I quit for a really long time but I remember a whole bunch of you guys from forever ago. It's pretty funny seeing a lot of you all grown up now. I think I managed to find the MSN forums once upon a time and remember seeing photos of Jhui when he as like 12 or something.
So you're all handsome/beautiful. The kids are all absolutely adorable and the pets too of course!
@berenene (not sure if I'm tagging correctly) Looking fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Now I have to figure out if Orvan's leaving Targ for Hashan or Ashtan.
If I actually did this properly right down there is my baby girl. Just over a year old. She was trying to sleep but looked too damn cute to not take a few pictures.
And this here is me from a few years ago. Eventually I'll get around to something thats actually, ya know recent.
Mentioned the new girlfriend a while back....we had a fun little Easter (first photo), and then we went on a six mile hike yesterday down at some new trails near the dam. Enjoy, and be jealous of my good looks. :P
@Jozlyn I didn't think there was a critter alive you didn't adore.
Also, @Fizz, teach me to spoiler. Every time I try it never works and I get frustrated and something breaks and then now there's something to clean up and then I need a drink and fuck all that noise and THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.
I was also guilty. Oh yay, bathroom pic. Knew it'd happen eventually, such swag.
EDIT: Glad the towel rod held.
I sometimes wear dresses, but enough of that.
This is me at the beach..
My unremovable gauntlet. Need a falcon!