Yes, expandAlias is something you shouldn't use - use the function directly if you can, or if it's stuff you yourself are creating - create a function and call that in many places instead of the alias.
It's a bit slower than other ways (not noticably slower for a few instances in a system) but all in all, it works, so use it.
It's discouraged for a number of reasons aside from just speed. For example, it can alter the matches table for the alias or trigger you call it from, which can produce bugs that are tricky to track down, and its behaviour (and therefore the behaviour of the script it's called from) can change depending on what other aliases you have defined. As Vadi says, better to just define a single function and call out in both places.
Technically you could do it with tempTriggers, deleting and recreating them everytime you used your targeting alias. No way to do it through the GUI that I know of though
Lua function: return line:find(variable, 1, true) and true or false
Essentially checks for the presence of the value of variable in the current line, and returns true or false accordingly. You'd need to use an AND trigger, so that it checks for both the perl regex matching and that check returning true.
Lua function: return line:find(variable, 1, true) and true or false
Essentially checks for the presence of the value of variable in the current line, and returns true or false accordingly. You'd need to use an AND trigger, so that it checks for both the perl regex matching and that check returning true.
I believe the "and true or false" there is redundant, unless I'm missing something about how the truth value of the condition is evaluated for lua triggers.
Lua function: return line:find(variable, 1, true) and true or false
Essentially checks for the presence of the value of variable in the current line, and returns true or false accordingly. You'd need to use an AND trigger, so that it checks for both the perl regex matching and that check returning true.
I believe the "and true or false" there is redundant, unless I'm missing something about how the truth value of the condition is evaluated for lua triggers.
Pretty sure the "and true or false" is needed. find() returns either nil or a set of numbers, and I think the lua condition triggers always want a straight boolean.
Lua function: return line:find(variable, 1, true) and true or false
Essentially checks for the presence of the value of variable in the current line, and returns true or false accordingly. You'd need to use an AND trigger, so that it checks for both the perl regex matching and that check returning true.
I believe the "and true or false" there is redundant, unless I'm missing something about how the truth value of the condition is evaluated for lua triggers.
Pretty sure the "and true or false" is needed. find() returns either nil or a set of numbers, and I think the lua condition triggers always want a straight boolean.
That would be pretty strange behaviour, imo. I just loaded up mudlet and made a lua trigger with the condition "return 1" and an echo, and it echos on every line. "return nil" as expected, does not.
Lua function: return line:find(variable, 1, true) and true or false
Essentially checks for the presence of the value of variable in the current line, and returns true or false accordingly. You'd need to use an AND trigger, so that it checks for both the perl regex matching and that check returning true.
I believe the "and true or false" there is redundant, unless I'm missing something about how the truth value of the condition is evaluated for lua triggers.
Good to know. I stole that from somewhere else (svo maybe?) ages ago back when I first started using Mudlet and never really considered whether it was all necessary (I had to dig through my triggers to find the one that uses it because it hasn't been touched in probably a year and a half).
Mudlet used to require that, which is why Iocun thought that way (and Svo code still uses it), but it has been improved to use Lua's understanding of true and false in recent releases.
That's not the only trigger that sends "ok"... that's the only trigger that does exactly send("ok"). You could have another that does send ("ok") or send('ok') or send "ok" or send"ok" and many more possibilities and permutations thereof...
btw the debug view will tell you exactly which triggers match on a line.
Hrm, doesn't happen for me. I assume you disabled all processing (with the bomb icon), so aliases were disabled too.
My main guess is that it has something with MXP processing, i.e. Mudlet thinking that what you put in <> to be MXP tags and hiding them. I recommend using CONFIG MXP OFF in-game, and unchecking the checkbox for "Force MXP negotiation off" under your Mudlet Settings/Special Options.
Make sure to quit your profile and then restart it from scratch after this change, or it won't come into effect.
Either turn MXP on in the game or force-disable MXP in Mudlet's settings. Achaea is not very good about its protocol negotiation and is implying to Mudlet that MXP is on, which necessitates doing special things with <>'s.
I currently have a temp timer cecho to track when I need to reapply hamstring. However, when you strike hamstring on a hamstringed target, the duration resets. I want my timer to mimic this.
What I'm saying is if I hit hamstring, then hit it again right afterward, I will an echo pop up 5.5 seconds after the first hamstring and another 5.5 seconds after the second hamstring. I don't want that to happen. I only want the echo that happens 5.5 seconds after the second hamstring.
[2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
Also, if it's because the things here don't work the way I think they do, any help trying to get it to be workable?
When you declare a variable local within an if statement it's local to the scope of that if statement, so when you try to use venomone and venomtwo outside those if statements, they're nil. You can declare them both outside the if statements and then set them inside:
local venomone="" --or whatever default you want
if matches[2]=="x" then
elseif matches[2]=="c" then
Personally, I'd make a table to clean things up a little bit, something like:
local venomtable = {
x = "xentio",
c = "curare",
a = "aconite",
local venomone = venomtable[matches[2]]
local venomtwo = venomtable[matches[3]]
send("dsl "" head "..venomone.." "..venomtwo)
Functionality is the same, I just find it a little easier to read than the long strings of if statements. Also, if that table of venom abbreviations is something you're going to use in several aliases, you could define it in a script somewhere else (not as a local), and just call the same table in all your dsl aliases.
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How do I do things like:
If (variable) is not equal to (whatever) then (do stuff)
If (variable) is equal to (whatever) then (do stuff)
Also, is there a way to put a variable in a trigger line? Like, in zmud I could trigger off of "@target jabs you."
Do not DM on forums unless you're ok with waiting a couple months!
Essentially checks for the presence of the value of variable in the current line, and returns true or false accordingly. You'd need to use an AND trigger, so that it checks for both the perl regex matching and that check returning true.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
→My Mudlet Scripts
→My Mudlet Scripts
→My Mudlet Scripts
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
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- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
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3697h, 4327m, 16200e, 18570w cexkdb-41.0%- 13:50:14:613tell jozlyn // testing <testing> .
You tell Troublemaking Walnut, Jozlyn Shiva Van Helsing, "// testing ."
Instead of I assume STAFFSTRIKE <target> WITH [limb]
I disabled timers and triggers, so it doesn't seem to be related to the system. Any idea what to do?
→My Mudlet Scripts
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if hamstringwarning then killTimer(hamstringwarning) end
hamstringwarning = tempTimer(7,string.format([[pv.echo("\n%s hamstring wearing off in 2 seconds!")]],multimatches[2][2]))
if matches[2] == "x" then
local venomone = "xentio"
elseif matches[2] == "k" then
local venomone = "kalmia"
elseif matches[2] == "d" then
local venomone = "darkshade"
elseif matches[2] == "de" then
local venomone = "delphinium"
elseif matches[2] == "p" then
local venomone = "prefarar"
elseif matches[2] == "e" then
local venomone = "euphorbia"
elseif matches[2] == "a" then
local venomone = "aconite"
elseif matches[2] == "c" then
local venomone = "curare"
if matches[3] == "x" then
local venomtwo = "xentio"
elseif matches[3] == "k" then
local venomtwo = "kalmia"
elseif matches[3] == "d" then
local venomtwo = "darkshade"
elseif matches[3] == "de" then
local venomtwo = "delphinium"
elseif matches[3] == "p" then
local venomtwo = "prefarar"
elseif matches[3] == "e" then
local venomtwo = "euphorbia"
elseif matches[3] == "a" then
local venomtwo = "aconite"
elseif matches[3] == "c" then
local venomtwo = "curare"
send("stand", false)
send("dsl " .. target .. " head " .. venomone .. " " .. venomtwo, false)
Why won't this work?
Also, if it's because the things here don't work the way I think they do, any help trying to get it to be workable?