I'm making my first post on the forums because I have a real problem with the Reckoning. It's far too long, and is too dependent on combat. PVE efforts matter for naught unless you have a fighting force that can carry things through, and a lot of Commanders are too easy to disrupt when it comes to combat.
I hope this doesn't come across as too disrespectful to the staff who work on Achaea, since I really do appreciate the amount of effort that goes into an event like this. I've enjoyed Achaea for quite a long time now. However, I don't think this particular event benefits from the usual approach of throwing something out there, and tuning it as it goes. I've seen quite a few people get tired of the event already, and one quit Achaea altogether, even. I realise PVP is a large part of Achaea. A lot of good stuff has been done recently with war and such that's centered around provoking more conflict, and it seems pretty interesting. But this is a stressful time IRL as is, and having such a long, combat-focused event isn't good for people. It's difficult to keep up with things changing month-to-month as a regular player. The event by its nature results in people losing out a lot, whether to PK or being killed by overly strong denizens. I'm sure some will respond by saying people need to toughen up, but the majority of the player base aren't likely to do that. It simply isn't newbie-friendly.
In effect, I'd like to propose that the Reckoning's length is reduced, which I realise may be an unpopular opinion among some. I simply think that fourteen RL days is too long for constant PVP, and the resulting player feelings that come out of that. I think events like this are the antithesis of that, which is why I'm speaking out. I simply love Achaea, and I want to see it grow, as I'm sure anyone on these forums does.
Fourteen days is too long though, agreed. At least without swapping it up or moving to different stages etc etc.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
1) Alliances
2) Shrines
3) Totems
In particular, having to fight 3 cities working together (even despite claims of "independent" actions) makes the entire faction competitive aspect completely pointless.
On the mechanics side this would be much more concise and competitive if the bosses did not have regular denizen heals to remove the STALL AND RESET stalemate outcome.
Removing totems and leaving shrines remains laughable, too.
But yeah, also agree with OP: 14 days seems way too long for such a grindy event, considering at least one area/boss seems to be up at any given time. Up there with the old 24 hour great hunts for me. Not a fan.
There is very much a way to beat bosses without resorting to that. Y'all just lazy and wanna do it the easy way.
Yeah, it sucks.
Wanna know what sucks more?
This server downtime.
Me in the restroom on a saturday night.
also complaining about other cities working together is a bit hypocritical from your position, I wouldn’t be trying to sling mud from that tower.
I personally killed (via bosses) probably 100 Hashani yesterday. We actually ignored Cyrene for a lot of it because they weren't a threat. You should be accusing us of teaming up with Cyrene against Hashan.