How bad of a dude are you?



  • FenFen Snappy Snappy, Takey Takey
    Enemied to: Arcanekindred, Ashtan, Ashura, Cij, Cyrene, Druids, Ebonfist, Eleusis, Maldaathi, Mhaldor, Mojushai, Neraeos, Occultists, Pandora, Phaestus, Sartan, Sentinels, Shadowsnakes, Sylvans, and Warlocks

    And that's considering that I haven't been around since before Shallam exploded, or whatever happened there.
  • Evil. co decided to acquire Good. co in hostile takeover. Stocks plummeted into the ocean. Something something synergy, quartile, cohesion, expanded profits.
  • Enemied to, targossas, cyrene, sentinels, hashan, aurora, artemis, and eleusis....yeah. Raiding with mhaldor gets you enemied to looots of places.haha.

  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Kei said:

    Enemied to: Compassion is that?

    4118h, 4489m, 19490e, 19490w cexk- 01:05:20.536 clanhelp compassion
    Hail the Geibodian Empire!

    The True Upholder of Harmony of Geibodia is Exalus.
    4118h, 4489m, 19490e, 19490w cexk- 01:05:36.120


    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Kei said:

    Enemied to: Compassion is that?

    4118h, 4489m, 19490e, 19490w cexk- 01:05:20.536 clanhelp compassion
    Hail the Geibodian Empire!

    The True Upholder of Harmony of Geibodia is Exalus.
    4118h, 4489m, 19490e, 19490w cexk- 01:05:36.120


    Was a mostly mhaldor/ashtan OOC clan IIRC, set up to mock Tarah and freak people out by enemying them. I'm pretty sure they just enemied everyone on BW whenever they came on.
  • | Enemied to: Arcanekindred, Artemis, Ashtan, Aurora, Babel, Blacklotus, |
    | Congregation, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Hashan, |
    | Mhaldor, Mojushai, Naga, Neraeos, Oakstone, Occultists, |
    | Ourania, Pandora, Phaestus, Sartan, Sentinels, Serpentlords, |
    | Sylvans, Targossas, Twilight, Tybeirdd, Wardens, and Warlocks |
    @DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.

  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    @Asmodron was for a minute in Ashtan!
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Vayne said:

    Pretty good, but are any of you enemied to houses in your own city like me?

    It's possible to be inducted into a House while still an enemy, they remain an enemy and you can't unenemy them, either. They have to quit or be kicked out to be unenemied before rejoining.
  • edited December 2013
    @Dontarion : Come back, join me in Targossas, and you'll trade one enemy for about 6!

    P.S.: I miss you, traitor.

  • Siduri said:

    @Dontarion : Come back, join me in Targossas, and you'll trade one enemy for about 6!

    P.S.: I miss you, traitor.

    How do you figure? He'd have to lose three for that (Targossas, Aurora, Deucalion) and I don't see any obvious Targ enemies that he's not already enemied to...
  • Enemied to: Congregation, Mhaldor, and Sartan

    I'm a good girl. :)
  • I just portaled into someone in the Warlock house and didn't get enemied.


  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Be the HL, become ridiculously controversial, make it so the leaders at the time don't like you, quit, join the enemy, raid.

    That's what it took for me to be enemied.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • edited December 2013
    Jonathin said:

    Be the HL, become ridiculously controversial, make it so the leaders at the time don't like you, quit, join the enemy, raid.

    That's what it took for me to be enemied.

    You must be doing something wrong... @Vayne only got through the second step before he was "taken care of"
  • Mannimar said:

    Jonathin said:

    Be the HL, become ridiculously controversial, make it so the leaders at the time don't like you, quit, join the enemy, raid.

    That's what it took for me to be enemied.

    You must be doing something wrong... @Vayne only got through the second step before he was "taken care of"
    Pretty sure the question was what he would have to do to be enemied to the Warlocks, not to be enemied to a house in his own city.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    It's the Warlocks.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • I was enemied to all the Mhaldorian Houses and the Orders when I left Shallam for Mhaldor last time. That was LOL/fail when they'd worldburn. This was a special situation. Normally you can't join Mhaldor or be unenemied if any of the houses or orders have you enemied.

    I may see about becoming enemied to all of the Orders. I tried becoming enemied to all the Orders when I was Mhaldorian but the Tyrannus/Council had to decree we couldn't defile orders we're not at war with some time ago.
    @DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.

  • Enemied to: Targossas and Aurora.

    The list is so short, I think I'm a good girl in comparison to some more.. notorious folks in this thread. I also haven't done anything to the new city, soooo... it must be just because I'm not one of them? Whut.

    @vayne I'm sure that can be 'fixed'! Maybe with a head; or three?

  • Enemied to: Mhaldor and Sartai.

    Pretty sure it was a raid that failed miserably, and also my motto probably doesn't help. This no Mhaldorians/Hashani in either city is getting old.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Coeur said:

    Enemied to: Targossas and Aurora.

    The list is so short, I think I'm a good girl in comparison to some more.. notorious folks in this thread. I also haven't done anything to the new city, soooo... it must be just because I'm not one of them? Whut.

    @vayne I'm sure that can be 'fixed'! Maybe with a head; or three?

    Ya, maybe when the inferno freezes over.
  • Everytime I see someone posting here and they're enemied to Mhaldor but not Congregation/Sartan too, I have to resist the urge to use this OOC obtained knowledge to enemy them.


  • Even the -baddest- hombre has to bow down to the King of Bad himself...  -as Xenomorph has pooped in the Logosmas egg nog for nearly 10 years straight.

    I -am- the Cataclysm Switchblade.
  • I'm not a dude, so I guess I'm a pretty bad one.
  • It would be easier to list what Bluef isn't enemied to. 
  • Vayne said:
    Coeur said:

    Enemied to: Targossas and Aurora.

    The list is so short, I think I'm a good girl in comparison to some more.. notorious folks in this thread. I also haven't done anything to the new city, soooo... it must be just because I'm not one of them? Whut.

    @vayne I'm sure that can be 'fixed'! Maybe with a head; or three?

    Ya, maybe when the inferno freezes over.
    All I need is to nudge-nudge-wink-wink somebody. Okay, maybe more than once. ;)

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