League of Legends



  • edited September 2015
    I have now lost 10 ARAMs in a row.

    The final tally is 3 AFKs on my team (not counting the one game with 2 AFKs on my team), 0 on theirs, and 3 teammates who ran up to the enemy team 1v5 without attacking over and over the entire game.

    Every game I had a positive KDR, and 3 games with more than a 2-1 KDR, but still no win :(
  • edited September 2015
    It's ARAM though. You can have a 10:1 KDR and still lose :P People don't understand how to wait once death timers start racking up, and go in 2v5 or 3v5 and throw the game. Edit: Or your team is all AP or AD and they finally got tanky enough to shrug your damage off.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Sure. My teams were consistently awful.

    I just meant to intimate that wasn't doing particularly poorly. I wasn't tilting like crazy or anything.

    It ended up being 13 losses before I won a single game. Two more DCs too.
  • I have the worst luck. Been in promos for Gold 3 times now, had an afk or troll in at least half of the promo games. Last night had a shaco flash/clarity support that insisted he needed to take farm too for his build to work. Ended up feeding the enemy Graves 2 kills in 5 minutes and then left me to 1v2 as he roamed the map to die to the enemy jungler instead. The game right after I had Jax top feed Olaf 0/3 and mid Azir feed Malzahae 0/5 at 10 mins. Wtf are you supposed to do about it?

    My Plat friend even confirmed his promos at gold 1 were way easier than silver 1 because supposedly more people learn to communicate and know how to lose a lane without feeding to give their chance a team to come back. I just want Gold before the season ends ;_;
  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Jovolo said:
    I have the worst luck. Been in promos for Gold 3 times now, had an afk or troll in at least half of the promo games. Last night had a shaco flash/clarity support that insisted he needed to take farm too for his build to work. Ended up feeding the enemy Graves 2 kills in 5 minutes and then left me to 1v2 as he roamed the map to die to the enemy jungler instead. The game right after I had Jax top feed Olaf 0/3 and mid Azir feed Malzahae 0/5 at 10 mins. Wtf are you supposed to do about it?

    My Plat friend even confirmed his promos at gold 1 were way easier than silver 1 because supposedly more people learn to communicate and know how to lose a lane without feeding to give their chance a team to come back. I just want Gold before the season ends ;_;
    Had the same problem with my gold promo's except my power went out in the last match. Was the last time I played ranked League too, (although this was in like s2) Was like 24-3 with Swain that season with 2 of those being afkers/dcers on my team and the last one being my power going out.

  • I feel like I know how to lose my lane without giving up the game.

    Unfortunately, since I'm ADC, my supports -usually- don't know how to do that and just lose the lane harder anyway u_u. Either that, or I'm too timid, that's also possible...
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Is league any good anymore? Haven't played in sometime. Just remember too many trolls and a relatively toxic player base.
  • Furrean said:
    Is league any good anymore? Haven't played in sometime. Just remember too many trolls and a relatively toxic player base.
    Probably the single best feature addition was the mute button.
  • It's still good, it depends on how you approach it though. Mute is a solid feature. I tend to talk to my teammates to begin with just as a friendly opener, like quoting some Braum lines (I love this guy even if he is OP currently) or just being positive to identify which guys I'm gonna mute depending on how they react. First sign of toxicity? Mute. Works wonders.

  • edited September 2015
    Anyone doing the pick'ems thing for Worlds and want to compare their epeens to Achaeans? I created a leaderboard called Team Achaea. I -assume- this is the right thingy to join it:


    ... Yeah, I could go and make that a shortened goo.gl, but I wouldn't trust one of those just randomly posted, even by another Achaean... so if I wouldn't trust it, I don't expect anyone else too. :P

    On another note... I started doing my placements for this season... I know, I know, I'm pretty late to doing ranked... but I have anxiety problems. It took a while to force myself to -go- into ranked(I want my silver border back, at the least, I don't have the nerves(or time, probably), to make a concentrated push on gold)... so game 3... I had to carry that game sooooooo hard. Also, my first ever S rank game, about time.

    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • I like the fact that both the people bitching fed more than most of their team.

  • In their defense, NO ONE fed. At teamfight phase, I was at best 3/1/X. I got fed over time, once it hit a certain point, me getting more kills was just their entire team feeding me. But you know how it is... it's someone else's fault, not mine. :3 They had decent teamfights, they killed off my front line more than once... but at the end of the day, their front line didn't reach me, and died, and let our backline(mostly me) mop up their fractured backline.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • I can't believe our team won this...

    I mean, sure, you must be thinking, "well what was wrong?" Well... Yasuo and Ahri. They all demanded mid, but Azir was second pick. In fact, pick order is almost exactly as it looks in post-game score. I was first, azir and lee sin second and third... ahri and yasuo were at the end. They picked mids to try and force a dodge because they wanted mid themselves.

    No one dodges. I refuse to dodge... I know, stubborn and awful mindset to have :P But I refuse to give in to the trolls. I will play the game, I will report them after, and I will not let them control my enjoyment. And that's what I did. I reported them. I honoured Lee Sin and Azir because they deserved it. But right from the get go, I laid down the law. "You two[trolls] go bottom, I'm going top. I need farm and I'm not going to fight you guys for it." So, I went top, I didn't stomp malphite(what do you expect, I'm not a freaking Diamond player, I was cautious, but still did well enough). Jinx got fed, because... well... trolls be trolls.

    Lee Sin was really the carry on the team until I got my items rolling. He set up fights, he put up so much pressure. Azir deserves mad props as well. And then, I would get in there and start doing Tristana things. So, Lee Sin kept us in the game, Azir, Lee Sin, and myself carried the game to victory, more or less. Sure, Ahri and Yasuo did things, but they weren't really notable.

    But still... I DON'T KNOW HOW WE WON THAT D: They had all the counter-engage, but they kept burning it before they could even hit me in most scenarios... which allowed me to do Trist reset things(I almost got a penta, but Sona kept her and Sej ahead of me too far to get it... oh well. They were low enough for me to do it, too). Gawd, why am I even doing ranked? D:
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • So much yes.

  • How does everyone pick 'em?
  • Watching that video of Faker makes me want to never play League again because the skill disparity is just... ugh.

  • Mmmn. That 1v1 vs Ryu at the end. Twitch chat exploded hard when that happened :pleased: 

  • edited September 2015
    The rematch in groups, though. Instalock first pick Zed for H2K, my body is ready.

    First day of worlds is FNC vs iG too. Gonna be so good.
  • Sometimes you just have to shit on mid so hard  the enemy top laner rages and roams mid constantly. Then you shit on him and the jungle too. Then you 2-shot everyone.

    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Omg please no don't post my shame!  :o

  • Oooh, I should get in on this.

    hlxx is account name.

    Have not played in a while, but used to be a mean Karthus

  • edited October 2015
    <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/5019940/uploads/editor/xh/g2o7gozx6bzw.png" alt="" title="Image: https://us.v-cdn.net/5019940/uploads/editor/xh/g2o7gozx6bzw.png">

    == I have no regrets!!

    All I've had today are six gummy bears and some scotch
  • Lol, every game I predicted to be won at Worlds D1 turned out true. Let's see how I go with the rest :pleased: 

  • The FNC and C9 games were amazing. I thought they were being seriously underestimated by analysts and reddit (lol) with them saying iG would stomp the group, C9 0-6 etc. Both played soooo well.
  • CLG vs FW

    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • ORIGEN I ALWAYS BELIEVED IN YOU. My pick'ems are coming true oh my god

  • I've been meaning to get into LoL, should I go for it?  :p
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    if you want to feel like wasting hours of your life for 5 mins of fun, yes.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited October 2015
    She was asking about LoL, not Achaea

    ha ha ha
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