Quick Questions



  • Jacen said:
    Chryenth said:
    Targossians: Silas is the Dawnlord, right? What happens if the next person to hold that position is female? Is it 'Dawnlady' or is there some other title?
    She would just be "Dawn"
    David Brent (The Office) said:
    "We've all woken up at the crack of Dawn"
    Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence."
    Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
    Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
  • I was expecting 'Lady of the Dawn' or something, but thought that might be too close to what Auroara is.

    Thanks. :)
  • Why was RELEASE SEA SPIRITS made a command? This seems really stupid. It already existed in an easier to type form.
  • Rispok said:
    Why was RELEASE SEA SPIRITS made a command? This seems really stupid. It already existed in an easier to type form.
    Other than "N"?
  • unmeld
  • CardanCardan The Garden
    Rispok said:
    Why was RELEASE SEA SPIRITS made a command? This seems really stupid. It already existed in an easier to type form.
    @Rispok Behind the scenes, there's absolutely no difference between the commands.  It's just a more logical way for players who aren't as familiar with all the seafaring commands to undo 'invoke sea spirits', especially since 'unmeld' doesn't appear to be documented anywhere (I'll add it to the shipmeld AB file later)
  • EldEld
    edited May 2013
    Rispok said:
    Ah, interesting. Not documented afaik. At least not in AB SEAFARING SHIPMELD.

    Edit: And ninja'd by Cardan.
  • @Naisar

    Metamorphosis Traverse?

    Area only track.
  • Mizik said:
    @Naisar Metamorphosis Traverse? Area only track.
    Necromancy Transverse, new ability.
  • Chryenth said:
    I was expecting 'Lady of the Dawn' or something, but thought that might be too close to what Auroara is.

    Thanks. :)

    Chryenth said:
    Targossians: Silas is the Dawnlord, right? What happens if the next person to hold that position is female? Is it 'Dawnlady' or is there some other title?

    Obviously, Aurora perma-possesses the 'Dawnlady' for the duration of her tenure. 

  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    How is everyone with alchemists? I've had complaints about it being so tedious. Frankly, I've enjoyed forestal harvesting more than transmutations from what I have experienced.
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • Synbios said:
    Chryenth said:
    I was expecting 'Lady of the Dawn' or something, but thought that might be too close to what Auroara is.

    Thanks. :)

    Chryenth said:
    Targossians: Silas is the Dawnlord, right? What happens if the next person to hold that position is female? Is it 'Dawnlady' or is there some other title?

    Obviously, Aurora perma-possesses the 'Dawnlady' for the duration of her tenure. 
    In which case, I fully expect any female to inherit Silas' title to fully relinquish their gender for the duration of their tenure.
  • Sherazad said:
    How is everyone with alchemists? I've had complaints about it being so tedious. Frankly, I've enjoyed forestal harvesting more than transmutations from what I have experienced.
    Harvesting/gathering is more enjoyable.

    The "go out and harvest raw materials" part is much less tedious for plants, since you have to actually seek out less-harvested locations and put a bit of effort into it. With extraction, there are a lot of huge areas to extract from, and you extract at a constant rate which is far slower than harvesting plants. So extracting takes a lot more time, and a lot less knowledge/effort.

    And then for harvesting, you're basically done after that step. You have a usable, sellable product. For transmutation, you still have to convert those primes to metals, which is also a huge amount of time spent mindlessly repeating a single command. And then you have to spend more time again to convert those primes/metals into minerals.

    And then on top of that, mineral prices are ridiculously low. So after all that mind-numbing tediousness, you make a profit comparable to ratting.
  • Is there a specific length of time that a non-Village denizen will attack you, after you've attacked it and then left the room?
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • My guess would be after its respawn time, but could maybe be only if killed first.
    Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence."
    Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
    Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
  • Also if you die, it'll lose aggression towards you.
  • Q: What is the strength-increasing trait called?
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • NemutaurNemutaur Germany
    Sylvance said:
    Q: What is the strength-increasing trait called?
    Improved Physique
  • If you leave the area for like a minute then go back, it won't instantly continue to attack you. Will have to re-aggro it first.

  • Cynlael said:
    If you leave the area for like a minute then go back, it won't instantly continue to attack you. Will have to re-aggro it first.
    This is not true, at least in general.
  • Is there a GMCP code thingy for being on a mount?
    Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence."
    Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
    Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
  • Sena said:
    For alchemist bashing at level 80, should I switch my stats from 15 con/11 int to 12 con/14 int? After the last trait changes, I decided to try pure con, and it's great for staying alive, but really slow for killing things. Going from 11 to 14 int would only be about a 20% damage increase though, so I'm not sure it's worth losing 720 health.

    I've also been considering a level 1 crit pendant. I have 190 credits and about 300k gold right now, so I could get the fire pendant right away, but would it be better to keep saving up for something else?
    Sorry to dig up a post from so long ago, but how did that work out for you? I'm thinking of swapping to 14 int myself, as Iron is such a slow attack I figure it'd help with hunting.
  • I haven't actually changed or bought anything yet. I got busy with other stuff and never started bashing as much as I planned.
  • Xli said:
    Is there a GMCP code thingy for being on a mount?
    Unless I'm extremely mistaken, no.
  • About how much resistance do magi enchanted rings provide, percentage wise?

  • Linian said:
    About how much resistance do magi enchanted rings provide, percentage wise?
    10% (for fire at least; I'm assuming all of them are the same).
  • Does anyone know what the movement bonus is for wild walker? 
  • Vaile said:
    Does anyone know what the movement bonus is for wild walker? 
    Halves the delay for moving through difficult terrain (hills, mountains, tundra) on the wilderness map, I believe.
  • Eld said:
    Vaile said:
    Does anyone know what the movement bonus is for wild walker? 
    Halves the delay for moving through difficult terrain (hills, mountains, tundra) on the wilderness map, I believe.
    That's what I was told as well. It doesn't feel like a change though. How would I test this? 
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