Didn't leave work till past 7, cat's been home alone for the whole time. Saw the bus coming while I was a distance away so I ran to the stop for fear of another 20 minute wait when it was already 5 minutes to 8. I was only hoping he would wait, expecting him to just drive off like they usually do. He waited.
My progenitors were magnanimous enough to tap one of their friends, who works in a software development company, referring me to them as an aspiring programmer. Arriving at their locale of work, I was then subjected to a questionnaire and some interviews, clearly attempting to ascertain if I am comfortable with learning Python, and if I have sufficient knowledge on Ruby on Rails(I only have basic syntax knowledge, but they seemed pleased enough that I have SOME knowledge) my eldritch nature will corrupt their frail technologies by my very presence.
Fortunately, they seem to be adequately warded as, almost immediately after the interview, I was informed that I have passed their final interview for the trainee programmer position, and that I will be visiting them next Monday for the job offer.
The ultrasound produced a second gummy worm, so now my house is way too small.
Elipise get ahold of me. I can give you all kinds of your having twins info. Grandmother to 2.5 year old twins went through the whole thing with my daughter. Every flipping ultrasound and Non Stress test. Still going through all the raising of them.
So my mom and I have a really rocky relationship, we have my entire life. She had me pretty young, and since she was the baby of 6 siblings I don't think she ever fully grew up. Anyways, it has always been a struggle to get her to understand ANYTHING to do with me, whether it's medical or issues I'm having in my life. Today, surprisingly, I think she actually GOT some of it, which is pretty amazing. Instead of expecting everyone to be like her or ridiculing or any string of excuses she's ever come up with to not sympathize or empathize, today she finally let herself understand a small bit of it and actually showed some degree of caring. I hope this is not fleeting, and that in the future it'll help make things a little easier when trying to converse with her.
A new (to me) car! Only 2 years old instead of 10 like my old one that was overheating and rattling and sounded like a motorcycle instead of a car. So excited!!
First I was angry, because I hate the man she's with, but now I'm excited because my MOMMY IS HOME.
Yay!!!! She just had her first thing of chemo yesterday, and she's reacted well so far. Yay. So much yay. Thank God for not making this a sixth funeral month.
After being ordered not do anything stressful on doctors orders, including online gaming, I was extremely bored.
I put a call out to friends that I was bored, and so they came over, and we had our long awaited, and delayed, Mardi Gras party. I had fun, even if it did not seem near long enough. The typical signal to 'go home' is me vacuuming at 2am. It was 5 am before I even started that, which was quickly taken over by the remaining guests who cleaned up after themselves and left with many hugs.
I think my house may be cleaner than when it started.
Torinn Chiragh, Herald of Fire says, "Good, darn it." Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."
Sometimes it's the little things.
Fortunately, they seem to be adequately warded as, almost immediately after the interview, I was informed that I have passed their final interview for the trainee programmer position, and that I will be visiting them next Monday for the job offer.
got gud
Spring...in New Hampshire, of all places. I can hardly believe it myself.
First I was angry, because I hate the man she's with, but now I'm excited because my MOMMY IS HOME.
Yay!!!! She just had her first thing of chemo yesterday, and she's reacted well so far. Yay. So much yay. Thank God for not making this a sixth funeral month.
weird cravings have started... not certain if it is a rat or a rave, but I'll go for rave.
Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."
Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."
EDIT: Make a float with that and thank me later.
I put a call out to friends that I was bored, and so they came over, and we had our long awaited, and delayed, Mardi Gras party. I had fun, even if it did not seem near long enough. The typical signal to 'go home' is me vacuuming at 2am. It was 5 am before I even started that, which was quickly taken over by the remaining guests who cleaned up after themselves and left with many hugs.
I think my house may be cleaner than when it started.
Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."