Werner Heisenberg, Kurt Gödel, and Noam Chomsky walk into a bar. Heisenberg turns to the other two and says, "Clearly this is a joke, but how can we figure out if it's funny or not?" Gödel replies, "We can't know that because we're inside the joke." Chomsky says, "Of course it's funny. You're just telling it wrong."
Every 5 years the government runs a mandatory census of the Australian population. This is the first year they've tried to do it online and it there was a lot of oversights. Mainly a lot of ads that say "Do Your Census the Night of August 9th!" so a lot of people thought they had to log in on the night of August 9th and do census. Not log in whenever you want and fill out the details of your household as it exists on August 9th.
That's funny. The AI is too dumb to take Jerusalem in CKII. Unless you help it with your own forces. Glad it can now at least form HRE on its own
Either its the attrition reducing the crusaders to laughable numbers or a doomstack of soldiers from Abbasid's roflstomping them before they reach the holy land. Join crusade just to gain piety and please the church but don't actually do anything and instead spend the money the pope send you for organizing an army onto a grand feast in your castle.
Finally, my new armour had arrived!
There you are.
...This is going to become commonplace now, is it?
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Metroid 2 Remake is released! Finally!
You can find it here.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Don't let it go.
Super excited about this. If you haven't read the book, would definitely recommend. Short read but very insightful.
I'm now torn between my love of Lindsey and my fondness for the old cheesy movie being utterly destroyed in this time of reboots and remakes...
They had a massive 'DoS attack' on the night of August 9th.
He's even started a Twitch channel.
Either its the attrition reducing the crusaders to laughable numbers or a doomstack of soldiers from Abbasid's roflstomping them before they reach the holy land. Join crusade just to gain piety and please the church but don't actually do anything and instead spend the money the pope send you for organizing an army onto a grand feast in your castle.