So far Mhaldor has been freaking amazing, with the exception of one individual who seems to powertrip a little hard. Everyone's been super nice in their weird little suffering and oppression way! Also super loving Apostate, even though I'm really bad at it. I definitely have the basic concepts down, but I need to practice them over and over now.
I'm really glad I made the switch! Nothing really wrong with Targossas; Kuy just kind of developed away from there.
Either way, superfuntimes!
[2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
So, I'm happy, and I won't go into all the details but:
Rising up from the waters of a fountain, a majestic ship crests an obsidian wave.
Carefully you stretch up and touch your hand to the golden ship, the full sails turning on the mast and reflecting the golden crown engraved upon its surface.
Having the small unveiling event pretty much brought tears to my eyes, so many people spent so much time gathering gold and donating (1 mill+ in under an IC year) just to make it happen. Thanks @Ourania for adding in all the unique touches that make it one of the most unique things I've ever seen in Achaea. Super thanks to @Lacertix for being an amazing IC hubby and speaking at the event even though he HATES being seen anywhere. It was worth every bit of gold, time, and me making a total bitch out of myself (okay, probably not this last part).
Anyway, thanks @Hashan. Eiredhel might not have all her kids, but she still has lots of work! (she doesn't like kids anyway)
P.S. No, that isn't all it does, but I don't want to ruin it for those who haven't seen or played with it yet.
Had a fun and interesting, yet profoundly frustrating conversation with @Decan facilitated by @Tyamat.
Edit:tired, inebriated grammar
Hey @Vayne, cut me some slack, it wasnt my idea to talk to you about that crap, I thought we were getting along just fine. They just asked me to participate. After it was apparent you'd hear no compromise, I just tried to have some fun with it.
Time to jump ship y'all, there is no saving it. I now have proper motivation to do what I've been wanting to do since I came back. I've been dabbling in it with an alt and I know now it's what I really want to do.
Also I really like the change for dstab. Double rave woohoo!
Arguing with a zealot is only slightly easier than tunneling through a mountain with your forehead.
We've made some further changes to our server-side queueing system, adding some new
functionality and generally making it more useable. The details are as follows:
* The command queue can now hold two items for both balance and equilibrium.
* CLEARQUEUE now functions once per balance/eq loss.
* CLEARQUEUE now requires an argument for which queue you would like to clear (BAL or
* CONFIG now has additional options for hiding/showing the system messages.
mhmm! STAND;KILL finally goes through!
Now that the framework is here, next logical step would be to add queueing for entity bal/voice/whatever else is out there to make non-Americans even more happy!
Didn't they declare it illegal to force kick guards?
Seems like there's a bunch of confusion around this. I did not think it was illegal myself, since I see it used all the time. Turns out it is, despite the fact that so many people do it. I was issued for it the first time I ever used it, and I was using it as a means to stop mind radiance, so I don't think it's even a case of it being allowed only during conflicts or anything. The issue was deleted, but I got this message clarifying it regardless:
Message #11530 Sent by Anytus 11/11/7:07 Greetings! Regarding the issue [someone] filed against you, which was subsequently deleted, I can confirm it is not permitted to force players to kick guards as a means of causing them to die - we consider it a form of griefing. If you see other players using this tactic, we would welcome your assistance by bringing it to our attention. Many thanks!
I lol'd when she tried to farsee me. I think it's because I was the only one on markwho at the time. Newb, i'm your city mate. I hate you and all, but i'm not gonna kill you.
@kuy haven't met in game, but just read the log of your induction. Figured you deserve a rave for the horrible burst of inspiration you've given me.
D'aww, thanks!
Which induction, though? :O
What ever Kuy's price is referencing then. That whole thread sparked something, which will hopefully be awesome. Maybe more so from suddenly being Dreadborn. *blink blink* thanks for that @arditi, caught me completely out of the blue.
A few people to do since I quit Koyuki and took up Naah.
In short, because a lot of people seem to ask..
Naga just didn't click with me! Period. Wasn't issues within the City, people or anything, Mhaldor is still the best! Down with heathens!
@Alrena for being an incredibly cool general. Hope there won't be as so much conflict as I would rather RP with her, always cool to have opposite factions have a debate without spitting in each other's faces. She kinda retains this cool demeanor while still playing the zealous defender of Nature. Yeah, she's cool. (Except at 02:46 she just came out of no where with Lala and proceeded to kill Xer and I. Uncool.)
@Mishgul who is actually @Carmain. (Gasp!) Thought not always, getting to talk with the Dreadlord is pretty fun; and he likes to interact with those who he knows actually talk back instead of cowering in respect and fear. All around fun to ask about the lore and history of Mhaldor!
@Rakon is like a fluffy lovable teddy bear of giggles and rainbows. Always fun to talk to and tease, hoping to get a lot more RP out of him in the future!
@Orzaansyn probably one of the most interactive people I have the pleasure of roleplaying with. Teaching Naah about the principals of Mind and Spirit, just someone that I can enjoy not having to worry about combat with and can just vent to. Being able to log in and having someone to show my accomplishments to, whether through combat being Marked or overcoming a puzzle or reading about Mhaldorian history, probably not a better mentor I could have chose.
@Xer is hands down one of the coolest fellow Asian Mhaldorians I could play with. Kinda a battle mentor, someone to help me settle down when I want to rip someone's throat out, and teaching me how to use triggers and aliases in Mudlet (EVEN THOUGH MY LAPTOP CLEARED MOST OF IT) always fun to just ramble on or leech EXP when he takes me hunting. The RP is always fun through a Slave looking up towards a Sartai. Always making the effort to take me hunting on someone, whether it's Aegoth, or some Targossian heathen; always a great time when I get to hang with him.
@Mhaldor is obviously the best City out there, huge interaction; idling and boredom is not allowed; always something to do. The RP is rich and developed, and those that are obviously just weak won't survive. Feels almost like Dauntless in a way; except with slightly different values. Militaristic, very small community (which makes it better), and all our Houses aren't separated by silly things.
Rave for my raiding buddies, you know who you are. What would otherwise had been a very boring wait for the tank to fill so we could make our point and leave, turned into a tea party in Mhaldor, and halfway we decided to try to blow up Mhaldor's bank. We almost got away with it too, but we ran out of time. Cheers to my heist buddies! You all know who you are!
Also, @Naah I'm more than willing to RP with citydwellers. Carries a slight risk of being converted to Eleusis, though.
@Scarlatti grants you entrance into the Divine Order of Scarlatti, the Great Bard.
And not only that, but the little conversation that happened immediately beforehand in the Grotto of Song. There are no words to describe just how much I enjoyed that interaction!
Also, last but not least, to whoever it was that touched up my rough customized harp description like I asked. I was not sure about what to expect, but whatever I was expecting, you went completely beyond it with awesomeness!
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
I knew the recipe that I sent in last night was going to be rejected but this letter is so priceless.
You see that the letter contains a blank recipe sketch. You read what is written on an elegant white letter: The craft guild has returned your proposed sketch (enclosed in this letter) for further revisions. The following comments were made of the sketch:
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
(I still want multiclass)
Penicillin isn't crazy expensive in the States is it?
I lol'd when she tried to farsee me. I think it's because I was the only one on markwho at the time. Newb, i'm your city mate. I hate you and all, but i'm not gonna kill you.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
What ever Kuy's price is referencing then. That whole thread sparked something, which will hopefully be awesome. Maybe more so from suddenly being Dreadborn. *blink blink* thanks for that @arditi, caught me completely out of the blue.
Down with heathens!
@Orzaansyn probably one of the most interactive people I have the pleasure of roleplaying with. Teaching Naah about the principals of Mind and Spirit, just someone that I can enjoy not having to worry about combat with and can just vent to. Being able to log in and having someone to show my accomplishments to, whether through combat being Marked or overcoming a puzzle or reading about Mhaldorian history, probably not a better mentor I could have chose.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
You see that the letter contains a blank recipe sketch.
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
The craft guild has returned your proposed sketch (enclosed in this letter) for further revisions.
The following comments were made of the sketch:
What is this I don't even.
I am so sorry @Phaestus but I can't stop laughing