Serpent Thievery Buff



  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    So true. The only people I've seen complaining about it are the ones who don't seem to want to expand their offensive ability and learn as much as they can about the intricacies of serpent combat.
    If you hate your life so much, go monk and buy arties! Then you'll a happy camper.
  • edited October 2013
    Strata said:
    If you didn't have Thoth's, I carry a non-arte dirk as well.
    He has a Thoth's, he just has it customised to look like a forged dirk so he can claim he doesn't.
  • Decan...just stop please. Its generally safe to assume that the entire population of an online game cannot be idiotic and retarded - there must be at least a couple smart ones in the bunch. And if you can safely assume that, and you note that said entire population disagrees and finds your comments utterly and hilariously wrong, then one is forced to realize that it is in fact you who are wrong, and not everyone else who plays the game.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Sidonia said:
    Strata said:
    If you didn't have Thoth's, I carry a non-arte dirk as well.
    He has a Thoth's, he just has it customised to look like a forged dirk so he can claim he doesn't.
    My t-fang is customized as a shadow-wreathed dirk (in honor of someone important to my house). And I also carry a forged dirk (needle-pointed dirk) as well as a non-artie pair of waterwalking boots in order to somewhat level the playing field when people request. But since you're putting words in my mouth, maybe I should customize my Lupine into Targossian darkbow. xD
  • Strata said:
    Sidonia said:
    Strata said:
    If you didn't have Thoth's, I carry a non-arte dirk as well.
    He has a Thoth's, he just has it customised to look like a forged dirk so he can claim he doesn't.
    My t-fang is customized as a shadow-wreathed dirk (in honor of someone important to my house). And I also carry a forged dirk (needle-pointed dirk) as well as a non-artie pair of waterwalking boots in order to somewhat level the playing field when people request. But since you're putting words in my mouth, maybe I should customize my Lupine into Targossian darkbow. xD
    'He' in my previous post being Decan.
  • I don't know what you guys were expecting making a thread about the serpent class or changes to it and not thinking that Decan would show up and dominate the thread.

    You'll learn next time to let him make his own thread so that you can more easily ignore his comments.

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    @Strata, I actually stock a couple of those in my shop if you ever want them! I also stock quivers full of arrows.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Decan said:
    stuff that made me LOL, but I didn't want to encourage further by flagging it as such, so I WTFd it instead, because I was shouting the full version of WTF whilst LOLing. See, folks, this is why we should be able to do more than one flag per post. I also Disagreed with a lot of what he was saying.
    DNFTT, folks... :|
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • It's just a semblance of OPness. You got afflicted with Dementia a long time ago, and the legs of all Serpents are just illusions. The Dementia stopped you from ever seeing it.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • edited October 2013

    Decan...just stop please. Its generally safe to assume that the entire population of an online game cannot be idiotic and retarded - there must be at least a couple smart ones in the bunch. And if you can safely assume that, and you note that said entire population disagrees and finds your comments utterly and hilariously wrong, then one is forced to realize that it is in fact you who are wrong, and not everyone else who plays the game.
    The entire population of earth once thought the earth was flat and the sun revolved around us. To this day a large number of people believe the earth is actually hollow. There were Germans living in Germany after WW2 that never believed the holocaust happened. When Albert Einstein first came up with the theory of relativity, as a file clerk, people said he was completely wrong.

    The point is just because a large number of people believe something doesn't make it true. Empirical evidence proving or disproving something is what makes it true.  Prove me wrong with evidence instead of opinion and you might get somewhere.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
  • edited October 2013
    Obviously not. God penwize, stop being so deliberately dense. Think outside the box, the last buff serpent got was when it was about outsmarting your opponent by double stabbing twice and having them all go Wow what the hell was that pre systems, closely followed by the creation of systems and doing conjure illusion You bleed 1485749496832748 health.
  • Penwize said:
    Decan said:
    Prove me wrong with evidence instead of opinion and you might get somewhere.
    Does Makarios posting corrections and clarifications based on his direct involvement with the code itself count?
    Clearly in this analogy, Makarios is the pope to Decan's Copernicus. Just give it a few centuries.
  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Seftin said:
    Obviously not. God penwize, stop being so deliberately dense. Think outside the box, the last buff serpent got was when it was about outsmarting your opponent by double stabbing twice and having them all go Wow what the hell was that pre systems, closely followed by the creation of systems and doing conjure illusion You bleed 1485749496832748 health.
    Followed by "durr erhmagerd i cant break systems with illusions anymore. time to go runie."
  • Strata said:
    Seftin said:
    Obviously not. God penwize, stop being so deliberately dense. Think outside the box, the last buff serpent got was when it was about outsmarting your opponent by double stabbing twice and having them all go Wow what the hell was that pre systems, closely followed by the creation of systems and doing conjure illusion You bleed 1485749496832748 health.
    Followed by "durr erhmagerd i cant break systems with illusions anymore. time to go runie."
    I resent that, I think.
  • Cahin said:
    I think the clear solution here is to create a venom that gives aeon.  Alternatively a venom (bite only) that instantly kills the opponent after being bitten 50 times by it.  The bites only reset when the doll decays. Where am I?
    I think all curing systems should be in-game, so you can use hypnosis to change them.
  • I am still curious as to what, going from one of Decan's buried posts, were the classleads that this human proposed to buff Serpents.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Daeir said:

    Iocun said:
    Cahin said:
    I think the clear solution here is to create a venom that gives aeon.  Alternatively a venom (bite only) that instantly kills the opponent after being bitten 50 times by it.  The bites only reset when the doll decays. Where am I?
    I think all curing systems should be in-game, so you can use hypnosis to change them.
    Sorry for the double post, but this would actually be a pretty interesting idea if serverside curing was a thing. It'd be goddamn powerful, but interesting. Definitely interesting.
    Server side curing is a very difficult debate. On one side you have "This should be an option for players who just want to enjoy Achaea without having to understand code." and on the other side you have "Server side curing would dumb down Achaea and make things less enjoyable for people who can code."

    Can't say I lean in either direction. Server side curing couldn't be any better or worse than client side curing - thus defeating it would be no difference for me.
  • Strata said:
    Daeir said:

    Iocun said:
    Cahin said:
    I think the clear solution here is to create a venom that gives aeon.  Alternatively a venom (bite only) that instantly kills the opponent after being bitten 50 times by it.  The bites only reset when the doll decays. Where am I?
    I think all curing systems should be in-game, so you can use hypnosis to change them.
    Sorry for the double post, but this would actually be a pretty interesting idea if serverside curing was a thing. It'd be goddamn powerful, but interesting. Definitely interesting.
    Server side curing is a very difficult debate. On one side you have "This should be an option for players who just want to enjoy Achaea without having to understand code." and on the other side you have "Server side curing would dumb down Achaea and make things less enjoyable for people who can code."

    Can't say I lean in either direction. Server side curing couldn't be any better or worse than client side curing - thus defeating it would be no difference for me.
    Check out Imperian. You can totally customise your curing by telling the server to prioritise certain things. Lag is never an issue when you cure as well. But this would render illusions worthless
  • Oh you new age lot
  • While its a nice thought on paper, it'd never be a viable change because if server side curing was more vulnerable to a mechanic, people would simply take a similarly stable option (client side) that didn't suffer from said vulnerability. The only way to make server side curing a long term good choice for everyone (and to theoretically develop mechanics specifically assuming people were using it) would be to make it superior to client side curing, which would necessitate said mechanics not actually being particularly useful.

    There is the latency issue, but again it mostly comes down to target audience. Such a system would need a self imposed latency (in terms of the update rate), and it would likely be so close to your average US player's (the majority of the playerbase) that they'd gain very little in that respect, and could potentially be getting slower.

    The long and short of it is that we would likely have to sacrifice a lot of cool and unique things (illusions, masked afflictions, etc) to create an actual dynamic and potent server side curing system, and it'd probably detract just as much (if not more, depending on  your opinion) than was gained from it.

  • I'd be very sad to see illusions go, but in some ways I do wonder if serpent reliance on them could be toned down in favour of more mechanical contributions.  Still, I would never want to see illusions for the purposes of tricking people go away.  Illusions used defensively can be damn clever and neat to fight against.  Baiting or faking attacks would be missed too. 

    Illusions that mess with the player are damn cool.  I'm not sure I would miss constant illusions designed to throw off curing systems, though.  They almost go unnoticed once you've coded around them.
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