Vs @Vender again, but as Depthswalker this time. It went better than all my cheese Shaman attempts, I think. Although we both made a lot of mistakes, and he is getting back into the swing of things. Arti bard is still scary
Long log, cause I spent a while trying to just damage him out. Miserably.
Icy fog pours from the open mouth of Solnir as he shouts a word that your ears simply refuse to comprehend. Ice radiates outwards from where Solnir stands, the unbroken surface throwing his visage into cruel relief.
I have found some heartseed / propagation logs, but does anyone have any logs of sylvan kill paths with weatherweaving? be it damage / lock? Having a real tough time figuring that side of things out.
Finally getting to test things in actual spars with people. Need to work on non-petrify routes next. Thanks @Lyrin, @Rangor and @Rom for all the help thus far.
Fun fight, @Nylian! I still don't really like Apostate much, even with the whole "no gravehands/distort" agreement we had prior to the fight.
Fixed my contemplate thing, so should be a non-issue now... Screwed me up pretty badly Q_Q
what's incredible about this is that after you accelerated, you had literally the worst possible rng in every single way following it. Anything that had a stack, you managed to cure the wrong affs. A quick ast/imp into sicken/reck would have ended that fight permanently.
what's incredible about this is that after you accelerated, you had literally the worst possible rng in every single way following it. Anything that had a stack, you managed to cure the wrong affs. A quick ast/imp into sicken/reck would have ended that fight permanently.
If you've seen my luck with promos, you'd know horrible RNG is my thing.
Did you do ten thousand trials? That's how we dialed down room hinder percentages. Come back and say that again when you've gotten a statistically significant set!
I vehemently disagree. Based on my formula here derived from the weak law of large numbers, with S being the random variable in Chebyshev's inequality and R being part of a sequence of moment generating functions, I've managed to bypass the need for a large sample size/amount of time to approximate the answer -
Should've still been able to Enlighten him again, and then unravel though. He didn't cure anything.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
You'd think 43% health would've been enough time to pull this off.
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Long log, cause I spent a while trying to just damage him out. Miserably.
You can't hide your feelings, @Lyrin.
six character rule
spoils elegance of response
poetry redeems
In the interest of posting something resembling a log, this is what happens when you lunge too much:
Also, 6 blank spaces is recognized as 6char.
Also, never seen the 3p line for this before:
Ice radiates outwards from where Solnir stands, the unbroken surface throwing his visage into cruel relief.
Edit: I added a word.
You bitch.
None of the other times worked on killing me.
PS: I thought I waited long enough to be fine to lunge in. I WAS WRONG
Fun fight, @Nylian!
Fixed my contemplate thing, so should be a non-issue now... Screwed me up pretty badly Q_Q
Finally getting to test things in actual spars with people. Need to work on non-petrify routes next. Thanks @Lyrin, @Rangor and @Rom for all the help thus far.
Ps traps are silly.
what's incredible about this is that after you accelerated, you had literally the worst possible rng in every single way following it. Anything that had a stack, you managed to cure the wrong affs. A quick ast/imp into sicken/reck would have ended that fight permanently.
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Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Did you do ten thousand trials? That's how we dialed down room hinder percentages. Come back and say that again when you've gotten a statistically significant set!
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Still got it, though. https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/qIK9lOaD Druid is rough when they know what they're doing, the quick breaks/prone are killer to momentum