How fun the Reckoning is as an event

I'm making my first post on the forums because I have a real problem with the Reckoning. It's far too long, and is too dependent on combat. PVE efforts matter for naught unless you have a fighting force that can carry things through, and a lot of Commanders are too easy to disrupt when it comes to combat.

I hope this doesn't come across as too disrespectful to the staff who work on Achaea, since I really do appreciate the amount of effort that goes into an event like this. I've enjoyed Achaea for quite a long time now. However, I don't think this particular event benefits from the usual approach of throwing something out there, and tuning it as it goes. I've seen quite a few people get tired of the event already, and one quit Achaea altogether, even. I realise PVP is a large part of Achaea. A lot of good stuff has been done recently with war and such that's centered around provoking more conflict, and it seems pretty interesting. But this is a stressful time IRL as is, and having such a long, combat-focused event isn't good for people. It's difficult to keep up with things changing month-to-month as a regular player. The event by its nature results in people losing out a lot, whether to PK or being killed by overly strong denizens. I'm sure some will respond by saying people need to toughen up, but the majority of the player base aren't likely to do that. It simply isn't newbie-friendly.

In effect, I'd like to propose that the Reckoning's length is reduced, which I realise may be an unpopular opinion among some. I simply think that fourteen RL days is too long for constant PVP, and the resulting player feelings that come out of that. I think events like this are the antithesis of that, which is why I'm speaking out. I simply love Achaea, and I want to see it grow, as I'm sure anyone on these forums does.



  • edited April 2020
    A post was just made where a written entry will earn /TWENTY/ facets - the highest amount currently owned is... not that. So it would bump even someone at 0 to first place. It's not dependent on combat alone anymore. In fact, if Titania's supporters won this written entry then disrupted well enough for the remainder of the event, they could win from now despite having no facets currently, and without having to win a single facet from PVP.

    Fourteen days is too long though, agreed. At least without swapping it up or moving to different stages etc etc.
  • The combat part is only a portion of the event anyway. Even the new written entry is just another part of it. I'm sure they'll be throwing in other things that won't be related to combat too. I'm sure I heard someone mention riddles or something.

    We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol

  • edited April 2020
    I somewhat agree with you, Lorei. It's not really something for novices to participate in which is quite unfortunate because it seems like that is the case for the majority of any of the interesting or newly released content. In this case, between the PK, denizens and the worldburn from shrines that players have been putting up constantly too I just don't find it very fun trying to deal with all of those things at the same time and I certainly understand how it can be painful for novices that aren't as oriented yet. Plus after you finish dying all those times participating in the event, players use incredibly lame excuses as a right to hunt you afterwards. It simply is not enjoyable in the least unless you are a player that has the capability to handle all those things at one time, which is certainly not a novice.
  • The only unfun things I've run into so far are the abuse of unfair mechanics that exist to defend property by players.

    1) Alliances
    2) Shrines
    3) Totems

    In particular, having to fight 3 cities working together (even despite claims of "independent" actions) makes the entire faction competitive aspect completely pointless.

    On the mechanics side this would be much more concise and competitive if the bosses did not have regular denizen heals to remove the STALL AND RESET stalemate outcome. 
  • edited April 2020
    I have a few points to make as a low level person trying to help out in this.

    1. The Reckoning outposts for under level 80 people are way overtuned, especially if you're expecting non-artied people to do them.

    They don't hit especially hard and the afflictions are manageable if you keep an eye out for recklessness. The problem is that they tend to clump up and move as groups--one bubonis or dryad quickly becomes three or four and even people with a bit of tankiness pop. I've watched people with no defensives and probably one trans skill or less try in groups: After they evaporate to a random group wandering in, they go "Screw this, I'm not bothering with it".

    Additionally, there's still no actual visible progress even after several hours. I managed to spawn a fragment mob and the only reason I knew is because I saw a type of mob that I hadn't seen before in there. I killed it, I got super excited, and then it was back to the grind in a different area that simply stopped spawning things to kill. I can't justify bringing other people to this because even as a good bashing class and defensive arties, that was several hours, several deaths, and several thousands in curatives and I wouldn't be able to tell someone who isn't crazy like me when it would pay off.

    These areas need to be a lot easier and a lot quicker to make progress in so that cities can encourage their lowbies to go do them. Put a limiting factor on it beyond an experience cap, i.e, each player can only do one outpost per RL day/RL week/RL reckoning, so you don't have artied-up supernewbies tearing through the place for infinity facets.

    2. Disable shrines from the boss areas and Haag areas. They're too powerful offensively and too hard to deal with, especially because you need a separate order to come in and deconsecrate and destroy them. Meanwhile, worldburn has killed half of your group.

    3. Lacharhad is a really dumb boss between the absurd amount of health and restoring health on kills.

    edit: As a point of comparison for how hard this would be for average players, I'd probably put the Reckoning outposts on the same difficulty level as Morindar, except with higher density and more wandering.
  • Expected a poll. Got more rants. #Disappointed because I would love to see a (anonymous) vote on that.
  • In terms of boss mechanics, I feel there really needs to be a way to get an uninterrupted chance at fighting the boss, because right now the main strategy (at least on the easy to disrupt ones, RIP Battlemaster/Ra'mah) is just to either wait until there's no opposition, or to hit it with overwhelming numbers.

    People have complained bitterly about having multiple cities working together to take out a boss, but that's almost necessary when there's regularly 2-3 cities working together to -stop- you from taking out a boss. It's simply not practical to take on multiple cities at once -while- working to fight a boss, which is part of why we've seen cities working together to take a boss out. It's hard to beat a battlefield alliance against you without a battlefield alliance of your own, and there is -always- an alliance against you.

    If there was some way to clear an area of enemies and then lock it for yourself while you attempted the boss, it'd make it much more viable to actually clear these bosses, and would help the mechanics shine better.
  • Keorin said:
    In terms of boss mechanics, I feel there really needs to be a way to get an uninterrupted chance at fighting the boss, because right now the main strategy (at least on the easy to disrupt ones, RIP Battlemaster/Ra'mah) is just to either wait until there's no opposition, or to hit it with overwhelming numbers.

    People have complained bitterly about having multiple cities working together to take out a boss, but that's almost necessary when there's regularly 2-3 cities working together to -stop- you from taking out a boss. It's simply not practical to take on multiple cities at once -while- working to fight a boss, which is part of why we've seen cities working together to take a boss out. It's hard to beat a battlefield alliance against you without a battlefield alliance of your own, and there is -always- an alliance against you.

    If there was some way to clear an area of enemies and then lock it for yourself while you attempted the boss, it'd make it much more viable to actually clear these bosses, and would help the mechanics shine better.
    This is literally a hot take.. but.. Hashan, just recently, got the boss down to 40% against Cyrene, Targossas, and Eleusis. We then lost our edge because we got wiped, and the boss healed up to 100% because everyone came back.

    There is very much a way to beat bosses without resorting to that. Y'all just lazy and wanna do it the easy way.
  • I'm sure there's a way to beat bosses without continually putting up shrines and worldburning too, but I'm guessing you haven't found that one yet.
  • Gallida said:
    I'm sure there's a way to beat bosses without continually putting up shrines and worldburning too, but I'm guessing you haven't found that one yet.
    Wouldn't have to worldburn if we didn't have more enemies working together to fight us than we had ENEMY slots for. ;)
  • Adrik said:
    Gallida said:
    I'm sure there's a way to beat bosses without continually putting up shrines and worldburning too, but I'm guessing you haven't found that one yet.
    Wouldn't have to worldburn if we didn't have more enemies working together to fight us than we had ENEMY slots for. ;)

    Every other city has to work with multiple groups trying to disrupt attempts on the commander, but I guess Hashan is such a plucky underdog that they need to constantly worldburn to even the odds.
  • edited April 2020
    Targossas were the ones who spawned the Houndmaster and we got her down to sub-30% twice. We ended up being wiped both times fighting off Eleusis, Mhaldor, and Hashan.

    We were there first and you jumped into it. Were we supposed to get fought off and see oh hey, other people are fighting you now, guess we'll just go home and let you have the facet?
  • Sothantos said:
    Targossas were the ones who spawned the Houndmaster and we got her down to sub-30% twice. We ended up being wiped both times fighting off Eleusis, Mhaldor, and Hashan.

    We were there first and you jumped into it. Were we supposed to get fought off and see oh hey, other people are fighting you now, guess we'll just go home and let you have the facet?
    No. I was responding to Keorin's "We shouldn't have to fight everyone off so many times. It's impossible! :( " comment.

    Yeah, it sucks.

    Wanna know what sucks more?

    This server downtime.
  • Adrik said:
    Sothantos said:
    Targossas were the ones who spawned the Houndmaster and we got her down to sub-30% twice. We ended up being wiped both times fighting off Eleusis, Mhaldor, and Hashan.

    We were there first and you jumped into it. Were we supposed to get fought off and see oh hey, other people are fighting you now, guess we'll just go home and let you have the facet?
    No. I was responding to Keorin's "We shouldn't have to fight everyone off so many times. It's impossible! :( " comment.

    Yeah, it sucks.

    Wanna know what sucks more?

    This server downtime.
    Wanna know what sucks the most?

    Me in the restroom on a saturday night.
  • I got a kill during the Great Aeon of 827 AF. I am content.
  • Adrik said:
    This is literally a hot take.. but.. Hashan, just recently, got the boss down to 40% against Cyrene, Targossas, and Eleusis. We then lost our edge because we got wiped, and the boss healed up to 100% because everyone came back.

    There is very much a way to beat bosses without resorting to that. Y'all just lazy and wanna do it the easy way.

    This is exactly my point, though - Hashan couldn't pull it off, even with the usual spammed worldburning (a tactic most of us mechanically can't use, and the strategy that Hashan has been using in every commander fight). Is it impossible to take out the boss with resistance? No, but it tends to be implausible, particularly without a strong tide-turning ability like WB.

    (Also, while it isn't the point, you worldburn even when you outnumber us, so don't pretend its somehow a response to numbers. We took some five people up to defend the Battlemaster and you -still- used it)

    Since the very start of this event, Commander fights have been one faction fighting the boss where 2-3 others try to wipe them (and no, Hashan isn't some special underdog, we've been dealing with Hashan and Mhaldor working together against us in near every fight, often with Ashtan thrown in). Every city has been in the position of fighting the boss, doing well, and then getting wiped.

    This has meant that most every facet grab has come down to mustering overwhelming numbers, worldburn, hours long fights that go until one side just gives up and goes home, or timing a fight to when there's no resistance. And while this has produced some epic fights, I don't think that having Commander fights reliably turn into three hour stalemates is the most engaging way to make an event like this work.
  • It does seem like it's near impossible to kill a boss as long as even a handful of enemies are interfering. The bosses are just so tough and have mechanics to slow a group down that it's unlikely to kill a boss before the group you just wiped has respawned, deffed up and coming at you again. Maybe an idea is to have the ability to bring a boss down to stages? 75%, 50%, 25% perhaps, where the boss won't heal past these caps after being brought low enough, so you have a chance to go in after kicking everyone out of the area to make some progress. On the other hand it also means you might bring it down to 25%, fumble and get wiped, and another group sweeps in to take it. I, who has no idea who most of the npc candidates are and is just roaming after IC superiors to PK, am okay with that.

  • We already have the fractured facets mechanic in place, they could make parts of facets drop from the first time a boss drops to a certain threshold and then reward a full facet upon actual death.

    It doesn't solve the interference problem but there would be a reward for making some progress on a boss even if you get pushed out.
  • It's not a complaint, you're just misreading my point pretty badly. My point is that where you have people saying stuff like this:
    Adrik said:
    Wouldn't have to worldburn if we didn't have more enemies working together to fight us than we had ENEMY slots for. ;)
    Then it's worth noting that by these standards -every- city has enemies working together when you're after a Commander. When one city is on the Commander, then others basically ignore other factions in the area to go after the one that might get the kill. It'd be weird if it -wasn't- that way.

    It's just simply not practical for one city to hold off several others if the numbers each bring are roughly even, and that goes doubly so when bosses are so easy to reset.
  • Keorin accusing Mhaldor, Ashtan, and Hashan of working together against Cyrene is hilarious. 

  • ...are you claiming that Mhaldor and Hashan haven't been in the same area avoiding fighting each other as they fought the same shared enemy? Or have I simply been hallucinating all the times where my target list was a mix of Hashani and Mhaldorians as both cities would charge in at the same time to try and stop our kills.

    That, or you're deliberately misreading my posts so that you can argue against a point I'm pretty clearly not making, but I'm sure that couldn't be it.
  • Mhaldor and Hashan have been in the same place at the same time many times now. And there have been a few times where they have actively fought one foe or city before targeting one another. And honestly that's fine. Difference is, we can tell they're not actively allied because we don't immediately jump to assumptions.
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    who fucking cares lol 
  • A city is helping other cities no matter what choice they make when participating in this event. In attacking anyone, you indirectly (or directly) benefit their enemies; this is unavoidable.
  • Keorin said:
    ...stop our kills.

    I haven't been part of many boss fights, but if I am, I'm targeting the group about to gain a point, not the ones skulking about on the sidelines. With your logic, everyone is working together against Mhaldor when it's Mhaldor trying to kill a boss, and everyone is working together against Hashan when Hashan is trying to kill a boss.

    It's this word choice that gets you in trouble, "we've been dealing with Hashan and Mhaldor working together", when the truth is that any Mhaldorian working actively with Hashan would be executed. It is especially jarring, I imagine, given the circumstance of Targossas and Cyrene supporting the same candidate. (Which you don't have to defend, by the way.)
  • Exactly. "Working together" was how Adrik put it above, my point was that by his use of the term, you could say that Mhaldor and Hashan, or Mhaldor and Ashtan, or Hashan and Cyrene, had all been working together to stop boss kills. There's obviously a difference between that and mechanically being on the same faction when it comes to the broader contest, but when it comes down to fending off enemies to take a facet it's all about the same.
  • None of what you're saying Mhaldor has done has actually happened, though. None of us would be willing to ignore Hashan, let alone work with them.

    I personally killed (via bosses) probably 100 Hashani yesterday. We actually ignored Cyrene for a lot of it because they weren't a threat. You should be accusing us of teaming up with Cyrene against Hashan.

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