The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?" The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
2013 has been my most fun year BY FAR. I had a blast in 2012 returning to Achaea, but 2013 really locked in my addiction. I don't really remember early 2000s, so they don't count.
Eleusis: I'm sorry I left. I enjoyed leading and fighting with you guys, but I needed more people similar to myself around me to keep logging in ( @Rangor ).
@Yiwen, @Gyrth, @Narcos : not everyone has RL friends you can play such a nerdy game with. These dudes have kept me playing for forever. @Xio : RIP, come back, you were my favorite to fight with by far
@Triak : I have known you since I was 15-16? so nearly a decade. We've made nearly all of our decisions together and only parted ways when I quit in 2007?. You've always been a good friend and helped me make some very tough decisions since returning.
@Dunn : best friend by far I've made in the game. I would share amanda with you if you only asked. Maybe Kobe.
@Nemutaur : Too fun to fight with. I can see 10 Targs on and be bored and know you'll come 2v10 with me. Dude is the Rangor of Ashtan.
@Hirst : god. You are the best griefer in town, but what people don't realize is how much you do elsewhere. You're good in all areas, and pro at letting people know it. Keep it up.
@Jarrod : You afk too much, but at least you're logged in. Oh, and I actually got to meet you IRL. That night was a blast. Pretty sure you sang rocky top with me.
@Rennyn : too much fun being Ashuran for a long stint and fighting and strategizing with you. I think we push each other to the limits of what is possible.
@Targ, you guys are a good competitor and keep it fun, generally.
@ Mhaldor, you guys kinda suck unless Eari and Co. are around. Step your game up, so we can start raiding again. Less worlburn and LoS, more tummy-sticks.
To the earrings in my left ear: You guys are great and it's always a blast raiding against dumb odds with you guys
To the earrings in my right ear: Seriously, what is wrong with you guys? Where are you?
@Dunn: Always a blast playing anything, shooting the shit, or just raiding. CAWCAWCAW always remember
@Jhui: You came in like a wrecking ball, and while your nudity astride said wrecking ball was disturbing, it's been uphill ever since. Also, stop lying about me singing, I wouldn't do that >.>
@Nemutaur, @Triak, @Gyrth, @Sohl, @Mizik, @Akia: Always a blast to raid with, especially when you all get focused so I can snipe and boost my KD ratio
@Babel: I wish you hadn't disappeared, it was fun while it lasted!
@Ourania: Thanks for everything you definitely don't do
@Inevitably forgotten @s: It was very clearly intentional. Please feel snubbed and say something to me in the next hour while I still have time to edit.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
@Hashan: My love/hate relationship with you is abusive in every sense of the word, yet I cannot find it within myself to leave you. I enjoy the intrigue and politics a lot, but what the city could be is what has kept me waiting and hopeful.
@Ourania: I cannot imagine the pressure and frustration of being a volunteer, and for Hashan of all places. I, for one, appreciate all you have done to try to make the city a fun and worthwhile place to play. Moreso, I appreciate the work and interaction we have been able to do together on several levels and the support you have given me as a person and player over the years.
@Ravensong:@Mannimar, @Cinya, @Aitox Sad to see us all go our separate ways over this past year, but it is always fun to hang out with you guys IC and OOC. You are all the coolest of dudes.
@Kaitali: You dealt with a lot of crap for me, with me, and from me this year. I appreciate all the help you have been and acknowledge the superior level of serpentness you posses.
@Institute: My new passion in Achaea, its been a blast seeing us grow over the past couple years,continue working and growing until you become the formidable organization in the game I know you can be!
@Hellen: You are the rock of the Institute. The perfect combination of mad scientist and...well, you play a good alchemist! I am glad to see you take the lead and do it well.
@Xadzia: Thanks for being what I think is an even hand in dealing with all things Hashan, things would be a lot worse without you right now.
@Harmonia: I love you always, but I will not join Mhaldor.
@Cimone: My errant fiancee, you supported and counseled me during some difficult times in leadership. Feel free to come back, you know, anytime.
@Kaie for being my partner in Achaean crime for the last (two) years. Time flies when we're having fun.
@Nieelensars for the amazing friendship and support you gave me during my final run toward dragon.
@Achimrst for not being afraid to be Bluef's friend or a leader in an organization that so many people know nothing about yet seem to hate with every fibre of their being. You have become one of my best friends, Doc.
@Howdin for all the time spent testing different combat tactics, and for all those moments that derailed into Wtf LOL fests in tells.
@Kybrae for doing what others would not. You are a shining example of how much fun can be had when the people actually roleplay instead of simply completing tasks and pushing pretend papers around in a world made of text.
@Flair for still being willing to roleplay with your ex-wife. It's hard to believe it all started 10 RL years ago. Damn, we're old!
@Beya for always blowing my mind with your showmanship! We miss you!
@Qwindor for standing up for what was right and taking the all the heat (everyone in that House owes you a thank you). It's been nice doing something other than trying to fight you.
@Thoth for your continued patronage of the Curia, especially those moments when you scare the heck out of all of us by saying something out of the blue on CLT.
@Valnurana for taking the time you do to make Achaea an amazing roleplay experience for every one of your Black Swans.
@Tecton: For responding to each and every message and email. There were a lot of them in 2013!
@Amunet, @Bonko@Perlanox & all those players who left us this year for the numerous times you made Achaea a more interesting place to be on a Friday night than anywhere in reality.
Welp, I'm a *bit* late to the party, as ever. I don't check the forums as much as I probably should, so. >_>
But I definitely want to put in my two cents here, even if everyone's totally over this thread. So, first of all, @Ruth and @Jurixe for being two of the coolest chicks I know. I'm sincerely glad I know you both, IC and OOC. Defs need to interact more IC though. 4 real. I'll try to be around more so we can...
@Ferrous - I know you don't read the forums (good for you) but I love you girly. We have been through a lot - five years of 'a lot' and we're still best friends. I still dunno why we haven't met yet. In our own time I s'pose.
@Jovolo@Garao@whatever else - Get a new laptop already, goddamn. I miss you, bud. Come back to me. weep.
@Aepas - You get one bc you're legit one of my besties and how could you not get a shout out? Miss yo face
@Khairt - For being himself. Anyone who knows Khairt will know exactly what that means, and why it deserves a shout out. You manly man, you.
@Kafziel - Feel like I've known you for ages and ages. Has it really only been a year? Getting sick of your shit already I guess. Kafziel always causing trouble, so many antics.
@Wyverex - Also doesn't read forums, but he's been a great friend for many years. Love the dude to pieces.
@Diavolo too. Doesn't give two shits about Achaea anymore, definitely doesn't read the forums, but he's alive and well and I love him bunches. Probs couldn't have made it through 2013 without his friendship and support.
@Bonko - For being a big goof all the time. You make me smile. I still want pix. Preferably of you in those new monkey pajamies you bought. kthx in advance.
@Daslin - Blanket hate for you and yours too buddy. It meant so much that you thought of me. *1tear
There's a bunch of people I want to mention but can't atm. You know who you are and I love you too! Lots of love and hugs and happy frilly shit for you.
@Bonko - For being a big goof all the time. You make me smile. I still want pix. Preferably of you in those new monkey pajamies you bought. kthx in advance.
@Ashtan's combatants are, by far, my all time favorites in Achaea. I didn't much like being on the same team, but you guys made awesome opponents. I've played against every other faction in game and no one else comes close to offering more fun or better sportsmanship. When I played in Targ, I had such a good time playing against you.
There are too many others to note. My play time here tends to be sporadic, so I can't interact with those of you I enjoy as much as I'd like. Thanks to all you who play the game well and make it enjoyable for others.
As for the admin, you rock, to be honest. I may bitch a bit, but the huge amount of work you've put into Achaea really shows. When comparing Achaea to other muds, including the other IRE muds, this one is clearly the best. Thanks for creating a worthy passtime.
@qwindor: Taking over House thingiemabobs. Tough times, but can't wait to see what your leadership will cook up!
@fen and @soulfyriani: We need more good ol' times. Where's the liquor?
@vayne: Pretty amazing run as leader of House and City, thank you for all the fun, games, and push to do better! (also, your face and towel look should make a reappearance, hmm hmm)
@tharvis: Haven't seen you in ages, and all I've seen so far was the Logosmas stocking with your name on it. Come around moar!
@bambi: For making the City a more lively place to be!
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
@Xenomorph - Though you rarely log on anymore, I think Ruth owes you a lot of thanks right now. She's got a chance to experience the administration under your charge, which in turn has helped to give her good points in running her own administration. Now, not many people might have liked you - and I remember that one time both Ruth and Xenomorph has really clashed in their beliefs - but it's good to know you've never really held it against her. Thanks, buddy.
EDIT: Hi, I'm not Ruth's quote, rather I'm Xenomorph's thoughts trapped in Ruth's quote box due to his inept nature at all things deemed difficult. Sorry Ruth, I know its uncomfortable having me in here, but look on the bright side. We could be stuck in my quote box, where once you get passed the smell, you'll be pleasantly surprised to see I'm a huge Elvis fan, and Xer too. Lots and lots an lots of Xer pictures adorn it. Lots. Yep. Ok, that's enough creepy time, on to the quote.
Thank you for your kind words. I probably butted heads with everyone at least once, and for some people (I'm sure you know the type) that refuse to listen to the real message, and instead, permanently dislike you for eternity because they got punished or got yelled at. The follower should empower you by fanatical obedience and setting the definition for political reliability. In his final years, Xenomorph was able to shed the shackles of ego, self interest, monetary gain, or the very germ of corruption itself. To hate him or like him is irrelevant. He sees things only in absolutes, the Mhaldorians, the blessed children who are to be cultivated and loved to achieve their potential they are owed at birth. Then there are the non Mhaldorians, who in Xenomorph's mind, are the source of all the world's problems. Everything from lice in Jaru, paganism and false god pandering (see dirt worshippers, "Eleusians") all the way to RL problems, like steroid abuser's back acne being indirectly linked to Shallam members, or even some of his wilder notions most people have trouble accepting. Like the '30's stock market crash or theory he has about the 3 notable Shallam players that went missing during the government bailouts, and were obviously in on the whole thing.
The Tyrannus is to have the knee of anyone not the Tyrannus as it is the Sartan's will, and as such, you deserve 100% obedience and blind support so you can institute the cure for the city, as you see it, because you are Sartan's hand. If you don't have that, or even a debate regarding that, the person resisting you is essentially telling Sartan He can f**k off. When it boils down to it, thats what the pinko free thinking communist infiltrator is dragging onto Mhaldor's nationalistic sandbox, with his godless far eastern blank stare looking back at you like some crazed muppet that you just want to slam in the doorjamb of a '72 Lincoln Continental, its lifeless, muppet arms flailing about as you beat a days worth of frustration out on the poor brain washed sap. Your devotion to Sartan finally confirmed, you don't pray for this beaten one's life, but that he defects to your city and adds to manpower for the egg hunt next June.
But yes, being a leader is hard when those are the only two types of people you deal with. Sartan's people, with their right wing values and can do attitude. And everyone else: Shallamite infiltrators taking Mhaldor down with webbed fingers, one brick at a time. Muppet spies with their passive-aggressive Shallamite facepalmery tainting the otherwise perfect city.
As far as clashing with Ruth goes, Xenomorph cannot hold a grudge, and practices what he primarily preached, and to help others out, and to get along so Sartan can have what He asked for. So the clashing you mentioned, I'm assuming this is about the time I farted in the Cathedral, and we debated if an awning is considered "in" the cathedral or if I was technically standing outside. As my affinity for Mhaldorian law showed, a three sided structure with an open entrance is -not- considered indoors, by the Mhaldorian definition. (Now I know you Cyrenian's think I'm full of hot air, but that is -Mhaldorian- structural engineering code, not mud-hut havin' Cyrenian shitbox habitats, which are completely erroneous to this discussion. I'm talking about Mhaldorian structures, not the passed down fart coffin grandpa gave you and the rest of your hillbilly food wasters) -Anyways, I lost where I was going with this, but I swear I didn't fart in there, and even if I did, we are evil. It shouldn't be so taboo for gods sakes. In summary, I only treat my people good in hopes they learn something great from me, and that the reality is I'm a mindful person, quick to take a backseat and help others, but not afraid to stomp a muppet.
Anyways, best of luck and should you need me to beat political readiness into them, I can lead a city or push a broom. I know when to lead, and I know when to be led. Hopefully by having me push a broom, the excuses finally end for the city's malingerers, as you can now point at me and say to them, "If he can do it, you have to do it."
Sorry about the quote box, I'll go ahead and give it back now. Though I suppose its like returned underwear, and I'm doing you no favors.
So... I wanted to do like everyone and write a personnal message for everyone I care for but I'm certainly not good at it. The ones of you who ever had that kind of messages of me (and who did not freak out and change identity) could confirm. Therefore I chose a few images.
@Arador, for being the most amazing text-partner, mentor, and supporter ever. You put up with all my crazy, and make Achaea worth playing every single day. You've single-handedly made the past year pretty amazing, everything else aside.
@Orzaansyn for always being there, with a creepy smile on your face. :P
@Aiseiri and @Vicious, you guys are fucking nuts, but awesome text-kids. What can I say? I like the crazy ones.
@Mhaldor & especially @Maldaathi, you're an awesome place to live. I know I RP a pretty insular character who keeps to herself a lot personally, because I'm an introvert at heart (just a very loud one when you get to know me :P ) but I've had some pretty awesome interactions and conversations lately, both professional, and more casual. Haven't had time to do much in the way of stepping outside Mhaldor lately, but I'm sure that'll calm down in time.
So I've been putting this off for over two weeks because I felt like I couldn't post anything without getting overly emotional and ridiculously wordy. I'm pretty sure that's still true, but I would be remiss if I didn't give out my thank yous. Bear with me, this is going to be long!
This has been probably the craziest year (out of eight) in Achaea ever for me. Shortly after the irl new year, Melodie was excommunicated (the first time), and then in the middle of the year, had her devotion restored. I now end the year once again excommunicated. I have mixed feelings on all of it laced with player bias, but I don't want to get too deeply into that right now. What I do want to do is to make sure those who have helped Melodie grow are recognized.
@Neraeos - Despite your mostly-absence, you've still been a major reason why Melodie has been able to not drift away. After the first excommunication and me being fairly distraught and just reacting (badly), you actually took it a step further when Mel stepped out of line - I know that had to not be very easy, considering. But you worked with me via Maeander to make what was a negative experience into something positive, and it become a huge turning point in Mel's faith. We miss you terribly and wish you'd return, but I hope you're doing well, wherever you are. Make sure to come see us sometime.
@Phaestus - I can't stop talking about how great you are to anyone, because you really are that great. Probably out of all the Gods, you've been the most personally there through all of Mel's ups, downs, mistakes, triumphs, and everything in-between. This year has been a little quieter for us overall, but I can still remember the congratulations you gave me when I got devotion back, and how much I beamed about that for a week. I also recall you chatting with Sartan at the debate and how much that scared the bejeebus out of me. Since you've taken over the crafting guild, it's become 100x more amazing, and I love all the chats that sometimes happen with opinions (and jokes) in the UUC. In all ways, you are amazing, and help keep Cyrene going where most would likely throw in the towel. Thank you for all that you do, and continue to do.
@Scarlatti - While our interactions are always more limited, you never cease to wow me with all the different roles you take up, from the gentle, sad Bard to the scowling God calling Mel... well, unpleasant things! Your masterful ability to control denizens of all sorts (especially the sassy troubadours, who just last night made me blush terribly) is bar-none, and from everything I hear, your Order adores you. Thank you for all that you do, both with me, Cyrene, and everyone else.
@Aurora - I don't even know where to begin. There's just so much jumbled in my head when I think about you and everything related with you and Melodie for the past year. I've had amazing roleplay with you, though - that can never be denied. While I don't agree with everything that's happened, that no less invalidates all of the work you've put into me. I know ICly you consider Mel a lost cause, but I hope OOCly you have had a good time with everything that has taken place. I'm sorry I likely disappointed you - I had a lot of aspirations, especially ones you vaguely hinted at. Maybe I'm just not cut out for it, though. All the same, I really look forward to getting past present circumstances and hopefully making some kind of difference, even if only in my own, private way.
@Deucalion - I've only seen you the once when you got back, but you're scary. Like, really scary. I'm not really sure how/why some things have gone the way they've gone, but I know you've had your own influences with Mel. All I can say is, I hope I haven't overly disappointed you! Please don't burn me to death.
@Sartan - This one may come as a surprise to some people, and I debated excluding this mention due to storyline issues, but decided being rude was a worse offense. Until recently Sartan was just another (albeit scary) God I had only seen from afar. The day of my debate with Verily changed all of that. While I won't go into too many details here, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I couldn't have asked for a weirder, more interesting twist to Melodie's continuing story. I really appreciate everything you've done, and look forward to where the future may go.
@Gaia - We've only had a single interaction, but I never forgot that day you spared me a few moments to give a very listless Mel her devotional ribbon (which is now an artefact) back, and a bit of hope along with it. It was probably one of the most unexpected visits of my character's life, and it's caused Mel to have a certain respect for an otherwise terrifying Goddess.
@Tecton - Thanks for helping deal with my occasional crazy billing issues (paypal is terrible), and for letting me grump at you in emails (which you're still free to respond to!). Most of all, thanks for keeping Achaea going and leading her forward, while managing a polite friendliness other games could only dream of for their admin team.
@Any other God/Demi/Celani - If I've not listed you here and you've dealt with me in some way, I appreciate you too, especially those who answer my random issues. Sometimes the invisible ones are the ones who work the hardest of all, and you deserve as much, if not more, recognition. As a side note since I'm not certain - whomever controlled Garron and visited me after my first excommunication, you are amazing and really the key as to -why- I even tried for six long (and real) months to get devotion back. You have no idea how much that single interaction turned things around for me (even if I'm back here, now).
To the family, including @Aerek (I miss you - log in more to cause trouble!), @Tessa, @Aeryllin, @Nellaundra, @Koradhil, @Saeva, @Cidusii, @Cree, @Caleth, @Ruca, and others - thanks for being Melodie's anchor through everything. Some of you have been with me for years, some only a few months, but every one of you make a difference every day. It truly is amazing what an Achaean family can do.
To the Order, including @Verrucht, @Ariettie, @Rinzai, @Inuad, @Voc, @Saidie, @Oceana, @Anaidiana, @Ainia, @Aelyn, @Skye, @Ravien, and others - you've helped me continue to have interest in all things related to Neraeos and the sea, even with the head of everything has mostly disappeared. You guys stick everything out, despite the quiet, and put up with my crap all the time. Thanks for all of your interactions (especially the first five in the list) and for showing me why I remain with you all.
Cyrene - You are some crazy people. Ups, downs, sideways. Thanks for supporting me (again) for Senator, and I'm sorry I had to step away so soon. Please get out of this stagnation cycle - I know how amazing you all can be. Here's to hoping for a better year for all of us. There's so many names here, I don't even think I can list them, but you know who you are. To those who raid Cyrene, I both hate and love you. Keep it classy!
Targossas - Watching you guys come to life from the very beginning and growing and growing has been such a fun time for me. While the city itself is difficult to mesh with Melodie sometimes, you have certainly provided an interesting course of events for me, from the opening, to the festival of dawn, and beyond. @Daeir, @Halos, @Carmell, @Sothantos, @Aldair, @Draqoom, @Caladbolg, @Gibbi, @Silas (yes, even you), @Terra (water-worshipping heathen is the best insult/compliment ever), @Kuy (ahhh you left), @Kellonius (thank you so much for all the priest tips and help!), @Ada, @Tvistor, @Siduri, @Vithincus, @Aleksandra, @Davio, @Kendrick, @Mathonwy (we need to chat more!), and many others I'm likely forgetting - you all help give Melodie more definition by being so utterly opposite of her (and in the first three's case, being good friends despite it), and while it's hard to see you guys right now, I really hope this isn't the end to everything. So many of you ask where I'm going now - and in truth, I still can't say, just yet. But I'll always remember you guys (even when you piss me off), and look forward to the future.
To Eleusis and Mhaldor - these are much more recent interactions, all of which has proved vastly interesting and brought on even more changes for how Mel views things (and sometimes are just plain fun). Including @Rangor, @Penwize, @Alrena, @Yae, @Ellodin (thank you so much for all of your perspective), @Marv, @Aepas (it is scary how alike our situations are!), @Hasar (scrublord, stop being so mean), @Alynna, @Ruth, @Kafziel, @Aegoth (stop being so drunk), @Carmain (the cows are coming!), @Katia, @Cahin, @Bonko (griefer), @Earionduil and @Thiev (stop invading my house for food), @Rakon, @Zii, @Arditi, @Dragonknight, @Harmonia, and likely others I'm forgetting - some of you have been brief, while others have changed the face of Melodie forever. Whichever role you played (or continue to play), thank you for keeping me on my toes and entertained.
Ashtan - While I've seen a great deal less of you this year (save raids), you guys always continue to remind Mel just why she hates Chaos so much (and why you're so fun to roleplay with). Special mentions to @Verily (I don't hold it against you even if Melodie does, promise), @Taraus (amazingly weird but fun interactions, even if most are at a distance), @Morro (come back), @Amunet (you come back too), @Flair (stop slapping Melodie! ... also, come back), @Jozlyn (creepy blood-stained chick), @Fitz (always polite and the gentleman), @Lianca (you cray gurl), @Yiwen (one of the few serpents who don't tick me off constantly), @Sybilla (what an awkward way to meet someone!), @Daslin (you also cray, but fun as heck), and then the numerous raiders who keep things classy and above the belt.
To most members of TMC - you guys are crazy and probably need to go to therapy. Take me with you (but really, it's been a huge blast since I joined. Thanks @Alyssea for inviting me!).
A few randoms, including @Aitox (your letters just grow more and more insulting ), @Trilliana (always good to be able to just talk to someone without getting judged), @Tahquil (your return is recent, but I can't wait to get a chance to see you more), @Vayne (we don't see each other much, but always enjoyed talking to you), @Eld (rare but always good interactions), @Herenicus (what a roller coaster ride it's been with you!), @Kross (I miss you, but don't ever think Mel will admit to it!), and no doubt a few others I've forgotten (sorry!) whom I'm had some meaningful interaction with. If I did forget to mention your name, please know I probably do remember you, my memory is just a goldfish's at times (why do you think I log everything?!).
Most of all, thanks to all of you (yes, even you!) who contribute to Achaea, from the small to the large, and help continue to make her the amazing place she is. While I've had a number of near-quitting moments this year, and I'm still in purgatory for the moment, I absolutely can't wait to see what happens next. I can only hope it all turns out right, somehow...
Okay I think I'm done. :-$
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Katzchen Love ya bud! I'm not crazy just rageyyyyy *BEST TEXT MOM EVERRR*. @Rakon yaaaay no longer bannedhammered from forums! @Orzaansyn You're so awesome! @Carmain Yes @Xenomorph sorry I got pawned off on you but I think we're going to irongrip sapience to the Master's will in a hardcore punk rock show where we mace the other bands to show them just how METAL we are. @Turoi the conversations we've had are in depth and I don't think too many people would ever be able to keep up with us. @Zii <This guy is the SHIT. @Aegoth even though you left me cold and alone you're still my friend (even if you are a traitorous oathbreaking scumbag) @Hasar EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEE DOLPHIN EXPLODE! @IronRealms >Way to go. @Kayeil.. You. Are. The. Biggest. Trip. I. Have. Ever. Experienced. Thank You. For dealing with my intensity and my sometimes unbearable anger. How many times has it been me being here crazy off my rocker and you bringing me back to the calm fortitude of reality. I owe you something I will never be able to pay back.
Here's to life and living another bad ass year.
@Sartan > All shall fall before the might of The Master.
Lord.. I was almost done with my list and I accidentally went back a page and lost all of that text. For the love... Here we go... attempt numero dos.
Since this is my first year (half year) playing, I'm feeling the need to give thanks where it's due! Like I said once before, I didn't expect to come to Achaea and find the treasure I did find. It's been a blast and I look forward to more adventures!
@Cidusii - Without you I wouldn't be playing Achaea. You stuck with me through some extremely heavy crap with TEC and stuck with my on the journey away from it to now. The backgammon and Settlers of Catan in between kept my spirits up in a pretty unbelievably frustrating time. There is no way I'd have stuck through the learning curve and anxiety of transitioning to Achaea if you hadn't been with me. I know Saeva's taken on a different role type than we're used to interacting through, but I still adore Cidusii and am proud to have him for a twin. Moon babies for life. You're also one of the most upstanding people I have ever known IRL and through joys and frustrations, I count myself as damn lucky to know I can call you my friend.
@Melodie - You've took Saeva and Cid by the hand from nearly the get-go. You've opened them up to so many opportunities IG and helped to immerse us into the lore and gameworld like no other. I feel completely honoured to share such closeness to one of the most dynamic characters I've ever roleplayed with. Achaea would be much, much less enamoring for me if I hadn't found you and if you hadn't taken us under your wing. :x I can only hope whatever journey Mel and Saeva end up on as things unfold, that I can make the game half as enjoyable for you as you do for me.
@Kendrick - WTF DUDE WAKE UP! Kendrick might not be blood, but he'll always be poppa Kendrick. One of the first parental guidance figures in Saeva and Cid's life. Where the hell are you!? Targossas is going wild and they need Kendrick's mighty forging muscles to whip them into shape! Come back to us (
@Chryseas - You have been such a momma hen to Saeva and Cid. I think of Chryseas and I just think of safety and comfort. You have also pushed them to learn and grow, all the while being a fountain of lore for them to draw on. Your patience is unmatched and I think it's safe to say we both adore you. I know work keeps you away IRL, and I'm glad you found a great job! But even if you're not able to be IG much, you made a permanent place in Saeva and Cid's life.
@Jovaras - You have impacted Saeva's character development more than anyone, I think. You took her and sort of just slapped her across the face and said "Focus!" and she did. You drew out potential in her that I wasn't particularly minding to pursue. While I do think the Kindred is full of wonderful people. you were the single reason it was hard to leave. I hope, no matter where Saeva's path turns, you realize that you are one of the top reasons I stuck with Achaea. You're badass.
@Nellaundra - I hated Nell. I wanted her to go diaf. I honestly didn't expect that Saeva and Nell would be able to tolerate one another, much less build a friendship. Well, never say never! It has been awesome to get to know Nellaundra IG. (and you OOCly.. TMC is distracting sometimes but so worth it. So many laughs) You're a riot. To be able to see different facets of Nell has really surprised me. From the inappropriate jokes (making troubadours uncomfortable o_O ) to the insight she has about life.. it's been a real pleasure. I think you get Saeva from a perspective that most other characters are never going to.
@Hasar - Saeva pretty much hates you now, but she also still completely respects you. Teach me your ways o' pentakill master! You have made for some really enjoyable and dynamic roleplay, even if you ushered in a drama llama. You have been a pretty interesting influence on Saeva since early on. Not a good influence by any means, but it's been great. I totally appreciate Hasar and what he brings to the gameworld.
@Draqoom - I miss playing with you Guess this is what happens when you adopt kids with someone who gets excommed and enemied to your city. Made things get sticky. Regardless, Saeva adores you and looks up to you as a real inspiration. So much dedication to your cause. Also, so much upper-cutting. You're also a badass.
@Arditi - You were one of the first Mhaldorians I met and just went "Whoa". You kind of made me nervous but you also filled me with a bit of awe. Someone as young and as influential in the game was surprising to me and made me realize you don't have to be 200 years old to start taking care of business. Over time, talking with you has always been enjoyable and interesting. You make Mhaldor look sharp in my eyes. Can't forget to thank you for being my snipehusband :x (thank the gods for reflections. You'll never hurt me, sucker)
@Kafziel - I only know you from afar, but you've inspired some interesting turn of events. I look forward to the future!
@Daeir - Sucks that events unfolded in such a way that it prevents you from spending time with us like you used to, but you're still a really great character to have gotten to know. You're story has been fascinating and it was enjoyable to learn bits about Mhaldor and Targossas from your point of view. Hope the future holds more roleplay!
@Aepas - You are also one of those characters that makes Mhaldor look good. It has been awesome to see a character of who is a complete gentleman and knightly... and completely devoted to Evil. You have a gentle yet commanding spirit. I think your ability to pull that off (intentional or naturally) is so impressive. I feel lucky to have gotten to catch glimpses of your character and history recently.
I know there are more who have impacted my gameplay and I want to thank every single one of you who have invested time into playing with me at any point. Lighthearted or heavy interactions, one and all, it's been a blast.
Oh yeah! Also! @Penwize - Thanks for the wang game. I might actually reach Dragon because you have made bashing way more hilarious for me. 8->
Oh shit! And how did I even... @Kaden - You have been one of the best friends Saeva could have ever found! You have taught and shared, ever so patiently, SO much about magi combat... I can only hope that one day I'll have your a portion of the flair and prowess you have! But even beyond that, you're someone Saeva has never felt the need to hide things from for any reason. You have a wisdom and grace that is unmatched. I LOVE YOU!
To the Occultists, it's been a crazy year, but you guys are the best, always challenging me and being willing to argue and go with madness.
Nihilists, we're a small group, but hardcore, here's to another year of doing ridiculously improbable things.
Enemies, keep giving me something to scoff and snark at.
@Babel, @Ourania, @Phaestus, and the rest of the garden, you guys are tops.
The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
2013 has been my most fun year BY FAR. I had a blast in 2012 returning to Achaea, but 2013 really locked in my addiction. I don't really remember early 2000s, so they don't count.
Eleusis: I'm sorry I left. I enjoyed leading and fighting with you guys, but I needed more people similar to myself around me to keep logging in (
@Yiwen, @Gyrth, @Narcos : not everyone has RL friends you can play such a nerdy game with. These dudes have kept me playing for forever. @Xio : RIP, come back, you were my favorite to fight with by far
@Triak : I have known you since I was 15-16? so nearly a decade. We've made nearly all of our decisions together and only parted ways when I quit in 2007?. You've always been a good friend and helped me make some very tough decisions since returning.
@Dunn : best friend by far I've made in the game. I would share amanda with you if you only asked. Maybe Kobe.
@Nemutaur : Too fun to fight with. I can see 10 Targs on and be bored and know you'll come 2v10 with me. Dude is the Rangor of Ashtan.
@Hirst : god. You are the best griefer in town, but what people don't realize is how much you do elsewhere. You're good in all areas, and pro at letting people know it. Keep it up.
@Jarrod : You afk too much, but at least you're logged in. Oh, and I actually got to meet you IRL. That night was a blast. Pretty sure you sang rocky top with me.
@Rennyn : too much fun being Ashuran for a long stint and fighting and strategizing with you. I think we push each other to the limits of what is possible.
@Kyrra, @Amunet, @Lianca, @Taraus, @Mizik, @Akia, @Jinsun, @Kross, @Strata, @Atalkez, @Cathy, @Fitz, @Dortheron : All awesome people.
@Lothiac :
@Targ, you guys are a good competitor and keep it fun, generally.
@ Mhaldor, you guys kinda suck unless Eari and Co. are around. Step your game up, so we can start raiding again. Less worlburn and LoS, more tummy-sticks.
To the earrings in my right ear: Seriously, what is wrong with you guys? Where are you?
@Dunn: Always a blast playing anything, shooting the shit, or just raiding. CAWCAWCAW always remember
@Jhui: You came in like a wrecking ball, and while your nudity astride said wrecking ball was disturbing, it's been uphill ever since. Also, stop lying about me singing, I wouldn't do that >.>
@Nemutaur, @Triak, @Gyrth, @Sohl, @Mizik, @Akia: Always a blast to raid with, especially when you all get focused so I can snipe and boost my KD ratio
@Tanris: IMUBBY
@Taraus, @Lianca, @Occultists: You guys are great
@Babel: I wish you hadn't disappeared, it was fun while it lasted!
@Ourania: Thanks for everything you definitely don't do
@Inevitably forgotten @s: It was very clearly intentional. Please feel snubbed and say something to me in the next hour while I still have time to edit.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
@Hashan: My love/hate relationship with you is abusive in every sense of the word, yet I cannot find it within myself to leave you. I enjoy the intrigue and politics a lot, but what the city could be is what has kept me waiting and hopeful.
@Ourania: I cannot imagine the pressure and frustration of being a volunteer, and for Hashan of all places. I, for one, appreciate all you have done to try to make the city a fun and worthwhile place to play. Moreso, I appreciate the work and interaction we have been able to do together on several levels and the support you have given me as a person and player over the years.
@Ravensong:@Mannimar, @Cinya, @Aitox Sad to see us all go our separate ways over this past year, but it is always fun to hang out with you guys IC and OOC. You are all the coolest of dudes.
@Kaitali: You dealt with a lot of crap for me, with me, and from me this year. I appreciate all the help you have been and acknowledge the superior level of serpentness you posses.
@Institute: My new passion in Achaea, its been a blast seeing us grow over the past couple years,continue working and growing until you become the formidable organization in the game I know you can be!
@Hellen: You are the rock of the Institute. The perfect combination of mad scientist and...well, you play a good alchemist! I am glad to see you take the lead and do it well.
@Xadzia: Thanks for being what I think is an even hand in dealing with all things Hashan, things would be a lot worse without you right now.
@Harmonia: I love you always, but I will not join Mhaldor.
@Cimone: My errant fiancee, you supported and counseled me during some difficult times in leadership. Feel free to come back, you know, anytime.
@Nieelensars for the amazing friendship and support you gave me during my final run toward dragon.
@Achimrst for not being afraid to be Bluef's friend or a leader in an organization that so many people know nothing about yet seem to hate with every fibre of their being. You have become one of my best friends, Doc.
@Howdin for all the time spent testing different combat tactics, and for all those moments that derailed into Wtf LOL fests in tells.
@Motako @Belle @Reihaneh @Hermaldo @Wayde @Sabata @Kardal - For being part of the new RP the Curia crafted this past year. Great things are great things coming our way!
@Kybrae for doing what others would not. You are a shining example of how much fun can be had when the people actually roleplay instead of simply completing tasks and pushing pretend papers around in a world made of text.
@Flair for still being willing to roleplay with your ex-wife. It's hard to believe it all started 10 RL years ago. Damn, we're old!
@Beya for always blowing my mind with your showmanship! We miss you!
@Qwindor for standing up for what was right and taking the all the heat (everyone in that House owes you a thank you). It's been nice doing something other than trying to fight you.
@Vicious @Turoi @Ryldagh and @Peak for always being pure awesome.
@Thoth for your continued patronage of the Curia, especially those moments when you scare the heck out of all of us by saying something out of the blue on CLT.
@Valnurana for taking the time you do to make Achaea an amazing roleplay experience for every one of your Black Swans.
@Tecton: For responding to each and every message and email. There were a lot of them in 2013!
@Amunet, @Bonko @Perlanox & all those players who left us this year for the numerous times you made Achaea a more interesting place to be on a Friday night than anywhere in reality.
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
But I definitely want to put in my two cents here, even if everyone's totally over this thread. So, first of all, @Ruth and @Jurixe for being two of the coolest chicks I know. I'm sincerely glad I know you both, IC and OOC. Defs need to interact more IC though. 4 real. I'll try to be around more so we can...
@Ferrous - I know you don't read the forums (good for you) but I love you girly. We have been through a lot - five years of 'a lot' and we're still best friends. I still dunno why we haven't met yet. In our own time I s'pose.
@Jovolo @Garao @whatever else - Get a new laptop already, goddamn. I miss you, bud. Come back to me. weep.
@Aepas - You get one bc you're legit one of my besties and how could you not get a shout out? Miss yo face
@Khairt - For being himself. Anyone who knows Khairt will know exactly what that means, and why it deserves a shout out. You manly man, you.
@Kafziel - Feel like I've known you for ages and ages. Has it really only been a year? Getting sick of your shit already I guess. Kafziel always causing trouble, so many antics.
@Wyverex - Also doesn't read forums, but he's been a great friend for many years. Love the dude to pieces.
@Diavolo too. Doesn't give two shits about Achaea anymore, definitely doesn't read the forums, but he's alive and well and I love him bunches. Probs couldn't have made it through 2013 without his friendship and support.
@Dragonknight - For being a dumbface
@Bonko - For being a big goof all the time. You make me smile. I still want pix. Preferably of you in those new monkey pajamies you bought. kthx in advance.
@Daslin - Blanket hate for you and yours too buddy. It meant so much that you thought of me. *1tear
There's a bunch of people I want to mention but can't atm. You know who you are and I love you too! Lots of love and hugs and happy frilly shit for you.
Okay, I'm done now. x
There are too many others to note. My play time here tends to be sporadic, so I can't interact with those of you I enjoy as much as I'd like. Thanks to all you who play the game well and make it enjoyable for others.
As for the admin, you rock, to be honest. I may bitch a bit, but the huge amount of work you've put into Achaea really shows. When comparing Achaea to other muds, including the other IRE muds, this one is clearly the best. Thanks for creating a worthy passtime.
@Jhui @Dunn
@Gyrth gruesome twosome
@Lianca @Kyrra @Taraus the lovely lady cheerleaders with claws of Ashtan.
Hoping to have more free time in 2014 to shake things up/reassume my role as the perennial badass I used to be.
Oh, @TMC is the shit. If you're not in that clan you're missing out. If you quit that clan, you suck and can't take a joke.
@Saibel WHERE HAVE YOU GONE. *1tear*
I'm back... for now. -tiptoe-
@eiredhel and @lacertix: On getting married, congrats! Missed the wedding (oops), but I know you two kids will be right as rain.
@shahai: Pretty awesome memories.
@qwindor: Taking over House thingiemabobs. Tough times, but can't wait to see what your leadership will cook up!
@fen and @soulfyriani: We need more good ol' times. Where's the liquor?
@vayne: Pretty amazing run as leader of House and City, thank you for all the fun, games, and push to do better! (also, your face and towel look should make a reappearance, hmm hmm)
@tharvis: Haven't seen you in ages, and all I've seen so far was the Logosmas stocking with your name on it. Come around moar!
@bambi: For making the City a more lively place to be!
@rispok: Your cake and general good humor!
@aarro: Nice day out. People need to slow down and stop bashing for a minute or three.
@daslin: Don't know what happened, but hey, thanks for the memories!
@hashan: Home! So many times have I wanted to leave.. but end up deciding not to.
@serpentlords: Y'all are pretty cool. More fresh meat!
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
@Ruth, @Katzchen, @Sherazad, @Arador, @Zii, @Milenka, @Carmain, @Harmonia:
@Taraza, @Alynna, @Aepas, @Xer, @Jurixe, @Nizaris, @Nakari:
@Vastus, @Vicious, @Aegoth, @Cahin, @Arditi, @Teela, @Aiseiri, @Azuhi, @Ryzack, @Hasar:
All the heathen I had good interactions with:
@Wysteria, @Boosteya, @Turoi, @Aquilora, @Cidusii, @Caoimhaen, @Aisling, @Tesha:
And of course, @Sartan:
Now is that awkward moment I hope I forgot noone...
@Orzaansyn for always being there, with a creepy smile on your face. :P
@Aiseiri and @Vicious, you guys are fucking nuts, but awesome text-kids. What can I say? I like the crazy ones.
@Mhaldor & especially @Maldaathi, you're an awesome place to live.
Almost forgot, @Hasar, you're a scrub.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
This has been probably the craziest year (out of eight) in Achaea ever for me. Shortly after the irl new year, Melodie was excommunicated (the first time), and then in the middle of the year, had her devotion restored. I now end the year once again excommunicated. I have mixed feelings on all of it laced with player bias, but I don't want to get too deeply into that right now. What I do want to do is to make sure those who have helped Melodie grow are recognized.
@Neraeos - Despite your mostly-absence, you've still been a major reason why Melodie has been able to not drift away. After the first excommunication and me being fairly distraught and just reacting (badly), you actually took it a step further when Mel stepped out of line - I know that had to not be very easy, considering. But you worked with me via Maeander to make what was a negative experience into something positive, and it become a huge turning point in Mel's faith. We miss you terribly and wish you'd return, but I hope you're doing well, wherever you are. Make sure to come see us sometime.
@Phaestus - I can't stop talking about how great you are to anyone, because you really are that great. Probably out of all the Gods, you've been the most personally there through all of Mel's ups, downs, mistakes, triumphs, and everything in-between. This year has been a little quieter for us overall, but I can still remember the congratulations you gave me when I got devotion back, and how much I beamed about that for a week. I also recall you chatting with Sartan at the debate and how much that scared the bejeebus out of me. Since you've taken over the crafting guild, it's become 100x more amazing, and I love all the chats that sometimes happen with opinions (and jokes) in the UUC. In all ways, you are amazing, and help keep Cyrene going where most would likely throw in the towel. Thank you for all that you do, and continue to do.
@Scarlatti - While our interactions are always more limited, you never cease to wow me with all the different roles you take up, from the gentle, sad Bard to the scowling God calling Mel... well, unpleasant things! Your masterful ability to control denizens of all sorts (especially the sassy troubadours, who just last night made me blush terribly) is bar-none, and from everything I hear, your Order adores you. Thank you for all that you do, both with me, Cyrene, and everyone else.
@Aurora - I don't even know where to begin. There's just so much jumbled in my head when I think about you and everything related with you and Melodie for the past year. I've had amazing roleplay with you, though - that can never be denied. While I don't agree with everything that's happened, that no less invalidates all of the work you've put into me. I know ICly you consider Mel a lost cause, but I hope OOCly you have had a good time with everything that has taken place. I'm sorry I likely disappointed you - I had a lot of aspirations, especially ones you vaguely hinted at. Maybe I'm just not cut out for it, though. All the same, I really look forward to getting past present circumstances and hopefully making some kind of difference, even if only in my own, private way.
@Deucalion - I've only seen you the once when you got back, but you're scary. Like, really scary. I'm not really sure how/why some things have gone the way they've gone, but I know you've had your own influences with Mel. All I can say is, I hope I haven't overly disappointed you! Please don't burn me to death.
@Sartan - This one may come as a surprise to some people, and I debated excluding this mention due to storyline issues, but decided being rude was a worse offense. Until recently Sartan was just another (albeit scary) God I had only seen from afar. The day of my debate with Verily changed all of that. While I won't go into too many details here, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I couldn't have asked for a weirder, more interesting twist to Melodie's continuing story. I really appreciate everything you've done, and look forward to where the future may go.
@Gaia - We've only had a single interaction, but I never forgot that day you spared me a few moments to give a very listless Mel her devotional ribbon (which is now an artefact) back, and a bit of hope along with it. It was probably one of the most unexpected visits of my character's life, and it's caused Mel to have a certain respect for an otherwise terrifying Goddess.
@Tecton - Thanks for helping deal with my occasional crazy billing issues (paypal is terrible), and for letting me grump at you in emails (which you're still free to respond to!). Most of all, thanks for keeping Achaea going and leading her forward, while managing a polite friendliness other games could only dream of for their admin team.
@Any other God/Demi/Celani - If I've not listed you here and you've dealt with me in some way, I appreciate you too, especially those who answer my random issues. Sometimes the invisible ones are the ones who work the hardest of all, and you deserve as much, if not more, recognition. As a side note since I'm not certain - whomever controlled Garron and visited me after my first excommunication, you are amazing and really the key as to -why- I even tried for six long (and real) months to get devotion back. You have no idea how much that single interaction turned things around for me (even if I'm back here, now).
To the family, including @Aerek (I miss you - log in more to cause trouble!), @Tessa, @Aeryllin, @Nellaundra, @Koradhil, @Saeva, @Cidusii, @Cree, @Caleth, @Ruca, and others - thanks for being Melodie's anchor through everything. Some of you have been with me for years, some only a few months, but every one of you make a difference every day. It truly is amazing what an Achaean family can do.
To the Order, including @Verrucht, @Ariettie, @Rinzai, @Inuad, @Voc, @Saidie, @Oceana, @Anaidiana, @Ainia, @Aelyn, @Skye, @Ravien, and others - you've helped me continue to have interest in all things related to Neraeos and the sea, even with the head of everything has mostly disappeared. You guys stick everything out, despite the quiet, and put up with my crap all the time. Thanks for all of your interactions (especially the first five in the list) and for showing me why I remain with you all.
Cyrene - You are some crazy people. Ups, downs, sideways. Thanks for supporting me (again) for Senator, and I'm sorry I had to step away so soon. Please get out of this stagnation cycle - I know how amazing you all can be. Here's to hoping for a better year for all of us. There's so many names here, I don't even think I can list them, but you know who you are. To those who raid Cyrene, I both hate and love you. Keep it classy!
Targossas - Watching you guys come to life from the very beginning and growing and growing has been such a fun time for me. While the city itself is difficult to mesh with Melodie sometimes, you have certainly provided an interesting course of events for me, from the opening, to the festival of dawn, and beyond. @Daeir, @Halos, @Carmell, @Sothantos, @Aldair, @Draqoom, @Caladbolg, @Gibbi, @Silas (yes, even you), @Terra (water-worshipping heathen is the best insult/compliment ever), @Kuy (ahhh you left), @Kellonius (thank you so much for all the priest tips and help!), @Ada, @Tvistor, @Siduri, @Vithincus, @Aleksandra, @Davio, @Kendrick, @Mathonwy (we need to chat more!), and many others I'm likely forgetting - you all help give Melodie more definition by being so utterly opposite of her (and in the first three's case, being good friends despite it), and while it's hard to see you guys right now, I really hope this isn't the end to everything. So many of you ask where I'm going now - and in truth, I still can't say, just yet. But I'll always remember you guys (even when you piss me off), and look forward to the future.
To Eleusis and Mhaldor - these are much more recent interactions, all of which has proved vastly interesting and brought on even more changes for how Mel views things (and sometimes are just plain fun). Including @Rangor, @Penwize, @Alrena, @Yae, @Ellodin (thank you so much for all of your perspective), @Marv, @Aepas (it is scary how alike our situations are!), @Hasar (scrublord, stop being so mean), @Alynna, @Ruth, @Kafziel, @Aegoth (stop being so drunk), @Carmain (the cows are coming!), @Katia, @Cahin, @Bonko (griefer), @Earionduil and @Thiev (stop invading my house for food), @Rakon, @Zii, @Arditi, @Dragonknight, @Harmonia, and likely others I'm forgetting - some of you have been brief, while others have changed the face of Melodie forever. Whichever role you played (or continue to play), thank you for keeping me on my toes and entertained.
Ashtan - While I've seen a great deal less of you this year (save raids), you guys always continue to remind Mel just why she hates Chaos so much (and why you're so fun to roleplay with). Special mentions to @Verily (I don't hold it against you even if Melodie does, promise), @Taraus (amazingly weird but fun interactions, even if most are at a distance), @Morro (come back), @Amunet (you come back too), @Flair (stop slapping Melodie! ... also, come back), @Jozlyn (creepy blood-stained chick), @Fitz (always polite and the gentleman), @Lianca (you cray gurl), @Yiwen (one of the few serpents who don't tick me off constantly), @Sybilla (what an awkward way to meet someone!), @Daslin (you also cray, but fun as heck), and then the numerous raiders who keep things classy and above the belt.
To most members of TMC - you guys are crazy and probably need to go to therapy. Take me with you (but really, it's been a huge blast since I joined. Thanks @Alyssea for inviting me!).
A few randoms, including @Aitox (your letters just grow more and more insulting
Most of all, thanks to all of you (yes, even you!) who contribute to Achaea, from the small to the large, and help continue to make her the amazing place she is. While I've had a number of near-quitting moments this year, and I'm still in purgatory for the moment, I absolutely can't wait to see what happens next. I can only hope it all turns out right, somehow...
Okay I think I'm done. :-$
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Here we go... attempt numero dos.
Since this is my first year (half year) playing, I'm feeling the need to give thanks where it's due! Like I said once before, I didn't expect to come to Achaea and find the treasure I did find. It's been a blast and I look forward to more adventures!
@Cidusii - Without you I wouldn't be playing Achaea. You stuck with me through some extremely heavy crap with TEC and stuck with my on the journey away from it to now. The backgammon and Settlers of Catan in between kept my spirits up in a pretty unbelievably frustrating time. There is no way I'd have stuck through the learning curve and anxiety of transitioning to Achaea if you hadn't been with me. I know Saeva's taken on a different role type than we're used to interacting through, but I still adore Cidusii and am proud to have him for a twin. Moon babies for life. You're also one of the most upstanding people I have ever known IRL and through joys and frustrations, I count myself as damn lucky to know I can call you my friend.
@Melodie - You've took Saeva and Cid by the hand from nearly the get-go. You've opened them up to so many opportunities IG and helped to immerse us into the lore and gameworld like no other. I feel completely honoured to share such closeness to one of the most dynamic characters I've ever roleplayed with. Achaea would be much, much less enamoring for me if I hadn't found you and if you hadn't taken us under your wing. :x I can only hope whatever journey Mel and Saeva end up on as things unfold, that I can make the game half as enjoyable for you as you do for me.
@Kendrick - WTF DUDE WAKE UP! Kendrick might not be blood, but he'll always be poppa Kendrick. One of the first parental guidance figures in Saeva and Cid's life. Where the hell are you!? Targossas is going wild and they need Kendrick's mighty forging muscles to whip them into shape! Come back to us
@Chryseas - You have been such a momma hen to Saeva and Cid. I think of Chryseas and I just think of safety and comfort. You have also pushed them to learn and grow, all the while being a fountain of lore for them to draw on. Your patience is unmatched and I think it's safe to say we both adore you. I know work keeps you away IRL, and I'm glad you found a great job! But even if you're not able to be IG much, you made a permanent place in Saeva and Cid's life.
@Jovaras - You have impacted Saeva's character development more than anyone, I think. You took her and sort of just slapped her across the face and said "Focus!" and she did. You drew out potential in her that I wasn't particularly minding to pursue. While I do think the Kindred is full of wonderful people. you were the single reason it was hard to leave. I hope, no matter where Saeva's path turns, you realize that you are one of the top reasons I stuck with Achaea. You're badass.
@Nellaundra - I hated Nell. I wanted her to go diaf. I honestly didn't expect that Saeva and Nell would be able to tolerate one another, much less build a friendship. Well, never say never! It has been awesome to get to know Nellaundra IG. (and you OOCly.. TMC is distracting sometimes but so worth it. So many laughs)
You're a riot. To be able to see different facets of Nell has really surprised me. From the inappropriate jokes (making troubadours uncomfortable o_O ) to the insight she has about life.. it's been a real pleasure. I think you get Saeva from a perspective that most other characters are never going to.
@Hasar - Saeva pretty much hates you now, but she also still completely respects you. Teach me your ways o' pentakill master! You have made for some really enjoyable and dynamic roleplay, even if you ushered in a drama llama. You have been a pretty interesting influence on Saeva since early on. Not a good influence by any means, but it's been great. I totally appreciate Hasar and what he brings to the gameworld.
@Draqoom - I miss playing with you
@Arditi - You were one of the first Mhaldorians I met and just went "Whoa". You kind of made me nervous but you also filled me with a bit of awe. Someone as young and as influential in the game was surprising to me and made me realize you don't have to be 200 years old to start taking care of business. Over time, talking with you has always been enjoyable and interesting. You make Mhaldor look sharp in my eyes. Can't forget to thank you for being my snipehusband :x (thank the gods for reflections. You'll never hurt me, sucker)
@Kafziel - I only know you from afar, but you've inspired some interesting turn of events. I look forward to the future!
@Daeir - Sucks that events unfolded in such a way that it prevents you from spending time with us like you used to, but you're still a really great character to have gotten to know. You're story has been fascinating and it was enjoyable to learn bits about Mhaldor and Targossas from your point of view. Hope the future holds more roleplay!
@Aepas - You are also one of those characters that makes Mhaldor look good. It has been awesome to see a character of who is a complete gentleman and knightly... and completely devoted to Evil. You have a gentle yet commanding spirit. I think your ability to pull that off (intentional or naturally) is so impressive. I feel lucky to have gotten to catch glimpses of your character and history recently.
I know there are more who have impacted my gameplay and I want to thank every single one of you who have invested time into playing with me at any point. Lighthearted or heavy interactions, one and all, it's been a blast.
Oh yeah! Also! @Penwize - Thanks for the wang game. I might actually reach Dragon because you have made bashing way more hilarious for me. 8->
@Kaden - You have been one of the best friends Saeva could have ever found! You have taught and shared, ever so patiently, SO much about magi combat... I can only hope that one day I'll have your a portion of the flair and prowess you have! But even beyond that, you're someone Saeva has never felt the need to hide things from for any reason. You have a wisdom and grace that is unmatched. I LOVE YOU!
...I'm sorry
"Slowly disappear. Never really here."