associated with them. Much like we have with each level gained in experience.
Say 1 defense a month is like "Defender"
Whereas 1 defense, 1 raid, 1 room destroyed a month would be "Harbinger"
Something along those lines. Granted this would be a rolling average type situation, or maybe even change monthly?
Like, how many ranks can you gain in a month and make a mini-player-contest out of it.
That way there isn't the "promote" system and the MoW doesn't have to do the rankings him/herself. Also, it would allow for progression in a manner that shows your aptitude in various situations while not directly affecting your status in Army/City.
Ps please excuse grammar/syntax issues this is on a phone and is super lame.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
If anything, you might collect the chaff, or sweep it away, but not reap,
The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
You don't have to just rush headlong into a defense either. It's quite viable to empower the font, wait for it to stack up, and THEN rush in. If you succeed in that defense rush, you get a tank to dismantle for a biiig chunk of sweet, sweet xp.
(Party): Marcalo says, "You will want hypno in place."
(Party): Marcalo says, "When you attempt this lock."
(Party): Marcalo says, "So as to make it roughsex."
(Party): Marcalo says, "You will want hypno in place."
(Party): Marcalo says, "When you attempt this lock."
(Party): Marcalo says, "So as to make it roughsex."
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."