How bad of a dude are you?

edited October 2013 in North of Thera
Whip it out.  I am very proud of mine, but I know it certainly isn't the biggest. I asked someone and they said it was likely still in the growing stages. Let's see those org enemies lists.

Enemied to: Aegis, Artemis, Ashtan, Aurora, Babel, Blacklotus, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Gaia, Hashan, Oakstone, Ourania, Scarlatti, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Sylvans, Targossas, and Twilight

I showed you mine, now show me yours.



  • Enemied to: Congregation, Mhaldor, and Sartan

    Still learning.
  •  Enemied to: Aurora, Mhaldor, Sartan, and Targossas 

    In the process of removing two of those if someone will reply to my letter. I feel so lame.
    Chat with other players in real time on your phone, browser, or desktop client:
    Come join the Achaea discord!
  • Enemied to: Ashtan, Congregation, Hashan, Mhaldor, and Sartan
  •  Enemied to: Ashtan, Babel, Hashan, Maldaathi, Mhaldor, and Sartan 

    It's not the size of your enemied-to list, it's how you grief them.
  • edited October 2013
    Antidas said:
    Enemied to: Aegis, Arcanekindred, Artemis, Ashtan, Ashura, Babel, Blacklotus, Cij, Congregation, Cyrene, Druids, Eleusis, Hashan, Merchants, Mhaldor, Mojushai, Naga, Neraeos, Occultists, Ourania, Pandora, Sartan, Scarlatti, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Shadowsnakes, Sylvans, Twilight, Tybeirdd, and Warlocks

    Targ needs to get houses so I can grow my list out.  How does one get enemied to the CIJ?  I remember leading some Naga on an assassination against someone at a big event they had and then buying icecream from them afterwards.  I was under the assumption that they didn't give a *uck (duck).  Also, how did you get unenemied to Oakstone? I don't even.

    I think my list might have been longer at one point, but then a bunch of gods stopped existing and Shallam sunk.

  • @Cahin I got enemied for breaking into the estate iirc. And I got unenemied by paying my relatively large fine. RIP my gold :( it did take like 10 ic years to do though, Oakstone so unorganized (no offense to you heirophants)

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Enemied to: Mhaldor.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • LiancaLianca Fire and Spice
    Enemied to: Arcanekindred, Artemis, Aurora, Blacklotus, Cij, Congregation, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Hashan, Merchants, Mhaldor, Pandora, Phaestus, Sartan, Sentinels, Sylvans, and Targossas.

    Not so bad for a non-thief, non-com.
    The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?"
    The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
  • Cahin said:

    Whip it out.  I am very proud of mine, but I know it certainly isn't the biggest. I asked someone and they said it was likely still in the growing stages. Let's see those org enemies lists.

    Enemied to: Aegis, Artemis, Ashtan, Aurora, Babel, Blacklotus, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Gaia, Hashan, Oakstone, Ourania, Scarlatti, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Sylvans, Targossas, and Twilight

    I showed you mine, now show me yours.
    How'd you get Babel? For some odd reason I'm kind of jealous. Posting mine when I return home.
  • Artemis, Ashtan, Aurora, Babel, Cij, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Hashan, Oakstone, Occultists, Spiritwalkers, Sylvans, and Targossas.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Mine shrunk significantly....

    Enemied to: Arcanekindred, Ashtan, Cyrene, Druids, Eleusis, Sentinels, Shadowsnakes, Sylvans, Tybeirdd, and Vastar   

  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    Enemied to: Ashtan, Ashura, Babel, Congregation, Hashan, Mhaldor, Ourania,  Sartan, Twilight, and Warlocks.

    A small list, comparatively. In total:

    Enemied to: Ashtan, Ashura, Babel, Compassion, Congregation, Dulce, Fear, Gr, Hashan, Mhaldor, Oboe, Ourania, Sartan, Twilight, and Warlocks   

    It's weird when anonymous low (probably ooc) clans enemy you.

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • Enemied to: Artemis, Aurora, Blacklotus, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids,  Eleusis, Gaia, Hashan, Oakstone, Ourania, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Targossas, and Twilight.

  • AchimrstAchimrst Nature
    edited October 2013
    I'm not that bad at all :P

    Enemied to: Blacklotus, Congregation, Hashan, and Mhaldor
  • TarausTaraus The Gypsy Wind
    edited October 2013
    Enemied to: Artemis, Aurora, Blacklotus, Congregation, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Hashan, Merchants, Mhaldor, Phaestus, Sartan, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Targossas, and Tybeirdd

    4 of the above were recent addition, for charges of piracy, which makes me p. happy. :D

  •  Enemied to: Artemis, Ashtan, Aurora, Babel, Blacklotus, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Hashan, Merchants, Oakstone, Occultists, Ourania, Phaestus, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Sylvans, Targossas, Twilight, Tybeirdd, and Warlocks

    That's right, boys. Mine is bigger than yours. Unless you're Antidas.

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • Enemied to: Ashtan, Ashura, Babel, Blacklotus, Congregation, Ebonfist, Hashan, Maldaathi, Mhaldor, Occultists, Ourania, Sartan, Serpentlords, Shadowsnakes, Spiritwalkers, Twilight, and Warlocks.

  • Katzchen said:
    That's right, boys. Mine is bigger than yours. Unless you're Antidas.
    Bonko/Earionduil timezone bias
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Enemied to: Artemis, Ashtan, Ashura, Aurora, Babel, Blacklotus, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Gaia, Hashan, Merchants, Neraeos, Oakstone, Ourania, Pandora, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Sylvans, Targossas, Twilight, and Tybeirdd
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Not as long as it once was:
    Enemied to: Aurora, Congregation, Deucalion, Mhaldor, Naga, Sartan, Serpentlords, and Targossas
  • Penwize said:
    I don't think I ever made it past about the third level without the 99 lives cheat code. Not a very bad dude at all
  • Juuuust mhaldor. @bonko did it personally. Aaaws.:P

  •  Enemied to: Arcanekindred, Artemis, Aurora, Blacklotus, Cij, Congregation, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Ebonfist, Eleusis, Hashan, Merchants, Mhaldor, Mojushai, Naga, Neraeos, Phaestus, Sartan, Sentinels, Sylvans, Targossas, Thoth, and Tybeirdd

    Targ needs Houses >:[ Also, the Houses that haven't enemied for breaking into their House Halls suck. If you have a House Hall, and you're not Hashani, I've broken in. Promise. (Maldaathi/Wardens come on! I even got chased out of Wardens HHall twice because I fucked with people inside, and portaled directly into Maldaathi :( )
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Jarrod said:

     Enemied to: Arcanekindred, Artemis, Aurora, Blacklotus, Cij, Congregation, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Ebonfist, Eleusis, Hashan, Merchants, Mhaldor, Mojushai, Naga, Neraeos, Phaestus, Sartan, Sentinels, Sylvans, Targossas, Thoth, and Tybeirdd

    Targ needs Houses >:[ Also, the Houses that haven't enemied for breaking into their House Halls suck. If you have a House Hall, and you're not Hashani, I've broken in. Promise. (Maldaathi/Wardens come on! I even got chased out of Wardens HHall twice because I fucked with people inside, and portaled directly into Maldaathi :( )

    Wardens are sworn to Cyrene and you're on that list- why would we burden ourselves with more paperwork if we've already got city officials doing it for us?

    Also, you may as well count that as being enemies to the Wardens, too.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    What a lazy House. Figures though.

    I still want to see @Dunn post his >.>
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Leinad said:
     Enemied to: Arcanekindred, Artemis, Aurora, Blacklotus, Cij, Congregation, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Ebonfist, Eleusis, Hashan, Merchants, Mhaldor, Mojushai, Naga, Neraeos, Phaestus, Sartan, Sentinels, Sylvans, Targossas, Thoth, and Tybeirdd

    Targ needs Houses >:[ Also, the Houses that haven't enemied for breaking into their House Halls suck. If you have a House Hall, and you're not Hashani, I've broken in. Promise. (Maldaathi/Wardens come on! I even got chased out of Wardens HHall twice because I fucked with people inside, and portaled directly into Maldaathi :( )
    Wardens are sworn to Cyrene and you're on that list- why would we burden ourselves with more paperwork if we've already got city officials doing it for us? Also, you may as well count that as being enemies to the Wardens, too.
    Don't you mean treat yourselves to more paperwork?
  • XerXer Langley
    Enemied to: Artemis, Ashtan, Aurora, Babel, Blacklotus, Cyrene, Deucalion, Druids, Eleusis, Gaia, Hashan, Oakstone, Occultists, Ourania, Phaestus, Scarlatti, Sentinels, Serpentlords, Sylvans, Targossas, Twilight, and Warlocks 
    e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
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