Awesome skirmish in Annwyn with @Proficy . The first fight wasn't very fair, since your partner wasn't on the same team, just attacking @Kiba. I am just glad you rolled with it and only brought one person back. You could have escalated the situation, but chose to fight on even ground and for that I am thankful. The third fight, you tore through us like butter. After praying, I was very surprised to see it escalated to clouds.
Epic raid by Mhaldor. I feel like Targ is getting a lot better at defense. That first rush at Mhaldor defendable, where we hit totem, I knew we were all screwed. Targ stuck around and mopped the floor with Mhaldor(even caught some bystanders [sorry]). Really surprised me. Very glad to see Targossas fighting against the odds when Mhaldor came in, instead of just sitting at Rally. Yeah, we lost a room, no I don't care. We didn't use guards, only used quake font, and rushed a group of 15 like it was nothing. Glad to see Mhaldor walk away when we were still all semi enjoying ourselves(imo). You guys definitely didn't overstay your welcome and in my opinion cut it off just at the right time. Epic. Heres to future engagements where one side is willing to accept a defeat. It makes it that much more fun, instead of both sides refusing to play without a stacked deck.
Tl;dr Targossas is awesome. Getting better, love you cats (even the ones that screwed us). Mhaldor didn't over extend a raid. Was worried after my only Mhaldorian friend left, that I would have no one to relay that a fight should end, but it wasn't even required.
The defendable rush was pretty cool. Though, Mhaldor was scattered and disorganized at the time, so while you were apparently thinking you were screwed, I was pretty sure we were screwed.
We're just sitting around waiting for people to gather/return from embracing, etc, and suddenly there's 18 Targossians and I'm like, "Oh f---."
The raid was fun. Made me feel better after some not-so-fun ganks before. Though, we had a nice 5v5 at one point earlier too.
@Austere@Kiba and @Anedhel in particular, and some of the newer Targs like @Kasya@Azelhu and others, are pretty good about willingness to fight fairer fights. It's surprising how good Targ can be (in even numbered fights) when it tries!
Tried to get Greys to place in the essense contest.
Attended a city meeting that was unfortunately right before the Bazaar. Seemed @Rip was listening in on Greys or the event which I'd think is very boring.
Had a little fight with @Aodfionn but hopefully the two of them are ok.
Was disappointed again with the stuff in the Bazaar. Didn't even come away with something for @Naomh. It could be that Greys just doesn't have that many material things which would appeal to him.
I found out today that my brother's mother, my father's second wife, passed away on Thursday. She was such a lovely lady and it doesn't seem fair at all.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I found out today that my brother's mother, my father's second wife, passed away on Thursday. She was such a lovely lady and it doesn't seem fair at all.
Had an awesome time with a group of friends in my second ever KoTH. Did ok! Died a bunch but took a few with me. Starting to think I can do this combat thing after all. No stopping me now! Next?
Superlative work with various knives, dyes, and brushes transforms this simple leather scabbard into a mimeo in miniature of a daemonic serpent. Shadows in charcoal hues cloak much of the scabbard's length, pierced only by textural quills, each ringed in dark ruby as if they jut from flesh itself. Impressively fashioned, a bone suspension ring set halfway along the sinuous body resembles the stunted and ragged remains of torn wings, tracing the tortured, skeletal structure, the carvings within the yellowed surface rimed with a minuscule, grasping lichen. The tailtip chape features osseous matter, as does the gaping locket, upon which a pair of black-marred rubies create a burning gaze above a viciously tooth-lined maw. It has 49 months of usefulness left. It weighs about 1 pounds and 2 ounce(s). It bears the distinctive mark of Ordruin, a troll leatherworker (a denizen). A terrifyingly tooled leather scabbard is holding: "sword31948" Baleful Edge
An unlucky lesser dragon has been ostentatiously utilised as parts for this lustrous and formidable- looking cloak. Crafted of authentic silver dragon leather, the ankle-length garment gleams like an argent dawn woven into cloth. An interlocking sheet of dragon scales creates a natural plating across the surface of the cloak, not unlike scalemail armour, blunting most weapons while not truly stopping them. While the silvery, spade-shaped scales are enormous, the sheer size and polish indicating the monstrous size of their draconic origin, they are numerous, each one attached by hand to the cloak's supple leather foundation. In daylight the gleam of the scales appears muted, the true shine only revealed in the deepest shadows as the pale hue and eerie gleam of the luminous sales reflects even the lowest light. Sweeping towards the ground in a heavy, comfortable weight from a sturdy fit around the shoulders, the cloak flares out into a full circle when the wearer spins or moves quickly, punctuating the wearer's fluid grace in a debonair flash of effulgent colour. Attached at the back of the cloak is spacious hood which, when raised, offers concealment from the top of the head to below the brow, throwing intense shadows over the wearer's visage. Running from shoulder to shoulder, a hefty link of silver chain traces over the breast bone, before fastening at the sternum in a simple locking mechanism, the clasp itself decorative and rendered as a stylised sword with a slight curve along its length. Adding a luxurious sheen to the inside of the cloak, crimson-dyed silk shines vividly against the dragon scale, the blood-red lining revealing a flare for the macabre.
Made of lightweight cotton, this gambeson shirt is comfortable and breathable, covering the masculine body in a relaxed fit that is neither too tight or too loose. Lacking the billowing sleeves of a normal swordsman shirt, the narrow cuffs of this long-sleeved garment drape partly over the hand, offering protection from shoulders-to-wrist from the quilt-style stitching which reinforces the extra cloth stuffed into the padded sleeves. The front of the shirt is enhanced by a black leather panel, creating a sturdy foundation for the lace-up style linen strings which cross over the chest. Though it can be laced tight to the throat, style and fashion dictates the shirt be worn swashbuckler style; loose and open from the clavicle down to the sternum. The same soot- coloured panels from the centre of the shirt are mirrored along the padded arms, the sable shade decorated in a Northern string design which mimics the front lacing.
Someone wanted to play dress up today, apparently ^_^
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Funny, because it's so extremely similar to the one I was making for you right down to the crimson lining. The only difference being this one is silver and not black. Oh well. Imitation is flattery and all that. Still annoying, though. Try having a more original idea next time.
Funny, because it's so extremely similar to the one I was making for you right down to the crimson lining. The only difference being this one is silver and not black. Oh well. Imitation is flattery and all that. Still annoying, though. Try having a more original idea next time.
Child, please.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Funny, because it's so extremely similar to the one I was making for you right down to the crimson lining. The only difference being this one is silver and not black. Oh well. Imitation is flattery and all that. Still annoying, though. Try having a more original idea next time.
Child, please.
Adorable. Funny you call me the child when you can't even admit how I outlined the whole thing to you in a conversation just to see this near copycat design.
Funny, because it's so extremely similar to the one I was making for you right down to the crimson lining. The only difference being this one is silver and not black. Oh well. Imitation is flattery and all that. Still annoying, though. Try having a more original idea next time.
Child, please.
Adorable. Funny you call me the child when you can't even admit how I outlined the whole thing to you in a conversation just to see this near copycat design.
You are being ridiculous. The only thing he said to me when we discussed it was "a luminous dragonscale silver cloak". He never mentioned a single thing to me other than that. So for you to even claim I'm a 'copy cat' when I'm known as a prolific designer is just..amazing to me.
lol. I wouldn't even say anything if it wasn't true, because there's no way I'd want to replicate or claim anything that's hers originally. It's all good, though. You can pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. You're actually not the first person I've spoken to about the cloak design before, so anyone who really knows me is aware it was in the works.
You know what's funny, and you're going to love this, that cloak matches Lala's loincloth and bra (time and date stamped in a previous thread). Silver dragonscale with quite a lot pulled out of my -own- design. Something I created -before- you and Atalkez ever knew each other.
Funny, because it's so extremely similar to the one I was making for you right down to the crimson lining. The only difference being this one is silver and not black. Oh well. Imitation is flattery and all that. Still annoying, though. Try having a more original idea next time.
Child, please.
Adorable. Funny you call me the child when you can't even admit how I outlined the whole thing to you in a conversation just to see this near copycat design.
You are being ridiculous. The only thing he said to me when we discussed it was "a luminous dragonscale silver cloak". He never mentioned a single thing to me other than that. So for you to even claim I'm a 'copy cat' when I'm known as a prolific designer is just..amazing to me.
Pardon? Did I mention you? He knows what I was designing, and that he had no input on the matter, he was just okay with what I had come up with. I am saying he came to you with an altered version of something that was originally my idea. All that was changed was the color from black to silver. He'd wanted custom clothing from me, then he immediately jumped to you and wanted it from you. Not his original idea, though.
Awesome skirmish in Annwyn with @Proficy . The first fight wasn't very fair, since your partner wasn't on the same team, just attacking @Kiba. I am just glad you rolled with it and only brought one person back. You could have escalated the situation, but chose to fight on even ground and for that I am thankful. The third fight, you tore through us like butter. After praying, I was very surprised to see it escalated to clouds.
Epic raid by Mhaldor. I feel like Targ is getting a lot better at defense. That first rush at Mhaldor defendable, where we hit totem, I knew we were all screwed. Targ stuck around and mopped the floor with Mhaldor(even caught some bystanders [sorry]). Really surprised me. Very glad to see Targossas fighting against the odds when Mhaldor came in, instead of just sitting at Rally. Yeah, we lost a room, no I don't care. We didn't use guards, only used quake font, and rushed a group of 15 like it was nothing. Glad to see Mhaldor walk away when we were still all semi enjoying ourselves(imo). You guys definitely didn't overstay your welcome and in my opinion cut it off just at the right time. Epic. Heres to future engagements where one side is willing to accept a defeat. It makes it that much more fun, instead of both sides refusing to play without a stacked deck.
Tl;dr Targossas is awesome. Getting better, love you cats (even the ones that screwed us). Mhaldor didn't over extend a raid. Was worried after my only Mhaldorian friend left, that I would have no one to relay that a fight should end, but it wasn't even required.
The defendable rush was pretty cool. Though, Mhaldor was scattered and disorganized at the time, so while you were apparently thinking you were screwed, I was pretty sure we were screwed.
We're just sitting around waiting for people to gather/return from embracing, etc, and suddenly there's 18 Targossians and I'm like, "Oh f---."
The raid was fun. Made me feel better after some not-so-fun ganks before. Though, we had a nice 5v5 at one point earlier too.
@Austere @Kiba and @Anedhel in particular, and some of the newer Targs like @Kasya @Azelhu and others, are pretty good about willingness to fight fairer fights. It's surprising how good Targ can be (in even numbered fights) when it tries!
Attended a city meeting that was unfortunately right before the Bazaar. Seemed @Rip was listening in on Greys or the event which I'd think is very boring.
Had a little fight with @Aodfionn but hopefully the two of them are ok.
Was disappointed again with the stuff in the Bazaar. Didn't even come away with something for @Naomh. It could be that Greys just doesn't have that many material things which would appeal to him.
I'v been hunting CONSTANTLY all thanks to @Greys for running an Essence contest for the Lady Lightbringer.
I walk out of my room earlier and I smell something good. It smells like an incense.
I walk downstairs and I ask my younger sister "Did you burn an Essence?"
"What?" She responds confused. Her friend starts to giggle.
I ask again "Did you burn Essence?"
Then it hit me... and I quickly corrected myself "Did you burn an incense I mean.."
They know nothing of Achaea, nor Essence but they found it funny anyway. Its a little more embarrassing when you understand the meaning behind it.
*switches to skype for a second*
So yeah... beheaded by my HL
Superlative work with various knives, dyes, and brushes transforms this simple leather scabbard into
a mimeo in miniature of a daemonic serpent. Shadows in charcoal hues cloak much of the scabbard's
length, pierced only by textural quills, each ringed in dark ruby as if they jut from flesh itself.
Impressively fashioned, a bone suspension ring set halfway along the sinuous body resembles the
stunted and ragged remains of torn wings, tracing the tortured, skeletal structure, the carvings
within the yellowed surface rimed with a minuscule, grasping lichen. The tailtip chape features
osseous matter, as does the gaping locket, upon which a pair of black-marred rubies create a burning
gaze above a viciously tooth-lined maw.
It has 49 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 1 pounds and 2 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Ordruin, a troll leatherworker (a denizen).
A terrifyingly tooled leather scabbard is holding:
"sword31948" Baleful Edge
So unexpected @Lala, thank you so much!
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
An unlucky lesser dragon has been ostentatiously utilised as parts for this lustrous and formidable-
looking cloak. Crafted of authentic silver dragon leather, the ankle-length garment gleams like an
argent dawn woven into cloth. An interlocking sheet of dragon scales creates a natural plating
across the surface of the cloak, not unlike scalemail armour, blunting most weapons while not truly
stopping them. While the silvery, spade-shaped scales are enormous, the sheer size and polish
indicating the monstrous size of their draconic origin, they are numerous, each one attached by hand
to the cloak's supple leather foundation. In daylight the gleam of the scales appears muted, the
true shine only revealed in the deepest shadows as the pale hue and eerie gleam of the luminous
sales reflects even the lowest light. Sweeping towards the ground in a heavy, comfortable weight
from a sturdy fit around the shoulders, the cloak flares out into a full circle when the wearer
spins or moves quickly, punctuating the wearer's fluid grace in a debonair flash of effulgent colour.
Attached at the back of the cloak is spacious hood which, when raised, offers concealment from the
top of the head to below the brow, throwing intense shadows over the wearer's visage. Running from
shoulder to shoulder, a hefty link of silver chain traces over the breast bone, before fastening at
the sternum in a simple locking mechanism, the clasp itself decorative and rendered as a stylised
sword with a slight curve along its length. Adding a luxurious sheen to the inside of the cloak,
crimson-dyed silk shines vividly against the dragon scale, the blood-red lining revealing a flare
for the macabre.
Made of lightweight cotton, this gambeson shirt is comfortable and breathable, covering the
masculine body in a relaxed fit that is neither too tight or too loose. Lacking the billowing
sleeves of a normal swordsman shirt, the narrow cuffs of this long-sleeved garment drape partly over
the hand, offering protection from shoulders-to-wrist from the quilt-style stitching which
reinforces the extra cloth stuffed into the padded sleeves. The front of the shirt is enhanced by a
black leather panel, creating a sturdy foundation for the lace-up style linen strings which cross
over the chest. Though it can be laced tight to the throat, style and fashion dictates the shirt be
worn swashbuckler style; loose and open from the clavicle down to the sternum. The same soot-
coloured panels from the centre of the shirt are mirrored along the padded arms, the sable shade
decorated in a Northern string design which mimics the front lacing.
Someone wanted to play dress up today, apparently ^_^
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
An excellent brainstorming session, if I recall
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Child, please.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Actually, I'm not going to get in a flame war by calling you a liar so this is my last post on the matter.
Thanks, have a nice day
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
So again please tell me how I copied you.
I been waiting to use this tent anyway
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.