Started week 3 of university without choking out any entitled upper class students who don't understand how the world works outside mummy and daddy's castle. This bodes well for the next 3 years.. as long as I can hide the pretty visible twitch when someone says something stupidly uninformed
The struggle. It's real.
So real... so so real... it's the downside of going to a Russell group university
I struggle with entitled shitbags stepping off the sidewalk in front of my car like I'm supposed to predict they will be making a 90 degree cut and crossing where there actually isn't 1 of 10000 crosswalks that I already have to stop at. They look up from their phones and shit themselves, then look at me like I'm the asshole. Hey buddy, it's called survival instinct. Get some. I have no qualms hitting a 19-yr old at 10mph because they are too stupid to look up from their phone before walking into a busy street.
I've already crushed a kids skateboard because he tried to cut in front of me, hit the curb because kids these days can't Ollie for shit, and flung the board backwards under my car. I paused long enough to make sure it wasn't his leg snapping under my tire, and just kept driving.
Had a crappy day at work but I spent two hours this afternoon getting waxed and pampered. Total retail therapy move but damn I feel amazing right now.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
On fall break vacation with my sister in Chattanooga hanging out with @Aerek on a glorious front porch. Achaea brings the world together and it is always glorious! WIsh you were with us @Melodie! Also sorry @Trey for not informing, it was a last minute choice!
On fall break vacation with my sister in Chattanooga hanging out with @Aerek on a glorious front porch. Achaea brings the world together and it is always glorious! WIsh you were with us @Melodie! Also sorry @Trey for not informing, it was a last minute choice!
Aww so jealous! Thinking of you guys. But you completely deserved the break and fun, you've been hard at work, momma.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
On fall break vacation with my sister in Chattanooga hanging out with @Aerek on a glorious front porch. Achaea brings the world together and it is always glorious! WIsh you were with us @Melodie! Also sorry @Trey for not informing, it was a last minute choice!
After a month of multi-team investigation and countless hours of lost sleep/weekends, audit/commit history has conclusively proven I am not in fact responsible for a giant fuck-up...exactly like I said and provided proof of in the beginning of it all. VINDICATION
I now get to be the schadenfreuder, instead of the schadenfreudee in a meeting, and booked myself + partner a hot spring trip this weekend because they can fuck right off if they want me for another weekend!
When the girl you are in love with for years tells you she loves you too. Ain't no turning back when you realize that you are the only thing holding yourself down. Excuse the language but fuck that; I will never be held back again. Thank you @Mirek for being Kriemhilde's absolutely amazing father. So happy for things to move forward through this stress. I'm never letting anything hold me back again.
After a month of multi-team investigation and countless hours of lost sleep/weekends, audit/commit history has conclusively proven I am not in fact responsible for a giant fuck-up...exactly like I said and provided proof of in the beginning of it all. VINDICATION
I now get to be the schadenfreuder, instead of the schadenfreudee in a meeting, and booked myself + partner a hot spring trip this weekend because they can fuck right off if they want me for another weekend!
That situation sounded horrible and I am glad it is past you now. Horrible feeling being in a situation where control is removed from your hands.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
I got a 1380 on my SAT! That's in the 1600 point system, converting to the 2400 point system it's a 1960. I thought I actually did really horrible on it
I got a 1380 on my SAT! That's in the 1600 point system, converting to the 2400 point system it's a 1960. I thought I actually did really horrible on it
I also like how you converted for the old people, thanks man.
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
12. I was the last year to take it as a Junior. Meaning youngest people who took it are 28 (Edit: who took it at the normal 'average' junior year time). Which is old compared to 17 lol
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
Personal rave: TOOK MY STITCHES OUT AND NOW MY FINGER HURTS MUCH LESS! TAKE THAT, CAR DOOR. But also, might finally be able to start typing normally again, which is cool. This whole basically one handed playing of Achaea has been a whore and a half.
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
Personal rave: TOOK MY STITCHES OUT AND NOW MY FINGER HURTS MUCH LESS! TAKE THAT, CAR DOOR. But also, might finally be able to start typing normally again, which is cool. This whole basically one handed playing of Achaea has been a whore and a half.
I feel compelled to ask now even if I know there are some answer to questions man was not meant to know...
To balance out my rant: I bought a lamp for my bedside table a few days ago. It’s a very nice, warm glow. It is very pleasing and makes me give a subtle ‘hmmm’ then a nod of appreciation.
Once I finish hat in time, Hilda berg had been keeping me from having that final S for a while. I'm embarrassed to admit after her and Dr Karl captain brineybeard gave me a mess of trouble.
I was stuck for like a week and a half on dr kahl until someone told me about the phase-1 kill.
Rave for boss mechanics that allow shenanigans.
There is a phase 1 kill? Damn it, the only boss I cheesed was king dice's monkey, and that's because I figured out how to do it on my own (plus he's the easiest mini boss anyway).
How do you cheese kahl? That last phase is the same as hilda. Just a long run of having to be perfect.
I was stuck for like a week and a half on dr kahl until someone told me about the phase-1 kill.
Rave for boss mechanics that allow shenanigans.
There is a phase 1 kill? Damn it, the only boss I cheesed was king dice's monkey, and that's because I figured out how to do it on my own (plus he's the easiest mini boss anyway).
How do you cheese kahl? That last phase is the same as hilda. Just a long run of having to be perfect.
In phase one, damage the heart till its got the black mark, then use 3 bomb specials up close and win.
I've already crushed a kids skateboard because he tried to cut in front of me, hit the curb because kids these days can't Ollie for shit, and flung the board backwards under my car. I paused long enough to make sure it wasn't his leg snapping under my tire, and just kept driving.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I now get to be the schadenfreuder, instead of the schadenfreudee in a meeting, and booked myself + partner a hot spring trip this weekend because they can fuck right off if they want me for another weekend!
That's in the 1600 point system, converting to the 2400 point system it's a 1960.
I thought I actually did really horrible on it
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
I also like how you converted for the old people, thanks man.
(From 2005 - 2016, it was out of 2400.)
*ETA - Morale of the story: F*** STANDARDIZED TESTING.
Personal rave: TOOK MY STITCHES OUT AND NOW MY FINGER HURTS MUCH LESS! TAKE THAT, CAR DOOR. But also, might finally be able to start typing normally again, which is cool. This whole basically one handed playing of Achaea has been a whore and a half.
I feel compelled to ask now even if I know there are some answer to questions man was not meant to know...
...Which half?
After the few weeks I've had, achieving something feels good. Hilda Berg was easily the hardest, the UFO part was absolute bullet hell.
Rave for boss mechanics that allow shenanigans.
How do you cheese kahl? That last phase is the same as hilda. Just a long run of having to be perfect.
Dear all,
As the BH weekend is fast approaching, we will close the office today from 3pm (client commitments obviously serviced).
Have a good weekend, and enjoy.
Kind regards
<MD's name redacted>
They changed his terror radius from a heartbeat to "1,2 Freddie's coming for you", complete with creepy children voices.
So fuckin cool.
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM