Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
The last 30 announce posts should act as the proverbial Folger's, snapping you out of any coma left in your noggin that we are so alone right now Gilligan's island is Grand Central Station by comparison.
Not only should you set your sights lower, join me in casting aside the shackles of self respect and dignity, and simply be thankful our server still has electricity.
This rave is for @Kyrra, for always being helpful and being so awesome.
Your account has been credited with 55 credits.
Huzzah! You've received 5 giftbags for your credit purchase during our current promotion, containing
a random surprises!
I've no idea who did it(first thing I did was check my cc thinking it was in error), but that's very kind and generous of you. Thank you for thinking of me.
I have a theory that if you put a dot on a world map for each the people that were gifted fifty credits, and draw a line between them, it will form a message that will reveal the location of Atlantis, the last surviving cache of Canadian Pepsi Blue or that Elvis shot JFK.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
@Xer, @Ruth, @Kaevan and @Sabiru. I think I would have gone insane a long time ago if I didn't have you guys to rant to and talk things through with and would probably have burnt out again much, much earlier.
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here: https://discord.gg/Vbb9Zfs
Huzzah! You've received 5 giftbags for your credit purchase during our current promotion, containing
a random surprises!
5636h, 4532m, 27080e, 21560w excdbk 61- 23:37:24.559 p 151947
Thousands of tiny iron rings link together in a flawless pattern of sturdy metal to form the fabric
of this heavy giftbag, rattling together at every movement with a noise like falling rain. Skilfully
applied colour flows across the face of the bag's surface, forming the carefully rendered shape of a
tall, square iron tower with windows and a door that open ominously into an interior concealed by
shadow. A thin cord of some surprisingly strong, obscure material forms a drawstring for the bag,
ornate little tassels adorning its ends.
It has 2 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 22 pounds.
A heavy iron-link giftbag is holding:
"horn152138" a ram's horn
Secret credit fairy, why are you so kind?! :O I hope you win the lottery IRL, or get some news soon that makes you really happy, or something. You are exceptionally sweet and I admire you, whoever you are! :x
(I am so keeping the ram's horn, Darroth was all like TRADE IT IN but no way! I am going to see if I can make this my instrument, or add a cool reaction and customize it or something. The perfect bard toy!)
I'm thankful for the random but entertaining interactions Syri gets in the game. I'm bad with names, so I can't recall who you are, but if you've interacted with Syri you can go ahead and give yourself credit.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
The last 30 announce posts should act as the proverbial Folger's, snapping you out of any coma left in your noggin that we are so alone right now Gilligan's island is Grand Central Station by comparison.
Not only should you set your sights lower, join me in casting aside the shackles of self respect and dignity, and simply be thankful our server still has electricity.
(Leaders): Lathis says, "Just make sure Sabiru doesn't get charged with anything
(Leaders): Sabiru says, "<3."
:x :x :x
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here: https://discord.gg/Vbb9Zfs
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.