@Sobriquet Have you tried using the Nexus client to see if it's definitely Mudlet that's causing the problem?
I just created a brand new blank profile in Mudlet, created a single alias to unwield and wield my sword and it's taking the same length of time, seems to indicate it's Mudlet.
for some reason my svo.me.gametargethp isn't working. even when I check gmp.IRE.Target.Info.hpperc it isn't showing my current target, or the right % value. Anyway to fix this?
That tag only works for denizens (though I am sure you know that). There was an issue with gmcp targeting a while back that let it get stuck in a certain way... I am not sure if that was fixed or not and I don't know the steps to reproduce that behaviour anymore. Can you give a rundown how you set and unset the target?
Normally it was an alias to set my own variable using a generic name such as "mhun" or "goblin" and the svof variable would be working. I think it had something to do with my settarget alias for the gmcp one to mess up. So I added settarget to my targeting alias and that fixed gmcp.IRE.Target.info. but the svof one still isn't working. I tried using lua svo.me.gametargethp and the vlua one to see a value but nothing came up. Not even nil
Last I recall, SVO grabbed it from the prompt, not from GMCP. When I last used SVO, it used to set its own prompt when you put a custom one in place. --Logging into the last char I used SVO on, this is what the server-side prompt is set to:
Your current custom prompt is:
*hh, *mm, *ee, *ww *t*T *b*d*c-*r-s*s-
^that's where it grabbed game target hp, so you might wanna check your basic prompt.
Svof already has a pretty brilliant enchanter and refiller scripts. Would it be possible to have something added in for ink milling and toxicology in future?
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I'm having issues with the magi limb counter. It's forever set to 5 hits, but that is very very wrong. Assessing does not fix it, and there is no alias to manually set the limb break points. I see in the doc that there's an API for this, but is it possible to change the default?
Have you done any editing to the magi limbcounter in the scripts folder? There should be an assess trigger in it, and the actual folder is what I think has the script coded into it.
Have you done any editing to the magi limbcounter in the scripts folder? There should be an assess trigger in it, and the actual folder is what I think has the script coded into it.
in script section, and you can change the value. The problem you'll have is that the limbs break at 6.5, according to svof. 6 hits with fire/earth/water will prep, one hit with anything past that will break. I haven't really played around with combinations of air and the heavy elements, so I set mine to 7, so it will say prepped at 6 and I know I'm one away from break. nn [limb] will reset it.
I've seen this a few times now, it seems to strip insomnia but SVO thinks I'm asleep. Also, it causes your basher to stop to until I manually diag (DV won't work)
For reference:
(svof): View priorities (reset all to default, import, export):
It's just part of one of many issues that transitioning to gmcp caused, and are only partially fixed. GMCP message tells svo you lost insomnia, then svo sees the line and assumes "oh hey we don't have insomnia so we're asleep and prone". Though, for the most part, bashing triggers are entirely useless now.
I'm returning to mudding after a very long hiatus, and rather than starting to code a new system entirely from scratch, I decided to give svof a try, particularly since it's open source and I can contribute back to it.
For the moment, I'm installing from pre-compiled release code, using the mudlet zip. However, after installing, I notice that the system has installed multiple "Monk svo" folders in every tab. Screenshot for clarity: Did I do something wrong, or is this intentional?
My apologies if this has already been asked, I didn't see it anywhere.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Edit - Spoke to soon, same issue with 2.1
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
--Logging into the last char I used SVO on, this is what the server-side prompt is set to:
^that's where it grabbed game target hp, so you might wanna check your basic prompt.
Pro solutions.
local n = matches[2]
svo.ml_prep_at = tonumber(n - 1)
svo.ml_break_at = tonumber(n)
svo.echof("Limb count set to %s", n)
in script section, and you can change the value. The problem you'll have is that the limbs break at 6.5, according to svof. 6 hits with fire/earth/water will prep, one hit with anything past that will break. I haven't really played around with combinations of air and the heavy elements, so I set mine to 7, so it will say prepped at 6 and I know I'm one away from break. nn [limb] will reset it.
I've seen this a few times now, it seems to strip insomnia but SVO thinks I'm asleep. Also, it causes your basher to stop to until I manually diag (DV won't work)
For reference:
If that doesn't work, disabling/deleting that specific trigger should fix it.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
For the moment, I'm installing from pre-compiled release code, using the mudlet zip. However, after installing, I notice that the system has installed multiple "Monk svo" folders in every tab. Screenshot for clarity:
Did I do something wrong, or is this intentional?
My apologies if this has already been asked, I didn't see it anywhere.