Haven't seen Eleusis freak out over wood being an existing commodity so far. Hell, even the Aalen has a commodity store that sells wood. Don't see Eleusis freaking out over people digging big mines in the ground and tearing up the earth to pull out resources. I don't think a wood harvesting skill would be as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. Calm down. It's not a skill, none of the admins as far as I know have even mentioned it being a possibility in the future, and even if it was there's no indication that Eleusis would have to protect anything. You're thinking way too hard about this and over complicating it.
Turning ig mechanics like that into an issue is bad for game enjoyment. Like when Eleusis didn't want shops because we were a Village... What a bloody pain in the Ass that was.
'let's drop all our IMPROVEMENTS AND lose all the benefits we have because they use commodities to maintain'
Am I the only one that thinks Rangor is on crack? Pkers roleplaying? Dictating roleplay for the enjoyment of the masses? Man, you need to cut back. Obviously Eleusis should just be trees and plants: nothing more. Better not catch you using a wooden pipe unless you can trace it back to the source of a lightning struck tree, killed off before it's time.
I mean sentinel class skills have been using wood and metal for their weapons their entire existence. It's pretty obvious Eleusis doesn't oppose mining/woodwork, just destructive methods of doing so.
Obviously all of Rangor's mines are environmentally friendly!
It's kind of hard playing a pro-nature Eleusian when your city depends on improvements, shops, etc - so you have to ignore some of those things or smooth over it ICly. I just assume the mining-method is less destructive to Nature than real life is. Though, it would be hard to say the same when you blatantly put a wood-cutting skill out like that.
Sure, we use wood, but I also assume that Eleusis, Istarion, and the Tsol'aa village uses it reasonably, through a mixture of fallen wood or asking Nature to shape itself a certain way (ie like how druids/sylvans ask for their quarterstaves). Thaa'lis from the Tsol'aa village disapproves Furze chopping down the redwoods in the Aalen, so I assume they have a less Nature-harmful method of getting wood. :eh:
If you need me, you can find me sporadically on the Achaea Discord as Yae. Do not DM on forums unless you're ok with waiting a couple months!
Introduce a new ability into the gathering skillset - Scavange.
Wander the forests, jungles, etc. and scavange for fell trees. Gather fell trees. Be able to refine into planks yourself via commodity (perhaps coal), or add another gold-sink denizen (Enfrin?) who can refine the planks for you. This may or may not make coal mines more valuable. I don't know, I've never mined before.
No pk necessary. More gold-sinks. More money to be made. More wood to go around.
Also viable to Eleusis since they believe in the circle of life. What comes out, must be returned. The fell trees can be taken, used for a better purpose for them - totems, mines, campfires, etc.
Haven't seen Eleusis freak out over wood being an existing commodity so far. Hell, even the Aalen has a commodity store that sells wood. Don't see Eleusis freaking out over people digging big mines in the ground and tearing up the earth to pull out resources. I don't think a wood harvesting skill would be as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. Calm down. It's not a skill, none of the admins as far as I know have even mentioned it being a possibility in the future, and even if it was there's no indication that Eleusis would have to protect anything. You're thinking way too hard about this and over complicating it.
Turning ig mechanics like that into an issue is bad for game enjoyment. Like when Eleusis didn't want shops because we were a Village... What a bloody pain in the Ass that was.
'let's drop all our IMPROVEMENTS AND lose all the benefits we have because they use commodities to maintain'
Would be a bad way to play the game.
Oh I totally agree. I think it would be bad if this became a skill and the admins or Nature Divine made it a thing Eleusis had to get mad about and protect. I think worrying about exterminations is enough. Dealing with commodities shouldn't be more difficult for any faction, it should be a level playing field for all.
It's kind of hard playing a pro-nature Eleusian when your city depends on improvements, shops, etc - so you have to ignore some of those things or smooth over it ICly. I just assume the mining-method is less destructive to Nature than real life is. Though, it would be hard to say the same when you blatantly put a wood-cutting skill out like that.
Sure, we use wood, but I also assume that Eleusis, Istarion, and the Tsol'aa village uses it reasonably, through a mixture of fallen wood or asking Nature to shape itself a certain way (ie like how druids/sylvans ask for their quarterstaves). Thaa'lis from the Tsol'aa village disapproves Furze chopping down the redwoods in the Aalen, so I assume they have a less Nature-harmful method of getting wood. :eh:
I would in some way kind of assume it works like harvesting, where replanting is possible, even if it's not something you do yourself, but just assumed or explained in the file that Nature rejuvenates itself. It would certainly be extremely irresponsible with a commodity like wood to take and take without replacing what is taken.
However, I'm not advocating a woodcutting skill. I am not sure how I feel about it, kind of on the fence. I have no problem just visiting commodity shops in the villages. Is actually easier for someone like me to deal with the village commodity shops because I don't do the mining thing at all, just not into it. Not keen on the idea of relying on the Delosian commodity market for even more comms. I think having some comms in the village markets is a nice balance with the mineable comms.
Well, I always assumed the Tsol'aa wood was grown wood with magic. I mean if you look at their housing you can see that they can grow wood into furniture and make walls and doors and such. So I always assumed they had some mage growing wood in perfect logs to be pulled off of the tree and used for profits.
I guess for sanity sake, I imagined forestall miners using some type of similar process in moving the dirt and extracting the minerals.
Dragons getting custom descriptions would force me to log out because I can't RP with no description and I don't want to write another one. It would essentially be griefing many dragons out of the game.
I don't see where Eleusis using wood or even having a woodcutting skill would be irreconcilable with Nature RP. Native Americans eschewed western "civilization" for the most part, and revered the land and the animals in the same way I picture the Nature faction, but they still used slash and burn farming and hunted to survive. It's about sustainability, living with the land instead conquering it, and using every part of the buffalo, not black-and-white abstention from anything that could conceivably harm a tree.
I suppose that's why I've never been interested in Eleusis as a faction. I think Nature worship could/should be a complex, nuanced perspective, but most of what I see is of the single-minded "save the trees" variety, which I find lazy, nonsensical, and trite.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
Ignoring the people that are just there to cuddle or whatever (of which there are very few left since the city's a lot more radical now), Eleusis is actually not so much 'save the trees' as it is 'overgrow the world', which is pretty interesting imo.
They're more Poison Ivy (the character) than they are greenpeace. Except slightly more accepting of sustainable use.
i was hitting class status watching my cooldown timer count down from 5 seconds to 1, as soon as I type class switch 1 he snaps me saying something asinine.... and I get to wait 10 mins to change now.
Ignoring the people that are just there to cuddle or whatever (of which there are very few left since the city's a lot more radical now), Eleusis is actually not so much 'save the trees' as it is 'overgrow the world', which is pretty interesting imo.
They're more Poison Ivy (the character) than they are greenpeace. Except slightly more accepting of sustainable use.
I'm glad to hear that. I guess a lot of that just never makes it out of Eleusis, to the public posts, or to the forums where I can see it.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
Decided it was time to go grab my pal Conscript Duck from Ashtan, so we could chill at Rally Point.
I got shot down to my death the first time flying in, but I went back and successfully retrieved Conscript Duck.
47) Kythra told You: Ballsy.
48) You told Kythra: Just needed to grab something!
49) Kythra told You: From the duck pond?
50) You told Kythra: Perhaps.
Unfortunately, I relaxed my guard, assuming Conscript Duck and I to be safe in our own city while I momentarily played the badass duck kidnapper with Kythra.
Then, the unthinkable happened:
Daeir snaps his head up suddenly.
Daeir grasps the corpse of a plump duck in his claws as his powerful jaws tear the hapless body in
two. Gore drips slowly from his maw as he consumes the mutilated pieces at his leisure.
RIP Conscript Duck. Then @Aodfionn's pun made me feel a little better, but still disappointed in @Daeir. Aodfionn says in a low, rumbling voice, "I suspect fowl play in his death."
Anyone remember what happened when ships came out? Eleusis went balls to the wall killing the woodcutter NPCs until they came to an agreement between them where they would plan their actions and woodcutting in a more nature friendly way. There is also the quarry in the Sangre plains that Eleusis/the workers ended up coming to a peaceful resolution about.
Extermination on islands though are only really annoying for people who sail out to harvest those islands and find them blackened chunks. For quite a while now nature/plants have been self-healing to alleviate the stress and feelings of people who think that they MUST REJUVENATE IMMEDIATELY. Give it time and nature will prevail.
Also I went to the Charter to take a look because I could have sworn it said something about nature always overcoming. It doesn't but this still tickles me : The falsities of Iron and Stone exist only to excel the erosion of the world, and shall thusly be eliminated: no taint upon the earth shall be tolerated.
How cool would it be that no Eleusian could build a mine themselves? Instead of mines and miners they get training camps to train up there soldiers to march and plunder the other cities mines as their way to get resources?
How cool would it be that no Eleusian could build a mine themselves? Instead of mines and miners they get training camps to train up there soldiers to march and plunder the other cities mines as their way to get resources?
I agree, give Wolverine morph the ability to BURROW BELOW; MINE <mineral>
Ignoring the people that are just there to cuddle or whatever (of which there are very few left since the city's a lot more radical now), Eleusis is actually not so much 'save the trees' as it is 'overgrow the world', which is pretty interesting imo.
They're more Poison Ivy (the character) than they are greenpeace. Except slightly more accepting of sustainable use.
I'm glad to hear that. I guess a lot of that just never makes it out of Eleusis, to the public posts, or to the forums where I can see it.
I mean this in the nicest way possible but that's very probably related to you being Cyrenian and the fact Eleusis and most other places tend to leave Cyrene alone for some reason. Targossas for instance had one of their workers sacrificed in a nature ritual, as I learned yesterday, much to the distress of Targossas. For obvious reasons, not every in-game agenda needs to be promoted on the forums, even though that's unfortunately been the way to do things at various points in time.
Not to worry, though! I'm working on convincing the higher-ups we should destroy Cyrene, too. Perhaps we can sacrifice Blu or Amadeo (was that his name? the waiter guy)
How cool would it be that no Eleusian could build a mine themselves? Instead of mines and miners they get training camps to train up there soldiers to march and plunder the other cities mines as their way to get resources?
I may be alone in this...but I kinda sorta really like this idea. That would be excellent for RP, and just fun in general.
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool Or a coward Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both For a wounded man will shall say to his assailant "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven" Such is the rule of honor
Bashed 6.4%, need another 3.6% to hit 107. Got jumped by Qwindor in Annwyn, tried to fight back and realised my offense was broken so bailed.
Joined a Targ Rampage. Mashed my attack script to see what happened. Tweaked said script. Managed to lock at least one person. Damaged out some others. Got messed up by Aelios because my prio swaps don't work.
I don't see where Eleusis using wood or even having a woodcutting skill would be irreconcilable with Nature RP. Native Americans eschewed western "civilization" for the most part, and revered the land and the animals in the same way I picture the Nature faction, but they still used slash and burn farming and hunted to survive. It's about sustainability, living with the land instead conquering it, and using every part of the buffalo, not black-and-white abstention from anything that could conceivably harm a tree.
I suppose that's why I've never been interested in Eleusis as a faction. I think Nature worship could/should be a complex, nuanced perspective, but most of what I see is of the single-minded "save the trees" variety, which I find lazy, nonsensical, and trite.
I settled on a blademaster sword finally. - Artful Rivers
Forged from a blued alloy of the finest steel and platinum, this blade exhibits a soft curve along its length, accentuated by a deep groove carved into the metal. The short tang is encased by a grip of grey silk in an intricate cross-hatch pattern. Rounding off the grip is a pyramidal pommel fashioned from silver, affording perfect balance to this masterfully crafted weapon.
Got up super early so I could do some stuff I have been putting off. Six hours later, I had a meeting with @Aurora: "Sure, I always have time"/(Oh crap, company just pulled in). Thirty minutes later I reschedule. We get going good: (Oh no, baby is throwing a fit). Meh. Everyone wondering why I don't play in the middle of the day on my days off, this is why. . Darn rl getting in the way of my rp. Bonus: I got to meet with Aurora again! She always has a way of making me feel important. Definitely one of the main reasons I still get the jitters
'let's drop all our IMPROVEMENTS AND lose all the benefits we have because they use commodities to maintain'
Would be a bad way to play the game.
Obviously all of Rangor's mines are environmentally friendly!
Sure, we use wood, but I also assume that Eleusis, Istarion, and the Tsol'aa village uses it reasonably, through a mixture of fallen wood or asking Nature to shape itself a certain way (ie like how druids/sylvans ask for their quarterstaves). Thaa'lis from the Tsol'aa village disapproves Furze chopping down the redwoods in the Aalen, so I assume they have a less Nature-harmful method of getting wood. :eh:
Do not DM on forums unless you're ok with waiting a couple months!
Introduce a new ability into the gathering skillset - Scavange.
Wander the forests, jungles, etc. and scavange for fell trees.
Gather fell trees. Be able to refine into planks yourself via commodity (perhaps coal), or add another gold-sink denizen (Enfrin?) who can refine the planks for you. This may or may not make coal mines more valuable. I don't know, I've never mined before.
No pk necessary. More gold-sinks. More money to be made. More wood to go around.
Also viable to Eleusis since they believe in the circle of life. What comes out, must be returned. The fell trees can be taken, used for a better purpose for them - totems, mines, campfires, etc.
In the last 24 hours, I've managed to hunt up 33% so far.
After my death-streak a couple of days ago, I'm feeling damn proud.
I would in some way kind of assume it works like harvesting, where replanting is possible, even if it's not something you do yourself, but just assumed or explained in the file that Nature rejuvenates itself. It would certainly be extremely irresponsible with a commodity like wood to take and take without replacing what is taken.
However, I'm not advocating a woodcutting skill. I am not sure how I feel about it, kind of on the fence. I have no problem just visiting commodity shops in the villages. Is actually easier for someone like me to deal with the village commodity shops because I don't do the mining thing at all, just not into it. Not keen on the idea of relying on the Delosian commodity market for even more comms. I think having some comms in the village markets is a nice balance with the mineable comms.
I guess for sanity sake, I imagined forestall miners using some type of similar process in moving the dirt and extracting the minerals.
Yay magic world?
First of all. HELP ELEUSIS lists Eleusis as "The Village of Eleusis". This is all fine and dandy.
But, if you PROBE one of our guardians, you'll see that they're loyal to "The City of Eleusis". I should probably issue this.
What's happened to me today? I just submitted my first sketch for approval for the first time in about 200 Achaean years.
I suppose that's why I've never been interested in Eleusis as a faction. I think Nature worship could/should be a complex, nuanced perspective, but most of what I see is of the single-minded "save the trees" variety, which I find lazy, nonsensical, and trite.
They're more Poison Ivy (the character) than they are greenpeace. Except slightly more accepting of sustainable use.
i was hitting class status watching my cooldown timer count down from 5 seconds to 1, as soon as I type class switch 1 he snaps me saying something asinine.... and I get to wait 10 mins to change now.
Head of the combat path, so awesome. Ready to shape some people up!
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
I got shot down to my death the first time flying in, but I went back and successfully retrieved Conscript Duck.
Then, the unthinkable happened:
RIP Conscript Duck.
Then @Aodfionn's pun made me feel a little better, but still disappointed in @Daeir.
Aodfionn says in a low, rumbling voice, "I suspect fowl play in his death."
Extermination on islands though are only really annoying for people who sail out to harvest those islands and find them blackened chunks. For quite a while now nature/plants have been self-healing to alleviate the stress and feelings of people who think that they MUST REJUVENATE IMMEDIATELY. Give it time and nature will prevail.
Also I went to the Charter to take a look because I could have sworn it said something about nature always overcoming. It doesn't but this still tickles me : The falsities of Iron and Stone exist only to excel the erosion of the world, and shall thusly be eliminated: no taint upon the earth shall be tolerated.
How cool would it be that no Eleusian could build a mine themselves? Instead of mines and miners they get training camps to train up there soldiers to march and plunder the other cities mines as their way to get resources?
Not to worry, though! I'm working on convincing the higher-ups we should destroy Cyrene, too. Perhaps we can sacrifice Blu or Amadeo (was that his name? the waiter guy)
Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both
For a wounded man will shall say to his assailant
"If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven"
Such is the rule of honor
Joined a Targ Rampage. Mashed my attack script to see what happened. Tweaked said script. Managed to lock at least one person. Damaged out some others. Got messed up by Aelios because my prio swaps don't work.
Have so much code to change this weekend.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.