Playing a rogue forestal classed person is a valid RP choice. Problem is that 85% of those who do it, just want the class and are not the least interested in Nature at all. Which dilutes the factional RP. (see cyrene priests during shallam era)
While I've played the Nature faction, most of the years there has been 0 divine to guide/create/maintain the mythos around Nature. There hasn't been any of us players that picked up the mantle of properly RPing around our faction either.
When I joined one of the first Gaia gods were active, and I've got to say that 95% of what Rangor knows and preaches about Nature comes from way way way back then.
We had Artemis around for a while, which gave us a "warrior tribe" backed by a God. This let us put on a more public zealot-like face, which could and can become interesting if we keep working with it. (and Artemis comes back)
Lately Rangor has been picking up aspects from the new Gaia. (you may see me visit your city and make some snide remarks about how pointless cities are ^^)
Nature is one of those things that makes players draw RL nonsense into the game as well. Oh Nature is trees and plants and we must therefore be pot-smoking, bunny-loving environmentalists.
My RP is very nature focused though as a new player, not very fleshed out obviously.
What roles could a rogue forestal play in the bigger picture in Achaea. I'm not really familiar with the institutional/organizational politics.
In other IRE games I've played there are classes where you will be 'proscribed' as a player and hunted for going rogue with class. Is it the same for Druids/Sylvans/Sentinels?
EDIT: I just read the post above mine in detail and that last sentence is a pretty apt descriptor.
@Wysteria WOW at 21? On Nexus? You are my new hero. I was like 56 and I still couldn't figure out where all the cities were in relation to each other Bad sense of direction is bad.
Commission List: Aesi, Kenway, Shimi, Kythra, Trey, Sholen .... 5/5 CLOSED I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
XD I found an old log of mine at that age with my Explorer Rank: Landstrider. I'm a keen explorer and made my own maps and stuff, I won't get to @Delphinus levels, but for what little hours per week I have, I'm always keen for a good trek about the place. Reaching Logosian was even better because then I didn't have to worry about dragging along 15 loaves of bread for 5 IC years haha. I just made sure to remember Cyrene, Mhaldor, Ashtan were to the west, and Hashan, Eleusis and Shallam to the east and thought of it in a circle on the map (CyMAHES). For some reason this worked for me at the time.
@Beorhtnoth: I run on the belief the Nature rogues would be about studying their class and ethos in no particular order. They play by their own rules and let their philosophies chop and change as a creeper vine would around a tree (the foundation). They would be more adaptable, flexible and open-minded to change. The free thinkers. Every time I do run into a rogue I love the conversations we have on our individual representation of what Nature is. I think of Housed forestals as like bees with a hive mind with structure. There's a lot to play with as a rogue in this sense. See how you go.
Frankly noone really cares if you're not Housed or in Eleusis and are a forestal. You can't exactly join Mhaldor anymore either way, so really the only reason people wouldn't like you is if you try to kill another forestal without solid reason. You won't be hunted down at all.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
I don't think rogue forestals should ever have to worry abouta limitation on their skills. It's not the same with Necromancy or Devotion where those skills were granted as part of a religious theme. People can appreciate nature without actually being a part of it. It's the main reason I stay out of exterminations, because while Eleusis may be an opposing faction of Mhaldor, to me, the forests themselves are unaligbed, regardless of who pledges allegiance to them. Much like the seas, where as much of Cyrene particularly seem to align themselves with them, they do control the seas nor have much any say what happens on and within them.
I don't think rogue forestals should ever have to worry abouta limitation on their skills. It's not the same with Necromancy or Devotion where those skills were granted as part of a religious theme. People can appreciate nature without actually being a part of it.
Being a forestal is being a part of it, though. If you just want to appreciate, you go to a city park or a Walden-style sabbatical; you don't utter prayers to it and command its power. The animist element is pretty loud and distinct.
I don't think rogue forestals should ever have to worry abouta limitation on their skills. It's not the same with Necromancy or Devotion where those skills were granted as part of a religious theme. People can appreciate nature without actually being a part of it.
Being a forestal is being a part of it, though. If you just want to appreciate, you go to a city park or a Walden-style sabbatical; you don't utter prayers to it and command its power. The animist element is pretty loud and distinct.
That equates to saying if you want to appreciate the sea to go stand on the edge of the harbour rather than actually get out there on a ship. Do oI worship the sea or pray to it or follow the Sea God? No, I certainly do not. Do I enjoy spending time out on the seas and what it has to offer? Certainly. In that sense, I see no reasonable argument for why anyone of a forestal class should be penalised for being a rogue, considering the Forest is what their skills relate to, not any particular city or a set religion, such as the case with Necromancy and Devotion. Apples and oranges, as I see it.
I don't think rogue forestals should ever have to worry abouta limitation on their skills. It's not the same with Necromancy or Devotion where those skills were granted as part of a religious theme. People can appreciate nature without actually being a part of it.
Being a forestal is being a part of it, though. If you just want to appreciate, you go to a city park or a Walden-style sabbatical; you don't utter prayers to it and command its power. The animist element is pretty loud and distinct.
That equates to saying if you want to appreciate the sea to go stand on the edge of the harbour rather than actually get out there on a ship. Do oI worship the sea or pray to it or follow the Sea God? No, I certainly do not. Do I enjoy spending time out on the seas and what it has to offer? Certainly. In that sense, I see no reasonable argument for why anyone of a forestal class should be penalised for being a rogue, considering the Forest is what their skills relate to, not any particular city or a set religion, such as the case with Necromancy and Devotion. Apples and oranges, as I see it.
This is why you're a seafarer, but not a follower of Neraeos, and why the sea doesn't grant you any benefits beyond what anyone else gets. Forestal skills don't just relate to the forest in the way that seafaring skills relate to the sea, they are actually granted by the spirits/gods/whatever of Nature, and are thereby dependent on them. The best current analogy to seafaring in the forest I can think of is gathering, where you're just learning to take advantage of something available to everyone, and don't need any special connection to it. Once trade skills get split off, which I assume will include making harvesting available to non-forestals, that will be a good example too.
I don't think rogue forestals should ever have to worry abouta limitation on their skills. It's not the same with Necromancy or Devotion where those skills were granted as part of a religious theme. People can appreciate nature without actually being a part of it. It's the main reason I stay out of exterminations, because while Eleusis may be an opposing faction of Mhaldor, to me, the forests themselves are unaligbed, regardless of who pledges allegiance to them. Much like the seas, where as much of Cyrene particularly seem to align themselves with them, they do control the seas nor have much any say what happens on and within them.
This' actually a part of our problem. People don't see Nature as a religion on the same level as Necromancy or Devotion. We'll fix that though, even if we have to load the heretics with stones and drown them in the river.
I don't think rogue forestals should ever have to worry abouta limitation on their skills. It's not the same with Necromancy or Devotion where those skills were granted as part of a religious theme. People can appreciate nature without actually being a part of it. It's the main reason I stay out of exterminations, because while Eleusis may be an opposing faction of Mhaldor, to me, the forests themselves are unaligbed, regardless of who pledges allegiance to them. Much like the seas, where as much of Cyrene particularly seem to align themselves with them, they do control the seas nor have much any say what happens on and within them.
This' actually a part of our problem. People don't see Nature as a religion on the same level as Necromancy or Devotion. We'll fix that though, even if we have to load the heretics with stones and drown them in the river.
I don't know. I think they are majority. Might be you who ends up stoned and drowned. :P
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
The people who want to play 'rogue' anything are typically not fun to play with anyway.
The benefits of being rogue include not giving a damn and not being accountable for the things you do, both of which tend to be used to be a sod that makes the game shallower.
Eleusis suffers massively from rogue forestals and extra forestal orgs, and I include Oakstone under this. I put it down to people just being ridiculously selfish and apathic though.
That and people keep using irl ethics on Achaea. Gaia should be considered to be Nature much like Sartan is considered to be Evil. People just need to accept it and move on. Irl Nature does not and should not have the same definition.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
I don't think rogue forestals should ever have to worry abouta limitation on their skills. It's not the same with Necromancy or Devotion where those skills were granted as part of a religious theme. People can appreciate nature without actually being a part of it. It's the main reason I stay out of exterminations, because while Eleusis may be an opposing faction of Mhaldor, to me, the forests themselves are unaligbed, regardless of who pledges allegiance to them. Much like the seas, where as much of Cyrene particularly seem to align themselves with them, they do control the seas nor have much any say what happens on and within them.
This' actually a part of our problem. People don't see Nature as a religion on the same level as Necromancy or Devotion. We'll fix that though, even if we have to load the heretics with stones and drown them in the river.
I don't know. I think they are majority. Might be you who ends up stoned and drowned. :P
Then we can have giant class vs class raids/fights/stuff. It might be interesting.
Commission List: Aesi, Kenway, Shimi, Kythra, Trey, Sholen .... 5/5 CLOSED I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
Let's put all the classes back to where they belong. Bards/Runewardens to Cyrene. Serpents/Shamans to Hashan. Priests/Paladins in Shallam Targossas, Infernals/Apostates to Mhaldor, Occultists to Asthan. Everyone else to CIJ!
Let's put all the classes back to where they belong. Bards/Runewardens to Cyrene. Serpents/Shamans to Hashan. Priests/Paladins in Shallam Targossas, Infernals/Apostates to Mhaldor, Occultists to Asthan. Everyone else to CIJ!
Let's put all the classes back to where they belong. Bards/Runewardens to Cyrene. Serpents/Shamans to Hashan. Priests/Paladins in Shallam Targossas, Infernals/Apostates to Mhaldor, Occultists to Asthan. Everyone else to CIJ!
No love for Eleusis?
We will be the only city with 3 classes. That's more than anyone else will have! muhahaha.
Commission List: Aesi, Kenway, Shimi, Kythra, Trey, Sholen .... 5/5 CLOSED I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
I don't want to go back to Cyrene! There are no battlements full of hot warriors there
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
What roles could a rogue forestal play in the bigger picture in Achaea. I'm not really familiar with the institutional/organizational politics.
In other IRE games I've played there are classes where you will be 'proscribed' as a player and hunted for going rogue with class. Is it the same for Druids/Sylvans/Sentinels?
EDIT: I just read the post above mine in detail and that last sentence is a pretty apt descriptor.
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
@Beorhtnoth: I run on the belief the Nature rogues would be about studying their class and ethos in no particular order. They play by their own rules and let their philosophies chop and change as a creeper vine would around a tree (the foundation). They would be more adaptable, flexible and open-minded to change. The free thinkers. Every time I do run into a rogue I love the conversations we have on our individual representation of what Nature is. I think of Housed forestals as like bees with a hive mind with structure. There's a lot to play with as a rogue in this sense. See how you go.
Frankly noone really cares if you're not Housed or in Eleusis and are a forestal. You can't exactly join Mhaldor anymore either way, so really the only reason people wouldn't like you is if you try to kill another forestal without solid reason. You won't be hunted down at all.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
The benefits of being rogue include not giving a damn and not being accountable for the things you do, both of which tend to be used to be a sod that makes the game shallower.
Eleusis suffers massively from rogue forestals and extra forestal orgs, and I include Oakstone under this. I put it down to people just being ridiculously selfish and apathic though.
That and people keep using irl ethics on Achaea. Gaia should be considered to be Nature much like Sartan is considered to be Evil. People just need to accept it and move on. Irl Nature does not and should not have the same definition.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Then we can have giant class vs class raids/fights/stuff. It might be interesting.
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Also, yes. All bards can go to Cyrene. So much.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.