What Happened To You Today?



  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    Kandra said:
    I'm not going to like that. :heartbreak: 
    No, no, not one of your aunts....
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Aereidhna said:
    After swearing up down and sideways I'd never have a house that wasn't shipboard...I bought a pretty piece of land in the subdivision and started building on it. Time to start keeping up with the Joneses.
    Sounds like me.  I'm never moving out of this downtown loft, eat out every meal, who needs to buy groceries.  5 years later, shit its Wednesday, I need to take the trash cans down to the curb and maybe go to home depot to pick up some supplies.  WTF!
  • Failed a Major Goal for Makaela. Will reattempt it later, unless rp dictates otherwise. However as things stand now she is still determined on this goal. 

    @Everyone who I was working with to try and achieve this goal, thank you for the opportunity at it. Granted many of you I did not get the chance to try and fully gain your support before I failed. However you each provided me with wonderful RP. I just apologize that I am rather poor at that aspect of the game.

  • Lala said:
    Yeah so this happened. Two different bets: 

    You have won 97 Bound Credit(s) on your bet: The Flying Lunchman wins the race!
    You have won 6 Bound Credit(s) on your bet: Zoot places second or better!
    You haven't won anything on your bet: Rummin' Raisin places third or better.

    You have won 300 Bound Credit(s) on your bet: Kiss My Sass wins the race!
    You have won 6 Bound Credit(s) on your bet: Pants On Fire places second or better!
    You have won 5 Bound Credit(s) on your bet: Steve places third or better!
    So much jealousy T_T
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    tl;dr - 

    (The Unburnt): Aodfionn says, "This whole thing."
    (The Unburnt): Aodfionn says, "Is why we can't have nice things."
    (The Unburnt): Halos says, "Right?"

    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • Waking up on Cyn and having some really intense RPing that just hit me hard. Will hopefully get back into the swing of things in Mhaldor and I can enjoy myself again. Huge raves to the people who were there for me from the start and who believed in me! Means a lot guys, and you know who you are. :)
  • edited July 2015
    Today I met with Ranoult, the man from the plane of earth. I spoke with him at some length regarding what it is he would like. He informed me simply that he wanted his friends to join him and nothing more.

    So we went to visit the Vertani and see if we could enlist some magical help. 

    At at this point we still aren't sure if they can do anything. Time will tell!

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Took @Sydyk into my family. Yay new I'llur! *pompoms*
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 101.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 5th Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Man, you know for all the nonsensical stuff you hear about CIJ, seeing you praise your crew makes me think that if the Jesters had been like that when I was in it instead of the festering cesspit of inconsequential politics and repeated break-ins, I might actually have still been Jester :/

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    First and foremost, I saw the return of the one and only @Alcreadia from nonexistence! It is great to have you back and I am sure Hashan will feel the same way.

    Got caught up to speed on the recent events around Hashan, after getting back from a glorious week in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It's been fun brainstorming and theorizing with Hashan about what's going on and it's great to see different groups all seeking solutions in their own ways. It's been fun! @Ginovianna, @Tyamat, @Sarieno, @Cinandra, @Starke, @Rinku, @Rhite, @Aoghinius, @Tharvis, @Aduan, @Kasa

    One of the most interesting "Know thy Enemy" interviews I have had with a Targossian. @Ashelynne, it was fun!

    Whoa, I can't remember the last time we had an election. Mannimar vs Ginovianna
  • After seeing a Mhaldorian youngling repeatedly dieing to various things. I offered to make it some gear. Took awhile to figure out what class she was so I could actually make the proper armour.  Not sure if true newbie or someone who was just having fun at my expense XD. was interesting trying to explain to someone how they figure out what their class is. Overall it was mildly amusing and it cheered me up.  Even got to explain how they get the armour out of the letter!

  • I did my first set of arms today. It is awesome to be a herald. (It's not in game, I can be grammatically incorrect here. (blow me))
  • Grats on your first CoA

  • Aktillum said:
    I decided to go ahead and step down as CIJ leader. Its been a fun ride, and I accomplished nearly everything I wanted to when I stepped up, but my attention is outside Achaea currently. Plus I'd rather step down now, when I can proudly look at an awesome House, then cling to power for 100+ years and get burnt out on leadership. I like to think that I've left behind a pretty good blueprint on how to run the CIJ - not too much silliness, but not trying to not be silly. Past CIJ leaders made the mistake of trying to make the CIJ not silly, with disastrous results that crippled membership. Its a silly house, get over it - but its full of truly hard-working people.

    I honestly can't take even a fraction of the credit for the CIJ being so awesome, other than the fact that I appointed truly awesome people to the right positions. @Sunny, for example, never once asked me to become HoN - a lot of others did, though. But something about the way Sunny quietly tended to novices without ever asking for recognition told me he'd make a great HoN, and he did. Or when I appointed @Despran to head librarian - he came to me and asked if I could incentivize people to contribute to the House library, and I'm a firm believer in offering incentives. Within 3 weeks, our bookshelf became full and we had to buy another. Or when @Seraya asked if I could help her put together a theatre troupe, and I used CIJ gold to fund a clan for theatre performers, so even non-CIJ could perform with us. She took it and ran a thousand miles, running all sorts of great events, and paying a small tribute back to the CIJ after her events.

    Being a houseleader has been awesome, not because I care about being in a position of authority. It was awesome because I was in a position to make others feel important, and let people run wild with their ideas. Ask anyone in the CIJ and they'll tell you that if you just present me with a well-thought out idea, 99% of the time I would throw my support behind you, whether morale support or gold from the CIJ funds to help you buy a license or permit or whatever you needed to make your plan come together in the best way possible.

    So yeah, fun times in the CIJ :)
    Sounds like you killed it. Smart man to step down while you're ahead and have accomplished what you set out to do, rather than cling to power. I admire that. 95% of leaders in the game can't do this. 

    Good luck OOC bro!
  • JurixeJurixe Where you least expect it
    Today I talked to a lot of people and got a lot of names!
    If you like my stories, you can find them here:
    Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2 

    Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here: https://discord.gg/Vbb9Zfs

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    @Lanar gave me a Gruul figurine for free as a gift for being his favourite Mistress in the BL. I wasn't expecting it, but it brought up memories of fond old times in Hashan. I then proceeded to have my first few figurine battles.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Died a little, teamed up with someone to help me with Manara. My boar tattoo faded so @Spas hooked me up with someone who took the time to tattoo me a boar and moss and a shield. because I didn't have much money.
  • Moved my grove to a place a bit less central, and quieter, than a forest right next door to Lake Vundamere.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • I came back! And I'm a little (a lot!) confused! I was last around after my former House dissolved and I was homeless, and moved to a new city, a new class, and a new life... and then I had to go idle for various reasons, and tradeskills got all split and everything is a little weird. But being back is fun!
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