Just because I don't want to assume affs are the same in each IRE mud (since they often aren't), can someone please correct or confirm what these affs do:
impatience(blocks focus?) recklessness(makes it look like I have max health? Is there also an effect on active curing?) nausea(periodic vomiting, and stops parry working?) - I think I got this correct healthleech(I'm guessing either a DoT or reduced health elixir?) weariness(lower damage, can't fly, and is no longer focusable?) slickness(prevents salve apps - only asking this because I read an old and confusing post about 50% parry bypass something or other) paranoia (prevents allying or benefits from allied effects... something like that?)
Alternatively, if there is a resource somewhere with this information already available, just point me at it
Nausea gives certain abilities parry bypass (in weaponmastery), not every attack.
Weariness blocks certain skills, like fitness, most noticeably. It blocks atavian flying, but not rings or steeds, afaik.
Recklessness stops certain active curing abilities, most noticeably dragonheal.
Slickness has an eaten cure that's the same as paralysis. That means that when you eat bloodroot, it's 50/50 to get rid of paralysis. You can't parry paralysed, so.
Just because I don't want to assume affs are the same in each IRE mud (since they often aren't), can someone please correct or confirm what these affs do:
impatience(blocks focus?) --also halves mana sips
recklessness(makes it look like I have max health? Is there also an effect on active curing?) --needed to stop dragon/depthswalker actives
nausea(periodic vomiting, and stops parry working?) - I think I got this correct --only stops parrying vs weaponmastery attacks
healthleech(I'm guessing either a DoT or reduced health elixir?) --hidden health damage
weariness(lower damage, can't fly, and is no longer focusable?) --stops fitness/shrugging, also needed to stop dragon active
slickness(prevents salve apps - only asking this because I read an old and confusing post about 50% parry bypass something or other) --and quicksilver (to note: if they apply quicksilver it means they have neither slickness, or paralysis, anymore, not just slick)
paranoia (prevents allying or benefits from allied effects... something like that?)
Alternatively, if there is a resource somewhere with this information already available, just point me at it
Nausea gives certain abilities parry bypass (in weaponmastery), not every attack.
Weariness blocks certain skills, like fitness, most noticeably. It blocks atavian flying, but not rings or steeds, afaik.
Recklessness stops certain active curing abilities, most noticeably dragonheal.
Slickness has an eaten cure that's the same as paralysis. That means that when you eat bloodroot, it's 50/50 to get rid of paralysis. You can't parry paralysed, so.
Edit: sigh, phones
So I can't use nausea (as a sentinel) for parry bypass? (I realise I can use a handaxe for that, I was just considering possibilities when using spear, since sents can do a reasonable ginseng stack).
I'd need to test as this information is many years out of date, but it certainly used to stop metamorph flying as well. Very interesting to hear about it blocking fitness though - that makes me rethink a lot of things tbh. Also makes some other posts/comments from people make sense too!
And I hadn't considered that ramification of randomised curing (Aet still being in a strict order). I'd considered what it meant for choosing venom combos, but not from the receiving aspect and choosing what/how to cure. It makes it less clear what the 'best' next cure is, since RNG could make a bad choice the perfect in in that instance.
Nausea gives certain abilities parry bypass (in weaponmastery), not every attack.
Weariness blocks certain skills, like fitness, most noticeably. It blocks atavian flying, but not rings or steeds, afaik.
Recklessness stops certain active curing abilities, most noticeably dragonheal.
Slickness has an eaten cure that's the same as paralysis. That means that when you eat bloodroot, it's 50/50 to get rid of paralysis. You can't parry paralysed, so.
Edit: sigh, phones
Weariness also blocks gallop/dash. Recklessness also prevents Accelerate (Depthswalker active cure); it only prevents Dragonheal if they also have weariness.
Oh yeah, totally forgot about the dash block! Antonius is right about all that, I was just answering quick-ish. Sentinel not having a parry bypass is probably what keeps it from being my favourite offence in Achaea, sadly!
Why does BM accuracy suck so much asshole? Not the clean asshole either, that nasty shit. Atalkez don't come in here and say it is fine. There is a reason there are NO BM's anymore. Can't hit shit, even in Thyr. I have a level 3 band. I have 10 classes and NONE of them have this problem for Christ sake. Even monk doesn't miss this bad! Missing is the difference between losing and winning in today's game.
Why does BM accuracy suck so much asshole? Not the clean asshole either, that nasty shit. Atalkez don't come in here and say it is fine. There is a reason there are NO BM's anymore. Can't hit shit, even in Thyr. I have a level 3 band. I have 10 classes and NONE of them have this problem for Christ sake. Even monk doesn't miss this bad! Missing is the difference between losing and winning in today's game.
I’ve never once said it was fine. I’ve hated the miss rate forever.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Why does BM accuracy suck so much asshole? Not the clean asshole either, that nasty shit. Atalkez don't come in here and say it is fine. There is a reason there are NO BM's anymore. Can't hit shit, even in Thyr. I have a level 3 band. I have 10 classes and NONE of them have this problem for Christ sake. Even monk doesn't miss this bad! Missing is the difference between losing and winning in today's game.
I’ve never once said it was fine. I’ve hated the miss rate forever.
Ah, every time we talk about it you're like nah brah it's fine. We need to work on people not surviving our "instant" kill either.
You can also illusion limb hit to throw people of their limb counting. Every thing that's tracked can be tricked.
Everything that can be 'tricked', can be coded around. Depending on the level of effort you want to go to.
Shielding / Curseward illusions? You can track their balances, if you feel like gathering attack lines.
Rebounding can be tricky, depending on what/when they illusion. But generally speaking you can just pay attention to when they smoke, and if rebounding coming up aligns with said timing.
Limb hits? virtually not a problem if you use queueing. Use the 'running queued eqbal command' line to start searching for an attack between then and the next prompt; disable check on the prompt. If an 'attack' happens any other time, ignore it. If you're not doing this, you kinda deserve to have illusions fuck with your counter, if you use one.
Tumbling/leaving lines? Can track that via gmcp, easier to setup even than any of the above things.
With all the information available to you that the game itself provides, a well-coded system won't be fooled by illusions. AK is pretty easy to fool with illusions though.
It's all down to the efforts of the individual. There are counters and counter counters but for most people they do basic illusion checking and leave it at that and most people who can do illusions don't do any or do basic ones. If youyhave the time and energy to put onto it, on either side, you'll makr skme progress. Illusioning as serpent slows your offense so it's used primarily defensively when you don't want to be attacking, as Vika says.
I forget, is there any limitation on illusions designed to mess with people's systems (You have slain x, ect), or is that all germane?
Almost all illusions (in combat) are meant to mess with people's systems. HELP ILLUSIONS covers what isn't allowed. Probably the main thing to take note of (because it isn't as blatantly obvious as the rest of the rules) is that you can't implicate uninvolved people in your illusions. So during a raid you can use illusions of someone else involved in the raid (illusioning target calls by the raid leader for example), but you can't just pick a name from qw and make it look like they're attacking.
impatience (blocks focus?)
recklessness (makes it look like I have max health? Is there also an effect on active curing?)
nausea (periodic vomiting, and stops parry working?) - I think I got this correct
healthleech (I'm guessing either a DoT or reduced health elixir?)
weariness (lower damage, can't fly, and is no longer focusable?)
slickness (prevents salve apps - only asking this because I read an old and confusing post about 50% parry bypass something or other)
paranoia (prevents allying or benefits from allied effects... something like that?)
Alternatively, if there is a resource somewhere with this information already available, just point me at it
Weariness blocks certain skills, like fitness, most noticeably. It blocks atavian flying, but not rings or steeds, afaik.
Recklessness stops certain active curing abilities, most noticeably dragonheal.
Slickness has an eaten cure that's the same as paralysis. That means that when you eat bloodroot, it's 50/50 to get rid of paralysis. You can't parry paralysed, so.
Edit: sigh, phones
http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/5543/what-does-each-affliction-do/p1 Not an exhaustive list, but mostly still accurate.
I'd need to test as this information is many years out of date, but it certainly used to stop metamorph flying as well. Very interesting to hear about it blocking fitness though - that makes me rethink a lot of things tbh. Also makes some other posts/comments from people make sense too!
And I hadn't considered that ramification of randomised curing (Aet still being in a strict order). I'd considered what it meant for choosing venom combos, but not from the receiving aspect and choosing what/how to cure. It makes it less clear what the 'best' next cure is, since RNG could make a bad choice the perfect in in that instance.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Weariness reduces only physical damage.
Also, worth noting that nausea vomiting makes you hungry so you'll eventually start passing out if you don't eat food.
"You beat wings in vain, but alas, you are too weary to fly."
RoF, Aerial, Shadow Ascend, Flying Mounts, etc aren't stopped by weariness.
four of hallucinations, dizziness, recklessness, confusion, paranoia, epilepsy, and impatience,
It blocks free flight, not paid for flight
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
It's up to you as a coder to implement a check or way to ignore these. Some old heavy hitters were:
You have slain x.
Retardation line.
Shielding after every attack.
You starbursting.
With the ability of combat illusions going down, they've moved from offensive to defensive. And People use them way less.
References off the top of my head would be
@Kiet @Strata @Kythra @Antidas and probably every combatant serpent back in those days.
There's very few illegal illusions to my knowledge.
Of course I may be wrong about some of this so any serpent back then can correct me.
Rangor used to do X leaves to the Y, that was super obnoxious.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Shielding / Curseward illusions? You can track their balances, if you feel like gathering attack lines.
Rebounding can be tricky, depending on what/when they illusion. But generally speaking you can just pay attention to when they smoke, and if rebounding coming up aligns with said timing.
Limb hits? virtually not a problem if you use queueing. Use the 'running queued eqbal command' line to start searching for an attack between then and the next prompt; disable check on the prompt. If an 'attack' happens any other time, ignore it. If you're not doing this, you kinda deserve to have illusions fuck with your counter, if you use one.
Tumbling/leaving lines? Can track that via gmcp, easier to setup even than any of the above things.
With all the information available to you that the game itself provides, a well-coded system won't be fooled by illusions. AK is pretty easy to fool with illusions though.