Memorable quotes



  • edited November 2013
    was for me, right?

    I wasn't stupid enough to walk back up there, but I thought the danger was retardation, not 10 holocausts.


  • We were propping/ret for random Targs to come by, then once we waited long enough, I just decided to try for lucky holocausts on a poor random person.


  • @Hasar how are you able to fashion all those globes in time and not die? I take 10 secs to regain eq, so doing 6 bombs means I'd get smacked by the initial 60second bomb.

    unless you have a Diadem?
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    No way holo is a 10 second eq
  • I think it's 6-7 without diadem or quick-witted, from memory
  • It's six without diadem quick-witted. Five with.
  • I have diadem quick-witted. Not sure on what time that makes it. Kaden probably right.

  • Next time I log in I'll try it out and re-check my timestamps. Might just be my ping or something, but every time I drop one, I have to spam FLY as last time I didn't move out, the 10second bomb actually hit me.
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • ValdusValdus Australia
    Even our Australian latency isn't that bad.

    You must have lagged or something.

    Viva la Bluef.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Didn't manage to grab all the yells but this one made me lol super hard.

    Dunn Lichlord, Herald of the Outer Cold yells from close at hand, "No, you can't world burn out here."

  • Was in response to Carmell yelling, ha.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited November 2013
    You snarl in a deep, strong voice, "Load the ballista, on the double!"
    = S--@h99,H99,CE98%,W<-SE@15kts,C/S->E@0,IV
    You place a ballista dart carefully into a ballista.
    pt Ballista loaded with a dart - Regular
    = S--@h99,H99,CE98%,W<-SE@15kts,C/S->E@0,IV
    (Party): You say, "Ballista loaded with a dart - Regular."
    = S--@h99,H99,CE98%,W<-SE@15kts,C/S->E@0,IV
    (Pirates of Meropis): Ruth says, "I will."
    = S--@h99,H99,CE98%,W<-SE@15kts,C/S->E@0,IV
    (Pirates of Meropis): Xer says, "We will."
    = S--@h99,H99,CE98%,W<-SE@15kts,C/S->E@0,IV
    You have recovered balance on all limbs.BALANCE = YES 
    = S--@h99,H99,CE98%,W<-SE@15kts,C/S->E@0,IV (5.031s)
    fire ballista e
    You call out "Fire!" and release the mechanism on a ballista.
    A heavy wooden shaft streaks from "TLS Defiance" toward a Kashari war ship, burying itself deeply in 
    its side.
    A Kashari war ship has been slain by your crew, and its corpse sinks rapidly into the ocean depths.
    = S--@h99,H99,CE98%,W<-SE@15kts,C/S->E@0,IV
    With a 'CLICK,' a ballista's mechanisms snap into place, and the weapon is once again ready to fire.

    The strategy of boxing them in seemed to work really well.....until I rushed north of Poly to trap another one with Kinilan, they quickly made to use that strategy themselves. Still 3:1 KDR against War Galley's ain't bad. A good showing by the PoM..

  • Ashtani have been working on their evil laugh:

    The soul of Driden says, "Ahahahahahha."

    Seeing his situation to be hopeless, Driden embraces the cold clutches of 
  • HalosHalos The Reaches

    (Targossas): Kaiu says, "I swear, its all Kellonius's fault."
    @Tesha, please correct her.

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Message #446        Sent by Tukio
    11/04/1:08 //starting to think I'm a part of your ship with your misses!

    Him and Turoi probably hate me by now.

  • Antonius said:
    Aegoth at an open, grassy field in Mhaldor.

    Something seems wrong here...
    Peeer... why u spyin on me
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Enemied to: Conclave
    The Blessed Commander of The Holy Conclave is Tecton, the Terraformer.

    ...should I be worried, @Tecton?
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Santar said:

    (Market): Mako says, "Accepting duels."
    4400h, 4120m, 21400e, 21400w cexkdb-03:13:39:430
    Mako tells you, "Not from you."
    4400h, 4120m, 21400e, 21400w cexkdb-03:13:42:152

    This is discrimination :(
    Man, he wasted little time in clarifying that as well.

  • Nakari said:
    Azatlan talisman stuff
    yeah, I'm beginning to think that Serapis' note in this thread might be becoming relevant right now.
    Dude nice catch.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Indeed. Maybe this means a potential return on the horizon?

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    When there's Vastar, there's Neraeos.

    Yes yes please yes. I never got to have a conversation with Vastar about getting converted by Neraeos and it sounds like good fuuuuun.

    Plus Neraeos. Win win!
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Dortheron has been slain by the might of a cheerfully playing little boy.

    Damn Karate Kids.

  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited November 2013
    Edit: never mind

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