Commission List: Aesi, Kenway, Shimi, Kythra, Trey, Sholen .... 5/5 CLOSED I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
@Daslin, to quote from the most recent Alice in Wonderland movie:
Alice: Do you think I’ve gone round the bend?
(Her father feels her forehead, as if for a fever)
Charles Kingsley: I’m afraid so. You’re mad. Bonkers! Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret... all the best people are.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
It's a compliment, take it how you feel about compliments!
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Since this thread notified me three times all at once, I figured I'd add my own. I'll try keep it short when I can!
@Saeva - Obvious reasons are obvious. It's rare to make a true friend, but it happens. Here's to another year of having an RP blast.
@Melodie - You're awesome. I think my early interactions with you (and Kendrick) kept me here early on when I wasn't so sure if Achaea was for me. It let me see that there are amazing RP opportunities abound in the game if you're willing to look, despite the environment being very different from the one I came from. Your willingness to open my eyes to that aspect of the game is really appreciated. I'm also glad I can call you a friend. To recap succinctly: You're awesome.
@Kendrick - Like Saeva said, come back Poppa Kendrick! Or else Batman > Iron Man. Yeah, I said it.
@Allene - Thanks for getting me and Saeva on our feet at the beginning! We probably seemed like newborn ducklings with our total confusion on how things worked. Your patience and cheerfulness helped a lot.
@Chryseas - A super bright spot for Cid. Always willing to lend an ear and also encourage Cid with the arts, while also being an abundance of knowledge and lore (Aliora can steal some of the credit there too ). I always enjoy our interactions, even if brief nowadays.
@Jovaras - Even though both Cid and I bristled some at the pressures applied sometimes, I really do appreciate how much you cared about Cid's advancement to push him. Your willingness to be open about things when Cid did feel pressured was really appreciated on both levels. Your grasp of philosophy and lore made for really interesting talks as well. I'm hoping to interact with you more this new year, hopefully for better and brighter things.
@Draqoom - It's unfortunate that events went the way they did just as things seemed to be patching up between Cid and Draqoom! I do miss the interactions, and hopefully there'll be a chance to increase those soon somehow. Just remember, you hold the key to Chaos when Draqoom uppercuts himself.
@Aviette - Thanks for being a trooper and good friend to both me and Cid! The Avidance lives on! idk man. idk.
@Hasar - I think our first interaction was what got me hooked into Achaea. Thanks for not killing Cid about a bazillion times despite having plenty of cause to by now. Unless you're just saving it up for one big massacre. But on a more serious note, the early talks about Evil and what it means really got me intrigued about the lore and philosophies of the game, and I have you to thank for that.
@Naevia - You've been such a positive and driving force in Cid's life lately! Your own drive for history, philosophy, and adventure has helped recapture Cid's. I can accredit a lot of the stuff I've learned over the past month to our adventures and interactions, and for that I'm really grateful. Thank you for stumbling into Cid's life and brightening it so much.
@Shirszae - It was a bit of an up and down few weeks for a stretch but I'm glad for the interactions and RP that was developed from it! Rock on, with that harp.
@Yae - Thanks for being a friend to Cid, and such a bundle of joy! Those snowball fights and toboggan rides came at a perfect time and really brightened up Cid's and my day that day. And Draydels. Luna Lovegood would be proud.
@Cathy - The Legend of Catchy Kissar will never be forgotten.
@Aquilora - ~c8> Giggle Mouse on Acid. That is all.
@Harley - For all the talks and chats. It's not a party without Harley.
@Hassan - All them pranks (see Phaestus comment for one). One of my favourite jesters!
@Orzaansyn - Chess matches and wagers to the death, with a sprinkle of philosophy. I'll take options 1 and 3 more often please!
@Aepas - Though our interactions haven't been numerous, I've really enjoyed those that we have had. Your interest in history, and the perspective you bring with it is really intriguing. Your character feels really well thought out and well RPed, and I look forward to future interactions for sure. Thank you Scaleybeard.
@Cree and @Caleth - Wow, you two are just awesome. The way you two manage to play off each other's comments and actions is aspirational, along with the wisdom and character you bring to the game as well. I'm really appreciative of the interactions I've been able to have with you both.
@Daslin - For Rasah. He will be well looked af- Oh crap when did I last fill his feed bag? And where did I leave him??
In terms of Gods:
@Scarlatti - The times I've had the opportunity to interact with either You or your NPCs has been a blast, and really enjoyable. Thanks for brightening the gameworld with Your interactions.
@Phaestus - I have a feeling Cid's due for a zap with the number of eels he's sent You now, but well worth it. The puppy sweater note reply was hilarious, and made my day!
I have a feeling I missed people out, so apologies if I did! I blame my tiredness right now!
Hmmm.. I guess it's time I do one of these. I have been hesitant, as I do not want to forget anyone that has really been there for me, as there have been a ton. But I think I'll go ahead and give it a try.
First and foremost: @Xenomorph. Despite being completely insane, he was my first mentor, and is still my mentor to this day. He has an even head when he wants to.. but the other half of the time it seems like he might be drunk. Still I love him to death and he'll always be a mentor in my eyes.
@Ruth Has been another mentor to me, the one in the Ebonfist. We became fast friends ICly, but they are not without their arguments. Aepas looks up to Ruth a lot, even though he is a stubborn asshole and some of their arguments have ended with duels. It's been a rough yet satisfying ride.
@Orzaansyn and @Alynna Two of my favorite people in Mhaldor. Alynna has possibly the worst mix of humor for Aepas, which is always hillarious to see. She usually says something funny, and Aepas just stares at her blankly. Even though it's horribly akward, I love it. Orz has been around for a long time, both her and Aepas sharing a love for writing and poetry, as well as the more artistic side of evil.
@Vicious One of my favorite people. Very respectful when he wants to be and to Aepas, has always been even headed and proper. Guy gets a bad rep cause he is a Grade-A asshole. I even spent hours and hours trying to get some enemies to come and listen to "Mhaldorian truths". First thing he says is "Why are we not piking their heads at Stygian?" He's abbrasive, but he plays his character so damn well. It likely just comes off harsh to people that don't know him. Still, he is stellar and always in role.
@Katzchen and @Arador Both being very supportive of me when I moved to the Maldaathi from being a Druid. Aepas had huge temperamental problems, much of it dealing with moving from very high rank to near nothing, as well as moving from Druid to Knight. Transition was difficult, ICly and OCly, but they have still been great housemates.
@Fen Because he is awesome and one of my navy brothers, always a joy fighting him.
@Aegoth Always enjoyed dying to his Holobombs, gonna miss it as he heads off to new lands!
@Hasar, @Xer@Kafziel. Alas, I don't get to play with these guys much being in a different timezone, but raiding with them is hella fun. I know I'm just the totem biatch, but I love it either way. A good composition is key!
The @Melodie crew. @Nelluandra@Saeva@Cidusii I never intended on meeting all you heathens, but I've had some really enjoyable interactions with you few. All have been sensible with me being the evil one, asking questions and even sharing their own views. It's been a blast and what I love more is that we allow ourselves to have all of our own beliefs without being too aggressive about anything. I wish there were more interactions with people like you
@ the people I have fought. It's been a really long time, about 2 years since I had decent enough internet to fight. Luckily I've been getting better lag recently, and the new Q system has helped me greatly. I hope to fight many more of you in the future as I get better between tactics and lag.
I've been considering putting some thank yous out here also and I was having a hard time with getting the wording and such right, but I'm pretty sure this is a complete list.
@LeftHand - I want to thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping some of my children in line and with keeping me safe from the hordes of undead and Targossian enemies I've had to face this year. Without you none of this would be possible.
@RightHand - I can't believe how slow you've become. You really need to lose some weight and step up your game, LeftHand can't pick up your slack forever (j/k ilu bby!!1)
@LeftLeg and @RightLeg - You guys are the best a guy could ask for. I think of all the places I've been and how I couldn't have got there without the two of you. You always seem to be there when I need you most, and nobody has supported me in the ways you two have. You are a blessing and I will cherish you forever.
I don't recall if I've ever done one of these or not, but since I've been here for far too long with my other character nearly a century old, it's about time I did!
@Nellaundra As always you're Tessa's left hand (or was it right?), heart and about half minus two grams soul. Without you around Tessa wouldn't be who she is. For better or for worse, in ups and downs, they're truly a couple. Out of game you're a great friend. You know all of this and more so stop blushing and get playing.
@Melodie Awesome RP mom and best teacher. Between you and Nellaundra, Tessa has a very rich and deep existence that I just can't let go, no matter how much I've wanted to at times. Then there's also the little fact that without you, Tessa would have never been created (IC and OOC!!). Even if you're forgetful at times (<insert shameless plug>), we have our little snaps, and Tessa always seems the shadow child of the bunch (mostly to others, not you), I wouldn't trade you for the world. You're a true friend and Mel is a great character. Wherever our roads lead this year, I look forward to it!
To both of the above, an extra thank you for the OOC help and support you've given, especially of late. Grief is a hard thing. Moreso when pushed into drastic change.
@Aeryllin Come back (or come back more)! Poke Tessa! I have chocolate bats and sticks to hit the bears with. Trio hasn't been the same without you!
@Faustine Though I and Tessa are never really sure where her and Faustine stand, I'm glad you're around again. We don't interact as much as I'd like so I'd like to see about remedying that this year.
@Avahania Fun daughter! Promise I'll keep trying to alter the turn of the earth so the timezones don't suck!
@Aerek Come around more!! Seriously, you're one of the most awesome players I've had the privelage of knowing in my 15 years of RPing. It's a sin that you're not around more. :P
@Verrucht Though we don't talk much (usually because I don't like the idea of bugging you), you're thought of a lot, and an awesome person. Keep it real, and don't lose that iron claw!
@Cidusii When I first saw you and the things you did as a norm I just stared at the screen for a while, then went "Uhm..okay." When you and Tessa first started speaking in a mature and intelligent manner, however, it was a bit of a shock. I'm glad to have met you and hope our encounters become more regular as I would like to know Cidusii more! Just don't be afraid to poke at Tessa - she's just quiet by nature.
@Saeva It shocked me when you and Nell apparently clicked. Tessa's reaction when she heard of it was funny as hell. Since then I've been seeing more of you, and I'm not regretting it.
Both @Cidusii and @Saeva - You deserve a bit of extra here given the state of things. Aeryllin, Nellaundra, Melodie and Tessa were the original flock. A strong bond high loyalty group. It's not an easy group to get into, and new kids can't simply buy tickets (as you've likely noticed). How things came about wasn't fair to you for that reason. All the same, I really am glad that things are coming around. Hoping it keeps going from here and that we only see more of eachother in the new year!
@Voc Stop being absent! You're just plain epic, and one of the best metal bashers out there!
@Draqoom Sorry that things have grown distant. I loved the short time Tessa and Draqoom had together, and hope we can have more of it in the future. I'll bring the rum.
@Verily Hands off the wife! :P Seriously though, hoping to have Tessa meet you eventually. I've met you on another character before, and you're a great player. Don't stop shakin' it! Well, not unless you start to lose fingers. Then you'll end up with a gross necklace.
@Syth I don't know and I'm not sure want to know! xD Tessa still just kinda stares when you're in a room. Not sure if it's a compliment or not but kudos for the long-time feat!
@Cyrene You're a good city that I'm thankful to be a part of, but I worry of what I'm seeing. Be vigilant and don't stop dancing.
To anyone I missed, sorry! You've all had an impact and it's always nice to see each and every one of you. Without you Achaea would just be a chat program that you could text-smack things in. Viva El Presidente!
I've taken a long absence from the game as those who knew me are aware. Situations were just too impossible. What most aren't aware of is I've been around the past few months though, lurking, poking, stirring. Trying to get Loem in some sort of order and direction again. Yes I've been peeping and creeping. New attempt for a new year? My first thanks to those who care, how few you may be! Hehe.
To any I miss, which I'm sure I will: no offense. Thank you! And don't be afraid to poke me. Even if I'm not in-game, I'm around to catch the messages.
@Lianca You are, byfar, one of the best I've interacted with. You gave Loem a lot. It's sad to have fallen into the background of your efforts, but I still cherish what there was and hope I lived up to at least a portion of it. Thank you, and I hope the future bodes well for the both of us. It's unlikely Loem will return to the Occult - would be too many problems with even attempting it now that she's likely branded a traitor, but who knows what the future may happen.
@Verily Though our encounters haven't been many, those we've had have been nice. Was a bit spooked when you first contacted Loem, but I'm glad you did! Thank you.
@Flair Whatever ditch you're at the bottom of this time, we still love you. You're the best. I miss those flying shotglasses during ritual like you'll never know. Come back, be your infectious self, cause mayhem, drink all the tequila. These terms are non negotiable!
@Morro Come baaack! You were one of the closest to Loem, even at the end when everything was falling apart. You had more of an effect on her than many, and helped me more than I could ask. Thank you isn't really enough here. You're awesome.
@Ulysia Words don't fit here. You know what you did, and what you meant to Loem. Thank you.
@Halos and all of the old refugees slash Light gurus in the early days of Targossas, thank you for the short interlude we had! Though that particular attempt didn't result in much, it was fun and tense! @Deucalion - stone cold mate. Haha. Kept waiting to be simply burned to ash.
@Boosteya You creep me the hell out! Seriously, your first words to Loem made me cry "-Why- is she saying this!?" followed shortly by "I NEED AN ADULT!" and had Loem so suspicious that she'd accuse dust of eavesdropping on her. It's been amusingly awkward, even if Loem is short as a result. Haha.
@Cyrene How dare you be so suspicous of a Nihilist! Fun times. Thank you all.
@Mirata You know most of what I might say. Thank you for your efforts both in and out of the game. You helped to get Loem back into it and moving to a degree. I'll do my best to not let that be in vain and find a direction for her.
@Babel Still my favorite God. No offense @Garden, but Babel's got an addictive style! Keep those black eyes open mate. Would hate to see you fade. If you do though...dibs on the voice mutator.
@Raslazel You're an arse for disappearing, but I'm very thankful for the scant few times you're around. :P
To all of the Occult that I knew and didn't mention, I remember you all, and lament those days. It truly was a unique experience. You gave Loem a history and background deeper than many even at such a young age. Each year of her life brought so much. I'll always be very grateful for that.
Fine. I guess I will jump on the bandwagon as well.
@TyBeirdd for being the best house in history! At least, way better than those jestery types down in Delos. (( @CIJ , ily2 but that has to be a secret))
@Cyrene, family, friends, and a random assortment of people ((I will not tag them all because I think the majority of them do not read the forums.)) always.
Commission List: Aesi, Kenway, Shimi, Kythra, Trey, Sholen .... 5/5 CLOSED I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
@Mhaldor always there to piss me off with exterms, raids, and people jumping me for some reason.
@Eleusis being a great place to live in, being a family for all of my rogued life, and allowing me to be the new Minister of Trade,
@SylvanHouse Letting me be apart of the family, even though I was only there for a few years.
@Gaia For coming back, I'd been waiting forever for you.
@Tecton For helping, even though it wasn't last year.
@Phaestus For actually showing up for ale. Should do it again. Got rum this time.
@Sarapis (and everyone else involved) For making Achaea possible. I don't know what I'd be doing right now without the land of Awesome, Cool, Heavenly, And Extremely Amusing (yeah, I just did that).
@NailoFamily For being my family, I wouldn't be the same without you guys
@Everyone For being there to fill the game with all the stories, friends, and enemies.
@Kaie for being my partner in Achaean crime for the last (two) years. Time flies when we're having fun.
@Nieelensars for the amazing friendship and support you gave me during my final run toward dragon.
@Achimrst for not being afraid to be Bluef's friend or a leader in an organization that so many people know nothing about yet seem to hate with every fibre of their being. You have become one of my best friends, Doc.
@Howdin for all the time spent testing different combat tactics, and for all those moments that derailed into Wtf LOL fests in tells.
@Motako@Belle@Reihaneh@Hermaldo@Wayde@Sabata@Kardal - For being part of the new RP the Curia crafted this past year. Great things are great things coming our way!
@Kybrae for doing what others would not. You are a shining example of how much fun can be had when the people actually roleplay instead of simply completing tasks and pushing pretend papers around in a world made of text.
@Flair for still being willing to roleplay with your ex-wife. It's hard to believe it all started 10 RL years ago. Damn, we're old!
@Beya for always blowing my mind with your showmanship! We miss you!
@Qwindor for standing up for what was right and taking the all the heat (everyone in that House owes you a thank you). It's been nice doing something other than trying to fight you.
@Vicious@Turoi@Ryldagh and @Peak for always being pure awesome.
@Thoth for your continued patronage of the Curia, especially those moments when you scare the heck out of all of us by saying something out of the blue on CLT.
@Valnurana for taking the time you do to make Achaea an amazing roleplay experience for every one of your Black Swans.
@Tecton: For responding to each and every message and email. There were a lot of them in 2013!
@Amunet, @Bonko@Perlanox & all those players who left us this year for the numerous times you made Achaea a more interesting place to be on a Friday night than anywhere in reality.
@qwindor: Taking over House thingiemabobs. Tough times, but can't wait to see what your leadership will cook up!
@fen and @soulfyriani: We need more good ol' times. Where's the liquor?
@vayne: Pretty amazing run as leader of House and City, thank you for all the fun, games, and push to do better! (also, your face and towel look should make a reappearance, hmm hmm)
@tharvis: Haven't seen you in ages, and all I've seen so far was the Logosmas stocking with your name on it. Come around moar!
@bambi: For making the City a more lively place to be!
You guys made this last year terrible, here's to making the next one worse. GO DOJO!
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
Alice: Do you think I’ve gone round the bend?
(Her father feels her forehead, as if for a fever)
Charles Kingsley: I’m afraid so. You’re mad. Bonkers! Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret... all the best people are.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Saeva - Obvious reasons are obvious. It's rare to make a true friend, but it happens. Here's to another year of having an RP blast.
@Melodie - You're awesome. I think my early interactions with you (and Kendrick) kept me here early on when I wasn't so sure if Achaea was for me. It let me see that there are amazing RP opportunities abound in the game if you're willing to look, despite the environment being very different from the one I came from. Your willingness to open my eyes to that aspect of the game is really appreciated. I'm also glad I can call you a friend. To recap succinctly: You're awesome.
@Kendrick - Like Saeva said, come back Poppa Kendrick! Or else Batman > Iron Man. Yeah, I said it.
@Allene - Thanks for getting me and Saeva on our feet at the beginning! We probably seemed like newborn ducklings with our total confusion on how things worked. Your patience and cheerfulness helped a lot.
@Chryseas - A super bright spot for Cid. Always willing to lend an ear and also encourage Cid with the arts, while also being an abundance of knowledge and lore (Aliora can steal some of the credit there too
@Jovaras - Even though both Cid and I bristled some at the pressures applied sometimes, I really do appreciate how much you cared about Cid's advancement to push him. Your willingness to be open about things when Cid did feel pressured was really appreciated on both levels. Your grasp of philosophy and lore made for really interesting talks as well. I'm hoping to interact with you more this new year, hopefully for better and brighter things.
@Draqoom - It's unfortunate that events went the way they did just as things seemed to be patching up between Cid and Draqoom! I do miss the interactions, and hopefully there'll be a chance to increase those soon somehow. Just remember, you hold the key to Chaos when Draqoom uppercuts himself.
@Aviette - Thanks for being a trooper and good friend to both me and Cid! The Avidance lives on! idk man. idk.
@Hasar - I think our first interaction was what got me hooked into Achaea. Thanks for not killing Cid about a bazillion times despite having plenty of cause to by now. Unless you're just saving it up for one big massacre. But on a more serious note, the early talks about Evil and what it means really got me intrigued about the lore and philosophies of the game, and I have you to thank for that.
@Naevia - You've been such a positive and driving force in Cid's life lately! Your own drive for history, philosophy, and adventure has helped recapture Cid's. I can accredit a lot of the stuff I've learned over the past month to our adventures and interactions, and for that I'm really grateful. Thank you for stumbling into Cid's life and brightening it so much.
@Shirszae - It was a bit of an up and down few weeks for a stretch but I'm glad for the interactions and RP that was developed from it! Rock on, with that harp.
@Yae - Thanks for being a friend to Cid, and such a bundle of joy! Those snowball fights and toboggan rides came at a perfect time and really brightened up Cid's and my day that day. And Draydels. Luna Lovegood would be proud.
@Cathy - The Legend of Catchy Kissar will never be forgotten.
@Aquilora - ~c8> Giggle Mouse on Acid. That is all.
@Moco - Jiggle that belly with pride! 'Nuff said.
@Kaden - For all the Roars!
@Harley - For all the talks and chats. It's not a party without Harley.
@Hassan - All them pranks (see Phaestus comment for one). One of my favourite jesters!
@Orzaansyn - Chess matches and wagers to the death, with a sprinkle of philosophy. I'll take options 1 and 3 more often please!
@Aepas - Though our interactions haven't been numerous, I've really enjoyed those that we have had. Your interest in history, and the perspective you bring with it is really intriguing. Your character feels really well thought out and well RPed, and I look forward to future interactions for sure. Thank you Scaleybeard.
@Cree and @Caleth - Wow, you two are just awesome. The way you two manage to play off each other's comments and actions is aspirational, along with the wisdom and character you bring to the game as well. I'm really appreciative of the interactions I've been able to have with you both.
@Xae - Name buddies of LIFE!
@Daslin - For Rasah. He will be well looked af- Oh crap when did I last fill his feed bag? And where did I leave him??
In terms of Gods:
@Scarlatti - The times I've had the opportunity to interact with either You or your NPCs has been a blast, and really enjoyable. Thanks for brightening the gameworld with Your interactions.
@Phaestus - I have a feeling Cid's due for a zap with the number of eels he's sent You now, but well worth it. The puppy sweater note reply was hilarious, and made my day!
I have a feeling I missed people out, so apologies if I did! I blame my tiredness right now!
First and foremost: @Xenomorph.
Despite being completely insane, he was my first mentor, and is still my mentor to this day. He has an even head when he wants to.. but the other half of the time it seems like he might be drunk. Still I love him to death and he'll always be a mentor in my eyes.
@Ruth Has been another mentor to me, the one in the Ebonfist. We became fast friends ICly, but they are not without their arguments. Aepas looks up to Ruth a lot, even though he is a stubborn asshole and some of their arguments have ended with duels. It's been a rough yet satisfying ride.
@Orzaansyn and @Alynna Two of my favorite people in Mhaldor. Alynna has possibly the worst mix of humor for Aepas, which is always hillarious to see. She usually says something funny, and Aepas just stares at her blankly. Even though it's horribly akward, I love it. Orz has been around for a long time, both her and Aepas sharing a love for writing and poetry, as well as the more artistic side of evil.
@Vicious One of my favorite people. Very respectful when he wants to be and to Aepas, has always been even headed and proper. Guy gets a bad rep cause he is a Grade-A asshole. I even spent hours and hours trying to get some enemies to come and listen to "Mhaldorian truths". First thing he says is "Why are we not piking their heads at Stygian?" He's abbrasive, but he plays his character so damn well. It likely just comes off harsh to people that don't know him. Still, he is stellar and always in role.
@Katzchen and @Arador
Both being very supportive of me when I moved to the Maldaathi from being a Druid. Aepas had huge temperamental problems, much of it dealing with moving from very high rank to near nothing, as well as moving from Druid to Knight. Transition was difficult, ICly and OCly, but they have still been great housemates.
@Fen Because he is awesome and one of my navy brothers, always a joy fighting him.
@Aegoth Always enjoyed dying to his Holobombs, gonna miss it as he heads off to new lands!
@Hasar, @Xer @Kafziel. Alas, I don't get to play with these guys much being in a different timezone, but raiding with them is hella fun. I know I'm just the totem biatch, but I love it either way. A good composition is key!
The @Melodie crew. @Nelluandra @Saeva @Cidusii
I never intended on meeting all you heathens, but I've had some really enjoyable interactions with you few. All have been sensible with me being the evil one, asking questions and even sharing their own views. It's been a blast and what I love more is that we allow ourselves to have all of our own beliefs without being too aggressive about anything. I wish there were more interactions with people like you
@ the people I have fought.
It's been a really long time, about 2 years since I had decent enough internet to fight. Luckily I've been getting better lag recently, and the new Q system has helped me greatly. I hope to fight many more of you in the future as I get better between tactics and lag.
Here's to a new year and new ambitions!
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
@LeftHand - I want to thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping some of my children in line and with keeping me safe from the hordes of undead and Targossian enemies I've had to face this year. Without you none of this would be possible.
@RightHand - I can't believe how slow you've become. You really need to lose some weight and step up your game, LeftHand can't pick up your slack forever (j/k ilu bby!!1)
@LeftLeg and @RightLeg - You guys are the best a guy could ask for. I think of all the places I've been and how I couldn't have got there without the two of you. You always seem to be there when I need you most, and nobody has supported me in the ways you two have. You are a blessing and I will cherish you forever.
@Nellaundra As always you're Tessa's left hand (or was it right?), heart and about half minus two grams soul. Without you around Tessa wouldn't be who she is. For better or for worse, in ups and downs, they're truly a couple. Out of game you're a great friend. You know all of this and more so stop blushing and get playing.
@Melodie Awesome RP mom and best teacher. Between you and Nellaundra, Tessa has a very rich and deep existence that I just can't let go, no matter how much I've wanted to at times. Then there's also the little fact that without you, Tessa would have never been created (IC and OOC!!). Even if you're forgetful at times (<insert shameless plug>), we have our little snaps, and Tessa always seems the shadow child of the bunch (mostly to others, not you), I wouldn't trade you for the world. You're a true friend and Mel is a great character. Wherever our roads lead this year, I look forward to it!
To both of the above, an extra thank you for the OOC help and support you've given, especially of late. Grief is a hard thing. Moreso when pushed into drastic change.
@Aeryllin Come back (or come back more)! Poke Tessa! I have chocolate bats and sticks to hit the bears with. Trio hasn't been the same without you!
@Faustine Though I and Tessa are never really sure where her and Faustine stand, I'm glad you're around again. We don't interact as much as I'd like so I'd like to see about remedying that this year.
@Avahania Fun daughter! Promise I'll keep trying to alter the turn of the earth so the timezones don't suck!
@Aerek Come around more!! Seriously, you're one of the most awesome players I've had the privelage of knowing in my 15 years of RPing. It's a sin that you're not around more. :P
@Verrucht Though we don't talk much (usually because I don't like the idea of bugging you), you're thought of a lot, and an awesome person. Keep it real, and don't lose that iron claw!
@Cidusii When I first saw you and the things you did as a norm I just stared at the screen for a while, then went "Uhm..okay." When you and Tessa first started speaking in a mature and intelligent manner, however, it was a bit of a shock. I'm glad to have met you and hope our encounters become more regular as I would like to know Cidusii more! Just don't be afraid to poke at Tessa - she's just quiet by nature.
@Saeva It shocked me when you and Nell apparently clicked. Tessa's reaction when she heard of it was funny as hell. Since then I've been seeing more of you, and I'm not regretting it.
Both @Cidusii and @Saeva - You deserve a bit of extra here given the state of things. Aeryllin, Nellaundra, Melodie and Tessa were the original flock. A strong bond high loyalty group. It's not an easy group to get into, and new kids can't simply buy tickets (as you've likely noticed). How things came about wasn't fair to you for that reason. All the same, I really am glad that things are coming around. Hoping it keeps going from here and that we only see more of eachother in the new year!
@Voc Stop being absent! You're just plain epic, and one of the best metal bashers out there!
@Draqoom Sorry that things have grown distant. I loved the short time Tessa and Draqoom had together, and hope we can have more of it in the future. I'll bring the rum.
@Verily Hands off the wife! :P Seriously though, hoping to have Tessa meet you eventually. I've met you on another character before, and you're a great player. Don't stop shakin' it! Well, not unless you start to lose fingers. Then you'll end up with a gross necklace.
@Syth I don't know and I'm not sure want to know! xD Tessa still just kinda stares when you're in a room. Not sure if it's a compliment or not but kudos for the long-time feat!
@Cyrene You're a good city that I'm thankful to be a part of, but I worry of what I'm seeing. Be vigilant and don't stop dancing.
To anyone I missed, sorry! You've all had an impact and it's always nice to see each and every one of you. Without you Achaea would just be a chat program that you could text-smack things in. Viva El Presidente!
To any I miss, which I'm sure I will: no offense. Thank you! And don't be afraid to poke me. Even if I'm not in-game, I'm around to catch the messages.
@Lianca You are, byfar, one of the best I've interacted with. You gave Loem a lot. It's sad to have fallen into the background of your efforts, but I still cherish what there was and hope I lived up to at least a portion of it. Thank you, and I hope the future bodes well for the both of us. It's unlikely Loem will return to the Occult - would be too many problems with even attempting it now that she's likely branded a traitor, but who knows what the future may happen.
@Verily Though our encounters haven't been many, those we've had have been nice. Was a bit spooked when you first contacted Loem, but I'm glad you did! Thank you.
@Flair Whatever ditch you're at the bottom of this time, we still love you. You're the best. I miss those flying shotglasses during ritual like you'll never know. Come back, be your infectious self, cause mayhem, drink all the tequila. These terms are non negotiable!
@Amunet Thank you for all that you did.
@Morro Come baaack! You were one of the closest to Loem, even at the end when everything was falling apart. You had more of an effect on her than many, and helped me more than I could ask. Thank you isn't really enough here. You're awesome.
@Ulysia Words don't fit here. You know what you did, and what you meant to Loem. Thank you.
@Halos and all of the old refugees slash Light gurus in the early days of Targossas, thank you for the short interlude we had! Though that particular attempt didn't result in much, it was fun and tense! @Deucalion - stone cold mate. Haha. Kept waiting to be simply burned to ash.
@Boosteya You creep me the hell out! Seriously, your first words to Loem made me cry "-Why- is she saying this!?" followed shortly by "I NEED AN ADULT!" and had Loem so suspicious that she'd accuse dust of eavesdropping on her. It's been amusingly awkward, even if Loem is short as a result. Haha.
@Cyrene How dare you be so suspicous of a Nihilist! Fun times. Thank you all.
@Mirata You know most of what I might say. Thank you for your efforts both in and out of the game. You helped to get Loem back into it and moving to a degree. I'll do my best to not let that be in vain and find a direction for her.
@Babel Still my favorite God. No offense @Garden, but Babel's got an addictive style! Keep those black eyes open mate. Would hate to see you fade. If you do though...dibs on the voice mutator.
@Raslazel You're an arse for disappearing, but I'm very thankful for the scant few times you're around. :P
To all of the Occult that I knew and didn't mention, I remember you all, and lament those days. It truly was a unique experience. You gave Loem a history and background deeper than many even at such a young age. Each year of her life brought so much. I'll always be very grateful for that.
@TyBeirdd for being the best house in history! At least, way better than those jestery types down in Delos. (( @CIJ , ily2 but that has to be a secret))
@Cyrene, family, friends, and a random assortment of people ((I will not tag them all because I think the majority of them do not read the forums.))
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.