Scientists discovered a new shark... I think the admins need to add this one to the game... There's also other weird sharks in the article that would be fun to add. hinthint.
A glow in the dark shark called the ninja lantern shark
A really good song by one of my favorite artists of all time, Tom Waits. It's called Chocolate Jesus. For those unfamiliar with Mr. Waits, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011 after decades of being an active and influential part of the music industry since back in the 70's.
He's also the figure that Heath Ledger largely based his Joker persona on for his role in the Dark Knight. So here are some entertaining videos, some of which might show why.
Chocolate Jesus performed on The Late Show with David Letterman - 1983
Performing The Piano Has Been Drinking on the Fernwood Show in 1977
Coffee and Cigerettes episode with Iggy Pop and Tom Waits in 2004
A glow in the dark shark called the ninja lantern shark
On another note, wiggly butt dogs are so damn cute.
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He's also the figure that Heath Ledger largely based his Joker persona on for his role in the Dark Knight. So here are some entertaining videos, some of which might show why.
Chocolate Jesus performed on The Late Show with David Letterman - 1983
Performing The Piano Has Been Drinking on the Fernwood Show in 1977
Coffee and Cigerettes episode with Iggy Pop and Tom Waits in 2004
[spoiler] Giant bat viciously mauling caretaker
Randall Munroe says things that hurt
"This is my life, now."