Lightning-quick, you jab a shark-like junda with a graceful court-style rapier of dark-hued steel.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit! A shark-like junda begins to spin rapidly in a circle, increasing its speed with every revolution. You viciously jab a slender parrying blade of dark-hued steel into a shark-like junda. You have scored a WORLD-SHATTERING CRITICAL hit!!! The final blow proves too much for a shark-like junda, who expires pitifully. You have slain a shark-like junda, retrieving the corpse.
It felt -so- good to explode that thing for once instead of the other way around.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I forgot to post this. I brought like 6 noobs to the underworld and had @Carmell lesser/dragon to rez like 5 times (missing with rapiers sucks). Icaru came and did not brazier/kill any!
You sent the following message to Icaru:
(thank you for not like, braziering the noobs and stuff!).
Message #5733 Sent by Icaru
9/07/16:32 I should just move Ur'Vampires around, but am not even a troll like some people. -winkwink-.
You sent the following message to Icaru:
(proficy is horrible about that, yeah).
Message #5734 Sent by Icaru
9/07/16:33 ...
(also, people dying to Zigana is not my doing! I have not even been in the UW!)
Dunn tells you, "I have unenemied you for now. If I smell Targossian trickery on you at any point, I will rend you limb from limb and eat you while your stubby torso still flops about. Understand?"
Dunn tells you, "That said, I have nothing against you. I am advocating strongly for you here. I just get hungry in Targossas."
This seems to happen to me an awful lot, considering I always log in gemmed and on a ship. Makes me wonder how often I get spammed with tells when I'm not in realms. 4 seconds is pretty impressive.
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the undisputed intensity of a
Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile
about himself as he arrives.
"Ahh! You look like you could use some cheering up!" Ironbeard the Magnanimous says with a broad
smile, "A gift to put a smile on your face, Synbios!"
Ironbeard the Magnanimous just gave you a giftbag!
"Salutations and a lovely day to you, Oceana!" Ironbeard the Magnanimous cries out with a small hiccup, doffing his broad-brimmed hat. "And may your day be further improved, if such a thing is possible, with this little gift," he adds, brandishing a giftbag.
The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the undisputed intensity of a
Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile
about himself as he arrives.
"Ahh! You look like you could use some cheering up!" Ironbeard the Magnanimous says with a broad
smile, "A gift to put a smile on your face, Synbios!"
Ironbeard the Magnanimous just gave you a giftbag!
You break a crunchy cookie in half and pull out a tiny slip of paper from inside. You pop the cookie
into your mouth, and only then do you look at the fortune. "Put on a happy face," you read aloud.
Or perhaps Angela was skint after Tir Muraan was rinsed by another talisman-hunting dragon...
Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Decan says in a calm tone of voice, "That violin is too small."
Bonko Bayt al-Azhan, the Prince of Thieves says, "Tick tock, tick tock."
You say in a quiet, contemplative voice, "Find a way to turn it into a cello."
Decan says in a calm tone of voice, "Im trying!"
Decan slumps down dejectedly.
I felt really bad about how the negotiation went, @Decan. You did try,
though and if it makes anything better, I'm glad you, of all people, decided to open
negotiations at all!
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
Distressing images from the Notic Ocean override your senses as they depict the narrow escape from
death at sea of the crew of The Silent Spectre, sent below by ANS Blade of Entropy.
Sigh. 19 days. 19 long, drawn out days.
Also, you guys should be getting some more resistance from Targossian ships as I just made some changes. Not necessarily from me at the moment, but from other Targossians that want to get into combat. I'd like to politely ask that if you run into one of these newer captains, try to make it at least kind of fun for them so that they keep coming back for more.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
Distressing images from the Notic Ocean override your senses as they depict the narrow escape from
death at sea of the crew of The Silent Spectre, sent below by ANS Blade of Entropy.
Sigh. 19 days. 19 long, drawn out days.
Also, you guys should be getting some more resistance from Targossian ships as I just made some changes. Not necessarily from me at the moment, but from other Targossians that want to get into combat. I'd like to politely ask that if you run into one of these newer captains, try to make it at least kind of fun for them so that they keep coming back for more.
No worries. I still do solo sails. So people have a chance to gtfo .. if they aren't AFK just outside Targ.
Sharing because it cracked me up so hard at the time:
Sent By: Achaea on 8/23/11:58
Your bug report (detail: The description of the golden killdeer indicates a female gender despite it being male.) - has been fixed. The following notes were included: The killdeer has had a sex change and our hands have been properly bandaged from the resulting bites and scratches. Never fear.
I don't really have a log perse to post, but there's a newbie right now abusing a bug in Underworld to punch ur vampires to death, and nothing can attack the newbie(not even me)
Newbies can't die under a certain level now, so that really is abusing a feature.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I don't think there's actually any "newbie invincibility" is there? It just ports them to loom when they "die".
This person was level 33 and had permanent grace that didn't show up on GRACED, honors, denizens couldn't attack them, I couldn't attack them. Nothing could. And they could still attack anything they wanted.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
A shark-like junda begins to spin rapidly in a circle, increasing its speed with every revolution.
You viciously jab a slender parrying blade of dark-hued steel into a shark-like junda.
You have scored a WORLD-SHATTERING CRITICAL hit!!!
The final blow proves too much for a shark-like junda, who expires pitifully.
You have slain a shark-like junda, retrieving the corpse.
It felt -so- good to explode that thing for once instead of the other way around.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
As long as the two don't somehow get combined into a bag with an asshole in it.
→My Mudlet Scripts
The Mayor is spending so much on paying for high quality guards that even the children have fuller pockets.
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Bonko Bayt al-Azhan, the Prince of Thieves says, "Tick tock, tick tock."
You say in a quiet, contemplative voice, "Find a way to turn it into a cello."
Decan says in a calm tone of voice, "Im trying!"
Decan slumps down dejectedly.
I felt really bad about how the negotiation went, @Decan. You did try, though and if it makes anything better, I'm glad you, of all people, decided to open negotiations at all!
Courtesy of @Bonko (PBUH)
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree