If you could change one thing about a class... what would it be?



  • Make Sentinels not be nature bound 

    Also the same for Occultist

    Oh and Infernals

    Basically the classes I've never got to play on Milabar, that'd be great

    Also, no more new classes, let's do a City on Meropis instead kk thanks :)

    Also any nerf to Bard hunting should be ignored, checks in the mail kk ty

  • If we're asking for unreasonable things, parrying a bastard sword or warhammer should just smash your weapon/shield into your face for bonus damage.
  • Melodie said:
    Split priest up into several similar-but-different classes that cover some of the major religions, while offering a good "not a specified follower" version that's still got good flavour and use, just not the direct uniqueness of following a certain God. Maybe kind of like knights, but one skill is God-focused or the 'neutral' skill. Or maybe more akin to a skill tree like the terminus(? I think this is the right dw skill) that just offers certain kinds of deviations that have some abilities that have thr pre-qualifier of being in a certain order to get.

    This is just spitballing and not well thought out. Having gotten back into WoW recently and playing through an area that has Tidesages (sea priests) just reminded me how much I always liked that idea (see: the discworld mud's priest system as a semi example).
    This would have been great...at startup ^_^ .

    I enjoyed the concept in MKO.
  • Sounds cool..  how'd MKO work out?

  • edited January 2019
    Conceptually the idea of alignment-specific Priest was great.
    When it came to mechanical implementation, that greatness dropped pretty rapidly. It ended up diluting things to the point people were only in the org (order) for the class, and ditched it the second they gave it up.
    City attachments would probably be the way to go, in Achaea. Remove non-knight factional classes, and start from there. All share the same core 2 skills, with embracing giving you a third based on your alignment (which auto changes if you change city).
    Ashtan: Chaos priests (think ethereals from WoW). I'd have said battle priests given Aegis but... That's not really 'Ashtan' theme. Uses some form of blade + shield.
    Hashan: Shadow priests (obvious). Uses 1-handed staff + shield (or just 2-handed staff).
    Mhaldor: Death priests? I guess. Or blood priests. Uses daggers (daeggers? hue hue) + shield. Or, again, any form of small blade.
    Eleusis: Druids are basically nature priests... So repurpose them. 2-handed staff.
    Targossas: They can have the boring holy-based priests. Typical mace + shield.
    Cyrene: I'm stumped here, to be honest. Some sort of spirit / peace-loving Priest I guess. Similar to the 'rogue' one that MKO had, that was more utility/healer-oriented. Just shield + magic, likely.
    Rogues: With the above stolen, guess the only one left would be some sort of neutral priest. Could even give them battle priests! Make warhammers great again (or flail+shield)

  • So Cyrene would have the hippies.  Got it.
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Yeah I'm not entirely sure of the best way to implement it. Or even if it's honestly possible. Just one of those pipe dream kind of things!
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • I loved Priest.  The tie to alignment made sense but the method (bashing goblins but not mhun...) was forced.  It was, at least in old Achaea, a great class...almost as good as Paladin. 

  • Atalkez said:
    He tanked a 21 from me with 800h, had a TF. Most likely had one for you too.

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

    [ Runewarden Sparring Videos | Link ]
  • Melodie said:
    Yeah I'm not entirely sure of the best way to implement it. Or even if it's honestly possible. Just one of those pipe dream kind of things!
    I doubt a tweaked priest class that changes per alignment is really possible at this point in Achaea (and even if it was, it'd probably be more work than it was worth). Something that I could see is some sort of system where you could get minor powers based on org membership and rank (vaguely similar to Battlerage but based on rank and org membership rather than class/level). Even then it'd be exceptionally hard to do something that was impactful and not gamebreaking in various ways.

    Dunn tells you, "I hate you."
    (Party): You say, "Bad plan coming right up."
  • Order skills would be great!
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    I would redo Runelore to be actually interesting. Or do away with it and get a more interesting skill instead.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Shirszae said:
    I would redo Runelore to be actually interesting. Or do away with it and get a more interesting skill instead.
    I always thought of being able to use them on demand like vibes deconstruct now....

    Making a rune pre-etched on the ground be used up on demand or somehow other than the enemy running into it unblind...  I dont know, that could be cool and interesting
  • Make totem planting in your own city take 60 seconds. Make uprooting in your own city take 60 seconds.

    Keep uprooting in enemy cities the same.

    Fuck totems, what a totally tedious endeavour. 

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Proficy said:
    Shirszae said:
    I would redo Runelore to be actually interesting. Or do away with it and get a more interesting skill instead.
    I always thought of being able to use them on demand like vibes deconstruct now....

    Making a rune pre-etched on the ground be used up on demand or somehow other than the enemy running into it unblind...  I dont know, that could be cool and interesting
    That actually would be really cool, think of something and classlead it! 

  • I kind of agree with Antonius here. Runelore is already super powerful; Runewardens aren’t really missing anything they need.

    (It would also make it nigh impossible to fight a runie as momentum with nairat into impale spam.)
  • Being a runewarden, having a working pet other than a falcon would be cool. Maybe have an option to have an eagle that does the same thing as your falcon, or some other winged animal. A baby atavian, maybe.
  • Kraetos said:
    Being a runewarden, having a working pet other than a falcon would be cool. Maybe have an option to have an eagle that does the same thing as your falcon, or some other winged animal. A baby atavian, maybe.
    I 100% am for enslaving baby Atavians to deliver small items and strips defs from enemies  because it would be hilarious.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Make BM great again

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Klendathu said:
    Pyori said:
    Adrik said:
    In terms of PVP:

    Bards getting a HF/Riposte nerf to give Hamstring would be great.  Also having HF proc not off of damage, but rather just being smacked offensively.

    You're insane if you think getting hamstring would be a nerf. HF/Riposte are nice, but hamstring for a Bard would be downright ridiculous. I would happily make that trade, since I don't even use HF as is.
    People (non bards) seem to think that HF is godly, and that a nerf to it would be to change it to be a hinder, not that getting hamstring would be a nerf.

    Because bards have no native hinder, I don't use acrobatics, HF, etc, because I'm usually mounted for block. Having the ability to block, even if it were a percentage change to block like occultist tentacles, would be an improvement for me personally.

    HF is godly. I said it as a bard and still say it now. If you don't think it is, you don't use it right.

    That being said, I proposed the hamstring on HF idea before (though still only firing on damage), and the key is duration. My suggestion was a 3-4 second hamstring on a possibly lengthened CD (idr what HF icd is currently). That just gives bard a small benefit against the most extreme slow prep, which is one of its weaker areas, while removing current HF, which is unquestionably OP. 

    The bards asking for actual room hinder are asking for the greater buff, and that's something bard really can't have in its current state. It would be insane.

    Re: healer class. It, frankly, has less to do with people being unwilling to play support than it has to do with the people on the other side hating any sort of healing level that would justify a 0 offense class. It wasn't priests who hated old priest as much as it was afflictors. It just doesn't work very well, balance-wise, to have more support in a class than what other classes already have and when you just give them the level others already have, obviously there's no point in them having less offense.
  • Riell said:
    I kind of agree with Antonius here. Runelore is already super powerful; Runewardens aren’t really missing anything they need.

    (It would also make it nigh impossible to fight a runie as momentum with nairat into impale spam.)
    Back up your statement of Runelore being super powerful? Since the nairat change I don't think the skillset is above and beyond most of the other class skillsets out there. Runelore is definitely a great skill, but your statement seems to hint at op.

    I like Proficy's suggestion. You don't need to make a change to address a missing function to the class - changes should also be made to make the class a little more innovative and exciting. Achaean combat has been pretty stale, bar their introduction of new classes and promotional items to keep the money flowing - I'd welcome a change that'd make one of the most used skillsets in the game require, perhaps, a little more intelligence and flexibiltity to fully utilize. The challenge in this particular case is that changing Runelore would alter the gameplay of four fundamentally different playstyles - but I don't see that as a reason to disregard the idea. If anything, it sounds like a great way to shake up the balance in this game a bit more.

    And obviously the change doesn't need to be made to nairat - there are several runes in the skillset that are functionally useless or superbly niche that would be candidates for something like this.

    Please suggest more things that are cool and interesting - it'd trump classleads that constantly changes balance values on whirls or are bugfixes in disguise.

  • I loved Runelore in Imperian... But by god it'd be ridiculous in Achaea. :(
  • A Divine approved the baby Atavian idea, according to my post reacts. Let's make it happen.

    Disclaimer: IC I oppose both Sea and Sky. Burn in the fires of Righteousness. Or something.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Jiraishin said:
    A Divine approved the baby Atavian idea, according to my post reacts. Let's make it happen.

    Please let this be sarcasm.

    In a world where fully fledged adults are like 100 years old at least, whats the difference between a baby atavian and Numira, really? Just throwing that out there.

  • Lol issa joke

    Any humanoid sentient race as a loyal is disallowed, except as housing servants
  • Numira said:
    Jiraishin said:
    A Divine approved the baby Atavian idea, according to my post reacts. Let's make it happen.

    Please let this be sarcasm.

    In a world where fully fledged adults are like 100 years old at least, whats the difference between a baby atavian and Numira, really? Just throwing that out there.

    There is absolutely no difference between a baby atavian and Numira as far as Jir is concerned, and he will absolutely use midbies as ents given half a chance.

    But, uh, yes. That was sarcasm.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Ok good. I was pretty sure it was, but then again I don’t really know how loyals work, and didn’t know there was a rule against it. Apologies for the noobish interjection.
  • Oh, other change:

    Fire Lord should have a way to keep people from curing ablaze.
  • Iakimen said:
    Riell said:
    I kind of agree with Antonius here. Runelore is already super powerful; Runewardens aren’t really missing anything they need.

    (It would also make it nigh impossible to fight a runie as momentum with nairat into impale spam.)
    Back up your statement of Runelore being super powerful? Since the nairat change I don't think the skillset is above and beyond most of the other class skillsets out there. Runelore is definitely a great skill, but your statement seems to hint at op.

    Definitely do not think Runelore is OP at all.  I do, however, think that too many Runewardens do not capitalize on everything it has to offer.

    Passive healing
    Passive curing
    Passive balance loss (which has a very real potential of stopping kill setups, especially from prep)
    Hunger strats can be extremely potent against lots of people
    Weapon runes enhancing prep times are amazing
    Runeblades have incredibly high pressure, especially with hidden affs in group combat and guaranteed freeze.
    Prop can win engagements.
    Walls that are unbreakable by the majority of the playerbase.
    Fucking raido.
    Tumbling into wunjo/nairat on kill attempts
    Passive vibe dampening.
    Thurisaz (though this can be replicated with meteor arrows. However, Thurisaz is cheaper.)

    Probably the two most under-appreciated things I see with many Runewardens are Othala and Hugulaz.  Passive shield breaking (and -prismatic barrier breaking-) is really, really good.  The fact you can start Othala in one room, then move and have it follow you while still getting all three hits is pretty awesome.  In my testing against Proficy, it's ~21% total hp damage passively in one balance.  Hugalaz is ~30-35% total hp damage.  Othala and Hugalaz combined is ~50-55% total hp damage, occurring while you are actively damaging, as well.  They can be stacked and hitting simultaneously due to Othala's delayed wind up.  IMO, Thurisaz, Othala, and Hugalaz make Runewarden a damage-strat powerhouse.

    That's a LOT of super good stuff in one skillset.

    When considering the idea of activating a rune for its effect, just no.  Even if you exclude Nairat, you still have Fehu (sleep), Pithakhan (mana damage - consider mana draining runeblades on top of this to pressure focus locks), Isaz (which would be on-demand balance loss), Loshre (anorexia), and Ingaz (paralysis).  I believe these runes would, if activated on their own balance, would have zero to minimal impact since all these effects can be achieved better through weaponmastery with Runeblades.  Therefore, to make the skill worthwhile, the argument could be made that the rune should be able to be activated with a weaponmastery strike.  This gives dwc and snb triple-afflict powers (including paralysis and anorexia - two locking afflitions) on demand.

    IMO, Runelore is missing something very important, however: a viable instakill that would serve as an alternative to disembowel.  As it stands, it can be next to impossible for an unartefacted Runewarden to kill a decently artefacted target; this is not a situation that should ever occur.  Artefacts shouldn't make you unkillable to those without them.  They should just make it reasonably more difficult.
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