Some time ago, I inquired about city tasks and was told that they were put on hold for the moment. I believe they are (or were intended to be) an extension of the newbie task system.
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When Kastalia asked her orderheads to come up with a set of order requirements, she made sure to let everyone know that there would be lots of drowning if there was even so much of a sentence of writing requirements.
I've totally been guilty of setting essays for the sake of essays. Seems to me that its a result of there being essay requirements everywhere, so it's easy to conform to the traditional method, especially where leaders are actually people pretending to be leaders.
I think it was Herenicus who said it in a way that really resonated - To be an effective leader in Achaea requires a combination of the highly employable skill to lead and the free time of the essentially unemployed.
Replying to a necro'd post, but a lot of people don't like essays irl. I know I don't. I don't like writing them, I'm not good at writing them, it isn't fun, etc. I absolutely hate how people focus so much on essays and rituals and things like that. I hate that and it's not fun for me.
Since this has been revived, I'll speak from the perspective of a novice. I wouldn't mind writing creative essays, but ones that are just regurgitation peeve me. Honestly, I had fun with the way the Occultists do it. They expect people to come up with a theory and then defend it.
Replying to a necro'd post, but a lot of people don't like essays irl. I know I don't. I don't like writing them, I'm not good at writing them, it isn't fun, etc. I absolutely hate how people focus so much on essays and rituals and things like that. I hate that and it's not fun for me.
I absolutely hate how people focus so much on combat and griefing to the exclusion of all else.
In regards to essays and such all that needs be done is to find a happy medium. Alternative requirements, or paths as they are usually called. Some people do find essays fun. Perhaps all that needs be done is to take each essay and each writer on a case-by-case basis, instead of making sweeping judgment about quality and such, even though I do believe some minimum quality should still be required.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
The difference between essays and combat is that houses split the combat out of the philosophy type paths. But the combat sections are still required to do sermons, rituals, essays, etc.
Edit: also lol at the implication that I have ever focused on griefing.
The difference between essays and combat is that houses split the combat out of the philosophy type paths. But the combat sections are still required to do sermons, rituals, essays, etc.
Edit: also lol at the implication that I have ever focused on griefing.
I am not implying anything about you. I am simply commenting about people in general.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
Coming from a House of Scholars, essays are almost expected. However I don't expect people to write with the flair of Shakespeare or Wells for their pieces. I will however fail a person so hard the Door to Hell will open for me if I see anything resembling txt spk, followed by smart arse comments like, "Its lyk only a game omg its just fun srsly" in an actual say. I boot out people who don't even try to RP and give a damn about developing their character to something respectable. Characters who are illiterate do not use l337 spk and in actual essays. If you want to do that, think it through on how to write your words. Spelling errors or simple sentences make sense. Omg lol doesn't.
13 year olds aren't that dumb if they're in Achaea in the first place and are the type inclined to, you know, reading. English as a secondary language and such wouldn't really be seeing comments like the above from what I've experienced so far.
As far as my personal standards go, if it doesn't make sense because it was edited by a goldfish poking a touchscreen to write out 100 words that was copy/pasted from an obvious National Geographic article that's irrelevant to the task at hand - that person will fail.
Edit: and before people ask, no, English is not my first language. I learnt English from games, reading classic literature etc and it has improved significantly since playing Achaea and puzzle games like Myst and Monkey Island.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
I don't do essays(then again, we don't have Houses). Instead, I have my proteges do something similar to @Isia - active discussion. What I do is 'Hey, kid. Read up on x, y, z, and why this is important. When you feel ready, chat me up and we'll see how much you learned about it.'
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Replying to a necro'd post, but a lot of people don't like essays irl. I know I don't. I don't like writing them, I'm not good at writing them, it isn't fun, etc. I absolutely hate how people focus so much on essays and rituals and things like that. I hate that and it's not fun for me.
Why anyone would disagree with this, and notably it being an opinion of Cooper's that he dislikes essays, I have no idea. Implying that required essays (Especially plural) is reasonable to advace in a house up to full member is so incredibly far removed from any realistic expectation of the general playerbase. Discussions, attendance wt events, these are all perfectly fine. Essays? Haha.
The entire point of split paths past full member is to address specialization in theological pursuits, combat pursuits, exploring, hunting, whatever. To require anything beyond bare minimum interaction as would be appropriate with the houses roleplay is obnoxious. I think advanced combat requirements (writing and discussing everything that happened in a set of three to five spars against multiple classes etc. This is not the kind of thing we should be forcing upon novices) are equally as silly.
This pervasive, elitist attitude towards specific roleplay and advancement expectations has grown really grating and hopefully, the House update will address it. Whether or not the leaders bend to the design though, thats another matter.
@Tharvis: Premise of everything D'Ni -- Power to the Island. I'm obsessed with that series and Cyan. I even backed their kickstarter project Obduction! Has my heart, those Ages.
@Mishgul: The sequel Dreamfall wasn't very long and was a shame April was just a cameo I loved Longest Journey (and Beyond Good and Evil at the time) too. I want more games like this...
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
I don't expect everyone to write in proper standard English. It's relatively easy for me at least to tell when someone is putting in effort and has issues with grammar or spelling (either due to a disability or language barrier) versus when someone is putting in no effort at all. I personally feel the folks who fall into the former category should be given the maximum amount of leeway/assistance possible.
Also...some people hate bashing or fighting and love writing. Some people find writing boring as hell and would rather spend their time thinking about raid strategies. The fact that the game has space for ritualists, scholars, theologians, hunters, fighters, griefers, thieves, etc. is one of the things I like about it.
I remember the first time I had to do an essay for a House in Achaea (not on Ari, obviously), my friends who I was telling about Achaea were all absolutely shocked. "You're doing WHAT for a GAME?" It wasn't terrible, but I wouldn't say it was my favorite thing.
They don't seem necessary, in my opinion. It's way better to sit down with someone with a bullet point list and discuss with them the topic instead of throwing blank paper at them and telling them to write 5 pages.
As for standards of English, I'm a terrible person and I judge people (internally) rather harshly on their grammar and spelling. However, I understand how horrible this makes me so I'm not about to go tear down a newbie for a few grammar mistakes.
People in Scarlatti's Commune might know, however, that I will point out their mistakes, but usually I'm just trying to help them correct the mistakes or correct a misunderstanding for future reference. For example, if I see someone repeatedly using 'irregardless' or 'wear' instead of 'where', I will try to explain their mistake to them. Sorry if that comes off as being a jerk, but I sincerely just want them to learn. I learned a LOT about English (not my native language either!) from Achaea and other text games. I expect others will too, at their own pace.
Finally, as for standards- Echoing previous statements that if they're young and new, I'll forgive them (though I will still try to teach them). However, if you're a city leader, a House leader, Orderhead... I expect you to NOT speak like a 13 year old. Yes, we have non-Native speakers. I know some of the non-Native speakers. They write wayyyy better than some Native speakers I know. If you choose to represent an org in the game, spotlight's on you, and don't cry if people have higher standards for you.
Wow. That was long. I feel like I have 3 more pages of ranting I want to do now. Off to the OOC rants!
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Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here:
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
→My Mudlet Scripts
I think it was Herenicus who said it in a way that really resonated - To be an effective leader in Achaea requires a combination of the highly employable skill to lead and the free time of the essentially unemployed.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
The entire point of split paths past full member is to address specialization in theological pursuits, combat pursuits, exploring, hunting, whatever. To require anything beyond bare minimum interaction as would be appropriate with the houses roleplay is obnoxious. I think advanced combat requirements (writing and discussing everything that happened in a set of three to five spars against multiple classes etc. This is not the kind of thing we should be forcing upon novices) are equally as silly.
This pervasive, elitist attitude towards specific roleplay and advancement expectations has grown really grating and hopefully, the House update will address it. Whether or not the leaders bend to the design though, thats another matter.
@Mishgul: The sequel Dreamfall wasn't very long and was a shame April was just a cameo
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."