Studying journalism is meaning all my writing/thinking time is usually used up elsewhere and having little creative energy for Achaea, but damn seeing your name in print is awesome!
I imagine no one cares about events here all the way in New Zealand but here's the one that went up today. We've been studying 2 months and this is #4 published - first video.
Had a fun visit with @Sunny and @Samondu, commissioned a bunch of ice cream sandwiches from Samondu and letterbombed people with them. Hunted a bit, shopped a bit, visited the fair, wrote a few letters, caught up with a few friends, got to see @Navarr briefly. A good day
We all sat down at Crossroads and had a pow-wow about the code. We figured it out after babbling at each other, basically, then fed the riddles over CT for translation. Towards the end it was such a well-oiled machine, with Tharvis running about and us relaying the code back to him, that it worked out really well.
To be honest, a lot of this came down to @Trevize and @Tharvis. The rest of us were able to throw our two cents in, but those two were really code-monkeying there. Once the code was figured it was just a matter of cooperation.
But thank you to all the Hashani who participated in this. I've never been more proud of our city, and it shows a lot of growth on our part that we were able to at least win something small like this. We'll see how the rest of the competition goes!
You have been promoted to a Deliverant of The Harbingers of Redemption!
Only took trying all three Houses in Targ before I found the one I wanted to be in, but that's paid off. Dragon and HR5 within an IC year is pretty nice.
Actually, this has been an incredible week for Athelas.
1. Last Monday he achieved Greater Dragon, 2. He received a City Favour for that, and gained the next city rank as a result. 3. During the Great Hunt he placed within the top 20. 4. Receiving a house favour for that, gained him HR 6 in the Heartwood Kin. 5. With this favour in tow, he'll make level 100 before the week is out. 6.
The RP gains on Athelas are through the roof! He is officially the
crowning achievement of all characters in all realms I've ever played.
@Shimi they started doing that since the pygmy trials
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Finally finished transing Gathering and Inkmilling.. again! Just stings because I had all these same tradeskills before and used my no-brainer lessons on them pre-tradeskill changes... now I have to relearn them all at a higher cost. I don't think I'll pick up anything new. The price is just crazy, and I'm feeling a bit bitter about having wasted the no-brainer package for nothing.
I got to implant 20 totems. Across three House halls and Ashtan's new crafting hub.
Aaaaaaaall the totems!
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 101. You have reached the illustrious level of 5th Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy.
Ran Targossas's ship race with a crew of: @Kaiu@Will@Siduri@Garis@Draekar. We ran into some trouble when our sphere was malfunctioning but Someone said the time would not get count against us so hopefully a good performance for Targossas in the event! @Sarapis knows, we need it.
What part of the time wouldn't be counted? Since the malfunction is a fault of the design, does that mean they'll erase the time it took to get from the harbour to the location on the island entirely or the entire period of time when the sphere started to malfunction to the point it's fixed? Seems a little hard to track..
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
Probably the time where you're sitting in the correct room, wondering why the sphere isn't giving you a positive message, waiting for Someone to tell you everything is good and you can move on!
Heard there were sphere issues on Cyrene's run, too.
Get back home after a long night of practicing my bass. Oh, Great Hunt. Urn stuff. Neat. @Annwyl and a few non-dragon citymates need help killing @Zsarachnor. Aww, yiss. Dragonform. COME, CYRENE, AND WE WILL LEAD YOU TO GLORY! Two Cyrenians show up. A few more trickle in from other cities. And a few more trickle in from Cyrene. We finally get plenty to go for it. @Morthif gets the corpse. ..You know, I really don't care anymore. I'm Level 102. :frown: So, people start wandering off, and a good 5-6 people are asking to hunt with me. "Okay. Let's try Underworld." I HUNT ALONE. PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY HUNT WITH ME. We show up, kill a few things. @Qwindor starts sniping at me while I'm in Dragonform. Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm- Oh, hi, @Ethoas. :frown: Bye, @Ethoas. @Jhui shows up with a bunch of Ashtani and clear out my somewhat non-com Cyrene group. You guys are ugly. And you smell funny.
So, the rest of the group say that they had a great time in the Underworld...It really put a smile on my face. Really. I hop on my ship and sail to an undisclosed location. This location may or may not have had rum, and scantily-clad people. Tooootally wasn't cold and alone on my ship in the middle of nowhere. I go deepsea diving for 10 hours. It would have been fun. No, really. But every time I dropped my lily, I got an ominous feeling. Pretty sure 7 out of 10 times, my critical hit chance went down. @SARAPIS WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME Meh. I Laytronite reminded my why Dexterity boots are a must-have for the future. Garrote speed is 1.6s. I'm completely burnt out. I'm thinking, "I need sleep. I've been hunting ALL DAY. "No way in hell my hunting a bit more would turn the tables here." SURPRISE SURPRISE. I wake up to find out that Ashtan filled their urn a good 15 seconds before we did. I'm not sure if my vision's blurry from the 12 hours of intense hunting or from my unforgiving rage. You guys are still ugly.
@Czanthria and @Krypton spearhead the land race. "Your clue is 9342875234657823465728349657234589732465762348976598234562304652306502356234975" I'm staring blankly at the clue. If the Great Hunt/Urn hadn't turned me into a drooling vegetable, this would just about do it. @Krypton figures it out in a minute. HE IS THE ONE. Or he would be, if Hashan didn't finish the land race by an equally ridiculously margin. FFFFFFFFFFFFFF We go on the sailing race immediately after. Not going to lie, @Czanthria is giving me entirely too much credit for what help I gave her. I'm still tired as I'm writing this. Too tired to be hyper. Mines. I got a gig this weekend. I literally can't be enthusiastic right now. Maybe tomorrow. ..Ashtan's ugly.
Can we get that third skill for Serpents, now? :surprised:
Then they need to delete Toxicology and make Subterfuge a tradeskill.
First non-Founder HR5. Excite, much.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
That being said, kudos to Hashan and Mhaldor on the Land Race. You both really showed up!
I thought Cyrene had it in the bag when we finished, but glad to see a bunch of people had the same resourcefulness in doing the Land Race.
To be honest, a lot of this came down to @Trevize and @Tharvis. The rest of us were able to throw our two cents in, but those two were really code-monkeying there. Once the code was figured it was just a matter of cooperation.
But thank you to all the Hashani who participated in this. I've never been more proud of our city, and it shows a lot of growth on our part that we were able to at least win something small like this. We'll see how the rest of the competition goes!
twitter - @spacemanreno
He had no idea what to expect, so was fully prepared to die horribly. But found himself presently surprised with her true favour.
Only took trying all three Houses in Targ before I found the one I wanted to be in, but that's paid off. Dragon and HR5 within an IC year is pretty nice.
1. Last Monday he achieved Greater Dragon,
2. He received a City Favour for that, and gained the next city rank as a result.
3. During the Great Hunt he placed within the top 20.
4. Receiving a house favour for that, gained him HR 6 in the Heartwood Kin.
5. With this favour in tow, he'll make level 100 before the week is out.
6. The RP gains on Athelas are through the roof! He is officially the crowning achievement of all characters in all realms I've ever played.
And thank you for the many gifts
So not on Shimi... but uh.. when did they start doing that for newbs??
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Aaaaaaaall the totems!
You have reached the illustrious level of 5th Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy.
Heard there were sphere issues on Cyrene's run, too.
Oh, Great Hunt. Urn stuff. Neat.
@Annwyl and a few non-dragon citymates need help killing @Zsarachnor.
Aww, yiss. Dragonform.
Two Cyrenians show up.
A few more trickle in from other cities.
And a few more trickle in from Cyrene.
We finally get plenty to go for it.
@Morthif gets the corpse.
..You know, I really don't care anymore. I'm Level 102. :frown:
So, people start wandering off, and a good 5-6 people are asking to hunt with me.
"Okay. Let's try Underworld."
We show up, kill a few things.
@Qwindor starts sniping at me while I'm in Dragonform.
Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm-
Oh, hi, @Ethoas. :frown:
Bye, @Ethoas.
@Jhui shows up with a bunch of Ashtani and clear out my somewhat non-com Cyrene group.
You guys are ugly. And you smell funny.
So, the rest of the group say that they had a great time in the Underworld...It really put a smile on my face. Really.
I hop on my ship and sail to an undisclosed location.
This location may or may not have had rum, and scantily-clad people.
Tooootally wasn't cold and alone on my ship in the middle of nowhere.
I go deepsea diving for 10 hours. It would have been fun.
No, really.
But every time I dropped my lily, I got an ominous feeling.
Pretty sure 7 out of 10 times, my critical hit chance went down.
Meh. I Laytronite reminded my why Dexterity boots are a must-have for the future.
Garrote speed is 1.6s.
I'm completely burnt out.
I'm thinking, "I need sleep. I've been hunting ALL DAY.
"No way in hell my hunting a bit more would turn the tables here."
I wake up to find out that Ashtan filled their urn a good 15 seconds before we did.
I'm not sure if my vision's blurry from the 12 hours of intense hunting or from my unforgiving rage.
You guys are still ugly.
@Czanthria and @Krypton spearhead the land race.
"Your clue is 9342875234657823465728349657234589732465762348976598234562304652306502356234975"
I'm staring blankly at the clue.
If the Great Hunt/Urn hadn't turned me into a drooling vegetable, this would just about do it.
@Krypton figures it out in a minute.
Or he would be, if Hashan didn't finish the land race by an equally ridiculously margin.
We go on the sailing race immediately after.
Not going to lie, @Czanthria is giving me entirely too much credit for what help I gave her.
I'm still tired as I'm writing this. Too tired to be hyper.
I got a gig this weekend.
I literally can't be enthusiastic right now.
Maybe tomorrow.
..Ashtan's ugly.