Went back to serpent, my original love. The class looks too good right now to not go back to it, to the chagrin of every combatant in not-eleusis clamoring for sent/sylvan!
I could never imagine Kiet as anything but serpent.
Got a new title, which is very yay. Got a new load of work, which is pretty yay, too. And I finally sold some inks, that's very high up in the WOOT category. :pleased:
I accidentally locked Kaillian. I cannot lock anything. It was the most conflicting feeling ever: I was silently making cartwheels inside, yet terrified that she was going to die as the vomit spilled from her Trollish lips. Yay, I still locked someone with Fitness, now to find out how I did it...
I received the most epic set of messages ever. Seriously, cracked me up. @Aodfionn picking at my name. Was seriously like eight or nine before I even got the chance to look at it. Thank you for making a rough day better. Can't copy paste from mobile, so I will have to try to remember to do it later.
I accidentally locked Kaillian. I cannot lock anything. It was the most conflicting feeling ever: I was silently making cartwheels inside, yet terrified that she was going to die as the vomit spilled from her Trollish lips. Yay, I still locked someone with Fitness, now to find out how I did it...
I somehow made it back to Hashan in response to panicked messages from several people in time to fool her. So this is why!
Had a really fun rampage yesterday, and got hr5 in the Somatikos. Modern day Hashan is great.
Had a fun - and what seemed very long - fight with @Atalkez below Thera. Still not sure of the best way to handle Serpent, think I could do something better than just running away when I start to notice affs stacking up, but pretty happy with the end result:
- 2015/10/27 22:09:04 - Atalkez has died a heretic, consigned to eternal damnation by Sir Antonius Agarwaen, Inquisitor of Heretics. - 2015/10/27 22:16:05 - Atalkez has died a heretic, consigned to eternal damnation by Sir Antonius Agarwaen, Inquisitor of Heretics.
Screwed up more than a few attempts in the process, though, so definitely things to work on. Lost some to rebounding coming up in between breaks, lost one to hellsight not getting queued for whatever reason.
Had a fun - and what seemed very long - fight with @Atalkez below Thera. Still not sure of the best way to handle Serpent, think I could do something better than just running away when I start to notice affs stacking up, but pretty happy with the end result:
- 2015/10/27 22:09:04 - Atalkez has died a heretic, consigned to eternal damnation by Sir Antonius Agarwaen, Inquisitor of Heretics. - 2015/10/27 22:16:05 - Atalkez has died a heretic, consigned to eternal damnation by Sir Antonius Agarwaen, Inquisitor of Heretics.
Screwed up more than a few attempts in the process, though, so definitely things to work on. Lost some to rebounding coming up in between breaks, lost one to hellsight not getting queued for whatever reason.
Spanning about three feet from snout to tail, the coiling, serpentine body of this pale blue sky wyrm is enveloped in a countless number of tiny, interlocking, diamond-shaped scales. Each pliant, armour-tough plate possesses a perfectly smooth and rounded exterior that reflects the light in dazzling arrays of prismatic colour in all directions from the body of the wyrm. Four thin, wiry legs extend from the sides of the creature's oscillating torso, each one just beginning to grow four sharp, scythe-like talons. From the back of the beast, a pair of semi-translucent leather wings unfurl, their tips narrow and jagged. An array of teeth are visible emerging from the prolonged nose of the wyrm, from between which a long, flickering green tongue issues forth. A diminutive sky wyrm looks relatively helpless.
He has 100% health remaining.
He weighs about 37 pounds.
He is loyal to Shirszae.
A diminutive sky wyrm is holding:
It will reset to you.
Really did not expect much to come from the raffle of the Tower of the Fang, but this is so pretty
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
Worked a fourteen-hour shift, then slept three and a half hours and got up to have Annie's Mayaween party spectacular! (TM)
Lianice, @Tibitha, @Jeslyn, @Kasya, @Lavakhi, and Aeriel were phenomenal, I had a really, really good time. It's always rewarding when something like that feels so alive! You guys are the very best
The Divine voice of Deucalion echoes in your head, "Hello, Austere."
First time interaction with him! I now know what it feels like to go full on fangirl over something.
Seriously, @Aurora and @Deucalion are the best divine a guy can ask for. I honestly have no clue how I managed to play Achaea for so long and dodge divine interactions. Its ridiculous the amount of happiness and elation that I get from a simple tell. @Aurora has become such an integral part of Austere's identity and goals since I spoke with her the first time. Seriously always there to brighten my mood and cure my woes. Here's to another divine keeping me on my toes! Hoping Deucalion has the same scary/awesome/ohMyGodWhatDidISay feeling I get from her.
Got turned into a gargoyle (thanks @Medi ) and just when I thought that was the most annoying thing that'd happen, this occurs:
You cock your head, unable to thwart the urge to fixate upon Rexak.
Imperceptibly slowly you reach forth for Rexak, hands grasping as hungry expectation fills your maw with saliva.
Fingers crook into claws as you continue to stalk Rexak, your attention wholly focussed on his presence, his scent, the heated beating of the life that stands before you.
The object of your ravenous fixation is finally within your grasp. Striving to sate the unnatural urge, you sink your stone teeth, fingers, and claws into Rexak's flesh, and in a fury tear him limb from limb, striping yourself in the gore of your brief obsession.
>.> Need moar credits.
I always start with the newest post
Continued my very slow push to dragon (Im taking the scenic route).
Pretty productive day.
Had a really fun rampage yesterday, and got hr5 in the Somatikos. Modern day Hashan is great.
Had a fun - and what seemed very long - fight with @Atalkez below Thera. Still not sure of the best way to handle Serpent, think I could do something better than just running away when I start to notice affs stacking up, but pretty happy with the end result:
- 2015/10/27 22:09:04 - Atalkez has died a heretic, consigned to eternal damnation by Sir Antonius Agarwaen, Inquisitor of Heretics.
- 2015/10/27 22:16:05 - Atalkez has died a heretic, consigned to eternal damnation by Sir Antonius Agarwaen, Inquisitor of Heretics.
Screwed up more than a few attempts in the process, though, so definitely things to work on. Lost some to rebounding coming up in between breaks, lost one to hellsight not getting queued for whatever reason.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Hoping to push 99 tomorrow!
I was having fun at the casino when:
Szanthax appears from out of nowhere.
Didn't even get to see if I won. I ran away and thought.. okay time to go relist my rawstone for more money to gamble away. Damn you @Datrius:
Rest in Peace Vacen. Keeping me on my toes.
A diminutive sky wyrm looks relatively helpless.
Really did not expect much to come from the raffle of the Tower of the Fang, but this is so pretty
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Lianice, @Tibitha, @Jeslyn, @Kasya, @Lavakhi, and Aeriel were phenomenal, I had a really, really good time. It's always rewarding when something like that feels so alive! You guys are the very best
ETA: Tags
Man, thieves these days just aren't what they used to be, huh?
so. goddamned. pumped.
First time interaction with him! I now know what it feels like to go full on fangirl over something.
Seriously, @Aurora and @Deucalion are the best divine a guy can ask for. I honestly have no clue how I managed to play Achaea for so long and dodge divine interactions. Its ridiculous the amount of happiness and elation that I get from a simple tell. @Aurora has become such an integral part of Austere's identity and goals since I spoke with her the first time. Seriously always there to brighten my mood and cure my woes. Here's to another divine keeping me on my toes! Hoping Deucalion has the same scary/awesome/ohMyGodWhatDidISay feeling I get from her.
Ps. Please don't zap(or Scimitar/Mace to face)
New challenges ahead!
We found a new toy.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.