Got jumped by @Caladbolg and fought him multiple times to fail in retarded ways. And! I almost had him all 3 times. Threatened him before I left the realms for a while. Hehe. I am sooo going to kill you bub. Just wait. Your days are numbered!(in game)
Raided Ashtan and destroyed a room! Go team green!
Too a group of Eleusians on a group hunt! No one died. Tried to get them killed in the underworld though. Hahaha!
Tried to drop a Sartai shrine and failed because of lack of essence. DIDN'T GET WITNESSED! HA! ..ahem..
Gained like 15 percent experience in all thanks to all the activities.
Learned how to pull off 4 bbts(finally). Got jumped by @Antidas in Annwyn and escaped with my life. Hi to you too nice to know you still like me kind of. Also thanks for the welcome to the life of the marks! Very classy of you. I mean it.
Witnessed the houses of Eleusis being opened to the public. Did my tasks and joined the Scions. Bazillion house rank one people around! Never seen so many ! Nearly got through my first rank in the house. Busy busy month!
Oh...and I didn't get any sleep for my first day back from vacation. And I work nights and wasn't able to change my schedule. Was worth it though. Too see the houses open. Oh well. Sleep tomorrow after I have been up 24 hrs.
New Houses! And of course, I'm not around when they officially open.
Did the new tasks, joined the Heartwood Kin, got up to HR3, got my surname back. Just need to wait for some more people to log in now so I can keep on going at the paths.
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Opened up like a House on fire...hmm, I smell smoke.
Gave some group discussions to save time, felt that they went pretty smoothly. After that, I sprained two of my fingers on my right hand (middle, ring) playing basketball and can't bend them naturally, I came back and did more discussions. This hurts like hell. But people are completing requirements, so that's good to see. Send help pls.
And as he slept he dreamed a dream, and this was his dream.
Milled up 600 inks because @Allene is a slave driver. Saw @Glorissa's lovely home. And it is lovely, even if I'm not too comfy with houses in the subs. Show up to a call for a party spar. Glorissa: "Okay. Me and my dad vs. you three." What. Look at my three opponents. They're all Runewardens. Two are dual blunt Runewardens. dragonform Completely missed Glorissa being killed off until after I kill one of them with damage. OMG, SO MANY BROKEN LIMBS. Wiggle out. lesserform conjure lightwall e That's nice Darkshade curing you have there. It would be a shame if something were to.. ..HAPPEN TO IT. I step out of the arena feeling pretty badass. I know damned well that I'd be dead as hell if they had more experience with Serpents. Something to add to the to-do list! SEA MONSTER!?!?!?!? COME WITH ME, MY HOUSE, AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO GLORY! My daughter shows up. COME WITH ME, MY CITY, AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO GLORY! @Rien and @Allene show up. COME WITH ME, MY MARINERS, AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO GLORY! @Siduri shows up. Damn it. I guess this will do.
Spend 20 minutes sailing around, looking for the sea monster. The captain said she was sunk near the Lemnian sea, and is clearly distraught. "Well, seems it's gone. We'll raise the ship - does anyone have Deckhand 4?" "..." "..Does anyone have Deckhand 4?" "..." "..Does anyone-" @Kez volunteers. Because she's awesome. It takes me this long to actually look at the deathsight and realize that it isn't the Lemnian Sea. It's the Scyrian Reaches. Herp derp. When we finally get to the sunken ship, the sea monster is sitting there. I'm suddenly reminded of the game "The Binding of Isaac". fire onager n "Fire at what?" This goes on for several long minutes as I circle the sea creature, and everyone is slowly realizing that whatever we're doing isn't working. I immediately send and issue mentioning that the syntax isn't working. I immediately send Hawkins a tell. "You told me to do the thing, and the thing isn't working, Hawkins. And I really need to do the thing, Hawkins. Help me with the thing, Hawkins." @Siduri suggests that we stop, cast off our lines and fish for it. I'm sorely tempted. Hawkins tells me that he gave me the right advice, and to not blame my amateurish shenanigans on him. I inform him (OOCLY) that the syntax he gave me is resulting with "Fire at what?" @Meletus replies in very short order: In regard to issue 72273, you have to be adjacent to the sea monster and
then fire in that direction! I believe AB SEAFARING FIREWEAPON has the
syntax! Praise based @Meletus!
A gargantuan angler fish tells you, "Yarr, because you're not in range of anything, get up close to it." ..I HAVE A SPIRIT ANIMAL. We tear it up with weapons fire, and chase it into the chops. It loses us in the chops. This annoys me, because this has now become a "I once caught a fish THIS BIG, but it got away!" story. We raise the ship, escort it back into harbour without a problem. We follow it soon afterward. Everyone is debriefed, and we go our separate ways. For the first time in a long time, it feels like it isn't just @Artanis and I out here on the Mariners' side, fighting. It's a good feeling. I thank @Hawkins and apologize for losing my head a bit - I didn't want to be the one who's known for leading an ineffectual charge at a sea monster twice. He didn't respond, but I hope he thinks well of me.
And when I wake up the next day, I oversleep and miss my classes. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
@Bronislav your posts are by far the most entertaining here. Lol you seen to capture the panicky moments and hilarity perfectly!
Thanks a lot. I appreciate it, although this one felt a lot more tame than the near-manic ones I've done before. I was worried I was losing my touch - I'm glad that isn't the case!
The power cut out while I was in the middle of typing a response to Silvarien in another thread, and then the mother of all storms happened for over an hour. There was lightning hitting all over the place, the thunder was deafening, and I had to go out in the rain to retrieve my dogs who were scared witless and decided running toward where the lightning was hitting was a practical idea.
It was positively exhilarating. Once the storm was mostly passed, the dogs wanted to go for walkies in the rain, so I went out with them and got some of the most amazing photos that I've taken in a really long time. I think I want to get a couple of these printed and framed, I like them that much. It was a perfect afternoon for relaxing.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
The power cut out while I was in the middle of typing a response to Silvarien in another thread, and then the mother of all storms happened for over an hour. There was lightning hitting all over the place, the thunder was deafening, and I had to go out in the rain to retrieve my dogs who were scared witless and decided running toward where the lightning was hitting was a practical idea.
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
The power cut out while I was in the middle of typing a response to Silvarien in another thread, and then the mother of all storms happened for over an hour. There was lightning hitting all over the place, the thunder was deafening, and I had to go out in the rain to retrieve my dogs who were scared witless and decided running toward where the lightning was hitting was a practical idea.
The power cut out while I was in the middle of typing a response to Silvarien in another thread, and then the mother of all storms happened for over an hour. There was lightning hitting all over the place, the thunder was deafening, and I had to go out in the rain to retrieve my dogs who were scared witless and decided running toward where the lightning was hitting was a practical idea.
The whole of Aus seems to have offended him. There's currently four monsters swirling off of their northern shores. Im kind of jealous
Yeah, that's where all my storms come from.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Go to buy credits and get told invalid character. Log into character... Not invalid.... Go to buy credits again... Invalid character.. Oh there is a space at the end of the name....
You rip into Yuthka, the daemonic serpent with your massive, deadly claws.
Yuthka, the daemonic serpent takes in a final breath before her body flails about and her maw drops open, causing a blast of blinding white light to shine forth and engulf the room.
You have slain Yuthka, the daemonic serpent, retrieving the corpse.
Numerous golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
Bronislav said: SEA MONSTER!?!?!?!? COME WITH ME, MY HOUSE, AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO GLORY! My daughter shows up. COME WITH ME, MY CITY, AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO GLORY! @Rien and @Allene show up. COME WITH ME, MY MARINERS, AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO GLORY! @Siduri shows up. Damn it. I guess this will do.
I really wanted to come, but I was busy freeing Minos from their tyrannical ruler.
Was ready for the event to teach Eleusis about Scion ideals. It was a req for my house. Had decided to do a preachy thing at beginning and take the group hunting and defiling. First try went terribly.heh. Made the mistake of taking then to Annwyn, not knowing their capabilities and deciding to rush @Jhui since I was pretty confident that 9 of is could take him. Forgot the group was largely full of inexperienced people that didn't know howto rush properly without instruction. @Rangor killed him after I died. Dat ma stun man...couldn't do a damn thing. After that I took a rain check on the event and @Alrena and taking care of newbies cheered me up a .Tried again later on that event.(blurgh could barely get anyone to go) This time not in Annwyn. Didn't go horrible. Didn't go great either. @Ravien was positive it didn't go that badly.(love you Grandma!) Mostly went well. cept I forgot to tell someone the plan and she got killed instead of escaping. (Sorry @Yae)Heh we didn't dust the shrine. But we were damn close. @Hasar decided he was mad at me for defiling earlier and came and ganked me twice with husks. Love you too bby. I am worth using relics on apparently. So yeah! More stressful than fun really. But at least I am mainly done with my reqs and on to hr4!
Worked with @Hakaido on synergy of our fighting. You are kind of awesome. Seriously. For just waking up, you doing great.
Edit: Damn smart phone will be the death of me
@caoimhaen i am partly to blame for the jhui incident. Me and @iakimen went and ganked him when we arrived. Then iaki went like "got to go" and then @jhui came back and shanked you.
@Rangor heh heh...I could feel him circling our group like I rushed him and forgot that not everyone was as capable. Forgot to tell them the plan.
Lost my temper so badly it leaked into my character. I said some super shit stuff on clan and then lashed again on party. Sorry @Rohai
Really wasn't in a position to skirmish but I tried to stay on to get it done and it just backfired spectacularly. A hungry and busy person is an angry person
Lost my temper so badly it leaked into my character. I said some super shit stuff on clan and then lashed again on party. Sorry @Rohai
Really wasn't in a position to skirmish but I tried to stay on to get it done and it just backfired spectacularly. A hungry and busy person is an angry person
Hey, everyone has bad days. Calm down, apologize when you can, kill some things tomorrow.
Went fishing, sailed back, accidentally terrified some fellow Mariners into thinking I was a pirate, ended up doing a fun House fishing trip, tied for second place in a scramble, got bugged about homework by Mazel, discovered that SVO has fishing highlights. I think I might have a slight addiction issue.
Luckily I escaped with my life!
Raided Ashtan and destroyed a room! Go team green!
Too a group of Eleusians on a group hunt! No one died. Tried to get them killed in the underworld though. Hahaha!
Gained like 15 percent experience in all thanks to all the activities.
Learned how to pull off 4 bbts(finally). Got jumped by @Antidas in Annwyn and escaped with my life. Hi to you too nice to know you still like me kind of.
Witnessed the houses of Eleusis being opened to the public. Did my tasks and joined the Scions. Bazillion house rank one people around! Never seen so many ! Nearly got through my first rank in the house. Busy busy month!
Oh...and I didn't get any sleep for my first day back from vacation. And I work nights and wasn't able to change my schedule. Was worth it though. Too see the houses open.
Did the new tasks, joined the Heartwood Kin, got up to HR3, got my surname back. Just need to wait for some more people to log in now so I can keep on going at the paths.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Gave some group discussions to save time, felt that they went pretty smoothly. After that, I sprained two of my fingers on my right hand (middle, ring) playing basketball and can't bend them naturally, I came back and did more discussions. This hurts like hell. But people are completing requirements, so that's good to see. Send help pls.
Saw @Glorissa's lovely home. And it is lovely, even if I'm not too comfy with houses in the subs.
Show up to a call for a party spar.
Glorissa: "Okay. Me and my dad vs. you three."
Look at my three opponents. They're all Runewardens.
Two are dual blunt Runewardens.
Completely missed Glorissa being killed off until after I kill one of them with damage.
conjure lightwall e
That's nice Darkshade curing you have there.
It would be a shame if something were to..
I step out of the arena feeling pretty badass.
I know damned well that I'd be dead as hell if they had more experience with Serpents.
Something to add to the to-do list!
My daughter shows up.
@Rien and @Allene show up.
@Siduri shows up.
Damn it. I guess this will do.
Spend 20 minutes sailing around, looking for the sea monster.
The captain said she was sunk near the Lemnian sea, and is clearly distraught.
"Well, seems it's gone. We'll raise the ship - does anyone have Deckhand 4?"
"..Does anyone have Deckhand 4?"
"..Does anyone-"
@Kez volunteers. Because she's awesome.
It takes me this long to actually look at the deathsight and realize that it isn't the Lemnian Sea.
It's the Scyrian Reaches. Herp derp.
When we finally get to the sunken ship, the sea monster is sitting there.
I'm suddenly reminded of the game "The Binding of Isaac".
fire onager n
"Fire at what?"
This goes on for several long minutes as I circle the sea creature, and everyone is slowly realizing that whatever we're doing isn't working.
I immediately send and issue mentioning that the syntax isn't working.
I immediately send Hawkins a tell.
"You told me to do the thing, and the thing isn't working, Hawkins. And I really need to do the thing, Hawkins. Help me with the thing, Hawkins."
@Siduri suggests that we stop, cast off our lines and fish for it.
I'm sorely tempted.
Hawkins tells me that he gave me the right advice, and to not blame my amateurish shenanigans on him.
I inform him (OOCLY) that the syntax he gave me is resulting with "Fire at what?"
@Meletus replies in very short order:
In regard to issue 72273, you have to be adjacent to the sea monster and then fire in that direction! I believe AB SEAFARING FIREWEAPON has the syntax!
Praise based @Meletus!
A gargantuan angler fish tells you, "Yarr, because you're not in range of anything, get up close to it."
We tear it up with weapons fire, and chase it into the chops. It loses us in the chops.
This annoys me, because this has now become a "I once caught a fish THIS BIG, but it got away!" story.
We raise the ship, escort it back into harbour without a problem.
We follow it soon afterward. Everyone is debriefed, and we go our separate ways.
For the first time in a long time, it feels like it isn't just @Artanis and I out here on the Mariners' side, fighting.
It's a good feeling.
I thank @Hawkins and apologize for losing my head a bit - I didn't want to be the one who's known for leading an ineffectual charge at a sea monster twice. He didn't respond, but I hope he thinks well of me.
And when I wake up the next day, I oversleep and miss my classes. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
It was positively exhilarating. Once the storm was mostly passed, the dogs wanted to go for walkies in the rain, so I went out with them and got some of the most amazing photos that I've taken in a really long time. I think I want to get a couple of these printed and framed, I like them that much. It was a perfect afternoon for relaxing.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
Medi says, "Rule of thumb."
I couldn't find the exit.
Also, @Crixos keeps stabbing me to death.
Do not DM on forums unless you're ok with waiting a couple months!
Worked with @Hakaido on synergy of our fighting. You are kind of awesome. Seriously. For just waking up, you doing great.
Edit: Damn smart phone will be the death of me
Got word that I am going to get back a marked up essay from Nicca, but after edits I should move closer to the next House rank.
Got level 87 and bought up enough credits off market to get a SoA.
Ruined the Achaean economy by being willing to pay up to 6200 for them.
Good day, and it just started!
Really wasn't in a position to skirmish but I tried to stay on to get it done and it just backfired spectacularly. A hungry and busy person is an angry person