Bacon and RP



  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Cynlael said:
    If it's IC, then it's RP plain and simple.
    99% of the time, mudsex isn't IC. So it's not RP, plain and simple.

    Actual IC actions ("actual RP") have no OOC consequences. Our characters can murder, steal, torture, pillage from each other with no repercussion to our player lives, because our character's actions don't reflect our literal desires or intentions, as players.

    Conversely, mudsex and the like can result in the very serious and unfortunate situations already mentioned in this thread... situations where real people feel threatened in their real lives, and other real people get held accountable in the real world for their actions.

    And that's possible because most mudsex encounters have no IC/OOC barrier -- the real sexual desires of the player are manifested directly into their characters.
  • The irony level of a presumptuous post about presumption that contains nothing of substance is so high I might have actually had a hipstergasm. Like I blacked out and woke up in a coffee shop in Portland wearing horn-rims and flannel while Elliott Smith crooned softly in the background. That just happened.

    I don't really know what else to say because it doesn't even appear to look like you responded to what I said, opting instead posting some hysterical thing about how I'm unfit to play any multiplayer RPG ever. If you want to continue a reasonable and level-headed discussion on the subject, though, I'm always game.


    If you ask nicely.
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • edited October 2015
     I am in the mudsex is "real rp" camp. I try not to put people in boxes and I doubt the majority of mudsexers fall into the category of predator, crappy writer, loser etc,. Sex and erotica have been around since the dawn of time. As with anything involving the flock, there are going to be wolves among the sheep. I'm sure prehistoric era, caveman style taboo, dateline nbc shit, whatever was popping off back in the day as well.

     If you want to be a well renowned warrior for justice that's great. If you want to be a well renowned warrior for justice that's believes he is great in the text sack, good for you. I would personally go for moderation in the case of text sex, but that's just me. I don't think everyone into text sex is in it purely for the arousal. Consider that live porn is literally free and one click away at any moment. If your character is romantically into another character and you want to express that on an adult level then go for it.

     I have always thought of text sex as more of a bonding experience than actually being aroused. But again, there are always gonna be the freaky deaky's standing buck naked at Minia with a 6 paragraph description that proves some people live for this stuff. In reality though, it is what it is, and if mud sex were banned in Achaea the population would probably be looking like Imperian up in here.

  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    I happen to be referring only to those episodes where people use absurdly vivid emotes depicting synchronised gyrations, loud moaning, and bodily fluids. You know -- those "CANNOT UNSEE" moments? No, I don't think it particularly believable that anyone can engage in that purely for the character's sake.

    If players consummate their characters' marriage, with decidedly less boorish choices for imagery, then WHATEVER. That's not what I necessarily file as "mudsex".
  • Daeir said:
    @Mathonwy: Unfit to pass judgment on others developing their own narratives within the game, more like.
    Discussions, not pithy one-liners.

    Though it's nice to see you walk back your rhetoric.
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    who else isn't surprised that a thread about mudsecks turned into an e-peen measurement?
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • Aodfionn said:
    who else isn't surprised that a thread about mudsecks turned into an e-peen measurement?
    I love e-peen measurement sessions.
    Best time to test my e-scissors.

  • I think there is a measure of how comfortable with any kind of intimacy a person is at work here.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    There's not just the potential for someone to  use logs as blackmail to hurt each other. There's been cases where one in a RP relationship decides to accuse the other person of raping them when in fact they were a willing participant, but they don't want their reputation ruined so they ruin the other person's to keep their name clear. I have seen this happen where people have ended up having to leave their city and/or quit the game because the other person gets so many people to feel sorry for them and they all gang up on the individual accused falsely of rape. So this again touches on not doing things you're ashamed of. If you're ashamed of mudsex, don't do it, and don't ruin the game for someone else because you don't want other people to know and you think the only way to clear your name is to ruin their reputation by calling them a rapist.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

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