During the Great Hunt itself, I went from 92.80 to 98.50. To be blunt those that honestly know me know I have difficulties with hunting and spam and therefore I have huge shout outs for their encouragements and help for: @Proficy@Cooper@Aegoth@Skye@Kandra@Loalaine@Helewys@Saira@Ysela@Eoka And then today I was able to get dragon! You guys rock, your support and encouragement is seriously appreciated.
Lightning-quick, you jab an elite mhun keeper with a Soulpiercer.
The songblessing upon the rapier sings out with a piercing high note.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
You have slain an elite mhun keeper, retrieving the corpse.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 99.
You have reached the illustrious level of Greater Dragon.
Jinsun said: Bruh check the exclusions clause. No one is gonna get excommed anytime soon.
Good. We never campaigned for excom with any desire to actually use it. We're going around calling ourselves the Seat of Chaos, but until now the House Occultist's Book of Eschaton meant that we had more of a claim on that title before the renaissance than after. If we don't get to claim the Chaos Priest the way that Mhaldor gets the Evil Priest and Targ gets Priest Classic then we're not really the Seat of Anything, are we?
Oh right. I forgot to post a rave here but??? I recommended them for a CF anyways.
Shout outs to @Daklore , @Voc , @Marxi , @Garrus , @Jayden , and probably a few others for being awesome in Cyrene during the Greathunt. Literally offering their services for runes/empowerment for free and were willing to travel. Hella cool and much to them.
Shout out to @Haloshire for giving me great conversation whilst I was dead-ass tired and going "WHY AM I EVEN IN EXISTENCE?" from lack of sleep.
@Ashu for being a swell IC BF who kept driving me to compete and staying behind me despite being a serpent hunting grukai. Sent him a ton of goodies over the hunt, not limited to Lucrescent Nuts and Sips of lucky, but also my arties whenever I QQ'd. Glad to have placed with him.
Also a shoutout to @Kandra for the LAST DAY OF THE DAMN HUNT. Kandra, Ashu, and some other schmucks were in an OOC party with us while we were just like "GOD WE'RE SO FUCKING TIRED". I eventually just passed out because Krizal was turning my 750 point lead down by 100+ every hour. Eventually went to sleep, woke up still in second so I just hunted some more before calling it quits. Wasn't gonna make up the 2k+ lead Krizal had on me.
More or less. Greathunt is kinda fun. Not so much fun for the 3 friggin days it went on that I had little to no sleep, but I did end up hunting and playing D&D at the same time on saturday so???
Ok, as most everyone knows, I hate bashing. I hate it because it's boring and mashing a single button over and over does not have any appeal to me whatsoever. Getting dragon is a pretty big deal for me considering that I never really considered going that far, ever. Now I'm super stoked and want to thank a few people specifically.
@Senoske for helping me to keep my sanity throughout all of my narcissistic pissing and moaning. @Naoma for the luls with Senoske. @Krizal, @Armali, @Karren, @Kaillian, @Ginovianna, @Yzarin, and the rest of the Hashan crew for the love. @Taraus for that last minute encouraging shove of Suffering. @Datrius for the words of wisdom near the end.
I bought profithyst from a bunch of people, but throughout 98, people kept giving it to me for free, so another round of raves for @Senoske, @Naoma, and @Karren.
I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate all the love and I can't even begin to describe how nearly overwhelming it was.
Ok, I'm done now.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
Yeah, no thanks. I'll stick to actually playing the game myself.
Literally the only thing that script does is make it so you only need to press your attack key/alias once to start attacking. Once the room is cleared, you manually move or change targets and hit the button again. All it does is save you from repeatedly mashing the button, which is something you apparently don't like, so I made it so you don't have to.
Do you refuse to use every trigger or script? Because after all, you're not entering every single command, so therefore you're not playing the game, right?
Look. I'm a fairly good and prolific coder. If I wanted to make a script that produced the 1 outcome of pressing a button thousands of time in succession, I would have. I don't need your help or suggestions. You are not the first person to come up with a command repeating script for bashing and you won't be the last. So please, just stop giving advice where it isn't wanted. If you want to share your stuff, go over to the Tech Support forum and share there.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
Look. I'm a fairly good and prolific coder. If I wanted to make a script that produced the 1 outcome of pressing a button thousands of time in succession, I would have. I don't need your help or suggestions. You are not the first person to come up with a command repeating script for bashing and you won't be the last. So please, just stop giving advice where it isn't wanted. If you want to share your stuff, go over to the Tech Support forum and share there.
So... you hate doing something that's boring and repetitive, but you don't want to do the thing that makes it stop being boring and repetitive?
So please, just stop giving advice where it isn't wanted.
Important part of his post. Your way doesn't really eliminate the boring factor, nor the repetitive one. It just means he has to press less buttons. The boring/repetitive factor for the majority of people is having to bash in general, which you can only 'eliminate' via something which will get you shrubbed.
He never said the button mashing is what he hated. He said he hated bashing.
He hates bashing because it's boring and he has to mash buttons, so I'd assume he hates button mashing. Thus, the code that eliminates the button mashing.
With or without button mashing, bashing is boring.
Pretty much end of story and no need to press further on with it.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Get Mudlet. I don't make scripts for awful clients.
The Nexus client is in no way awful. It does most of the GUI stuff that people seem to want Mudlet to do by default, and it's just as easy to code for, albeit in a different language. Your comment says more about you than the client.
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
And then today I was able to get dragon! You guys rock, your support and encouragement is seriously appreciated.
Lightning-quick, you jab an elite mhun keeper with a Soulpiercer.
Much love to Reymi for being Eli's constant female friend that she knows will keep her in check.
And to @Farrah who doesn't seem to mind when Eli tosses a bunch of Harbingers at her and goes: "Go learn!"
Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."
Shout outs to @Daklore , @Voc , @Marxi , @Garrus , @Jayden , and probably a few others for being awesome in Cyrene during the Greathunt. Literally offering their services for runes/empowerment for free and were willing to travel. Hella cool and much
Shout out to @Haloshire for giving me great conversation whilst I was dead-ass tired and going "WHY AM I EVEN IN EXISTENCE?" from lack of sleep.
@Ashu for being a swell IC BF who kept driving me to compete and staying behind me despite being a serpent hunting grukai. Sent him a ton of goodies over the hunt, not limited to Lucrescent Nuts and Sips of lucky, but also my arties whenever I QQ'd. Glad to have placed with him.
Also a shoutout to @Kandra for the LAST DAY OF THE DAMN HUNT. Kandra, Ashu, and some other schmucks were in an OOC party with us while we were just like "GOD WE'RE SO FUCKING TIRED". I eventually just passed out because Krizal was turning my 750 point lead down by 100+ every hour. Eventually went to sleep, woke up still in second so I just hunted some more before calling it quits. Wasn't gonna make up the 2k+ lead Krizal had on me.
More or less. Greathunt is kinda fun. Not so much fun for the 3 friggin days it went on that I had little to no sleep, but I did end up hunting and playing D&D at the same time on saturday so???
Heart eyes to all ya'll.
* If you QUEUE REPLACE an index in the queue that is not yet filled, you'll now just automatically QUEUE ADD instead.
@Makarios is my hero.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
@Senoske for helping me to keep my sanity throughout all of my narcissistic pissing and moaning. @Naoma for the luls with Senoske. @Krizal, @Armali, @Karren, @Kaillian, @Ginovianna, @Yzarin, and the rest of the Hashan crew for the love. @Taraus for that last minute encouraging shove of Suffering. @Datrius for the words of wisdom near the end.
I bought profithyst from a bunch of people, but throughout 98, people kept giving it to me for free, so another round of raves for @Senoske, @Naoma, and @Karren.
I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate all the love and I can't even begin to describe how nearly overwhelming it was.
Ok, I'm done now.
Then he still has to press buttons.
eta: Also ew. 5 commands at once, when majority of the time 4 of those are gonna be unnecessary. Dat spam/gagging needed. Gross.
Autobash trigger:
Gagging lines:
You should see my PVP keybinds.
Gotta get dat scripting down.
Do you refuse to use every trigger or script? Because after all, you're not entering every single command, so therefore you're not playing the game, right?
Look. I'm a fairly good and prolific coder. If I wanted to make a script that produced the 1 outcome of pressing a button thousands of time in succession, I would have. I don't need your help or suggestions. You are not the first person to come up with a command repeating script for bashing and you won't be the last. So please, just stop giving advice where it isn't wanted. If you want to share your stuff, go over to the Tech Support forum and share there.
He never said the button mashing is what he hated. He said he hated bashing.
Pretty much end of story and no need to press further on with it.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
OT: Gz on dragon Mosr. Bout time, buddy.
Make one for Nexus.
I wanna talk and auto swap targets. having to press F1 every little bit interrupts this.